
Thunderbird House

From Hayashi Park Potterverse for 5th ed. Dungeons and Dragons (5e)

Thunderbird House refers to the students, faculty, alumni, and places associated with Thunderbird.

Places in Thunderbird Hall

Thunderbird House Forecourt Yard

Thunderbird Battlements

Thunderbird House Foyer, containing:

Draziw the Confused occupies a picture in the Thunderbird House Foyer and hassles students coming back late whenever the house's Lead Student (currently Aaron Whitaker in Thunderbird) isn't around to do so.

His grumpy questioning and hassles are easily defeated though. He tends to hear the opposite of whatever one says thanks to a powerful Confundus charm cast on him many years ago.

Connects to
Thunderbird House Forecourt Yard via the front door, and opens onto Thunderbird House Commons.

Thunderbird House Commons

Thunderbird House Boys' Alcoves

Thunderbird House Girls' Alcoves

Thunderbird House Youth Alcoves

Thunderbird House Vista Balcony

Thunderbird House Trophy Hall

Thunderbird House Herbalism & Potions Workshop

Thunderbird House Widow's Walk