
Act 8

From Hayashi Park Potterverse for 5th ed. Dungeons and Dragons (5e)

Act 8: Back to the Beginning

  • Accomplish: peace restored! Kiss in the sunset!
  • Back to normal yet Nothing Is The Same anymore since the hero has been transformed by destiny/gods/magic/technology/sacrifice.
  • Indications of Something Accomplished. They get the guy/girl.
  • You send the audience home feeling whatever emotion you want the story to show.

a. Frodo retires to live with the Elves now that evil is defeated. b. Luke is a Jedi now and must train with Yoda. In a TV show, this is only 5 minutes since you can predict what happens easily, but you gotta give fanservice!


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It's Always Cloudy in Barovia: Remember that it is always raining or cloudy. The sun does not come out until the very end of the adventure, once Strahd is defeated. [