


From Hayashi Park Potterverse for 5th ed. Dungeons and Dragons (5e)

Revision as of 13:00, 7 July 2018 by ZFMnii6Vb9xna LM -ge (Talk | contribs)

List of all Strahd creatures with their page in the Monster Manual (reddit, Google Doc)

Acolyte - p.342

Animated Armor - p.19

Arcanaloth - p.313

Archmage - p.342

Assassin - p.343

Baboon - p.318

Bandit - p.343

Bandit Captain - p.344

Banshee - p.23

Berserker - p.344

Black Pudding - p.241

Cat - p.320

Clay Golem - p.168

Commoner - p.345

Crawling Claw - p.44

Ravens - p.335

Cult Fanatic - p.345

Cultist - p.345

Death Slaad - p.278

Deva - p.16

Dire Wolf - p.321

Draft Horse - p.321

Dretch - p.57

Druid - p.346

Flameskull - p.134

Flesh Golem - p.169

Flying Sword - p.20

Gargoyle - p.140

Ghast - p.148

Ghost - p.147

Ghoul - p.148

Giant Goat - p.326

Giant Poisonous Snake - p.327

Giant Spider - p.328

Giant Wolf Spider - p.330

Gladiator - p.346

Goat - p.330

Gray Ooze - p.243

Guard - p.347

Hell Hound - p.182

Imp - p.76

Invisible Stalker - p.192

Iron Golem - p.170

Lich - p.202

Mage - p.347

Mastiff - p.332

Needle Blight - p.32

Night Hag - p.178

Nightmare - p.235

Noble - p.348

Nothic - p.236

Priest - p.348

Quasit - p.63

Red Dragon Wyrmling - p.98

Revenant - p.259

Riding Horse - p.336

Rug of Smothering - p.20

Saber-Toothed Tiger - p.336

Scarecrow - p.268

Scout - p.349

Shadow Demon - p.64

Shadow - p.269

Shield Guardian - p.271

Skeleton - p.272

Smoke Mephit - p.217

Specter - p.279

Spy - p.349

Stone Golem - p.170

Swarm of Bats - p.337

Swarm of Insects - p.338

Swarm of Poisonous Snakes - p.338

Swarm of Rats - p.339

Swarm of Ravens - p.339

Thugs - p.350

Toad - p.322

Twig Blight - p.32

Vampire - p.297

Vampire Spawn - p.298

Veteran - p.350

Vine Blight - p.32

Werewolf - p.211

Wight - p.300

Will-o-Wisp - p.301

Wolf - p.341

Wraith - p.302

Young Blue Dragon - p.91

Zombie - p.316


This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.