
List of Milestones

From Hayashi Park Potterverse for 5th ed. Dungeons and Dragons (5e)

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I didn’t really mean to do this, but with all the content that I’ve added to this campaign, the level cap is no longer 1-10, but more like 1-15.[1]

Gain a level upon:

  • discovering the way to the basement in Death House (part of intro)
  • saving the church at Vallaki
  • saving the winery
  • stopping the werewolves

And those are JUST the ones that make sense according to the book advice! In fact, that's a pretty strict list. Sure you could cross off one or two, but that's still well over level 10 by the time you even get to the castle. This list gets the party to level 17, and that's leaving out a lot of other places that could also easily qualify:[2]

  • getting Ireena to come with you
  • getting the "special" NPC foretold by the cards to come with you
  • saving the girl on the lake
  • freeing Vallaki from the current burgomaster
  • also stopping the Watchers
  • killing the head of the werewolves (could be separate from stopping the werewolves / saving the children)
  • restoring the winery (as in, return the gems - separate from saving it)
  • helping the lich in the Amber Temple, or saving the guy from the Amber Temple
  • raising the boy from Krezk that died
  • clearing out the monastery (separate from dealing with the Abbot)
  • stopping the witches in the castle
  • clearing the crypts in the castle (seriously this is worth something) and/or destroying all of The Dark Wizard's vampire spawn


And of course:[3]

  • killing The Dark Wizard - at that point the game is over but it's still worth a level!