
Ilvermorny School of Witches and Wizards

From Hayashi Park Potterverse for 5th ed. Dungeons and Dragons (5e)

Ilvermorny Ext.jpg


"It stands at the highest peak of Mount Greylock, where it is concealed from non-magic gaze by a variety of powerful enchantments, which sometimes manifest in a wreath of misty cloud." —Description of Ilvermorny

It is impossible to Apparate or Disapparate within Ilvermorny, Hogwarts, and other similarly nonplottable places. [1]

Student Houses


Horned Serpent

Founded by Isolt Sayre, Ilvermorny founder!

Horned Serpent House is sometimes considered to represent the mind of a witch or wizard. It is also said that Horned Serpent favours scholars.[3]

They are often associated with or said to control the weather, particularly rain, lightning, and thunder.[5][6] Magical abilities ascribed to them include shape-shifting, invisibility, and hypnotic powers.[6]



Ellen's chosen house in 1917.


Clarissa Catherine Cavendish-Fontaine
Supervisory Headmistress.

Voice: waspish, arrogant, sharp, impatient.

Chugach Ataciara
Inuit Deputy Headmistress and Professor Emerita of Magizoology classes & Care of Magical Creatures classes.

Gabriel Clerebold
Associate Professor of the No-Maj Studies and Astronomy classes

Haiduc Grubb
Potions and Herbomancy classes

Iseret Hathor
(Broom) Flying instructor and Quiddich coach, Bastongue, Egyptian

Arbitia Underlake
Endowed Chair of Defense Against the Dark Arts and Countermancy classes

Flambard Tunnelly
Esteemed Instructing Professor of Charms and Transfiguration classes

Eulalie Hicks
Assistant Professor of the History of Magic class

Presley "the Elvish" Graceson
Half-Veela music teacher.


Tychus Early, an Eagle of War, returned to his alma mater, Ilvermorny, seeking peace and quiet as a groundskeeper.

Academic Classes


‘“E”,’ George corrected her, ‘“E” for “Exceeds Expectations”. And I’ve always thought Fred and I should’ve got “E” in everything, because we exceeded expectations just by turning up for the exams.”--George Weasley in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, J.K. Rowling

First Year Classes

‘Hermione let her robes fall and Ron backed into the sink. Her face was covered in black fur. Her eyes had gone yellow and there were long pointed ears poking through her hair.’
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, J.K. Rowling

Basic introductory spellcasting with a wand.


‘Deliberately causing mayhem in Snape's Potions class was about as safe as poking a sleeping dragon in the eye.’
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, J.K. Rowling

History of Magic 

Defense Against the Dark Arts 

‘“Good luck, Harry Potter,” said Firenze. “The planets have been read wrongly before now, even by centaurs. I hope this is one of those times.”’
Firenze in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, J.K. Rowling

Magizoology Course 

Flying Lessons 
Uses broomsticks
‘Hermione Granger was almost as nervous about flying as Neville was. This was something you couldn't learn by heart out of a book – not that she hadn’t tried.’
Firenze in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, J.K. Rowling

‘Harry cast about for a happy memory. Certainly, nothing that had happened to him at the Dursleys’ was going to do. Finally, he settled on the moment when he had first ridden a broomstick.’
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, J.K. Rowling

Second Year Classes



‘“Why can’t I drink the potion instead?” asked Harry desperately.
“Because I am much older, much cleverer, and much less valuable,” said Dumbledore.’--Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, J.K. Rowling

History of Magic 

Defense Against the Dark Arts 



Flying lessons 
Uses broomsticks

Third/Fourth/Fifth Year Classes

Third, fourth, and fifth year students choose two electives plus usual core courses: Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, History of Magic, Defense against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, & Magizoology.

Fifth year students also begin N.E.W.T. professional advising with a faculty member paired to them.

Third/Fourth ("Midyear")/Fifth Year Electives

Muggle Studies 

‘Neville’s childhood had been blighted by Voldemort just as much as Harry’s had, but Neville had no idea how close he had come to having Harry’s destiny.’--Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, J.K. Rowling
Study of Ancient Runes 
Advanced Care of Magical Creatures 
Ghoul Studies 
Twig divination, advanced herbomancy

Students sit for their Ordinary Wizarding Level (O.W.L.) exams at the end of their fifth year in residence.

"Ordinary. Wizarding. Level. Examinations. O.W.L.s. More commonly known as 'Owls'. Study hard and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so and the consequences may be… severe."[2]

Sixth and Seventh Year Classes

Sixth and seventh year students choose two advanced electives plus usual core courses: Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, History of Magic, Defense against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, & Magizoology. Mandatory N.E.W.T. training is also required of all sixth and seventh year students.

Sixth & Seventh Year Electives

Advanced Flying and Broomstick Formations 

Apparition Lessons 

Technical Alchemy
Transmutation and elemental magic :

Disciplinary Policies

‘“Of course, it would be difficult. And dangerous, very dangerous. We’d be breaking about fifty school rules, I expect.”’ -- Hermione Granger in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, J.K. Rowling

"In short, Rappaport’s Law drove the American wizarding community, already dealing with an unusually suspicious No-Maj population, still deeper underground."—Overview of the law

Rappaport's Law is an American wizarding law enacted by President Emily Rappaport in 1790 in response to the fallout of Dorcus Twelvetrees's breach of the International Statute of Secrecy. It will be repealed eventually in 1965.

Ilvermorny students are held to a strict standard of discipline with regard to Rappaport's Law. Any student suspected of breaking school policy or wizarding law is automatically placed on restrictions and earns demerits for their student house. Any student caught or proven to have broken school policy or wizarding law is summarily ejected from the school. Literally.

Rooms and Facilities of Ilvermorny

Adapted from this source.


Armory, guarded perpetually by Claude UrWayin, an animated suit of armor.

Artifact Room

Astronomy reading room

Astronomy Room



Repair Workshop and Toolshed

Bellows Pipe path

Bellows Pipe cog railroad station

'Bewere, Do Not Enter' Gate: curses anyone passing through to have lycanthrope. 'Were', get it?? I kill me!

Broom Cupboard


Cauldron Room

Clock Tower balcony

Common room corridor


Defence Against the Dark Arts Storeroom

Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher's office

Detention Chamber

Disused classroom

Duelling Club room


East Towers


Floo Room

First Floor


Gorlach's Ravine to Raven Rocks

Great Round Tower

Dining Greathall, ground floor

Grounds, Quidditch Practice


Headmaster Portraits Gallery

Headmaster's Office

Herbomancy Bluehouse

Herbomancy Greenhouse

Herbomancy Redhouse

Herbomancy Whitehouse

House Point Ceremony chamber


Jinxes Classroom




Landing Strip for Carriages



Lever Rooms

Ilvermorny Library

  • Front portico with statuesque collonades
  • Back entrance

Link Building

Long Gallery

Lost Wands

Lower Art Room

Lower Chambers


Misty Ridges

Muggle Studies showroom


North battlements

North Wing




Path to North Adams, MA



Quidditch Changing Rooms

Quidditch Practice Grounds

Quiet room

Quintaped Lawn connects the four house dormitories to the remainder of Ilvermorny buildings and halls.


Ravine, Gorlach's to Raven Rocks

Room of Rewards

Room of Runes


Scent in L: this large L-shaped sculpture gives off an incredibly intense scent, strong enough to prevent passage beyond it. Usable as a puzzle obstacle in the Library.

Second-floor arcade

Second-floor corridor

Secret passages

Staff Breakroom

Storage Cupboard

Study Cubbies, Library


Terrace, Greylock

The Balds (Paddock)

Thunderbird Hall

Thunderbird House Forecourt Yard

Thunderbird Battlements

Thunderbird House Foyer, containing:

Draziw the Confused occupies a picture in the Thunderbird House Foyer and hassles students coming back late whenever the house's Lead Student (currently Aaron Whitaker in Thunderbird) isn't around to do so.

His grumpy questioning and hassles are easily defeated though. He tends to hear the opposite of whatever one says thanks to a powerful Confundus charm cast on him many years ago.

Connects to
Thunderbird House Forecourt Yard via the front door, and opens onto Thunderbird House Commons.

Thunderbird House Commons

Thunderbird House Boys' Alcoves

Thunderbird House Girls' Alcoves

Thunderbird House Youth Alcoves

Thunderbird House Vista Balcony

Thunderbird House Trophy Hall

Thunderbird House Herbalism & Potions Workshop

Thunderbird House Widow's Walk

Thundermug Room

Transfiguration Classroom Labyrinth

Trophy Hall



West Tower battlements

Writing Supplies Room