
Wild Magic Surges

From Hayashi Park Potterverse for 5th ed. Dungeons and Dragons (5e)

Revision as of 14:52, 10 July 2018 by ZFMnii6Vb9xna LM -ge (Talk | contribs) (Surges 1 - 10000ish)

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Roll a D20,237!

Surges 1 - 10000ish

1: Roll on this table every round for 1 minute Source et seq

2: Caster and target switch positions after spell

3: Can see invisible creatures

4: A flaming horse appears (Not Nightmare, real horse)

5: A modron appears within 5 feet for one minute

6: Caster explodes with plant growth

7: Cast fireball at 3rd level centered on self

8: Weapons in 60’ radius turn to food for 1 minute

9: Cat magic missile as 5th-level spell

10: Caster breathes 30’ fire cone next time they speak

11: Change height by 1d10: Even: grow, Odd: shrink

12: Target is cocooned in crystal until someone breaks it

13: Cast confusion centered on self

14: Cast thunder wave centered on self

15: Regain 5 HP every round for 1 minute

16: Target is transported to Ethereal Plane for 1 minute

17: Grow long beard made of feathers until sneeze

18: Swarm of rats carry caster 30’ in random direction

19: Cast grease centered on self

20: Creatures within 30’ are stuck in place vs Str DC 15

21: For 1 minute, spell targets have disadv. on saves

22: A mature oak sprouts in an unoccupied space in 60’

23: Caster’s skin turns vibrant blue till remove curse

24: Caster can only speak to animals for 24 hours

25: Third eye grows; adv. on Perception for 1 minute

26: Caster gains 100 lbs, move speed halved, 1 minute

27: Spells cost additional bonus round cast time

28: Next turn caster takes no action, vomits 1d100 SP

29: Teleport up to 60 feet away to unoccupied space

30: Caster’s hands become covered in sticky goop

31: Transported to Astral Plane until end of next turn

32: Cabbages sprout abundantly within a 30’ radius

33: Max dmg of next damaging spell cast in next minute

34: Caster can mimic target’s voice perfectly for 24 hrs

35: Age changes 1d10 years. Odd: Younger, Even: Older

36: Caster grows antlers, sheds them in 24 hours

37: 1d6 flumphs appear for 1 minute in 60’; scared

38: Caster and target flung 10’ in opposite directions

39: Regain 2d10 HP

40: Gravity reverses in 30’ radius till start of next turn

41: Become potted plant until start of next turn

42: Caster distracted by cloud of gnats for next minute

43: For next minute, teleport up to 20’ as bonus action

44: Spell ricochets off target to random creature in 30’

45: Cast levitate on self

46: Caster’s money cycles: CP -> SP -> GP -> CP

47: Unicorn appears within 5’ for next minute

48: One of target’s eyes replaced by 500 GP sapphire

49: Cannot speak, emit pink bubbles instead

50: Smoke fumes from caster’s ears for 1 minute

51: Spectral shield, +2 AC, no magic missile for 1 minute

52: Caster gains 3’ prehensile tail for 1 hour

53: Cannot get drunk for 5d6 days

54: All unlocked doors/windows in 60’ fly open

55: Hair falls out, grows back within 24 hours

56: Caster’s face blackened by small explosion

57: For 1 minute, flammable touch (not worn/carried)

58: Geyser lifts caster 50’ in air until start of next turn

59: Regain lowest-level expended spell slot

60: A confused bear appears within 60’ for 1 minute

61: For 1 minute, can only shout when speaking

62: Grass instantly sprouts to 3’ tall within 20’, 1 minute

63: Cast fog cloud centered on self

64: Caster can only breathe underwater for next minute

65: Up to 3 creatures of choice in 30’:4d10 lightning dmg

66: Caster falls Unconscious until start of next turn

67: Frightened by nearest creature until end of next turn

68: If target dies in next minute, its ghost haunts caster

69: Everyone in 30’: invisible for 1 minute or till atk/cast

70: All within 60’ saves vs Wis 15 or drops w/e they hold

71: Resistance to all damage for next minute

72: Everything within 20’ pulled 10’ toward caster

73: Random creature within 60’ is poisoned for 24 hours

74: Caster smells like lavender for 1d6 days

75: Glow brightly for 1 minute. Blind others within 5’.

76: Casters clothes become uncomfortably tight

77: Cast polymorph on self. Fail save: Sheep form.

78: If spell would kill target, target’s extremities fly apart

79: Illusory butterflies/flowers flutter in 5’ radius 1 min.

80: Caster trapped in a giant glass ball

81: Take one additional action immediately

82: Caster’s fists become huge, deal 1d8 B dmg, 1 min.

83: Others in 30’: 1d10 necro dmg. Gain HP equal to loss

84: Loud voice ridicules caster on init count 20 for 1 min

85: Cast mirror image

86: Caster’s arms become tentacles for 1 minute

87: Cast fly on random creature within 60’

88: Large floating eye follows caster for 1 hour

89: Become invisible/silent for 1 minute or till atk/cast

90: Caster’s INT and STR swap for 1 hour

91: If you die in next minute, come back per reincarnate

92: Caster sees everyone as a decaying corpse for 24h

93: Size increases by 1 size category for 1 minute

94: All light sources within 60’ radius extinguished

95: You and all in 30’: vulnerable to piercing dmg, 1 min.

96: Caster becomes frightened of a color for 1 hour

97: Surrounded by faint ethereal music for 1 minute

98: Caster suffers a head cold for 24 hours

99: Regain all expended Sorcery Points

100: Next phrase spoken by caster becomes true

101: Reroll, ignoring results above 50. Surge effect lasts twice as long. Source et seq

102: Spell affects a random target or area (roll 1d8 on the Grenadelike Weapons diagram in the Player's Handbook For direction, roll 3d6 and multiply the result by 5 feet for short range spells, 20 feet for medium range spells, or by 80 feet for long range spells). The point of origin cannot exceed its range; if the result generated would do that, adjust the point of origin to the limit of the range in the randomly generated direction.

103: Caster stunned 1 round.

104: Caster exudes a carrion stench as if under the effects of a ghoul touch spell.

105: Caster blinded (50%) or deafened (50%) with blindness/deafness.

106: Caster dazed 1 round.

107: Random magic item on the caster is subject to Morden's disjunction.

108: Area greater dispelling centered on caster.

109: Area dispel magic centered on caster.

110: Spell targets an ally (if an enemy was the target) or an enemy (if an ally was the target).

111: Nothing happens. The spell does not function. Any material components are used up. The spell or spell slot is used up.

112: The spell functions, but shimmering colors swirl around the caster (treat as glitterdust targeted on the caster's square).

113: Casting time increases to one full round.

114: Caster sickened for 1d6 rounds.

115: Target ages 5 years (Str, Dex, and Con are affected if the target changes age categories, but Int, Wis, and Cha are not).

116: Caster's base speed reduced by 10 feet for 1d4 hours.

117: Caster suffers 1d6 points of ability damage to a random ability score.

118: Caster and random target of the spell change places after the spell takes effect.

119: Spell's effects delayed for d4 rounds (if a targeted spell, the delayed spell affects the original target unless the target has moved out of range, in which case the spell has no effect).

120: Spell is accomanied by harmless visual effects, such as mist, ghostly flames, color changes, illusory snakes, and so on. These effects remain for the spell's duration.

121: Spell is accomanied by harmless auditory effects, such as howls, hissing, thunder, keening, and so on. These effects remain for the spell's duration.

122: Spell changes energy type (equal chances: acid, cold, electricity, fire, force, sonic).

123: All creatures within a 20 ft burst of the caster (50%) or target (50%) gain the ability to feather fall.

124: All creatures within a 20 ft burst of the caster (50%) or target (50%) gain the ability to levitate.

125: All creatures within a 20 ft burst of the caster (50%) or target (50%) gain the ability to fly.

126: All creatures within a 20 ft burst of the caster (50%) or target (50%) are the target of light spells.

127: Random metamagic feat takes effect on the spell: Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Heighten Spell (1 Level), Silent Spell, Still Spell, or any other "+1 level" metamagic feat used in your campaign.

128: Caster's appearance alters with change self each round of the duration of the spell to resemble a random creature within 100 ft. If the spell has an instantaneous effect, the caster's appearance changes momentarily and then reverts to her previous appearance.

129: Invisibility sphere centered on the caster.

130: Invisibility purge centered on the caster.

131: Faerie fire centered on caster.

132: Area dispel magic centered on target.

133: Area greater dispelling centered on target.

134: Random magic item on the target is subject to Morden's disjunction.

135: Random metamagic feat takes effect on the spell: Empower Spell, Heighten Spell (2 levels).

136: The spell functions normally, but any material components are not consumed. The spell is also not expended from the caster's mind. (Thus, a spell slot or prepared spell can be used again.).

137: Random metamagic feat takes effect on the spell: Heighten Spell (3 levels), Maximize Spell, or any other "+3 levels" metamagic feat used in your campaign.

138: Target stunned 1 round.

139: Caster affected by darkvision or low-light vision (duration as darkvision).

140: Target dazed 1 round.

141: Random metamagic feat takes effect on the spell: Heighten Spell (4 Levels), Quicken Spell, or any other "+4 levels" metamagic feat used in your campaugn.

142: Reroll, ignoring results below 50. Surge effect lasts twice as long.

143: Repulsion field centered on caster Source et seq

144: Caster's clothing changes color

145: Squirrels appear around caster

146: Caster becomes itchy

147: The caster glows (Oooo!)

148: Caster hit by a Fireball

149: The caster's gender changes

150: The caster's color changes

151: Everyone in the area turns around

152: Explosion animation centered on caster (no damage)

153: Entangle spell centered on caster

154: Slow spell centered on target

155: Target Polymorphed into a Wolf

156: Caster Held

157: Caster Hasted

158: Caster Polymorphed into a Squirrel

159: All the party's gold is destroyed

160: Target Enfeebled

161: Sunfire spell centered on caster

162: Target's walking speed lowered

163: Fireball centered on caster

164: Caster Held

165: Fear spell centered on target

166: Roll twice more. Both effects apply.

167: Entire area exploded

168: Globe on invulnerability centered on caster

169: Silence 15' Radius centered on caster

170: Caster becomes dizzy

171: Target becomes Invisible

172: Pretty sparkles! No other effect.

173: Caster becomes spell's target (if already was spell's target, no effect)

174: Caster becomes Invisible

175: Color Spray shoots from caster

176: Birds appear around caster

177: Fireball centered on caster. No damage.

178: Gems created on caster

179: Combat music starts

180: Goodberries created on target

181: Fireball aimed at target

182: Charges drained on area effect around target

183: Random treasure generated on caster

184: Caster is combat ready (+2 bonuses to THAC0 & damage)

185: Teleport field spell centered on caster

186: Teleport field spell centered on target

187: Area effect hiccups centered on target

188: All doors in area of effect open. If there are no doors, roll twice and use both effects.

189: Caster Polymorphed into Wolf

190: Spell chooses a random creature as its target

191: Caster recuperates as if he/she was fully Rested

192: Monsters (friendly to caster) summoned near target

193: Resulting Surge

194: If outdoors, start snowing. Otherwise roll twice more.

195: Loud noise: Target must Save vs. Spell or be Stunned.

196: Target's hit points double

197: Summon demon to attack target

198: Spell fired normally, but with loud squealing noise

199: Spell goes off but duration is halved

200: Strange visual effect as the spell fizzles

201: Projectiles (arrows, etc.) travel at half speed

202: All weapons in the area glow

203: No saving throw is allowed against the spell

204: Target Held as per the Hold Person spell

205: Detect magic spell centered on target

206: Roll 4 more times. All effects happen

207: Slow spell centered on target

208: Instead of the chosen spell, a different spell of the same level goes off.

209: lightning bolt spell cast at target

210: Target Strengthened

211: Heal centered on the target

212: Entangle target

213: Caster Enfeebled

214: Fireball spell centered on caster

215: Flesh to Stone on target

216: Spell fired normally, and caster instantly becomes Rested

217: Heal spell centered on caster

218: Target becomes dizzy

219: Sunfire centered on target (caster unaffected)

220: Target Held

221: Target Blinded 

222: Target Charmed

223: Gems created on target

224: Target's movement rate reduced

225: Random treasure generated on target

226: Target polymorphed into Squirrel

227: Silence 15' radius centered on target

228: Target's gender changed

229: Fake explosion (no damage) centered on target

230: Stinking cloud centered on target

231: Cow falls from sky on target

232: Target becomes dizzy

233: Spell has 60 foot radius at target (change projectile)

234: Target becomes itchy

235: Caster's hitpoints doubled

236: Target Held

237: Target Hasted

238: Destroy all gold on target

239: Spell casts at double effectiveness (duration, damage, etc)

240: Spell cast, -4 to target's saving throw

241: Target's color changes

242: Spell cast at double the caster's level

243: Spell casts normally

244: 1/2 of caster's body turns to stone Source et seq

245: 1/2 of caster's body turns to sodium, the other 1/2 turns to ice

246: random magic item within 30' of caster explodes

247: random normal item within 30' of caster shrinks by 90%

248: metal statuettes fall to the ground near the caster

249: 12' iron statue of caster sprouts from ground within 60' of him

250: daisy grows from caster's head, may be pruned without harm

251: 1d10 of caster's fingers turn to steel

252: 1d10 sparrow eggs tumble from caster's mouth

253: 1d100 small, harmless h01es appear in caster's body

254: 1d100 young children claim to be the caster's offspring

255: 1d1000 flies swarm from caster's mouth whenever he tells a lie

256: 1d4 people of same race / opposite sex fall in love with caster

257: 1d6 birds flutter about caster's head every time he is hit

258: 1d6 rounds of b00ing and hisses echo if caster speaks his name

259: 1d6 rounds of dramatic music play when caster speaks his name

260: 1d8-1 bones teleport into caster; loses d12 HP per bone

261: 1d8-1 bones teleport out of caster; loses d10 HP per bone

262: 3d10 gazelles appear in the caster's home

263: 4d8 of caster's teeth turn to gold

264: h01e penetrates caster's torso; caster remains unharmed

265: 8d4 of caster's teeth become sentient

266: A 1d100 feet deep opens beneath caster; DEX check or fall

267: A cuckoo pops from caster's mouth 12 times like a clock

268: A false but real-100king map is tatt00ed on caster's skin

269: A fountain springs up beneath caster's feet

270: A framed 8x10 photograph of the caster drops at his feet

271: A gaping h01e forms under the caster whenever he says his name

272: A glaze of frost coats caster's wounds

273: A hand reaches down from the sky and snatches the caster away

274: A large cheese sculpture of the caster appears nearby

275: A large granite hand rises from the earth to grasp the caster

276: A late-model Ford suddenly appears in caster's new driveway

277: A light bulb appears over caster's head when he casts a spell

278: A light rain falls on the caster when he casts a spell

279: A light rain falls on the caster when he's targeted by a spell

280: A rainbow springs from caster's head and f0110ws him everywhere

281: A rattling sound is heard whenever caster shakes his head

282: A red dragon believes it owes the caster a favor

283: A Red Dragon believes that caster is pursuing her

284: A red dragon believes the caster owes it a favor

285: A red dragon covets something the caster now possesses

286: A red light flashes atop caster's head for one turn

287: A small elemental appears wherever the caster spills blood

288: A small elemental appears wherever the caster's blood is spilt

289: A small mouse falls from caster's mouth when he speaks a lie

290: A swarm of normal bees appears and attacks caster

291: A thick, foul-smelling discharge 00zes from caster's ears

292: A wealthy investor wants to buy the caster's nervous system

293: Air cannot come within 10 feet of caster's principal weapon

294: Air Elemental resides in caster's lungs; inhalation unnecessary

295: All air between 1' and 10' of caster turns to iron

296: All air between 1' and 10' of caster turns to water

297: All air between 1' and 20' of caster turns to fire

298: All air within 1' of caster turns to chlorine gas

299: All allies appear identical to caster for d12 rounds

300: All allies appear identical to target for d4 rounds

301: All architecture within 120' of caster is leveled

302: All Bags of H01ding within 120' of caster dump their contents

303: All but 1 (player choice) of caster's attributes rerolled daily

304: All but one of caster's attributes forever raised to 18

305: All but one of caster's attributes forever reduced to

306: All caster's attribute scores are halved

307: All caster's attribute scores drop to equal his worst score

308: All caster's attribute scores rise to equal his best score

309: All caster's attributes drop to

310: All caster's clothing not currently worn grows to 2X its size

311: All caster's clothing not currently worn shrinks to 1/2 its size

312: All caster's equipment turns to platinum

313: All caster's gems become enchanted with Continual Light

314: All caster's gold pieces turn to teeth

315: All caster's precious metal turns to soap

316: All clothing becomes invisible to caster

317: All clothing touched by caster crumbles to dust

318: All coins carried by caster are turned to lead

319: All coins within 100 yards bear the caster's likeness

320: All cooked meat seen by caster for 5 days randomly polymorphs

321: All cooked meat seen by caster in next 5d20 days turns to liver

322: All creatures viewed by caster 100k and sound identical

323: All creatures within 100 yards Alter Self to appear as caster

324: All creatures within 100 yards Alter Self to appear as caster

325: All creatures within 100 yards ignore the caster for 1d4 rounds

326: All creatures within 90' of caster have a singalong for 1 turn

327: All enchantments/charms upon caster are dispelled

328: All enemies appear identical to caster for d4 rounds

329: All enemies within 15 feet of caster are turned to cast iron

330: All external facial features of caster disappear

331: All fat in caster's body turns to water: nerve cells, etc.

332: All flesh on caster's face turns invisible when he smiles

333: All foes teleported d6 miles in random direction

334: All f01iage within 30' of caster grows 3'

335: All food and drink tastes utterly bland to the caster

336: All free water within 120' of caster turns to m01asses

337: All gems carried by caster are turned to ice

338: All gems carried by caster combust

339: All gold carried by caster becomes as hard as steel

340: All gold carried by caster increases in weight by 100X

341: All gold carried by caster melts at 32° Fahrenheit

342: All gold carried by caster turns to f001's gold

343: All gold carried by caster turns to lead

344: All gold carried by caster turns to platinum

345: All gold pieces carried by caster turn to goldfish

346: All ground within 60' of caster is Greased, as spell

347: All ground within 60' of caster turns to glass, 10' deep

348: All items carried by caster affected as by the spell Item

349: All items carried by caster affected as by ThereINot There

350: All items carried by caster age 1000 years

351: All items carried by caster appear in a single pocket

352: All items carried by caster appear in someone else's possession

353: All items carried by caster are coveted by an outer plane being

354: All items carried by caster are encased in bone

355: All items carried by caster are enchanted with Explosive Runes

356: All items carried by caster are immune to gravity for 1 turn

357: All items carried by caster become copies of one item he bears

358: All items carried by caster become highly flammable; Save -5

359: All items carried by caster become illusionary (10+d10 rounds)

360: All items carried by caster become resistant to fire; Save +5

361: All items carried by caster become weightless; may float away

362: All items carried by caster double in size

363: All items carried by caster double their apparent weight

364: All items carried by caster drop 3d100°

365: All items carried by caster enchanted with Continual Light

366: All items carried by caster exchange their apparent weights

367: All items carried by caster fly 10 yards in random directions

368: All items carried by caster halve their apparent weight

369: All items carried by caster halve their size

370: All items carried by caster lose all c010r; turn bland grey

371: All items carried by caster p01ymorph into one random item

372: All items carried by caster quadruple in apparent weight

373: All items carried by caster sent to the Astral Plane

374: All items carried by caster suddenly weigh as much as caster

375: All items carried by caster teleport to his home

376: All items carried by caster tie into knots

377: All items carried by caster triple their apparent weight

378: All items carried by caster turn invisible

379: All items carried by caster turn sentient and free-willed

380: All items carried by caster turn to flesh

381: All items carried by caster turn to gold

382: All items carried by caster turn to granite

383: All items carried by caster turn to ice

384: All items carried by caster turn to mercury

385: All items carried by caster turn to steam

386: All items carried by caster turn to water

387: All items owned by caster teleport to him from his home

388: All items owned by caster turn invisible

389: All magic weapons within 30' of caster vanish for 1d20 turns

390: All matter within 60' of caster becomes invisible for d4 rounds

391: All meat tastes blood-raw to the caster

392: All metal on or within caster turns to wood

393: All normal fires within 60' of caster smell like burning tar

394: All of caster's clothing now bears his monogram

395: All plants and wildlife appear sickly to the caster

396: All rings worn by caster turn to string but retain properties

397: All rocks larger than 1' within 100' of caster explode

398: All rodents within 2 miles will f0110w caster for d10 days

399: All rope, string, etc. within 120' of caster turns to licorice

400: All sorts of vile noises issue from the caster's stomach

401: All spells caster has memorized are cast upon random targets

402: All spells caster has memorized strike him with reversed effect

403: All spells caster now has memorized allow no Saving Throws

404: All spells caster now has memorized are burned from his memory

405: All spells caster now has memorized cause half damage

406: All spells caster now has memorized discharge on him

407: All spells caster now has memorized discharge on his boots

408: All spells used by caster take place 1d10 rounds after casting

409: All ten of caster's fingers are now on his dominant hand

410: All the bones disappear from the caster's hands and feet

411: All trees within 100 yards of caster are turned to cast iron

412: All trees within 30 feet of caster burst into flame

413: All trees within 60' of caster upr00t and walk away

414: All water between 1' and 10' of caster turns to fire

415: All water between 1' and 100' of caster turns to air

416: All water carried by caster boils, increasing v01ume by 1600X

417: All weapons within 60' of caster become ethereal for d8 rounds

418: All weapons within 60' of caster turn invisible for 1d4 turns

419: All who see caster believe him to be a criminal

420: All who see caster believe him to be a harbinger of great ill

421: All who see caster believe him to be a Lich

422: All who see caster believe him to be the avatar of a minor god

423: All who see caster know him to be a spellcaster

424: All within 10' of caster receive benefit of a Heal spell

425: All within 90' of caster check INT or forget who the caster is

426: All wood on or within caster turns to metal

427: All writing in caster's spellb00k appears backward

428: All writing in caster's spellb00k turns blurry

429: All writing in caster's spellb00k turns invisible

430: Alternating strips of caster rendered invisible for d8 rounds

431: An illusionary sign labeled "leper" hangs above caster's head

432: An illusionary sign labeled "Wizard" hangs above caster's head

433: An illusory Lich rises from the ground and pursues caster

434: An Iron G01em in the caster's image appears & attacks everyone

435: Any ally hearing caster must Save or fall asleep with boredom

436: Any animals owned by caster are stricken bald forever

437: Any charged magical item carried by caster is fully charged

438: Any charged magical item carried by caster is wh011y drained

439: Any chronic ailments now afflicting the caster are cured

440: Any creatures summoned by caster are bright orange

441: Any Curse afflicting caster is Removed

442: Any fires lit in the caster's home cannot be put out by him

443: Any food prepared by caster is poisonous to him

444: Any glass carried by caster turns to transparent steel

445: Any magic now affecting caster lasts until he ends it

446: Any magic, good or bad, now affecting the caster is Dispelled

447: Any metal worn by caster turns to opaque glass

448: Any money now carried by caster doubles in quantity

449: Any potions carried by caster become poisonous

450: Any potions carried by caster carry the intended spell effect

451: Any resurrections thus far used on caster are negated

452: Any rings worn by caster shrink in diameter by 1/2

453: Any small item caster needs is 30% likely to be in his pocket

454: Any water carried by caster afflicts its imbiber with dysentery

455: Any water carried by caster becomes a free-willed elemental

456: Any water carried by caster becomes enchanted by Watery double

457: Any water carried by caster burns like gas01ine but is water

458: Any water carried by caster causes dehydration in its imbiber

459: Any water carried by caster doubles in v01ume

460: Any water carried by caster doubles size each of next 20 rnds.

461: Any water carried by caster drops 100° but doesn't freeze

462: Any water carried by caster endows drinker with water breathing

463: Any water carried by caster fills with Dust of sneezingIChoking

464: Any water carried by caster fills with gold pieces

465: Any water carried by caster fills with goldfish

466: Any water carried by caster fills with mosquito larvae

467: Any water carried by caster fills with rot grubs (d10)

468: Any water carried by caster fills with sodium chips

469: Any water carried by caster fills with sponges

470: Any water carried by caster has diuretic effect on its imbiber

471: Any water carried by caster ignites on contact with air

472: Any water carried by caster rises 200° but does not boil

473: Any water carried by caster takes him to Elemental Water

474: Any water carried by caster tastes like gas01ine and really is

475: Any water carried by caster tastes like gas01ine but is pure

476: Any water carried by caster tastes pure but is gas01ine

477: Any water carried by caster turns invisible

478: Any water carried by caster turns to acid (Ultimate S01vent)

479: Any water carried by caster turns to blood

480: Any water carried by caster turns to brine

481: Any water carried by caster turns to crystal 00ze

482: Any water carried by caster turns to ice; may burst containers

483: Any water carried by caster turns to maple syrup

484: Any water carried by caster turns to mercury

485: Any water carried by caster turns to roast beef gravy

486: Any water carried by caster turns to s01id steel

487: Any water carried by caster turns to steam of equal v01ume

488: Any Wishes thus far used by caster are nullified

489: Any wood worn by caster falls off him, takes r00t, and grows

490: Anyone injuring the caster in the next round Vanishes

491: Anyone slain by the caster can never be raised as undead

492: Anyone slain by the caster fossilizes instantly

493: Anyone sleeping near caster can't wake until he does

494: Anyone who sleeps within 10 feet of caster has nightmares

495: At death, caster has a 10% chance to resurrect at full health

496: At death, caster is canonized by some obscure religion

497: At death, caster is resurrected and has gained a level

498: At death, caster is resurrected but can no longer read

499: At death, caster is resurrected but continues to decay

500: At death, caster is resurrected but doesn't believe he died

501: At death, caster is resurrected but doesn't know it

502: At death, caster is resurrected but forgets who he is

503: At death, caster is resurrected but has lost a level

504: At death, caster is resurrected but is mute

505: At death, caster is resurrected but is of the opposite sex

506: At death, caster is resurrected but is permanently blind

507: At death, caster is resurrected but must drink blood to live

508: At death, caster is resurrected with one week to live

509: At death, caster is revealed to have been an android

510: At death, caster is rumored to have been of the opposite sex

511: At next Full Moon, caster vanishes; everyone forgets who he was

512: Bigby's Interposing Hand prevents caster from attacking anyone

513: Blades seem dull while caster uses them

514: Blades seem warped and rusty while the caster uses them

515: blood drips from the walls of caster's home

516: Both of caster's hands are now left hands

517: Bread crumbs appear in caster's f00tprints

518: Candles are automatically snuffed in the caster's presence

519: Candles burn but are not consumed while caster is nearby

520: Candles cannot be ignited in the caster's presence

521: Candles spontaneously ignite in the caster's presence

522: Caster & target fuse into one body with both identities

523: Caster & target shunt to other Prime where neither exists

524: Caster "gets" jokes an hour after he hears them

525: Caster absorbs all damage inflicted by target and vice versa

526: Caster absorbs all damage inflicted on target and vice versa

527: Caster absorbs all damage inflicted on target in next turn

528: Caster absorbs all subsequent damage by next being he touches

529: Caster absorbs all subsequent damage to next being he touches

530: Caster absorbs damage as though he just fell d100 feet

531: Caster absorbs one level or hit die from next being he touches

532: Caster accuses random ally of joining foe's party

533: Caster acknowledges no one's authority

534: Caster acquires a random language

535: Caster acquires his weapon's personality (i.e., perhaps none)

536: Caster acquires Mummy Rot after next 10 HP of fire damage

537: Caster acquires the deed to a castle in a far-off land

538: Caster acquires the deed to a castle on another plane

539: Caster activates Watery Double in next p001 of water he sees

540: Caster adds 1 to one attribute but loses 2 from another

541: Caster adheres to next creature he touches for d8 turns

542: Caster administers Shocking Grasp to next PC he touches

543: Caster adopts cute names for various parts of his body

544: Caster adopts physical form of next PC he touches

545: Caster adopts target's alignment

546: Caster adopts the alignment of each creature he touches

547: Caster affected by a random Command each time he hears his name

548: Caster affected by a Symb01 of Fear each time he hears his name

549: Caster affected by Lifepr00f; life is in random item he carries

550: Caster affected by Power Word, Silence when he speaks his name

551: Caster affected by Shocking Grasp each time he hears his name

552: Caster affected by Sleep, as spell, whenever he hears his name

553: Caster age is halved, but he looks twice as 01d

554: Caster ages 1 year for each round spent in direct sunlight

555: Caster ages 1 year whenever he learns a new spell

556: Caster ages at 10X normal rate while at full hit points

557: Caster ages halfway to his maximum life expectancy

558: Caster ages one year for every Hit Point he loses

559: Caster always answers yes-or-no questions truthfully

560: Caster always appears to lie when checked by Detect Lie

561: Caster always appears to speak truth when checked by Detect Lie

562: Caster always assumes people will react positively to him

563: Caster always feels like he is being watched

564: Caster always has Initiative except on a 1, when he's last

565: Caster always loses Initiative except on a 10, when he's first

566: Caster always screws up when precise timing is needed

567: Caster always tells truth; lies and prevarications impossible

568: Caster and allies all randomly exchange places

569: Caster and allies are teleported d6 miles in random direction

570: Caster and allies are Turned as Undead for d6 rounds each

571: Caster and allies cannot harm target or allies for d4 rounds

572: Caster and allies lose 1/2 their hit points

573: Caster and allies regain 1/2 their hit points lost

574: Caster and ally swap personae; ally thinks he is the caster

575: Caster and alternate Prime Material counterpart exchange places

576: Caster and familiar exchange places

577: Caster and familiar exchange species

578: Caster and his possessions are sheathed in aluminum foil

579: Caster and nearest eagle exchange places

580: Caster and nearest earth elemental exchange places

581: Caster and nearest entombed corpse exchange places

582: Caster and nearest Lich exchange places

583: Caster and nearest merman exchange places

584: Caster and nearest mummy exchange clothing

585: Caster and nearest sacrificial virgin exchange places

586: Caster and nearest statue exchange places

587: Caster and nearest trapped genie exchange places

588: Caster and nearest vampire exchange places at dawn tomorrow

589: Caster and random ally exchange heads but retain personalities

590: Caster and target dance together for d6 rounds, caster leading

591: Caster and target dance together for d6 rounds, target leading

592: Caster and target exchange all possessions

593: Caster and target exchange furtive glances

594: Caster and target exchange heads but retain own personalities

595: Caster and target exchange races

596: Caster and target exchange reflections

597: Caster and target exchange shadows

598: Caster and target seem to 100k identical

599: Caster and target swap skeletons; 10d8 HP damage each

600: Caster and target switch weapons for 2d10 rounds

601: Caster announces his presence before entering a dark room

602: Caster answers every question twice

603: Caster answers questions by starting "Back in my day..."

604: Caster ap010gizes to everyone he injures

605: Caster appears as beautiful as a nymph while he sleeps

606: Caster appears as member of the same race as whoever views him

607: Caster appears deformed or hideously ugly in sunlight

608: Caster appears horribly repulsive while he casts spells

609: Caster appears painfully beautiful while he casts spells

610: Caster appears paper-thin while asleep

611: Caster appears slightly blurry whenever he casts a spell

612: Caster appears to be 5d10 years older but is not

613: Caster appears to be 5d10 years younger but is not

614: Caster appears to be afflicted with some infectious disease

615: Caster appears to be black and white

616: Caster appears to be invisible when seen head -on

617: Caster appears to be levitating upside down

618: Caster appears to be made of glass while he sleeps

619: Caster appears to be made of rock and mud while sleeping

620: Caster appears to be naked while fully clothed and vice versa

621: Caster appears to be of opposite sex while naked

622: Caster appears to be standing beside himself

623: Caster appears to be standing three feet to his right

624: Caster appears to be the worst enemy of anyone viewing him

625: Caster appears to blaze like a bonfire when he casts a spell

626: Caster appears to decay rapidly in his sleep

627: Caster appears to lack all blood and soft tissue when naked

628: Caster appears twenty pounds heavier than he actually is

629: Caster appears twenty pounds lighter than he actually is

630: Caster appears unspeakably beautiful while he sleeps

631: Caster appears, with knife in hand, behind the nearest king

632: Caster assumes the aircraft "crash position"

633: Caster attracts all Undead within 1 mile of him

634: Caster attracts lightning and electricity (Save at 1/2)

635: Caster attracts maggots, lice, and rot grubs

636: Caster attracts moths like a flame

637: Caster attracts moths like a flame whenever he speaks

638: Caster attracts the attention of a random tanar'ri

639: Caster attracts the attention of the nearest Great Wyrm

640: Caster attracts vermin

641: Caster automatically disbelieves illusions for next d100 days

642: Caster automatically fails his next d10 Saving Throws

643: Caster automatically fails his next d6 Saving Throws

644: Caster automatically knows the first name of everyone he meets

645: Caster automatically passes his next d6 Saving Throws

646: Caster automatically succeeds his next d10 Saving Throws

647: Caster barks like a dog in the presence of royalty

648: Caster bears scars as though once riddled by gunfire

649: Caster bears scars of unspeakable torture

650: Caster becomes a god and is removed from play

651: Caster becomes a missile attractor, as shield

652: Caster becomes a Thought Broadcaster for spell's duration

653: Caster becomes a turkey under every Full Moon

654: Caster becomes able to communicate with Earth Elementals

655: Caster becomes afflicted with Mummy Rot

656: Caster becomes aluminum; is lightweight but immobile

657: Caster becomes an ambulatory oak of same size, shape and AC

658: Caster becomes an Illusion, unable to cause harm

659: Caster becomes bonded with a tree like a dryad

660: Caster becomes dormant under both a full and a new Moon

661: Caster becomes extraordinarily stingy with his money

662: Caster becomes fascinated by symb01s of death

663: Caster becomes flat like parchment while he sleeps

664: Caster becomes flatulent in the presence of royalty

665: Caster becomes forgetful; must pass INT checks or castings fail

666: Caster becomes homesick for some place he's never been

667: Caster becomes hot-tempered in the presence of fire

668: Caster becomes ill; is of limited ability until it passes

669: Caster becomes illegitimate; parents weren't married

670: Caster becomes illiteral; doesn't mean what he says

671: Caster becomes illiterate; cannot read nor write

672: Caster becomes illithid; cannot make friends easily

673: Caster becomes illuminated; is bathed in light wherever he goes

674: Caster becomes immune to a random attack form

675: Caster becomes immune to Level Draining

676: Caster becomes immune to natural diseases

677: Caster becomes immune to the effects of c01d for d10 days

678: Caster becomes inebriated

679: Caster becomes inhumanly beautiful when angry

680: Caster becomes intensely afraid of snow

681: Caster becomes intensely weight-conscious

682: Caster becomes invisible to g01ems

683: Caster becomes invisible to himself

684: Caster becomes invisible when reduced to 50% of his hit points

685: Caster becomes invisible, but not his head, hands, or feet

686: Caster becomes invisible; only his reflection can be seen

687: Caster becomes jealous of anyone taller than he is

688: Caster becomes lost at crossroads unless directed by someone

689: Caster becomes magic-obsessed; uses magic whenever possible

690: Caster becomes magnetized; attracts all iron with d20 feet

691: Caster becomes morbidly fascinated with his own death

692: Caster becomes mute for d12 turns

693: Caster becomes nostalgic for the distant future

694: Caster becomes permanently invisible; clothing he wears is not

695: Caster becomes ravenously hungry after casting a spell

696: Caster becomes ravenously hungry and must eat or pass out

697: Caster becomes ravenously hungry when he's wounded

698: Caster becomes striped like a candy cane

699: Caster becomes striped like a zebra

700: Caster becomes suspicious of anyone offering food to him

701: Caster becomes translucent for d4 hours (remains s01id)

702: Caster becomes transparent like glass

703: Caster becomes transparent like water, rippling as he moves

704: Caster becomes uncertain; must pass WIS checks or castings fail

705: Caster becomes Undead

706: Caster becomes very aware of time's passage and is bored stiff

707: Caster becomes vi01ently ill if he consumes alcohol

708: Caster becomes vi01ently sick whenever he casts a spell

709: Caster begins remembering things that never actually happened

710: Caster begins tap-dancing loudly whenever stealth is required

711: Caster begins to age at a rate of one year per minute

712: Caster begins to horde water for no apparent reason

713: Caster begins to 100k more and more like a leper

714: Caster begins to wonder aloud what human flesh tastes like

715: Caster believes any lie t01d by someone of the opposite sex

716: Caster believes as literal truth the next sentence he hears

717: Caster believes the next lie he hears is irrefutable truth

718: Caster bestows his alignment upon each creature he touches

719: Caster blacks out whenever he hears his name (1 round)

720: Caster blames all his failures on the nearest paladin

721: Caster blames his failures on his upbringing

722: Caster blasphemes the god of the nearest paladin

723: Caster blasts a d10 yard radius crater in the ground

724: Caster bleeds from the eyes whenever he casts a spell

725: Caster bleeds harmlessly from his nose for 1d12 hours

726: Caster Blinks (as spell) 1 round for each HP of damage he takes

727: Caster Blinks (as spell) whenever he blinks his eyes

728: Caster brays like a donkey in the presence of royalty

729: Caster breaks into song whenever he is frightened

730: Caster breaks into song whenever struck by magic

731: Caster burned for 2d10 HP by next creature he touches

732: Caster burns next creature he touches for d10 HP

733: Caster bursts into heatless flame for d10 rounds

734: Caster bursts into illusionary flame whenever he hears his name

735: Caster bursts into tears when he tries to tell a lie

736: Caster cackles like a Bone G01em for d4 rounds; no other action

737: Caster calls magic "magick" and no one takes him seriously

738: Caster calls magic "magick" no matter how silly it seems

739: Caster can Affect Normal Fires at will for d10 days

740: Caster can always sense the direction of his home

741: Caster can appear enormously fat at will

742: Caster can appear to be 100 years older at will

743: Caster can appear to be any age he wishes

744: Caster can assume a second form at will (must be of same race)

745: Caster can assume gaseous form at will when naked

746: Caster can assume the form of the target for 1 turn each day

747: Caster can attack 2X a round if he does nothing the next round

748: Caster can automatically read the next language he hears

749: Caster can automatically speak the next language he hears

750: Caster can automatically speak the next language he reads

751: Caster can be commanded by the next creature he summons

752: Caster can be Commanded by the next person he touches

753: Caster can become completely clean at will

754: Caster can become ethereal at will when naked

755: Caster can breathe underwater if he h01ds a fish in his mouth

756: Caster can carry his own weight with ease

757: Caster can cast 1 spell per day with no Saving Throw allowed

758: Caster can cast a randomly-chosen first level spell at will

759: Caster can cast light from his eyes but is blind when he does

760: Caster can cast Reverse Gravity on himself once each day

761: Caster can cause his scent to mimic that of any normal animal

762: Caster can cause his voice to issue from his spellb00k

763: Caster can change his eye c010r at will

764: Caster can ch00se to succeed any one roll in the next 24 hours

765: Caster can climb trees as nimbly as a cat or monkey

766: Caster can command demons 1d6 times

767: Caster can communicate with inanimate objects once per week

768: Caster can Comprehend all spoken languages for d10 days

769: Caster can Comprehend all written languages for d8 days

770: Caster can contr01 the next Illusion he disbelieves

771: Caster can crush diamonds into coal with his bare hands

772: Caster can detach his right arm at will

773: Caster can detect poison in food just by touching it

774: Caster can disbelieve Necromancy but can't disbelieve Illusions

775: Caster can Dispel Evil (or good) once at will

776: Caster can double the power of one spell each day

777: Caster can employ True Sight once per day

778: Caster can extend his tongue 3d4 inches at will

779: Caster can Feather Fall at will when naked

780: Caster can Feign Death at will when naked

781: Caster can fly like an eagle when naked

782: Caster can give off the scent of pine or lemons at will

783: Caster can glow like a firefly at will

784: Caster can go without food for one day per point of CON

785: Caster can go without sleep for one day per point of WIS

786: Caster can grip with 18I00 strength

787: Caster can Heal himself once

788: Caster can Heal with a touch but is 80% likely to die

789: Caster can hear any conversation whose participants he can see

790: Caster can hear underwater as clearly as on land

791: Caster can hit creatures hit only by +1 or better (1d10 rounds)

792: Caster can h01d his breath for 2 rounds per point of CON

793: Caster can h01d his breath for up to three hours per day

794: Caster can h01d his breath indefinitely when naked

795: Caster can identify gems and approximate their value on sight

796: Caster can identify natural animals on sight

797: Caster can identify natural plants on sight

798: Caster can ignite campfires and hearths with a touch

799: Caster can ignite twigs with his tongue

800: Caster can kill with a touch but is 80% likely to die as well

801: Caster can make his spells function without visible effect

802: Caster can make his voice issue from some place nearby

803: Caster can memorize spells in 1/2 the normal required time

804: Caster can mimic animal noises with remarkable skill

805: Caster can move 3X normal speed when naked and unencumbered

806: Caster can never teach his spells to anyone else

807: Caster can no longer bend his wrists

808: Caster can no longer cast First Level spells

809: Caster can only be hit by +1 or better weapons for d20 rounds

810: Caster can only memorize spells while naked

811: Caster can only wield +1 or better weapons for d20 rounds

812: Caster can pass his arms through each other at will

813: Caster can Pass Without Trace as priest spell once per week

814: Caster can photosynthesize; does not need to eat, but is green

815: Caster can P01ymorph Self (ONCE)

816: Caster can predict natural weather patterns 24 hours in advance

817: Caster can quench his thirst by soaking his feet

818: Caster can read a new language but cannot speak it

819: Caster can read other people's thoughts by biting them

820: Caster can remove his ears and still hear through them

821: Caster can remove his head for up to 1d6 rounds each day

822: Caster can remove his teeth, and they'll regrow normally

823: Caster can Resurrect one being but must sacrifice his own life

824: Caster can resurrect the dead once per year

825: Caster can retract his arms into his torso

826: Caster can retract his head into his torso like a turtle

827: Caster can see in subterranean darkness as though in daylight

828: Caster can see into Bags of H01ding without opening them

829: Caster can see perfectly well in abs01ute darkness

830: Caster can see secret d00rs but cannot see normal ones

831: Caster can see through his nostrils in pitch darkness

832: Caster can sense the presence of any Artifact within 10 miles

833: Caster can sense undead within 100 yards

834: Caster can shine light out of his mouth at will

835: Caster can shrink his hands to 1I10 their size at will

836: Caster can somehow call magic "magick" without seeming trite

837: Caster can speak in either a male or female voice at will

838: Caster can speak in either of two voices at will

839: Caster can speak through his nose when his mouth is shut

840: Caster can speak with plants once per day

841: Caster can speak with plants once per week

842: Caster can speak with the dead once per week

843: Caster can speak with waterfowl when he is wet

844: Caster can Spider Climb if he wears a red and blue costume

845: Caster can stretch his neck a length equal to his height

846: Caster can summon a demon but has only 50% chance to contr01 it

847: Caster can swim like a fish and breathe underwater when naked

848: Caster can turn half of his body invisible at will

849: Caster can turn his bones to jelly at will, without harm

850: Caster can turn his fingers ethereal at will

851: Caster can turn his skin invisible at will

852: Caster can turn his skin matte-black at will

853: Caster can turn ice to diamonds that last for 1d12 hours

854: Caster can turn into a statue for 1d10 rounds at will

855: Caster can turn invisible while he h01ds his breath

856: Caster can turn invisible while underwater

857: Caster can turn to snow at will

858: Caster can undo normal knots just by touching them

859: Caster can unscrew his fingers without harm

860: Caster can use his index and middle finger like scissors

861: Caster can walk on water, as with a ring, when naked

862: Caster can Wish the death of one being but will also die

863: Caster can't bend his elbows, shoulders, wrists, or fingers

864: Caster can't bring his hands within 2d4 inches of each other

865: Caster can't cast spells for 1 hour after eating

866: Caster can't discern even the most obvious lies from truth

867: Caster can't go to sleep without kissing someone goodnight

868: Caster can't put both feet on the ground simultaneously

869: Caster can't raise his arms above his shoulder without pain

870: Caster can't speak in metaphor; becomes literal-minded

871: Caster cannot attack creatures which do not see him

872: Caster cannot attack except on rounds when he wins Initiative

873: Caster cannot attack on rounds when he wins Initiative

874: Caster cannot be affected by priestly magic for 1 week

875: Caster cannot be attacked by any he does not see for 1d4 days

876: Caster cannot be burned by normal flame if his feet are wet

877: Caster cannot be frightened by any earthly creature

878: Caster cannot be harmed by a fall from any height

879: Caster cannot be harmed by any physical means for d10 rounds

880: Caster cannot be harmed by any physical means for d4 rounds

881: Caster cannot be harmed by any physical means for d6 rounds

882: Caster cannot be harmed by any physical means for d8 rounds

883: Caster cannot be hit by +1 or better weapons for d20 rounds

884: Caster cannot be injured while he sleeps

885: Caster cannot be seen in mirrors

886: Caster cannot be tracked by nonmagical means

887: Caster cannot breathe while exposed to direct sunlight

888: Caster cannot bring his hands closer together than one f00t

889: Caster cannot cast a spell without first announcing his name

890: Caster cannot cast First Level spells until he gains a level

891: Caster cannot cast spells during the dark of the Moon

892: Caster cannot cast spells except under direct sunlight

893: Caster cannot cast spells on himself for 1d20 days

894: Caster cannot cast spells on the first day of the week

895: Caster cannot cast spells unless baref00t

896: Caster cannot cast spells unless he carries a small flame

897: Caster cannot cast spells unless he crosses his fingers

898: Caster cannot cast spells unless he first turns in a circle

899: Caster cannot cast spells unless he h01ds a pebble in his mouth

900: Caster cannot cast spells unless he pokes himself with a needle

901: Caster cannot cast spells unless he puts his thumbs in his ears

902: Caster cannot cast spells unless he sees his reflection

903: Caster cannot cast spells unless his eyes are closed

904: Caster cannot cast spells unless his hair is wet

905: Caster cannot cast spells unless h01ding a piece of ice

906: Caster cannot cast spells unless wearing a hat

907: Caster cannot cast spells until tomorrow morning

908: Caster cannot cast spells while he has full hit points

909: Caster cannot cast spells while it is snowing

910: Caster cannot cast spells while wearing clothing

911: Caster cannot cast spells without first announcing his intent

912: Caster cannot cast spells without saying "Abra Cadabra"

913: Caster cannot close his mouth

914: Caster cannot close his mouth after the next spell he casts

915: Caster cannot close his mouth until dawn

916: Caster cannot comprehend numbers greater than twenty

917: Caster cannot contr01 Elementals summoned by him

918: Caster cannot contr01 his own Illusion spells

919: Caster cannot cross a thresh01d without knocking

920: Caster cannot cross flowing water under his own power

921: Caster cannot distinguish between left and right

922: Caster cannot distinguish between very hot and very c01d

923: Caster cannot drown if he carries a torch

924: Caster cannot eat cooked meat except by Moonlight

925: Caster cannot eat food unless he prepares it himself

926: Caster cannot eat or drink between dawn and dusk

927: Caster cannot enter a building unless invited

928: Caster cannot enter a room without announcing himself

929: Caster cannot exit a room through the d00r by which he entered

930: Caster cannot fall asleep except when standing up

931: Caster cannot fall asleep unless sung to

932: Caster cannot fall asleep unless t01d to do so

933: Caster cannot fall asleep while wearing clothing

934: Caster cannot inflict any form of physical harm for d10 rounds

935: Caster cannot inflict any form of physical harm for d4 rounds

936: Caster cannot inflict any form of physical harm for d6 rounds

937: Caster cannot inflict any form of physical harm for d8 rounds

938: Caster cannot leave a building unless t01d to do so

939: Caster cannot leave a room while others' eyes are upon him

940: Caster cannot leave his home without first casting a spell

941: Caster cannot open both eyes simultaneously

942: Caster cannot open d00rs for himself

943: Caster cannot open d00rs without first saying "Open sesame"

944: Caster cannot open his mouth

945: Caster cannot open his mouth until nightfall

946: Caster cannot pierce his own flesh with knives or blades

947: Caster cannot refuse a request for his aid

948: Caster cannot see through glass

949: Caster cannot shut up until someone inflicts damage upon him

950: Caster cannot sleep unless naked

951: Caster cannot speak during one day of each week

952: Caster cannot speak except in direct sunlight

953: Caster cannot speak except under Moonlight

954: Caster cannot speak for 1d4 rounds after casting a spell

955: Caster cannot speak normally but must shout or whisper

956: Caster cannot speak unless spoken to

957: Caster cannot speak until he has ridden a horse

958: Caster cannot speak until he is burned by fire

959: Caster cannot speak until no one is within 60' of him

960: Caster cannot speak until rained upon

961: Caster cannot speak until someone inflicts damage upon him

962: Caster cannot speak until someone says his name

963: Caster cannot speak until sunrise tomorrow

964: Caster cannot speak when at less than full hit points

965: Caster cannot speak when underground

966: Caster cannot stand upright for 1d4 hours

967: Caster cannot study spells if he still has any memorized

968: Caster cannot teleport or be teleported

969: Caster cannot tell a deliberate lie

970: Caster cannot t01erate metal worn next to his skin

971: Caster cannot turn invisible by any means

972: Caster cannot use magical items for 8d4 hours

973: Caster casts spells as if 1 level higher when it's snowing

974: Caster casts spells randomly each time he is injured

975: Caster causes damage one round after he inflicts it

976: Caster changes alignment randomly under every Full Moon

977: Caster changes clothes randomly every time he casts a spell

978: Caster changes c010r randomly every time he casts a spell

979: Caster changes his mind every time he decides to cast a spell

980: Caster changes his name but won't reveal his new one

981: Caster changes his name under every Full Moon

982: Caster changes places with target every time he casts a spell

983: Caster changes race randomly every time he casts a spell

984: Caster changes sex randomly every time he casts a spell

985: Caster changes sex randomly under one Full Moon to the next

986: Caster changes shape randomly every time he casts a spell

987: Caster claims nearest dragon as a familiar

988: Caster closes his eyes and counts to 1000

989: Caster combusts when exposed to direct sunlight

990: Caster complains of persecution when things don't go his way

991: Caster constantly doubts himself; +2 to Initiative rolls

992: Caster constantly hears a ticking as from an alarm clock

993: Caster convinced he is possessed by some horrid entity

994: Caster coughs up strange items: needles, spiders, pebbles, etc.

995: Caster crows like a r00ster at sunrise

996: Caster crumbles to dust; reappears next sunrise unharmed

997: Caster degenerates 1 HP per round for the next 20+d20 rounds

998: Caster delivers Shocking Grasp to the next person he kisses

999: Caster desires to change his name each morning

1000: Caster desires to circumnavigate the planet

1001: Caster desires to leap from the next bridge he crosses

1002: Caster desires to walk on his hands instead of feet

1003: Caster desperately hopes to avoid his current destination

1004: Caster develops a compulsion to be struck by lightning

1005: Caster develops a craving for slugs, maggots, and leeches

1006: Caster develops a fear of elementals

1007: Caster develops a fear of kob01ds, those mighty creatures

1008: Caster develops a fear of rabbits

1009: Caster develops a fear of rocks; they might be earth elementals

1010: Caster develops a fear of the target

1011: Caster develops a fear of trees; they might be treants

1012: Caster develops a fear of wild surges

1013: Caster develops a morbid desire to see his own heart

1014: Caster develops a phobia about Wild Surges

1015: Caster develops a terrific thirst for alcohol

1016: Caster develops a terrific thirst for blood

1017: Caster develops a terrific thirst for cobra venom

1018: Caster develops a terrific thirst for egg whites

1019: Caster develops a terrific thirst for egg y01ks

1020: Caster develops a terrific thirst for holy water

1021: Caster develops a terrific thirst for ink

1022: Caster develops a terrific thirst for lamp oil

1023: Caster develops a terrific thirst for magic potions

1024: Caster develops a terrific thirst for pine tree sap

1025: Caster develops a terrific thirst for poison

1026: Caster develops a terrific thirst for sea water

1027: Caster develops a terrific thirst for sovereign glue

1028: Caster develops a terrific thirst for stagnant water

1029: Caster develops a terrific thirst for unholy water

1030: Caster develops a terrific thirst for universal s01vent

1031: Caster develops advanced arthritis; Movement rate is halved

1032: Caster develops ambidexterity

1033: Caster develops an aversion to clothing

1034: Caster develops an intense craving for charcoal

1035: Caster develops an intense craving for dirt and mud

1036: Caster develops an intense desire to swim upstream and spawn

1037: Caster develops an intense phobia of fish and marine life

1038: Caster develops an irresistible urge to bury himself

1039: Caster develops another joint between his shoulder and elbow

1040: Caster develops d4 new personalities

1041: Caster develops irritating, elusive itch somewhere on his body

1042: Caster develops radial symmetry, like a starfish

1043: Caster develops Thaumaphilia, a fascination with magic

1044: Caster develops Thaumaphobia, an intense fear of magic

1045: Caster dies immediately if he is ever cut by his own dagger

1046: Caster dies nightly and is resurrected each f0110wing morning

1047: Caster discovers a tombstone nearby inscribed with his name

1048: Caster discovers the secret for manufacturing plastic

1049: Caster disgorges 1d1000 bats

1050: Caster disgorges 1d1000 blasphemies

1051: Caster disgorges 1d1000 canaries

1052: Caster disgorges 1d1000 copper pieces

1053: Caster disgorges 1d1000 counterfeit gold coins

1054: Caster disgorges 1d1000 cubic yards of smoke

1055: Caster disgorges 1d1000 feathers

1056: Caster disgorges 1d1000 frogs

1057: Caster disgorges 1d1000 hailstones

1058: Caster disgorges 1d1000 hot embers

1059: Caster disgorges 1d1000 locusts

1060: Caster disgorges 1d1000 maggots

1061: Caster disgorges 1d1000 minnows

1062: Caster disgorges 1d1000 needles

1063: Caster disgorges 1d1000 non-poisonous snakes

1064: Caster disgorges 1d1000 pints of water

1065: Caster disgorges 1d1000 rotten apples

1066: Caster disgorges 1d1000 small pebbles every morning

1067: Caster disgorges 1d1000 spiders

1068: Caster disgorges 1d1000 sugar cubes

1069: Caster disgorges 1d1000 sunflower seeds

1070: Caster disgorges 1d1000 teeth

1071: Caster disgorges a black pudding

1072: Caster disgorges a complete human skeleton

1073: Caster disgorges a large python

1074: Caster disgorges a scroll containing a random 7th level spell

1075: Caster disgorges everything he ate during the last week

1076: Caster disgorges his own digestive tract

1077: Caster disgorges the last meal he ate

1078: Caster does not age while asleep: aging is slowed by 1/3

1079: Caster does not age while awake: aging is slowed by 2/3

1080: Caster does not believe anything he says

1081: Caster does not heal while exposed to direct sunlight

1082: Caster does not need to eat while he has his full hit points

1083: Caster does not need to open his eyes to see (lasts d4 days)

1084: Caster does not reflect or emit any form of light for d6 days

1085: Caster doesn't believe that his body is his actual form

1086: Caster doesn't know when he's lying

1087: Caster doesn't know which spells he has memorized

1088: Caster doubles his size when he is asleep

1089: Caster drools constantly

1090: Caster electrically charged and shocks next person he touches

1091: Caster emits no scent whatsoever; cannot be tracked by hounds

1092: Caster exchanges personalities with some distant (demi)human

1093: Caster exchanges places with himself one hour in the future

1094: Caster experiences horrifying nightmares tonight

1095: Caster experiences pain at the sight of blood

1096: Caster experiences sublimely beautiful dreams tonight

1097: Caster experiences vertigo when he looks at the stars

1098: Caster experiences vertigo whenever he looks at the Moon

1099: Caster explodes and dies (Save vs Death to prevent explosion)

1100: Caster explodes as a Fireball of Hit Dice equal to 2x his Level

1101: Caster explodes permanently when hit points fall to 1/2 total

1102: Caster explodes under every Full Moon; reforms at dawn

1103: Caster explodes; reforms 2d20 turns later unharmed

1104: Caster exudes chlorine gas whenever he casts a spell

1105: Caster faints at the sight of his own blood

1106: Caster faints at the sight of his own reflection

1107: Caster falls asleep and cannot be roused

1108: Caster falls asleep when exposed to direct sunlight

1109: Caster falls asleep whenever he casts a spell

1110: Caster falls in love with d4 people of same raceIopposite sex

1111: Caster falls in love with his own reflection

1112: Caster falls in love with someone entirely inappropriate

1113: Caster falls into a heap of unconnected cells

1114: Caster falls madly in love with the nearest statue

1115: Caster falls over

1116: Caster fears clothing except when naked, when he fears nudity

1117: Caster fears communists are after his precious bodily fluids

1118: Caster fears he is a vampire and will be injured by sunlight

1119: Caster fears he is a werew01f temporarily in human form

1120: Caster fears he'll turn to stone if he sees his reflection

1121: Caster fears his body does strange things when he's asleep

1122: Caster fears lightning but is drawn to trees during storms

1123: Caster fears rainfall

1124: Caster fears sentient weapons, thinking they're out to get him

1125: Caster fears small woodland creatures

1126: Caster fears that the moment of reckoning is close at hand

1127: Caster feels a burst of confidence after casting a spell

1128: Caster feels a mild ache between his eyes when facing north

1129: Caster feels a need to explain himself when casting a spell

1130: Caster feels a sense of real urgency in his bladder

1131: Caster feels an intense desire to stare at the sun

1132: Caster feels an intense urge to drop his weapons

1133: Caster feels an intense urge to hide

1134: Caster feels an intense urge to reveal any secret he knows

1135: Caster feels an intense urge to run to the nearest well

1136: Caster feels an intense urge to sing at the top of his lungs

1137: Caster feels an urge to mark trees in the manner of a w01f

1138: Caster feels crampy and bloated

1139: Caster feels deja vu whenever he hears his name

1140: Caster feels euphoric; +2 to ability checks for 2d4 turns

1141: Caster feels giddy and energized whenever he casts a spell

1142: Caster feels hopeless; -2 to ability checks for 2d4 turns

1143: Caster feels horrible embarrassment whenever he casts a spell

1144: Caster feels hunger pangs after casting a spell

1145: Caster feels intense ecstasy whenever he's wounded

1146: Caster feels intensely guilty whenever he eats meat

1147: Caster feels intensely hung-over

1148: Caster feels like gravity has shifted by 45°

1149: Caster feels like he has been spinning in a circle for hours

1150: Caster feels like he just bearhugged a cactus

1151: Caster feels like he's been f01ded, spindled, and mutilated

1152: Caster feels like he's been manipulated all this time

1153: Caster feels like he's just come off a huge drinking binge

1154: Caster feels like he's in freefall whenever he casts a spell

1155: Caster feels naked unless wearing a tiara

1156: Caster feels out of breath after casting a spell

1157: Caster feels phantom itch in his "third" and "fourth" arms

1158: Caster feels uncomfortably c01d for the next 2d12 hours

1159: Caster feels wh011y alone in the universe

1160: Caster Feigns Death whenever he's out of spells

1161: Caster finds clothing uncomfortable in the presence of royalty

1162: Caster finds himself insufferably pretentious

1163: Caster finds his own head at the bottom of a nearby h01e

1164: Caster finds some mundane food irresistible

1165: Caster finds the taste of cooked meat offensive

1166: Caster flares like burning magnesium for one round

1167: Caster flatly refuses to believe that he's alive

1168: Caster flies into a rage after dinner

1169: Caster flies into hysterics whenever he is wounded

1170: Caster forgets a random language

1171: Caster forgets all spells he currently has memorized

1172: Caster forgets everything since yesterday morning

1173: Caster forgets his name in the presence of royalty

1174: Caster forgets how to walk

1175: Caster forgets one language but learns two others

1176: Caster forgets the Common Tongue

1177: Caster forgets the location of everything he currently carries

1178: Caster forgives his current worst enemy

1179: Caster freezes at room temperature

1180: Caster freezes s01id for d8 rounds; thaws unharmed

1181: Caster gains (at will) use of one spell of level 4d3-3

1182: Caster gains 1 HPIround until exploding as on Positive Material

1183: Caster gains 1 point of Wisdom but forfeits 5 hit points

1184: Caster gains 2 points of INT but his CON is halved

1185: Caster gains a 10%Magic Resistance

1186: Caster gains a large Keep, but it is made of cardboard

1187: Caster gains amazing ability with an unusual musical instrument

1188: Caster gains an experience level but ages 10 years

1189: Caster gains Animal Contr01 as potion

1190: Caster gains Clairaudience as potion

1191: Caster gains d10 f0110wers who believe him to be a deity

1192: Caster gains danger sense; -2 to surprise rolls

1193: Caster gains Flight as potion

1194: Caster gains Madness as Elixir

1195: Caster gains no bonuses from magical weapons

1196: Caster gains one Wish, which must be used within 3 rounds

1197: Caster gains physical repulsiveness equal to that of a medusa

1198: Caster gains proficiency in the next weapon type he touches

1199: Caster gains proficiency in the use of the mancatcher

1200: Caster gains quadrophonic hearing: +2 bonus on Surprise rolls

1201: Caster gains Red Dragon's breath weapon & suffers equal damage

1202: Caster gains the ability to read any language

1203: Caster gains the ability to see at will into the Ethereal Plane

1204: Caster gains the friendship of a legendary arch- mage

1205: Caster gains the friendship of a legendary warrior

1206: Caster gains the friendship of a prominent merchant

1207: Caster gains the friendship of a thieves' guildmaster

1208: Caster gains the friendship of a well-respected mercenary

1209: Caster gains the friendship of the owner of a major brothel

1210: Caster gains the friendship of the ruler of a major country

1211: Caster gains the lasting enmity of a legendary arch-mage

1212: Caster gains the lasting enmity of a legendary warrior

1213: Caster gains the lasting enmity of a prominent merchant

1214: Caster gains the lasting enmity of a thieves' guildmaster

1215: Caster gains the lasting enmity of a well-respected mercenary

1216: Caster gains the lasting enmity of the owner of a major brothel

1217: Caster gains the lasting enmity of the ruler of a major country

1218: Caster gains the power of clairaudience to a range of five feet

1219: Caster gains the power to grant one wish to someone else

1220: Caster gains troglodyte's breath weapon but also falls asleep

1221: Caster gains Water Breathing as potion

1222: Caster gains weight every time he says his name

1223: Caster gets a strong urge to cast spells whenever he is angered

1224: Caster gets a Wish, (50% likely to grant the opposite)

1225: Caster giggles for d10 rounds, spellcasting impossible

1226: Caster giggles in the presence of royalty

1227: Caster giggles whenever he hears a lie, but doesn't know why

1228: Caster giggles whenever he tries to tell a lie

1229: Caster glimpses Paradise and is forever changed

1230: Caster glimpses The Pit and is forever changed

1231: Caster glows as though on fire internally

1232: Caster glows for 1d10 rounds after casting a spell

1233: Caster glows like a campfire when he tries to hide in shadow

1234: Caster glows like a firefly but can stop while he concentrates

1235: Caster glows like a firefly in Moonlight

1236: Caster goes mad for 1 hour whenever he tries to cast this spell

1237: Caster grabs his ankles and can't let go until tomorrow

1238: Caster greatly desires to cross the nearest stream or river

1239: Caster growls like a lion whenever he is upset

1240: Caster grows 1/2 inch each day

1241: Caster grows a finger on each f00t

1242: Caster grows a third eye in the center of his forehead

1243: Caster grows a third eye that can see the ethereal Plane

1244: Caster grows a toe on each hand

1245: Caster grows another arm from the wrist of one arm

1246: Caster grows another finger on each hand

1247: Caster grows another leg from the ankle of one leg

1248: Caster grows another toe on each f00t

1249: Caster grows fangs and develops a marked aversion to sunlight

1250: Caster grows hair on his palms and is stricken blind

1251: Caster grows increasingly confident with each spell he casts

1252: Caster grows increasingly paranoid with each spell he casts

1253: Caster grows nonfunctional vampire fangs

1254: Caster grows thick, luxurious fleece from his skin

1255: Caster hallucinates in the presence of royalty

1256: Caster hallucinates wildly for 1d12 hours

1257: Caster has 19 Strength on one side of his body

1258: Caster has a +2 Reaction Bonus whenever courtesy is needed

1259: Caster has a 55% chance to know history of any region he enters

1260: Caster has a bad feeling that he just made a big mistake

1261: Caster has a barcode tatt00ed somewhere on his body

1262: Caster has a birthmark identifying him as a royal heir

1263: Caster has a birthmark identifying him as an agent of evi1

1264: Caster has a box of 10-gauge shotgun shells

1265: Caster has a burning need to cast his spells as s00n as he can

1266: Caster has a copy of his spellb00k on CD-ROM

1267: Caster has a copy of his unauthorized, up-to-date biography

1268: Caster has a full-body tatt00 of a full suit of chainmail

1269: Caster has a heavy steel ball chained to his ankle

1270: Caster has a nose like a m01e

1271: Caster has a nose like a tapir

1272: Caster has a nose like a thumb

1273: Caster has a porcupine in his pocket

1274: Caster has a remarkably quick temper for 1d4 days

1275: Caster has a scar he attributes to a close call with a dragon

1276: Caster has a seizure every time he tries to cast this spell

1277: Caster has a terrible fear that he's just f001ing everybody

1278: Caster has a terrific thirst for stagnant water

1279: Caster has a working clock embedded in his forehead

1280: Caster has AC-10 until he casts a spell

1281: Caster has all the symptoms of Plague but not the disease

1282: Caster has an intense desire to burn his clothes

1283: Caster has faulty depth perception; all attacks are made at -2

1284: Caster has flat vision; has no depth perception; -8 ToHit

1285: Caster has magic intuition; +25% to learn spells

1286: Caster has mirror vision; sees everything backwards

1287: Caster has misplaced his feet

1288: Caster has no desire for vengeance of any kind

1289: Caster has no fear of death whatsoever

1290: Caster has no neck; his head perches on his shoulders

1291: Caster has no vital signs while he is asleep

1292: Caster has pains for 1 roundIlevel of each spell he casts

1293: Caster has strong urge to head south next winter

1294: Caster has the distinct impression he's been buried alive

1295: Caster has the same dream each night; may think it's prophetic

1296: Caster has the wind knocked out of him; stunned 2d4 rounds

1297: Caster has tiny compartments under his fingernails

1298: Caster has to wash his hands after each spell he casts

1299: Caster has to write his name every time he hears or says it

1300: Caster has two thumbs on one hand and none on the other

1301: Caster hasn't slept in two weeks

1302: Caster hates his nose and thinks he's better off without it

1303: Caster hates magic and uses it only reluctantly

1304: Caster hates next person who meets him for the first time

1305: Caster hates the next person he mentions by name

1306: Caster head is invisible from his cheeks up

1307: Caster heals 1/2 normal rate but takes 1/2 damage from attacks

1308: Caster heals 1/2 normal rate but takes 2X damage from attacks

1309: Caster heals 2X normal rate but takes 2X damage from attacks

1310: Caster hears celestial music whenever he casts a spell

1311: Caster hears echoes when people speak to him

1312: Caster hears through his nose and smells through his ears

1313: Caster hears voices that aren't there

1314: Caster hoards coal in the hope that one day it will be diamonds

1315: Caster immune to 1 random Mage spell of random (2d5-1) leve1

1316: Caster immune to 1 random Priest spell of random (2d4-1) leve1

1317: Caster inflates like ba1100n to 1d12 f00t across for d20 rounds

1318: Caster inherits a sizable fortune from a deceased relative

1319: Caster insists his name is something it is not

1320: Caster insists that he be referred to as a prestidigitator

1321: Caster insists that he is a dragon in humanoid form

1322: Caster inspires jealousy in all but those who know him well

1323: Caster invites random foe to join his party

1324: Caster inv01untarily repels all water to a distance of 10 feet

1325: Caster is able to Detect Magic once per turn at will

1326: Caster is able to Know Time at will

1327: Caster is able to see with his eyes closed

1328: Caster is able to succeed any one roll automatically each day

1329: Caster is able to survive one death (resurrection unnecessary)

1330: Caster is abs01utely silent when naked

1331: Caster is accompanied by the clip-clop of coconut shells

1332: Caster is acutely sensitive to taste; must eat bland foods

1333: Caster is addicted to magic; needs some spell cast on him daily

1334: Caster is affected as by a Bowl of Watery Death

1335: Caster is affected as by a Br00ch of Number numbing

1336: Caster is affected as by a Cloak of poisonousness

1337: Caster is affected as by a Haste spell

1338: Caster is affected as by Levitate on half of his body

1339: Caster is affected as by a Philtre of Love

1340: Caster is affected as by a Ring of contrariness

1341: Caster is affected as by a Slow spell

1342: Caster is affected as by a Wand of Misplaced objects

1343: Caster is affected as by an amulet of inescapable location

1344: Caster is affected by Mirror Image

1345: Caster is affected by silver like a lycanthrope

1346: Caster is affected by the spell Blur for the next 10 turns

1347: Caster is afraid of his own reflection

1348: Caster is afraid to touch money

1349: Caster is alarmed now by a bustle in his hedgerow

1350: Caster is alert and coherent the instant he wakes up

1351: Caster is an illusion every other round and can cause no damage

1352: Caster is as buoyant as a block of iron

1353: Caster is as buoyant as styrofoam

1354: Caster is at the center of a Blade Barrier

1355: Caster is at the center of a whirlwind of ping-pong balls

1356: Caster is attended by 1d4 skeletons with no combat ability

1357: Caster is aware of every object now within 50 feet of him

1358: Caster is base AC 4 for d4 days; DEXIarmor bonuses still apply

1359: Caster is befriended by a family in each town within 100 miles

1360: Caster is befriended by a popular local leader

1361: Caster is befriended by all the members of a single species

1362: Caster is befriended by nearest Lich

1363: Caster is befriended by the nearest nymph or sylph

1364: Caster is believed by some to be a deity

1365: Caster is believed to bathe in the blood of innocents

1366: Caster is believed to be a leper

1367: Caster is believed to be a particularly nasty demon

1368: Caster is believed to be a practicing cannibal

1369: Caster is believed to be a town elder by nearest village

1370: Caster is believed to be an agent of evil

1371: Caster is believed to be an escaped murderer by nearest village

1372: Caster is believed to be carrying a powerful artifact

1373: Caster is believed to be carrying an especially virulent plague

1374: Caster is believed to be possessed by a demon

1375: Caster is believed to be rich beyond the dreams of avarice

1376: Caster is believed to be the cause of a local plague

1377: Caster is believed to be the worst enemy of all who view him

1378: Caster is believed to have murdered someone he did not

1379: Caster is believed to have resurrected someone he did not

1380: Caster is believed to have risen from the dead recently

1381: Caster is believed to have the cure for a local plague

1382: Caster is believed to have the power to heal

1383: Caster is blamed for crop failure in the next town he enters

1384: Caster is blamed for the death of some forgotten relative

1385: Caster is blasted to ashes

1386: Caster is blind when exposed to direct sunlight

1387: Caster is blind whenever he is at less than full hit points

1388: Caster is blinded but gains clairvoyance of the area he is in

1389: Caster is bound head to toe in coaxial cable

1390: Caster is bulletpr00f, as he'll discover if he's ever shot

1391: Caster is buried up to his waist in hot dogs

1392: Caster is burned by a large magical explosion; loses 16 HP

1393: Caster is burned by exposure to direct sunlight; 2d4 HPIround

1394: Caster is burned by holy symb01s

1395: Caster is burned by holy Water as if he were undead

1396: Caster is certain he'll meet his fate within the next week

1397: Caster is Cloned

1398: Caster is completely immune to beneficial clerical magic

1399: Caster is completely unable to save money

1400: Caster is confident he'll resurrect instantly when he dies

1401: Caster is confident that his enemies trust and respect him

1402: Caster is confident that his magic is better than anyone else's

1403: Caster is constantly mistaken for someone else

1404: Caster is constantly surrounded by a cloud of bees

1405: Caster is convinced he'll be dead by tomorrow morning

1406: Caster is convinced he'll die in a cave or mine

1407: Caster is convinced that 10 days have just passed

1408: Caster is convinced that he invented magic

1409: Caster is convinced that someone's lurking right behind him

1410: Caster is covered in a sugary glaze like a doughnut

1411: Caster is covered in ice cream and hot fudge

1412: Caster is covered in ketchup, though he believes it's blood

1413: Caster is covered in scars as if he were once badly burned

1414: Caster is covered with butter every time he casts a spell

1415: Caster is covered with painful-100king bruises

1416: Caster is covered with scales which fall off in 1d4 days

1417: Caster is deafened but gains clairaudience of the area he is in

1418: Caster is deeply embarrassed by the sound of his voice

1419: Caster is deeply embarrassed whenever he casts a spell

1420: Caster is despised by all the members of a single species

1421: Caster is dispatched to a random plane, as spell

1422: Caster is doused in whipped cream

1423: Caster is drenched in pig's blood

1424: Caster is driven insane, as Mindshatter spell

1425: Caster is encased in a box made of bulletpr00f glass

1426: Caster is ensnared by another caster's Monster Summoning

1427: Caster is entangled by rapidly growing grass or the like

1428: Caster is equally affected by every spell he casts on others

1429: Caster is Feebleminded as by spell and Enfeebled as by Ray

1430: Caster is Feebleminded when exposed to direct sunlight

1431: Caster is filled with straw, not blood or internal organs

1432: Caster is forever unable to teleport

1433: Caster is granted one wish during each of the next 1d4 years

1434: Caster is hallucinates wildly for 1d12 hours

1435: Caster is haunted by ghastly visions of his own death

1436: Caster is Healed (not resurrected) under next 2d6 Full Moons

1437: Caster is Healed the next time he suffers 10 HP of fire damage

1438: Caster is Held d6 rounds each time he speaks his name

1439: Caster is Held for d10 rounds

1440: Caster is Held until someone speaks his name

1441: Caster is henceforth 50% likely to go berserk after eating

1442: Caster is henceforth 50% likely to vomit after eating

1443: Caster is henceforth 50% likely to weep after eating

1444: Caster is heroic; immune to fear and confusion

1445: Caster is hit by 1 HD lightning b01t whenever he hears his name

1446: Caster is h01ding a stick of dynamite with a burning fuse

1447: Caster is h01ding a tray full of hors d'oeuvres

1448: Caster is h01ding an enormous basket of turnips

1449: Caster is h01ding an ice cream sandwich in each hand

1450: Caster is immortal for the next 1d8 days

1451: Caster is immortal, but has a fatal weakness (ie., cannot move)

1452: Caster is immune to all magical healing efforts for d4 days

1453: Caster is immune to all nonmagical snake venom

1454: Caster is immune to bludgeoning attacks (mace, etc) for d4 days

1455: Caster is immune to fire for d6 hours

1456: Caster is immune to gaze attacks

1457: Caster is immune to gaze attacks for d100 days

1458: Caster is immune to lycanthropy

1459: Caster is immune to magical scrying or detection

1460: Caster is immune to natural extremes of weather when naked

1461: Caster is immune to next 10 01factory (gas) attacks against him

1462: Caster is immune to nonmagical disease for one year

1463: Caster is immune to normal fire while chanting "icy- nicey"

1464: Caster is immune to piercing attacks for 1d4 days

1465: Caster is immune to slashing attacks for 1d4 days

1466: Caster is immune to sonic attacks

1467: Caster is implicated in a local property dispute

1468: Caster is implicated in a tawdry scandal in a nearby town

1469: Caster is instantly liked by those with the same c010r of hair

1470: Caster is invisible except while he speaks

1471: Caster is invisible from the back but visible from the front

1472: Caster is invisible from the front but visible from the back

1473: Caster is invisible in daylight but illuminated in darkness

1474: Caster is invisible to himself

1475: Caster is invisible to the target

1476: Caster is invisible to undead, who are also invisible to him

1477: Caster is invisible to vampires until he speaks or attacks

1478: Caster is invisible when naked and unencumbered

1479: Caster is invisible when no one is 100king

1480: Caster is invisible whenever he shoves his fist in his mouth

1481: Caster is invisible while he speaks

1482: Caster is invisible, intangible, and silenced for 10d6 rounds

1483: Caster is invulnerable to all harm for 1d6-1 rounds

1484: Caster is invulnerable until he harms someone

1485: Caster is just out of sight and earshot of his allies

1486: Caster is killed and butchered like a deer

1487: Caster is knocked unconscious and cannot be roused until dawn

1488: Caster is lightly seasoned and coated in breadcrumbs

1489: Caster is mistaken for someone else wherever he goes

1490: Caster is morbidly fascinated with undead

1491: Caster is naturally careful; never makes a Critical fumble

1492: Caster is neon pink for the intended spell's duration

1493: Caster is next in line for the throne

1494: Caster is not affected by any First Level spells

1495: Caster is not harmed by ingested poisons

1496: Caster is nourished by grass instead of food for d10 days

1497: Caster is now dressed in full f00tball padding

1498: Caster is now dressed like a hockey goalie

1499: Caster is now dressed like a h011ywood viking

1500: Caster is obsessed with removing one of his vital organs

1501: Caster is only able to hear that which he can see

1502: Caster is only able to hear when his eyes are closed

1503: Caster is only able to hear when his mouth is open

1504: Caster is only able to open his mouth when his eyes are closed

1505: Caster is only able to see in 2 dimensions; -4 ToHit

1506: Caster is only able to see when his eyes are closed

1507: Caster is painfully and messily disemboweled

1508: Caster is paralyzed by intense pain for 1d4 rounds

1509: Caster is perceived to be a bully

1510: Caster is p01ymorphed into duplicate of the target

1511: Caster is pretty sure he can breathe underwater

1512: Caster is prone to ridiculous exaggeration

1513: Caster is protected by Mordenkainen's Faithful Phantom Guardian

1514: Caster is Protected from Self, as spell, for 10d10 days

1515: Caster is pummeled by hail for 1 turn, losing 4d4 hit points

1516: Caster is pursued by a Red Dragon but believes he is not

1517: Caster is pursued by bees as if he were their queen

1518: Caster is pursued by flies and vultures as if he were carrion

1519: Caster is pursued by groupies and wanna-bees

1520: Caster is randomly teleported 10 miles (50% chance Up or Down)

1521: Caster is reduced to 1/2 strength when exposed to direct sunlight

1522: Caster is reduced to 1 Hit Point

1523: Caster is reduced to Level One for 5 turns

1524: Caster is refreshed as from a good night's sleep

1525: Caster is reluctant to use magic for fear of Wild Surges

1526: Caster is rendered Timeless, as priest spell, for d10 days

1527: Caster is repulsed by holy symb01s

1528: Caster is resurrected the next time he is slain (NO CON loss)

1529: Caster is roasted by a huge magical explosion; loses 32 HP

1530: Caster is rumored to have a terribly embarrassing disease

1531: Caster is scarred as though he was disassembled and rebuilt

1532: Caster is scorched by a tiny magical explosion; loses 2 HP

1533: Caster is sent to alternate Prime Material plane

1534: Caster is singed by a medium magical explosion; loses 8 HP

1535: Caster is standing atop a rickety ladder

1536: Caster is standing atop the nearest hill

1537: Caster is standing in a bucket of oatmea1

1538: Caster is standing upon a rickety tower of orange crates

1539: Caster is Stoneskinned

1540: Caster is stricken mute in the presence of royalty

1541: Caster is stunned by the true expanse of the universe

1542: Caster is stunned for 1d4 rounds each time he casts a spell

1543: Caster is stunned for d10 rounds

1544: Caster is Stunned whenever he casts a spell

1545: Caster is suddenly carrying a sophisticated laptop computer

1546: Caster is suddenly h01ding his kidneys in his hands

1547: Caster is suddenly lying face-down on the ground

1548: Caster is suddenly sitting atop a lamppost

1549: Caster is suddenly standing in a construction site toilet

1550: Caster is suddenly standing in the middle of a bonfire

1551: Caster is suddenly standing knee-deep in snow

1552: Caster is suddenly standing on an island in a lake of magma

1553: Caster is suddenly standing on his head

1554: Caster is suddenly wearing a construction helmet

1555: Caster is suddenly wearing a large diaper

1556: Caster is suddenly wearing a suit of aluminum chainmail

1557: Caster is suddenly wearing a top-of-the-line kevlar helmet

1558: Caster is suddenly wearing all the clothes he owns

1559: Caster is suddenly wearing nothing but a fishing net

1560: Caster is suddenly wearing nothing but fig leaves

1561: Caster is suddenly wearing two large oysters on his feet

1562: Caster is suffering from advanced hypothermia

1563: Caster is suffering from severe stomach cramps

1564: Caster is sure an artifact is buried around here somewhere

1565: Caster is surrounded by fireflies and can be seen at all times

1566: Caster is surrounded by ostriches

1567: Caster is suspected in an assassination plot

1568: Caster is suspended upside down in a water-filled glass box

1569: Caster is suspicious of any who light a fire in his presence

1570: Caster is tapped on the shoulder once every d10 rounds

1571: Caster is teleported anywhere, anytime, randomly

1572: Caster is teleported into nearest h0110w but standing tree

1573: Caster is teleported into nearest Monastery

1574: Caster is teleported into the bathing p001 of the nearest nymph

1575: Caster is teleported into the nearest cave

1576: Caster is teleported into the nearest keep

1577: Caster is teleported into the nearest prison

1578: Caster is teleported one mile straight up

1579: Caster is teleported onto his own shoulders

1580: Caster is teleported onto the branches of the nearest tree

1581: Caster is teleported onto the shoulders of target

1582: caster is teleported to the 3d6th layer of the Abyss

1583: caster is teleported to the bottom of the nearest well

1584: caster is teleported to the lair of the tarrasque

1585: Caster is teleported to the nearest convent

1586: Caster is teleported to the place from which he last teleported

1587: Caster is teleported to within 10' of nearest Lich

1588: Caster is terrified of becoming invisible

1589: Caster is terrified of death and br00ds upon it constantly

1590: Caster is terrified of getting his feet wet

1591: Caster is thoroughly humiliated and demoralized

1592: Caster is thought by local villagers to be a prophesized savior

1593: Caster is thought by local villagers to be a vampire

1594: Caster is thought to be a minor official in a major country

1595: caster is thought to be a prominent official in a major country

1596: caster is thought to be a successful merchant or guildmaster

1597: caster is thought to be some random dweeb from a far-off land

1598: caster is thought to be the ruler of an empire

1599: Caster is thought to be the s01e ruler of a major country

1600: Caster is thought to be the s01e ruler of a minor country

1601: Caster is thought to be the s01e ruler of a spot on the map

1602: Caster is thought to be the s01e survivor of a royal family

1603: Caster is toasted by a small magical explosion; loses 4 HP

1604: Caster is transported to an Outer Plane for d10 rounds

1605: Caster is trapped in a stack of tires

1606: Caster is unable to cast any spells tomorrow

1607: Caster is unable to cast non-illusion spells for 24 hours

1608: Caster is unable to consume or digest s01id foods

1609: caster is unable to create Illusions for 24 hours

1610: Caster is unable to hear his own voice

1611: Caster is unable to perceive illusions for 1d12 hours

1612: caster is unable to read except while exposed to sunlight

1613: caster is unable to read while exposed to sunlight

1614: Caster is unable to remain quiet where silence is required

1615: Caster is unable to speak except in a b00ming shout

1616: caster is unable to swallow food in the presence of others

1617: caster is unable to tell when he is lying

1618: Caster is unaffected by gravity when his eyes are closed

1619: Caster is unaffected by gravity when lying face down

1620: Caster is unaffected by the next Abjuration cast against him

1621: Caster is unaffected by the next Alteration cast against him

1622: Caster is unaffected by the next Conjuration cast against him

1623: Caster is unaffected by the next Divination cast against him

1624: Caster is unaffected by the next Enchantment cast against him

1625: Caster is unaffected by the next Evocation cast against him

1626: Caster is unaffected by the next Illusion cast against him

1627: Caster is unaffected by the next Necromancy cast against him

1628: Caster is unharmed by next 1d20 hit points of damage he suffers

1629: Caster is visible to infravision like a lighthouse beacon

1630: Caster is vulnerable to rust monsters like metal

1631: Caster is wearing an 01d deep-sea diving suit

1632: Caster is wearing ballet slippers

1633: Caster is wearing carbon steel handcuffs

1634: Caster is wearing red suspenders (to keep his pants up)

1635: Caster is wh011y unwilling to compromise in matters of food

1636: Caster is wracked with guilt whenever he casts a spell

1637: Caster is wrapped head to toe in a coil of chain

1638: Caster is wrapped in a coc00n like a caterpillar

1639: Caster isn't entirely sure that he exists

1640: Caster jumps up and down whenever he casts a spell

1641: Caster keeps mushrooms and fungus as pets

1642: Caster kicks like a mule whenever he hears his name

1643: Caster knows the complete Pittsburgh bus schedule for

1644: 1401 Caster knows the first name of everyone now within 100 yards

1645: Caster knows the meaning of life briefly, then forgets it

1646: Caster knows the meaning of life but can't articulate it

1647: Caster knows the meaning of life but doesn't believe it

1648: Caster lashes out at nearby ally and attacks until subdued

1649: Caster laughs disconcertingly when he is injured

1650: Caster laughs like a hyena at the sight of blood

1651: Caster laughs like a madman in the presence of royalty

1652: Caster laughs like a madman whenever he casts a spell

1653: Caster leaps 90' straight up and lands without harm

1654: Caster learns 1d3 languages during the next 2 months

1655: Caster learns a language which does not otherwise exist

1656: Caster learns that a now-dead relative committed awful crimes

1657: Caster learns that he was adopted

1658: Caster leaves f00tprints on any nonmagical surface

1659: Caster leaves no f00tprints for d8 weeks

1660: Caster leaves strange, disquieting odors in his wake

1661: Caster leaves wet f00tprints wherever he goes

1662: Caster left a fire in his fireplace; house is now ablaze

1663: Caster levitates 1' above ground, retains normal Movement Rate

1664: Caster levitates slightly when he casts a spell

1665: Caster levitates slightly when he sleeps

1666: Caster likes to reminisce with undead

1667: Caster likes to speak as though he's giving prophecy

1668: Caster likes to tell bawdy jokes in the presence of royalty

1669: Caster likes to wear dark clothes and pretend he's a vampire

1670: Caster looks and sounds different to each creature viewing him

1671: Caster looks drastically different to everyone but himself

1672: Caster looks like a badly decayed corpse while he's asleep

1673: Caster looks like a cute little forest animal while asleep

1674: Caster looks like a murder victim while he's asleep

1675: Caster looks like a stereotypica11950's H011ywood Martian

1676: Caster looks like an Impressionist painting while asleep

1677: Caster looks more and more like a burned-out hippie

1678: Caster looks sickly and emaciated but is not

1679: Caster loses 1 HPIround until dying as on Negative Material

1680: Caster loses 1 LevelIHit Die per day until becoming Juju zombie

1681: Caster loses 1d4 additional hit points from all fire damage

1682: Caster loses 1d4 fewer hit points from all fire damage

1683: Caster loses 1d6 hit points whenever he says a pun

1684: Caster loses 2d4 Experience Levels (and appropriate abilities)

1685: Caster loses a piece of clothing each time he casts a spell

1686: Caster loses a t00th during each of the next 4d8 nights

1687: Caster loses a t00th each time he tells a lie

1688: Caster loses access to a sch001 of magic till he rises a level

1689: Caster loses access to ALL knowledge held in his mind

1690: Caster loses access to one sch001 of magic

1691: Caster loses all proficiency in all weapons

1692: Caster loses all sense of the passage of space

1693: Caster loses all sense of the passage of time

1694: Caster loses consciousness; can't find it again for d10 hours

1695: Caster loses d4 HP whenever he tries to cast a spell

1696: Caster loses hair and all facial features, but retains senses

1697: Caster loses his mind; can't find it again for d20 rounds

1698: Caster loses his spellb00k; can't find it again for d4 days

1699: Caster loses one hit point each time he tells a lie

1700: Caster loses one hit point per level of each spell he casts

1701: Caster loses spellcasting ability for d10 years

1702: Caster loses spellcasting ability for d6 days

1703: Caster loses stereophonic hearing: -1 penalty on Surprise rolls

1704: Caster loses the ability to ReadIWrite a random language

1705: Caster loses the sense of smell

1706: Caster loses the sense of taste

1707: Caster loses the sense of touch

1708: Caster loves to tell preposterous stories of his youth

1709: Caster makes a spirited attempt to swallow his own head

1710: Caster makes enemies easily; -2 to all reaction rolls

1711: Caster may call down one 3HD lightning b01t per day; no saves

1712: Caster may Command one being; cannot refuse, obeys as is able

1713: Caster may Teleport without Error twice

1714: Caster melts over next d6 rounds unless Remove Curse is cast

1715: Caster metamorphoses into a Bodak over next d6 months

1716: Caster mimics the facial features of each person he touches

1717: Caster mistakenly Gated by a random Outer Plane being

1718: Caster mistakenly Gates a random Outer Planes being

1719: Caster mistakenly Gates himself to a random Outer Plane

1720: Caster moves as though balancing a serving tray on his head

1721: Caster moves as though he is underwater

1722: Caster moves as though standing knee-deep in water

1723: Caster moves d10 rounds into future; loses intervening rounds

1724: Caster must check CON every morning or fall asleep again

1725: Caster must eat 2x the normal amount of food to be nourished

1726: Caster must graze like a cow for food

1727: Caster must roll a STR check: if successful, he gains 1d4 sTR

1728: Caster must roll for System Shock for each wound or pass out

1729: Caster must Save or spell strikes target

1730: Caster must Save vs Death AND Spell or become a Lich

1731: Caster must Save vs Death Magic or be disintegrated

1732: Caster must Save vs Death Magic or turn into a snowman

1733: Caster must Save vs Death or implode and perish

1734: Caster must Save vs Death or turn inside out and die instantly

1735: Caster must Save vs Disintegration or be disintegrated

1736: Caster must say "Klaatu verada nikto" to open his spellb00k

1737: Caster must say a rhymed couplet whenever he casts a spell

1738: Caster never misplaces his possessions

1739: Caster never needs to bathe

1740: Caster never needs to bathe to remain clean

1741: Caster no longer feels hunger and must be reminded to eat

1742: Caster no longer has any concept of personal space

1743: Caster no longer has to move his mouth in order to speak

1744: Caster no longer throws a shadow

1745: Caster now has tusks like a walrus

1746: Caster omniscient for 1round, then forgets it all

1747: Caster only needs to eat once per week

1748: Caster or random female ally becomes as beautiful as a nymph

1749: Caster or random male ally becomes as beautiful as a nymph

1750: Caster owns a widescreen c010r television

1751: Caster owns two long-range, s01ar -powered walkie-talkies

1752: Caster panics at the sight of his own blood

1753: Caster perceives a hideous monster to be standing behind him

1754: Caster perceives everyone nearby to be affected by Mirror image

1755: Caster perceives everyone to be facing 180° fromItoward him

1756: Caster perceives hidden demonic meaning in everyday events

1757: Caster perceives himself to be standing behind an evil monster

1758: Caster perceives himself to be standing behind himself

1759: Caster perceives just about everything to be an ill omen

1760: Caster perceives maggots to be writhing within his flesh

1761: Caster perceives sculptures to portray only horrifying images

1762: Caster perceives those around him to be naked

1763: Caster permanently affected as by Nahal's Nonsensical Nullifier

1764: Caster permanently forgets one spell now in his spellb00k

1765: Caster permanently gains +1 to DEX

1766: Caster permanently loses 10 pounds

1767: Caster p01ymorphed into an orangutan

1768: Caster p01ymorphs into a duplicate of the next ally he touches

1769: Caster p01ymorphs into a frog (retains attributes)

1770: Caster p01ymorphs into a frog-sized human (retains attributes)

1771: Caster p01ymorphs into a human-sized frog (retains attributes)

1772: Caster p01ymorphs into a physical duplicate of his worst enemy

1773: Caster p01ymorphs randomly each time he is exposed to sunlight

1774: Caster p01ymorphs randomly every d4 hours

1775: Caster p01ymorphs randomly, permanently; Wishes have no effect

1776: Caster Possesses target for d10 rounds

1777: Caster professes intense jealousy of an imaginary sibling

1778: Caster punches himself in the jaw: 50% to knock himself out

1779: Caster punches the person standing nearest to him

1780: Caster quacks like a duck when he's angry

1781: Caster questions himself before using magic: +4 to Casting Time

1782: Caster radiates antilife; drains 1 HPIround from all within 10'

1783: Caster raises a d10 yard radius hemisphere of stone from ground

1784: Caster randomly teleported 1 mile (N,S,E,W,NE,SE,SW,NW)

1785: Caster reacts to criticism with hysterical sobbing

1786: Caster realizes he carries a small but powerful magic item

1787: Caster realizes he has a knife stuck in his thigh

1788: Caster realizes he hasn't slept in three weeks

1789: Caster realizes he was assembled out of dismembered corpses

1790: Caster realizes he was formed by a Mirror of Opposition

1791: Caster realizes he's carrying a lich's phylactery

1792: Caster realizes he's never worn clothing in his life

1793: Caster realizes that he only memorized Read Magic today

1794: Caster realizes that the universe was born in a huge explosion

1795: Caster realizes that the universe was hatched from a giant egg

1796: Caster receives Shocking Grasp from next PC he touches

1797: Caster receives static shocks every time he touches metal

1798: Caster recites the contents of his spellb00k while asleep

1799: Caster recoils from holy symb01s as if he were undead

1800: Caster recovers an additional 2 hit points each day

1801: Caster reeks of ammonia whenever he casts a spell

1802: Caster refuses to accept that he's ever triggered a Wild Surge

1803: Caster refuses to admit that anything occurred before his birth

1804: Caster refuses to drink healing potions

1805: Caster refuses to eat meat which he did not kill himself

1806: Caster refuses to talk for 1d10+10 rounds after casting a spell

1807: Caster regains all spells he cast within last 24 hours

1808: Caster regards any missed attack as a personal failure

1809: Caster regenerates 1 HPIround for the next 20+d20 rounds

1810: Caster regenerates 1 HPIturn, but regenerates as troll flesh

1811: Caster regenerates fire and/or acid damage, 1 HP per hour

1812: Caster remembers the name of everyone he meets

1813: Caster renounces magic until he's next affected by a spell

1814: Caster repeats the same sentence over and over; no spellcasting

1815: Caster rises on a c01umn of stone 10' into the air

1816: Caster roars like a lion after particularly good meals

1817: Caster roars like a lion when angered

1818: Caster runs amok

1819: Caster runs in his sleep

1820: Caster Saves vs Death or becomes flesh-hued 00ze

1821: Caster Saves vs Death or skull shrinks by half, causing death

1822: Caster Saves vs Magic or becomes a duplicate of the target

1823: Caster Saves vs Petrify or petrifies on seeing his reflection

1824: Caster Saves vs Petrify or turns to air

1825: Caster Saves vs Petrify or turns to clay

1826: Caster Saves vs Petrify or turns to lifeless diamond

1827: Caster Saves vs Petrify or turns to mithral

1828: Caster Saves vs Petrify or turns to mud

1829: Caster Saves vs Petrify or turns to non-sentient platinum

1830: Caster Saves vs Petrify or turns to sentient gold

1831: Caster Saves vs Petrify or turns to steel

1832: Caster Saves vs Petrify or turns to stone and crumbles

1833: Caster Saves vs Petrify or turns to water

1834: Caster Saves vs Petrify or turns to wood

1835: Caster says "Tah-dah!" after each spell he casts

1836: Caster sealed in a bubble which air cannot penetrate

1837: Caster seeks his long lost twin sibling (who might not exist)

1838: Caster seems to bleed from his eyes when exposed to sunlight

1839: Caster seems to double in weight each round in direct sunlight

1840: Caster seems to speak in the voice of each who hears him

1841: Caster seems untrustworthy; suffers -3 on Reaction rolls

1842: Caster seems vaguely familiar to everyone who meets him

1843: Caster seems very trustworthy; receives +3 on Reaction rolls

1844: Caster sees all others to be affected by Nonsensical Nullifier

1845: Caster sees everything in heavy sepia tints

1846: Caster sees in the Ethereal Plane but cannot see in the Prime

1847: Caster sees omens of the pending apocalypse in everyday events

1848: Caster sees perfectly in the dark but is blind in the light

1849: Caster sees strange figures out of the corner of his eye

1850: Caster sees the plane of primal magic; check WIS or go nuts

1851: Caster shatters into 5d10 tiny duplicates of himself for 1 turn

1852: Caster shatters into countless little cubes; reforms in 1 turn

1853: Caster sheds his skin like a snake every d6 days

1854: Caster sheds tears every time he casts a spell

1855: Caster shines like a lighthouse beacon when he is asleep

1856: Caster shines like the sun when hiding in shadows

1857: Caster shouts profanity in the presence of royalty

1858: Caster shows all signs of having been struck by lightning

1859: Caster shows no reflection in mirrors

1860: Caster shrinks 1/2 inch each day

1861: Caster shrinks by 1/2 each turn while exposed to direct sunlight

1862: Caster shrinks by 10%

1863: Caster shrinks by 10% for every 10% of his hit points he loses

1864: Caster shrinks to 1I10 his height while invisible

1865: Caster shunted to Border Ethereal; doppleganger takes his place

1866: Caster sinks into depression whenever he casts a spell

1867: Caster sinks into ground up to his knees

1868: Caster sinks into the ground up to his ankles for d6 rounds

1869: Caster sinks into the ground up to his chest for d6 rounds

1870: Caster sinks into the ground up to his neck for d6 rounds

1871: Caster sinks into the ground up to his waist for d6 rounds

1872: Caster sinks like a stone in water when naked

1873: Caster skips every other round for next 1+1d20 rounds

1874: caster smells like a badly decayed corpse while he's asleep

1875: caster smells like a skunk for 1d10 rounds after bathing

1876: caster smells like brimstone for the spell's duration

1877: Caster smells like goat cheese but without the subtlety

1878: Caster smells of roses and lavender while he sleeps

1879: Caster smells strongly of blood in the presence of vampires

1880: Caster smells strongly of catnip

1881: Caster smells strongly of garlic in the presence of vampires

1882: Caster smiles at oddly inappropriate times

1883: Caster sneezes when trying to cast spells; +3 to casting times

1884: Caster sneezes whenever he hears his name

1885: Caster s00n has an opportunity to save a god's life

1886: Caster speaks an unknown tongue for 1 turn after casting spells

1887: Caster speaks gibberish but believes he is speaking Common

1888: Caster speaks in a b00ming voice when he tries to whisper

1889: Caster speaks in a whisper whenever he tells a lie

1890: Caster speaks in rhyme; spellcasting impossible

1891: Caster speaks in three-part harmony for d8 turns

1892: Caster speaks shocking blasphemies in the presence of clergy

1893: Caster speaks through his ears and hears through his mouth

1894: Caster spends 1d10 rounds ridiculing his best friend

1895: Caster spends 24 hours in hell: gains a level when he returns

1896: Caster spins a coc00n & emerges fully healed after 1 week

1897: Caster spins like a top for d6 rounds; DEX check or fall over

1898: Caster sprouts a new nose in the center of his forehead

1899: Caster sprouts a new nose right next to his original one

1900: Caster sprouts a tail like a monkey

1901: Caster sprouts a tail like a rabbit

1902: Caster sprouts a tail like a stegosaurus

1903: Caster sprouts an ugly face on the back of his head

1904: Caster sprouts another arm from his sternum

1905: Caster sprouts butterfly wings (Fl 6, MC C); remain for d6 days

1906: Caster sprouts dear antlers 1664 Caster sprouts elephant ears

1907: Caster sprouts feathers

1908: Caster sprouts giraffe horns

1909: Caster sprouts one wing from his shoulder blade

1910: Caster sprouts rabbit ears

1911: Caster squeaks like a mouse when he is frightened

1912: Caster stares vacantly into space for 1d4 rounds

1913: Caster sticks his fingers in his ears and can't remove them

1914: Caster stinks like a tomb when exposed to direct sunlight

1915: Caster stinks of rotting fish in the presence of royalty

1916: Caster strikes his thumb whenever he uses a hammer

1917: Caster struck as by Magic Missile each time he hears his name

1918: Caster stutters through time, existing only every other round

1919: Caster sucks his thumb like an infant for 1d4 turns

1920: Caster suddenly doesn't believe in magic

1921: Caster suddenly finds himself inside a 55-gallon steel drum

1922: Caster suddenly finds himself standing within an ig100

1923: Caster suddenly gains 50 pounds of baby fat

1924: Caster suffers Blindness

1925: Caster suffers delusions of grandeur when he casts spells

1926: Caster suffers financial ruin over the next few months

1927: Caster suffers full effect of the intended spell: no Save

1928: Caster suffers great embarrassment whenever he casts a spell

1929: Caster suffers illusionary wounds identical to those he causes

1930: Caster suffers insomnia; can't sleep next 5d4 days

1931: Caster suffers no damage from one attack each round

1932: Caster suffers normal damage from illusions for next 24 hours

1933: Caster suffers reverse of magical healing efforts for 1d4 days

1934: Caster suffers reversed effect of the intended spell: no Save

1935: Caster suffers withdrawal unless he eats mud each day

1936: Caster Summons 1d20 kob01ds, who attack randomly

1937: Caster Summons Self (see spell listing)

1938: Caster suspects some great entity is hiding nearby

1939: Caster suspects that he's not who everyone says he is

1940: Caster suspects that his allies don't really trust him

1941: Caster swaps personae with each being he touches

1942: Caster swaps personae with the next sentient weapon he touches

1943: Caster sweats acid, destroying clothes but not harming him

1944: Caster sweats profusely in the presence of royalty

1945: Caster takes damage one round after it occurs

1946: Caster takes illusory damage next 2d10 rounds; doesn't know it

1947: Caster takes normal damage from illusions for next

1948: rounds l706 Caster teleports 1 mile; stone replica appears in his place

1949: Caster teleports 1 yard to the left whenever he casts a spell

1950: Caster teleports randomly whenever he hears or speaks his name

1951: Caster teleports to nearest dragon's horde for 1d8 rounds

1952: Caster teleports to the place he slept the previous night

1953: Caster teleports to the place of his birth, returns in d4 days

1954: Caster tells outrageous lies in the presence of royalty

1955: Caster tends to giggle at inappropriate times

1956: Caster thinks a big bad w01f wants to blow his house down

1957: Caster thinks all allies are extensions of himself

1958: Caster thinks all around him are children

1959: Caster thinks all bath water is really strong acid

1960: Caster thinks all his enemies are telepathically linked

1961: Caster thinks all of his allies are doppelgangers

1962: Caster thinks an earthquake is going on

1963: Caster thinks any Illusions he casts are real for next 24 hours

1964: Caster thinks any injuries he has are illusions

1965: Caster thinks cockroaches are burrowing through his flesh

1966: Caster thinks demons hound him at every turn

1967: Caster thinks dragons are allies who've been p01ymorphed

1968: Caster thinks Ethereal monsters are all around him

1969: Caster thinks every question he is asked is a riddle

1970: Caster thinks every town he enters is the town of his birth

1971: Caster thinks every weapon he wields is intelligent

1972: Caster thinks everyone around him is dreaming

1973: Caster thinks everyone around him is omniscient

1974: Caster thinks everyone else is insane

1975: Caster thinks everyone he meets looks vaguely familiar

1976: Caster thinks everyone in the world knows his secrets

1977: Caster thinks everyone is trustworthy until proven otherwise

1978: Caster thinks everyone thinks he's an impostor

1979: Caster thinks everyone who speaks Common is speaking gibberish

1980: Caster thinks everyone who speaks to him has his voice

1981: Caster thinks everyone's name is the same as his

1982: Caster thinks everything he does is part of a holy quest

1983: Caster thinks everything is invisible when he closes his eyes

1984: Caster thinks foes in immediate area are extensions of himself

1985: Caster thinks hair is evil and must be shorn from his body

1986: Caster thinks he ages a year (decade?) each day

1987: Caster thinks he can beat his addiction to air

1988: Caster thinks he can cause death with a touch

1989: Caster thinks he can change his skin c010r like a chameleon

1990: Caster thinks he can command undead

1991: Caster thinks he can communicate with inanimate objects at will

1992: Caster thinks he can contr01 others by chanting "blinky"

1993: Caster thinks he can interpret dreams as omens

1994: Caster thinks he can snuff campfires with his bare hands

1995: Caster thinks he can unscrew his head at the neck

1996: Caster thinks he did something dreadful last night

1997: Caster thinks he exists only in the dreams of others

1998: Caster thinks he founded the nearest town

1999: Caster thinks he had a deeply mystical experience as a child

2000: Caster thinks he has an evil twin who's plotting his death

2001: Caster thinks he has been Geased by a high-level cleric

2002: Caster thinks he has been poisoned

2003: Caster thinks he has been p01ymorphed

2004: Caster thinks he has been Summoned here by powerful magic

2005: Caster thinks he has far t00 much blood in his body

2006: Caster thinks he has forgotten something but actually has not

2007: Caster thinks he has journeyed here from the distant future

2008: Caster thinks he has just returned from 24 hours spent in hell

2009: Caster thinks he has just returned from a pilgrimage

2010: Caster thinks he has just spoken with his deity

2011: Caster thinks he has only a limited amount of magic left

2012: Caster thinks he has only twenty minutes to live

2013: Caster thinks he has recently committed a horrible crime

2014: Caster thinks he has recently offended some god of Death

2015: Caster thinks he has remembered something but actually has not

2016: Caster thinks he has shrunken to half his height

2017: Caster thinks he has the gift of prophecy

2018: Caster thinks he invented magic

2019: Caster thinks he is a clone of someone else

2020: Caster thinks he is a deity

2021: Caster thinks he is a deity when in the presence of royalty

2022: Caster thinks he is a demon in mortal form

2023: caster thinks he is a demon possessing himself

2024: Caster thinks he is a doppleganger

2025: Caster thinks he is a dragon who's forgotten how to p01ymorph

2026: Caster thinks he is a false personality

2027: Caster thinks he is a fire elemental

2028: Caster thinks he is a flesh g01em

2029: Caster thinks he is a flesh-eating ghoul

2030: Caster thinks he is a reformed c01d-blooded killer

2031: Caster thinks he is a water elemental

2032: Caster thinks he is able to heal with a touch

2033: Caster thinks he is affected by Mirror Image but is not

2034: Caster thinks he is affected by the spell Haste

2035: Caster thinks he is affected by the spell Slow

2036: Caster thinks he is after Them (whoever They are)

2037: Caster thinks he is an avatar of a minor deity

2038: caster thinks he is an elementary sch001 teacher

2039: Caster thinks he is an emperor with in the presence of royalty

2040: Caster thinks he is an illithid

2041: Caster thinks he is an illusion

2042: Caster thinks he is an image from his own subconscious

2043: Caster thinks he is an iron g01em

2044: Caster thinks he is as beautiful as a nymph

2045: Caster thinks he is as beautiful as a nymph

2046: Caster thinks he is at death's d00r

2047: Caster thinks he is being tested by his deity

2048: Caster thinks he is bleeding at a tremendous rate

2049: Caster thinks he is blessed with eternal youth

2050: Caster thinks he is bound by a demonic pact

2051: Caster thinks he is controlled by someone

2052: Caster thinks he is covered with ants

2053: Caster thinks he is currently living in a past life

2054: Caster thinks he is dead

2055: Caster thinks he is deeply in love with one of his allies

2056: Caster thinks he is destined to be king

2057: Caster thinks he is dreaming while exposed to direct sunlight

2058: Caster thinks he is drowning

2059: Caster thinks he is fated to be slain by his own son

2060: Caster thinks he is his astral form, pushed from his body

2061: Caster thinks he is hunted by religious zealots

2062: Caster thinks he is immortal

2063: Caster thinks he is immune to fire

2064: Caster thinks he is in two places at once l823 Caster thinks he is insane

2065: Caster thinks he is insane but is not

2066: Caster thinks he is invincible when exposed to direct sunlight

2067: Caster thinks he is invisible, despite what anyone says

2068: Caster thinks he is laboring under some horrible curse

2069: Caster thinks he is literally the center of the universe

2070: Caster thinks he is married (or single, if he's married)

2071: Caster thinks he is naked while in the presence of royalty

2072: Caster thinks he is next in line for the nearest throne

2073: Caster thinks he is not truly himself

2074: Caster thinks he is omniscient

2075: Caster thinks he is on a quest to find his real parents

2076: Caster thinks he is phenomenally important to the universe

2077: Caster thinks he is possessed by a demon

2078: Caster thinks he is pursued by a Red Dragon but is not

2079: Caster thinks he is sleepwalking

2080: Caster thinks he is standing three feet to his right

2081: Caster thinks he is the offspring of a Divine Birth

2082: Caster thinks he is the rightful ruler of this kingdom

2083: Caster thinks he is the target of an elaborate conspiracy

2084: Caster thinks he is two separate people (1 LawfulI1 good, etc)

2085: Caster thinks he is undead

2086: Caster thinks he is under a Geas but doesn't know why

2087: Caster thinks he is untrustworthy

2088: Caster thinks he is very charming to those of opposite sex

2089: Caster thinks he just committed a major faux pas

2090: Caster thinks he just forgot the meaning of life

2091: Caster thinks he knows an ancient and forgotten language

2092: Caster thinks he knows how to swallow swords

2093: Caster thinks he knows the first name of everyone he meets

2094: Caster thinks he knows the Fly spell

2095: Caster thinks he knows where to find the Fountain of Youth

2096: Caster thinks he may Teleport at will but is incorrect

2097: Caster thinks he must avenge the death of an imagined sibling

2098: Caster thinks he owes a favor to some random demon

2099: caster thinks he owns and rules the surrounding property

2100: caster thinks he plays a pivotal roll in the fate of the world

2101: Caster thinks he really works in an office 9 to 5 each day

2102: Caster thinks he receives his spells from some deity or another

2103: Caster thinks he recently murdered someone and is on the run

2104: Caster thinks he regenerates like a troll

2105: Caster thinks he smells terrible

2106: Caster thinks he st01e his spellb00k from a vengeful archmage

2107: Caster thinks he used to be immortal

2108: Caster thinks he was abducted by mysterious gray beings

2109: Caster thinks he was omnipotent in a past life

2110: Caster thinks he was recently murdered

2111: Caster thinks he was recently tortured but can't recall when

2112: Caster thinks he was Siamese twins in a past life

2113: Caster thinks he was slain by the target in a past life

2114: Caster thinks he was the target in a past life

2115: Caster thinks he went back in time to kill his grandfather

2116: Caster thinks he will automatically resurrect when he is slain

2117: Caster thinks he will be deified after his death

2118: Caster thinks he will die unless he burns his spellb00k

2119: Caster thinks he will die with the next spell he casts

2120: Caster thinks he will die with the next Wild Surge he causes

2121: Caster thinks he will explode if jostled t00 harshly

2122: Caster thinks he will turn to a w01f under the next full Moon

2123: Caster thinks he'll become a god if he completes a great quest

2124: Caster thinks he'll die unless he shaves off all his hair

2125: Caster thinks he'll fall dead at sunset

2126: Caster thinks he's a balloon and will pop if stabbed or cut

2127: Caster thinks he's a bard

2128: Caster thinks he's a skeleton trapped in a suit of flesh

2129: Caster thinks he's an escaped slave

2130: Caster thinks he's an intelligent horse

2131: Caster thinks he's been alive for millennia

2132: Caster thinks he's being attacked by an invisible octopus

2133: Caster thinks he's descended from Earth Elementals

2134: Caster thinks he's destined to bring about the apocalypse

2135: Caster thinks he's foreseen his death in the near future

2136: Caster thinks he's going to do something dreadful tonight

2137: Caster thinks he's ingested a potent toxin

2138: Caster thinks he's invisible if he has an egg in his mouth

2139: Caster thinks he's journeyed here from the far future

2140: Caster thinks he's literally the center of the universe

2141: Caster thinks he's made of snow and in danger of melting

2142: Caster thinks he's more charming with his finger in his nose

2143: Caster thinks he's not living up to his potential

2144: Caster thinks he's owed some kind of divine birthright

2145: Caster thinks he's posing for a sculpture of him

2146: Caster thinks he's pregnant

2147: Caster thinks he's standing in the middle of a raging river

2148: Caster thinks he's standing on a precipice

2149: Caster thinks he's standing on a tall, narrow pedestal

2150: Caster thinks he's superior and demands to be treated so

2151: Caster thinks he's surrounded by vermin

2152: Caster thinks he's turning into a w01f

2153: Caster thinks he's wearing a wig

2154: Caster thinks he's wrongly imprisoned in his body

2155: Caster thinks he'll be immortal again later

2156: Caster thinks he's the only one in the world who can use magic

2157: Caster thinks his allies are dead

2158: Caster thinks his allies are dragons in humanoid form

2159: Caster thinks his allies are hiding his spellb00k

2160: Caster thinks his allies are mocking him

2161: Caster thinks his allies are p01ymorphed orcs or goblins

2162: Caster thinks his allies are sleepwalking

2163: Caster thinks his allies are undead

2164: Caster thinks his allies can resurrect him if he's slain

2165: Caster thinks his allies cannot see him, whatever they say

2166: Caster thinks his allies distrust his use of magic

2167: Caster thinks his allies don't take him seriously

2168: Caster thinks his allies fear him

2169: Caster thinks his allies revere him as a god

2170: Caster thinks his allies should revere him as a god

2171: Caster thinks his allies suspect him of being undead

2172: Caster thinks his allies suspect him of plotting against them

2173: Caster thinks his allies think he plans to use them as undead

2174: Caster thinks his allies think he's crazy

2175: Caster thinks his allies think he's dead

2176: Caster thinks his allies will kill him if he casts a spell

2177: Caster thinks his allies will kill him unless he casts a spell

2178: Caster thinks his birth was prophesized by an obscure religion

2179: Caster thinks his brain is at home in a jar on a shelf

2180: Caster thinks his brain is leaking out his nose

2181: Caster thinks his clothing is alive and is out to get him

2182: Caster thinks his deity has t01d him not to bother anymore

2183: Caster thinks his destiny is to leap into a v01cano

2184: Caster thinks his enemies are all immortal

2185: Caster thinks his enemies are also his allies

2186: Caster thinks his enemies' attacks are good-natured joking

2187: Caster thinks his friends are after his money

2188: Caster thinks his hands are twice their actual size

2189: Caster thinks his left hand is dreadfully evil

2190: Caster thinks his life until now has just been a dream

2191: Caster thinks his mouth can store things like a bag of h01ding

2192: Caster thinks his name can cause undead to fear him

2193: Caster thinks his name is a Power Word and is afraid to say it

2194: Caster thinks his name is a Power Word and says it often

2195: Caster thinks his name is Lord (Lady) So-and-So the magnificent

2196: Caster thinks his name is the True Name of a demon

2197: Caster thinks his nose is running like a faucet

2198: Caster thinks his principal weapon is cursed

2199: Caster thinks his reflection is plotting against him

2200: Caster thinks his skin is a foreign organism

2201: Caster thinks his skin is actually someone else's

2202: Caster thinks his skin is some sort of ill-fitting suit

2203: Caster thinks his skin is vulnerable to rust

2204: Caster thinks his spellb00k is an ancient and powerful artifact

2205: Caster thinks his spellb00k is plotting against him

2206: Caster thinks his spellb00k will explode if struck

2207: Caster thinks his spellb00k will vanish if he bathes

2208: Caster thinks his spellb00k will vanish if he sets it down

2209: Caster thinks his touch can cure illness

2210: Caster thinks his touch can cure leather

2211: Caster thinks his touch can heal injuries

2212: Caster thinks his touch turns metal into gold

2213: Caster thinks his worst fears have been realized

2214: Caster thinks immorality will grant him immortality

2215: Caster thinks it is twenty degrees c001er than it really is

2216: Caster thinks it is twenty degrees hotter than it really is

2217: Caster thinks light is shining from the back of his head

2218: Caster thinks maggots infest every wound he suffers

2219: Caster thinks mud has significant monetary value

2220: Caster thinks next mine he enters belongs to him ("It's Mine")

2221: Caster thinks next mine he enters is 50° colder than it is

2222: Caster thinks next mine he enters is 50° warmer than it is

2223: Caster thinks next mine he enters is a living creature

2224: Caster thinks next mine he enters is a portal to his home

2225: Caster thinks next mine he enters is c011apsing all around him

2226: Caster thinks next mine he enters is cramped and claustrophobic

2227: Caster thinks next mine he enters is filled with giant ants

2228: Caster thinks next mine he enters is filled with Illithids

2229: Caster thinks next mine he enters is filled with 00zes

2230: Caster thinks next mine he enters is filled with Stinking cloud

2231: Caster thinks next mine he enters is filled with untapped gold

2232: Caster thinks next mine he enters is f100ding

2233: Caster thinks next mine he enters is his own esophagus

2234: Caster thinks next mine he enters is his rightful home

2235: Caster thinks next mine he enters is last mine he'll ever enter

2236: Caster thinks next mine he enters is on Elemental Earth

2237: Caster thinks next mine he enters is undergoing an earthquake

2238: Caster thinks next mine he enters leads to Lower Outer Plane

2239: Caster thinks non-demihuman humanoids have been p01ymorphed

2240: Caster thinks one of his allies is deeply in love with him

2241: Caster thinks pack animals are unreliable and will not use them

2242: Caster thinks random ally or party member is a deity

2243: Caster thinks random deity is a party member or ally

2244: Caster thinks some random demon owes him a favor

2245: Caster thinks someone is sh00ting a machine gun at him

2246: Caster thinks someone nearby is an avatar of his deity

2247: Caster thinks someone nearby is his child

2248: Caster thinks something amazing is hidden in a nearby cave

2249: Caster thinks that air is poisonous

2250: Caster thinks that all werew01ves are just angry dogs

2251: Caster thinks that all w01ves and dogs are werew01ves

2252: Caster thinks that any food he now carries is poisonous

2253: Caster thinks that dirt is an aphrodisiac

2254: Caster thinks that earth elementals are probably just rocks

2255: Caster thinks that fire heals injury

2256: Caster thinks that he has enlarged by 50%

2257: Caster thinks that he has shrunken by 50%

2258: Caster thinks that he is made of sand and must not get wet

2259: Caster thinks that he left a fire burning in his fireplace

2260: Caster thinks that his body will rust if it gets wet

2261: Caster thinks that his clothes are alive & trying to choke him

2262: Caster thinks that his clothes are wise & trying to advise him

2263: Caster thinks that his skeleton is made of glass

2264: Caster thinks that humor and comedy are blasphemous

2265: Caster thinks that ice is more precious than diamond

2266: Caster thinks that magic is actually impossible

2267: Caster thinks that people think he's a murderer

2268: Caster thinks that someone nearby is his secret admirer

2269: Caster thinks that something is breathing down his neck

2270: Caster thinks that spellb00ks are edible and very tasty

2271: Caster thinks that the stars are getting closer all the time

2272: Caster thinks that water is in short supply and must be hoarded

2273: Caster thinks that water is poisonous

2274: Caster thinks that water turns to diamond at 32° Fahrenheit

2275: Caster thinks that, somewhere, his clone has become sentient

2276: Caster thinks the intended spell affects him & not the target

2277: Caster thinks the next corpse he sees is his own

2278: Caster thinks the previous d20 days were a dream

2279: Caster thinks They (whoever They are) are after him

2280: Caster throws a monster's shadow

2281: Caster throws his spellb00k every time he casts a spell

2282: Caster travels 2d10 minutes into the future

2283: Caster tries to conceal his magical abilities

2284: Caster tries to remove his feet

2285: Caster triggers Surges in next d6 spells cast at or by him

2286: Caster tumbles through rift into alternate Prime Material Plane

2287: Caster tumbles through rift into Elemental Air

2288: Caster tumbles through rift into Elemental Earth

2289: Caster tumbles through rift into Elemental Fire

2290: Caster tumbles through rift into Elemental Water

2291: Caster turns ethereal when reduced to 5 hit points

2292: Caster turns inside out; Saves vs Death or dies

2293: Caster turns into an ambulatory plant of similar shape

2294: Caster turns into immobile granite

2295: Caster turns into immobile iron

2296: Caster turns into immobile wood

2297: Caster turns into target under every Full Moon

2298: Caster turns invisible and is rendered mute

2299: Caster turns invisible when he closes his eyes

2300: Caster turns to a statue while he sleeps and reverts on waking

2301: Caster turns to a tree when exposed to direct sunlight

2302: Caster turns to glass for d4 rounds

2303: Caster turns to iron d6 rounds; retains mobility and HP (AC -4)

2304: Caster turns to sand

2305: Caster turns to smoke each time he comes within 10' of flame

2306: Caster turns to steam under every Full Moon

2307: Caster turns to stone and reverts every other round

2308: Caster turns to stone when exposed to direct sunlight

2309: Caster turns to stone when not exposed to direct sunlight

2310: Caster understands the universe a little better: +1 to Wisdom

2311: Caster utters shocking blasphemy when he enters a church

2312: Caster vaguely recalls a treasure hidden somewhere nearby

2313: Caster vanishes for one round, every other round

2314: Caster vanishes when he falls asleep; reappears on waking

2315: Caster vanishes while asleep; reappears when he wakes

2316: Caster vanishes; reappears d4 hours later

2317: Caster vomits messily

2318: Caster vows revenge against cuddly forest animals

2319: Caster wakes at dawn and falls asleep at dusk

2320: Caster wakes each day affected by a Maze spell

2321: Caster wakes each day afraid something bad happened overnight

2322: Caster wakes each day and crows like a r00ster

2323: Caster wakes each day as if splashed by a bucket of water

2324: Caster wakes each day at the bottom of a small crater

2325: Caster wakes each day believing he's just been resurrected

2326: Caster wakes each day blind for 6d10 turns

2327: Caster wakes each day blood-soaked as from a vicious battle

2328: Caster wakes each day covered by honey and ants

2329: Caster wakes each day covered by peas and carrots

2330: Caster wakes each day covered by severed human ears

2331: Caster wakes each day covered by small lizards

2332: Caster wakes each day covered by soft, newly-grown moss

2333: Caster wakes each day desperate for a drink of water

2334: Caster wakes each day entangled by overgrown grass

2335: Caster wakes each day ethereal; takes 1d4-1/2 hours to reform

2336: Caster wakes each day in a pile of broken glass

2337: Caster wakes each day lying north-to-south

2338: Caster wakes each day naked, clothes hanging in a tall tree

2339: Caster wakes each day naked, clothes neatly f01ded nearby

2340: Caster wakes each day naked, clothes nowhere to be found

2341: Caster wakes each day naked, clothes standing nearby

2342: Caster wakes each day naked, clothes torn to shreds

2343: Caster wakes each day seated in the lotus position

2344: Caster wakes each day soaking wet as from a rainstorm

2345: Caster wakes each day standing on his head

2346: Caster wakes each day standing on somebody else's head

2347: Caster wakes each day tied in ropes, vines, or the like

2348: Caster wakes each day tied to the ground with tiny ropes

2349: Caster wakes each day unable to remember his name

2350: Caster wakes each day with a ping-pong ball in his mouth

2351: Caster wakes each day with clothes burned as if by acid

2352: Caster wakes each day with clothes smoking as if on fire

2353: Caster wakes each day with his clothes on backwards

2354: Caster wakes each day with his clothing frozen s01id

2355: Caster wakes each day within a patch of scorched earth

2356: Caster wakes fully healed each of the next 2d4 mornings

2357: Caster wakes tomorrow in a nearby church's holy water font

2358: Caster walks in his sleep every night

2359: Caster wants to quit his job & live in his parents' basement

2360: Caster wants to sell his soul to the nearest fishmonger

2361: Caster was Cloned d4 times eight months ago

2362: Caster wears corks in his ears so his brain won't leak out

2363: Caster will go to great lengths to prove he's not a coward

2364: Caster will quickly forget the next 24 hours

2365: Caster wishes the apocalypse would hurry up and get here

2366: Caster would tell his deity a thing or two, given the chance

2367: Caster's anger manifests as a little raincloud over his head

2368: Caster's arm is bent 90° halfway between his wrist and elbow

2369: Caster's arms and legs vanish for 1d10 rounds

2370: Caster's arms are stricken totally numb for 2d10 turns

2371: Caster's arms grow to the size of his legs

2372: Caster's attributes are halved for 1d12 hours

2373: Caster's big toes can become prehensile at will

2374: Caster's blood is a strong contact poison to anyone else

2375: Caster's blood reeks of sulfur when it is spilt

2376: Caster's blood traces out arcane signs where it spills

2377: Caster's blood turns to choc01ate on contact with air

2378: Caster's body is covered with octopus sucker-marks

2379: Caster's body no longer produces saliva

2380: Caster's body rotates 360°, though his head remains still

2381: Caster's bones are brittle when he's in direct Moonlight

2382: Caster's bones cannot be broken by nonmagical means

2383: Caster's boots are stuck to the ground with railroad spikes

2384: Caster's boots fill with milk

2385: Caster's boots fill with petr01eum jelly

2386: Caster's can issue one Command (as spell) per day

2387: Caster's cannot hear his own voice

2388: Caster's chest is scarred by a sword-cut "Z"

2389: Caster's childh00d pet appears in the vicinity

2390: Caster's clothes are tailored for someone half his weight

2391: Caster's clothes are tailored for someone of opposite sex

2392: Caster's clothes are tailored for someone twice his weight

2393: Caster's clothes are tailored for someone with six arms

2394: Caster's clothes cannot be removed by him

2395: Caster's clothes reek of stale cigarette smoke

2396: Caster's clothes smell like he's worn them all summer

2397: Caster's clothing appears laundered and pressed

2398: Caster's clothing appears to combust while he's asleep

2399: Caster's clothing becomes perfectly transparent when wet

2400: Caster's clothing cannot be stained or made dirty

2401: Caster's clothing cannot bend or f01d

2402: Caster's clothing clings to him as though wet

2403: Caster's clothing is extraordinarily flammable

2404: Caster's clothing is filled with sharp metal barbs

2405: Caster's clothing looks like he fell into a sewer

2406: Caster's clothing looks like he's been shot with a shotgun

2407: Caster's clothing resembles a patchwork quilt

2408: Caster's clothing shrinks by 10% whenever he casts a spell

2409: Caster's clothing smells like a skunk died in it

2410: Caster's clothing turns invisible whenever he casts a spell

2411: Caster's clothing turns to cellophane

2412: Caster's clothing turns to plastic

2413: Caster's clothing turns to porcelain

2414: Caster's cranium is transparent like smoked glass

2415: Caster's cranium seems to be attached by screws

2416: Caster's current clothes protect against bludgeons

2417: Caster's dead clone is found in a nearby well

2418: Caster's diary, written years from now, appears at his feet

2419: Caster's dominant hand ages one year each day

2420: caster's dominant hand explodes as a 10 Die fireball

2421: Caster's dominant hand has no bones

2422: Caster's dominant hand inflates like a rubber glove

2423: Caster's dominant hand tries to choke him while he sleeps

2424: Caster's earlobes grow 1d12 inches

2425: Caster's ears appear to be on fire

2426: Caster's ears fall off and regrow 1d10 days later

2427: Caster's ears glow in the dark

2428: Caster's ears glow in the presence of undead

2429: Caster's ears 100k like noses

2430: Caster's ears migrate to the top of his head

2431: Caster's ears resemble bat wings

2432: Caster's enemies all think he's dead

2433: Caster's eyelashes are actually tiny snakes

2434: Caster's eyelids are invisible while he's wet

2435: Caster's eyelids open and shut like camera shutters

2436: Caster's eyelids turn invisible

2437: Caster's eyes appear 50% larger than they really are

2438: Caster's eyes appear to have tiny fish swimming in them

2439: Caster's eyes shrink to 1/2 their size

2440: Caster's face is tatt00ed to resemble the face of a clock

2441: Caster's features appear melted like hot wax

2442: Caster's feet are trapped in concrete blocks

2443: Caster's feet feel like they're on fire if he tries to walk

2444: Caster's feet turn to cheese

2445: Caster's fingernails and toenails don't grow anymore

2446: Caster's fingernails are black, like h01es in the universe

2447: Caster's fingernails turn duck-egg-blue

2448: Caster's fingers are replaced by toes (-2 manual dexterity)

2449: Caster's fingers grow to twice their normal length

2450: Caster's fingers suffer mild frostbite

2451: Caster's f00tprints resemble directional arrows

2452: Caster's forehead is marked like a canceled stamp

2453: Caster's gains a +2 bonus for tasks of manual dexterity

2454: Caster's hair grows two inches each day

2455: Caster's hair looks like melted candle wax

2456: Caster's hands appear blood-soaked

2457: Caster's hands are immune to nonmagical c01d

2458: Caster's hands are palsied and arthritic

2459: Caster's hands become invisible to him

2460: Caster's hands cannot be burned by nonmagical fire

2461: Caster's hands fuse together at the palms

2462: Caster's hands lock in their current position for 1d10 turns

2463: Caster's hands rotate 360° whenever he casts a spell

2464: Caster's hands vanish until tomorrow aftern00n

2465: Caster's head appears to be a few feet away while he sleeps

2466: Caster's head appears to have been cut off and reattached

2467: Caster's head flashes like a disco ball for 1d4 turns

2468: Caster's head is a featureless ovoid while he sleeps

2469: Caster's head rings like a church bell 1d12 times

2470: Caster's head rotates 360° whenever he casts a spell

2471: Caster's head shrinks to half its width

2472: Caster's head turns into a cylinder

2473: Caster's head, hands, and feet become invisible

2474: Caster's home and all his possessions are bronzed

2475: Caster's home begins to digest him the next time he enters

2476: Caster's home causes anyone who enters it to shrink by 50%

2477: Caster's home connects directly to an open sewer or midden

2478: Caster's home fills with cottage cheese

2479: Caster's home fills with latex paint

2480: Caster's home has hot and c01d running water, but no sink

2481: Caster's home is barricaded by concertina wire

2482: Caster's home is destroyed when an airplane crashes into it

2483: Caster's home is made of sodium, and it's starting to rain

2484: Caster's home is packed full of trash

2485: Caster's home is perpetually shrouded in fog

2486: Caster's home is razed and the ground salted

2487: Caster's home looks like it was built by angry children

2488: Caster's home now has aluminum siding

2489: Caster's home resembles a huge sculpted bust of him

2490: Caster's home rotates 90° each time he enters it

2491: Caster's home rotates 90° each time he uses the d00r

2492: Caster's home rotates 90° forward or back

2493: Caster's home smells distressingly of vomit

2494: Caster's Intelligence drops by 2I3 while he's invisible

2495: Caster's Intelligence is halved under Moonlight

2496: Caster's internal organs are thoroughly cooked

2497: Caster's items appear on the ground in alphabetical order

2498: Caster's items are evenly distributed among those nearby

2499: Caster's jaw is hinged like a snake's

2500: Caster's joints bend forward and backward with equal ease

2501: Caster's knees vanish

2502: Caster's knuckles swell to the size of ping-pong balls

2503: Caster's left and right half appear to be one inch apart

2504: Caster's left arm and leg shrink by 50%

2505: Caster's left arm appears to burn whenever he casts a spell

2506: Caster's left arm is twice as long as his body

2507: Caster's left hand grips his right wrist and won't let go

2508: Caster's left wrist is chained to his right ankle

2509: Caster's legs fuse into one for 1d4 hours

2510: Caster's limbs recede into his body while he sleeps

2511: Caster's lips and cheeks turn invisible

2512: Caster's lungs cease functioning in 2d12 hours

2513: Caster's mind cannot be read by others

2514: Caster's mouth appears to contain a miniature galaxy

2515: Caster's mouth fills with ice

2516: Caster's mouth fills with tiny pebbles

2517: Caster's nails grow 2d12 inches

2518: Caster's name appears on every leaf of a nearby tree

2519: Caster's name is a racist slur in some demihuman tongue

2520: Caster's name is actually the Dwarfish word for feces

2521: Caster's neck bears a scar as though he was once hanged

2522: Caster's neck shortens to 1/2 its length

2523: Caster's next 1d4 spells allow no Saving Throws

2524: Caster's normal body temperature is now 112° Fahrenheit

2525: Caster's normal body temperature is now 74° Fahrenheit

2526: Caster's nose and mouth switch places

2527: Caster's nose appears to be made of flint

2528: Caster's nose becomes prehensile

2529: Caster's nose dangles from his face on a loose spring

2530: Caster's nose drips hot candle wax whenever he casts a spell

2531: Caster's nose falls off and explodes in 1d6 rounds

2532: Caster's nose falls off, leaving an ugly h01e in its place

2533: Caster's nose launches from his face like a rocket

2534: Caster's nose migrates to another part of his body

2535: Caster's nose rotates 90°

2536: Caster's nose runs for 1d4 rounds after casting a spell

2537: Caster's nose runs profusely whenever he casts a spell

2538: Caster's nose seems to hover six inches in front of his face

2539: Caster's nose triples its size

2540: Caster's organs can be seen faintly through his skin

2541: Caster's palms and fingers can't be cut by metal

2542: Caster's palms are covered with painful sores and blisters

2543: Caster's pocket fill with popcorn, which starts popping

2544: Caster's pockets fill with chicken giblets

2545: Caster's pockets fill with dry ice

2546: Caster's pockets fill with manure

2547: Caster's pockets jingle as though full of coins

2548: Caster's reputation for courtesy precedes him everywhere

2549: Caster's reputation for rudeness precedes him everywhere

2550: Caster's shoes smolder and smell of sulfur

2551: Caster's skin appears shriveled as if he's had a long bath

2552: Caster's skin appears sm00th, clear, and unblemished

2553: Caster's skin appears to rust in contact with blood

2554: Caster's skin appears translucent blue in direct sunlight

2555: Caster's skin burns under Moonlight

2556: Caster's skin cannot be cut by steel weapons

2557: Caster's skin glows a c001 blue when he's naked

2558: Caster's skin glows the c010r of sunrise

2559: Caster's skin grows lighter each day until he's cloud-white

2560: Caster's skin is badly and painfully sunburned

2561: Caster's skin is dyed in a pretty paisley pattern

2562: Caster's skin is stained with indelible pink dye

2563: Caster's skin itches terribly for 1 week

2564: Caster's skin looks like it's been plucked of feathers

2565: Caster's skull cannot be breached by non-magical means

2566: Caster's skull deforms into a rough cube

2567: Caster's skull is hard enough to act as a helmet; -1 to AC

2568: Caster's skull is spongy and soft for 1d10 rounds

2569: Caster's smile puts people in mind of a shark

2570: Caster's spellb00k is highly poisonous to anyone but him

2571: Caster's spellb00k is poisonous to him for 1d4 days

2572: Caster's spells are accompanied by bright, flashing lights

2573: Caster's staff turns into a saxophone

2574: Caster's stomach rumbles when in the presence of royalty

2575: Caster's Strength briefly drops 50% after casting a spell

2576: Caster's tears are flammable

2577: Caster's tears are poisonous if ingested or used on a blade

2578: Caster's tears burn his face

2579: Caster's tears can heal injuries once per week

2580: Caster's tears run up his face instead of down

2581: Caster's teeth chatter when he faces north

2582: Caster's teeth flash like a disco ball when he speaks

2583: Caster's teeth have braces on them

2584: Caster's teeth jut from his jaw at odd and painful angles

2585: Caster's teeth 100k like dirty gravel

2586: Caster's teeth shine like mirrors

2587: Caster's teeth turn to sponge

2588: Caster's thighs shrink by 50%

2589: Caster's toenails grow 1d12 inches each night

2590: Caster's toes are now as long as his fingers

2591: Caster's tongue glows like a firefly

2592: Caster's tongue grows to a length of 1d12 feet

2593: Caster's tongue, nose, lip, eyebrow, and navel are pierced

2594: Caster's top teeth turn invisible

2595: Caster's touch can cause nonmagical cloth to disintegrate

2596: Caster's touch causes frostbite in reptiles and amphibians

2597: Caster's touch leaves temporary, painless bruises in others

2598: Caster's undergarments begin constricting about him

2599: caster's undergarments begin smoldering

2600: Caster's undergarments freeze s01id

2601: Caster's vision is clouded (-2 ToHit) for 2d4-1 days

2602: Caster's voice becomes high-pitched when he's angry

2603: Caster's voice creates the sound of speaker feedback

2604: Caster's voice makes people nearby want to be elsewhere

2605: Caster's voice seems to issue from his ears

2606: Caster's voice seems to issue from some object he carries

2607: Caster's weight doubles when he's wet

2608: Caster's weight is doubled while he stands on grass

2609: Caster's weight is halved, but his mass is doubled

2610: Caster's words seem to echo ominously when he casts a spell

2611: Caster's & target's Alternate Prime counterparts appear in area

2612: Caster's ability scores equal one ability, determined randomly

2613: Caster's actions may be disbelieved as illusions

2614: Caster's age cycle reverses and doubles: begins aging backwards

2615: Caster's age decreases two years for every Hit point he loses

2616: Caster's age doubles for 24 hours

2617: Caster's age fluctuates ±d20 years each day

2618: Caster's age halves for 48 hours

2619: Caster's age is doubled

2620: Caster's age is reduced by 1d20 years

2621: Caster's age is reduced by one half

2622: Caster's age quadruples for 6 hours

2623: caster's age triples for 18 hours

2624: Caster's aging begins to double daily

2625: Caster's alignment cannot be detected by magic

2626: Caster's alignment changes randomly each hour

2627: Caster's alignment reads as evil when detected by magic

2628: Caster's alignment seems different to each person checking it

2629: Caster's allies think that he plans to use them as undead

2630: Caster's apparent CHA to one member of opposite sex is halved

2631: Caster's apparent CHA to one member of the opposite sex doubles

2632: Caster's apparent CHA to opposite sex is raised to 19

2633: Caster's apparent CHA to opposite sex is reduced to 1

2634: Caster's appearance changes to that of a zombie

2635: Caster's arm is broken

2636: Caster's armor (or metal gear) heats to 5d1000° for d10 rounds

2637: Caster's armor and weapons become ethereal for d10 rounds

2638: Caster's armor or clothing leaps from his body and is sentient

2639: Caster's armor turns to silk (AC 10)

2640: Caster's armor turns to snow

2641: Caster's armor turns to steam

2642: Caster's arms and legs exchange places

2643: Caster's arms become rubbery like tentacles

2644: Caster's arms begin flapping like a dragonfly's wings

2645: Caster's arms elongate like those of an ape

2646: Caster's arms elongate to 11/2 times their normal length

2647: Caster's arms turn into wings like a dragonfly's

2648: Caster's arms turn into wings like a sparrow's

2649: Caster's arms turn to pectoral fins

2650: Caster's arms vanish d6 rounds

2651: Caster's arms vanish d6 turns

2652: Caster's astral form leaves his body whenever he casts a spell

2653: Caster's astral form pushed from his body for d8 days

2654: Caster's attribute scores are shuffled

2655: Caster's attribute scores shuffle randomly each day

2656: Caster's attribute scores shuffle randomly each hour

2657: Caster's auditory perceptions are inverted, left-to-right

2658: Caster's bare f00tprints blight the ground

2659: Caster's belongings are teleported into the nearest cave

2660: Caster's best attribute score is exchanged for his worst

2661: Caster's blood and internal organs turn invisible

2662: Caster's blood boils; CON check at -d4 and Save vs Death or die

2663: Caster's blood causes strange plants to grow where it is spilt

2664: Caster's blood coagulates in his veins and arteries

2665: Caster's blood freezes; CON check and Save vs Death or die

2666: Caster's blood glows like embers when it is spilt

2667: Caster's blood has the power to close the wounds of others

2668: Caster's blood hisses like steam when it strikes the ground

2669: Caster's blood howls like a cat when it is spilt

2670: Caster's blood is acidic, corroding weapons which cut him

2671: Caster's blood is flammable

2672: Caster's blood scorches the ground where it is spilt

2673: Caster's blood scribes runes into the ground where it is spilt

2674: Caster's blood seems thick and gummy when it is spilt

2675: Caster's blood smells like skunk musk

2676: Caster's blood teleported out of his body

2677: Caster's blood turns to acid but functions normally

2678: Caster's blood turns to choc01ate as it leaves his body

2679: Caster's blood turns to gold where it is spilt

2680: Caster's blood turns to magnesium dust and ignites

2681: Caster's blood turns to mercury

2682: Caster's blood turns to Universal S01vent

2683: Caster's body appears to face opposite direction

2684: Caster's body becomes h0110w and skin turns to '1" steel

2685: Caster's body doubles in size but his mass is halved

2686: Caster's body except circulatory system turns transparent

2687: Caster's body except his circulatory system turns invisible

2688: Caster's body except his digestive system turns invisible

2689: Caster's body except his muscular system turns invisible

2690: Caster's body except his nervous system turns invisible

2691: Caster's body except his respiratory system turns invisible

2692: Caster's body halves its size but his mass doubles

2693: Caster's body is firepr00f; takes damage but will not combust

2694: Caster's body is stricken numb whenever he casts a spell

2695: Caster's body is transmuted to equal v01ume of gold

2696: Caster's body seems to have no muscle; skin sags from his bones

2697: Caster's body shrinks by 75%, but his head remains normal sized

2698: Caster's body temperature falls d20° for d10 rounds

2699: Caster's body temperature rises d10° for d20 rounds

2700: Caster's body turns ethereal; head is s01id, seeming to float

2701: Caster's body turns matte-black, but his shadow is full-c010r

2702: Caster's body turns to a coherent, ambulatory water-form

2703: Caster's body turns to air and blows away

2704: Caster's body turns to earth and crumbles

2705: Caster's body turns to fire and burns itself out

2706: Caster's body turns to water and drains away

2707: Caster's bones become adamantite

2708: Caster's bones become as flexible as rubber

2709: Caster's bones become glass; min. 8 HP damage from bludgeons

2710: Caster's bones become glass; shatter when stuck for 2 HP damage

2711: Caster's bones become mithral; gains -1 to bludgeoning damage

2712: Caster's bones glow in the dark (through his skin)

2713: Caster's boots advise him on personal matters

2714: Caster's boots allow him to walk on water with every other step

2715: Caster's boots allow the wearer to climb trees like a monkey

2716: Caster's boots allow the wearer to go without sleep

2717: Caster's boots allow the wearer to kick like a mule

2718: Caster's boots always try to walk in two different directions

2719: Caster's boots appear to be made of leathered human skin

2720: Caster's boots are affected as by the spell frisky Chest

2721: Caster's boots are affected as by the spell grease

2722: Caster's boots are constantly full of brackish water

2723: Caster's boots are constantly full of liquid nitrogen

2724: Caster's boots are constantly full of sand

2725: Caster's boots are constantly full of scalding steam

2726: Caster's boots are constantly full of snakes and scorpions

2727: Caster's boots are constantly full of termites

2728: Caster's boots are coveted by invertebrates

2729: Caster's boots are restored to better-than-new condition

2730: Caster's boots become boots of Devouring

2731: Caster's boots become boots of H01ding; can h01d numerous feet

2732: Caster's boots become boots of H01ding; wearer cannot move

2733: Caster's boots become illusionary

2734: Caster's boots become sentient

2735: Caster's boots become Wizard Locked to his feet

2736: Caster's boots blare like trumpets as they are removed

2737: Caster's boots bray like mules when used to kick

2738: Caster's boots burn like fire and brimstone

2739: Caster's boots cannot be removed by him

2740: Caster's boots cannot be removed in daylight

2741: Caster's boots cannot be removed under Moonlight

2742: Caster's boots chase cats whenever they are near

2743: Caster's boots clang like cymbals when he walks on grass

2744: Caster's boots double in weight with each step he takes

2745: Caster's boots each weigh as much as the wearer

2746: Caster's boots explode, inflicting 3d10 damage to all near him

2747: Caster's boots fill with coal

2748: Caster's boots fill with fleas and ticks

2749: Caster's boots fill with nails and tacks

2750: Caster's boots giggle uncontrollably when he walks

2751: Caster's boots have false bottoms which may conceal small items

2752: Caster's boots have the power to regenerate severed feet

2753: Caster's boots induce shaking palsy in any who wear them

2754: Caster's boots kick him at every step, causing 1HP of damage

2755: Caster's boots 100k comfortable but are in fact torturous

2756: Caster's boots 100k light and airy but are heavy as lead

2757: Caster's boots 100k torturous but are in fact very comfortable

2758: Caster's boots make an inordinate clatter when he walks

2759: Caster's boots make any feet inside them feel unbearably c01d

2760: Caster's boots make any feet inside them feel uncomfortably hot

2761: Caster's boots make the wearer appear to have leprosy

2762: Caster's boots make the wearer seem to weigh 2X what he does

2763: Caster's boots make the wearer tingle with pins and needles

2764: Caster's boots may be s01d for 10X their actual value

2765: Caster's boots must be fed daily or they refuse to walk

2766: Caster's boots mutter obscenities with every step

2767: Caster's boots protect the wearer from fear

2768: Caster's boots provide Magic Resistance of 50%

2769: Caster's boots race off toward their place of manufacture

2770: Caster's boots resent being walked all over

2771: Caster's boots ring like church bells whenever he casts a spell

2772: Caster's boots run away

2773: Caster's boots seem red-hot to anyone else touching them

2774: Caster's boots sever any feet inside them from the wearer's leg

2775: Caster's boots shine like beacons after twilight

2776: Caster's boots shrink in size by 1/2

2777: Caster's boots smell like carrion

2778: Caster's boots smell like fire and brimstone

2779: Caster's boots smell like lilacs

2780: Caster's boots smell like skunks

2781: Caster's boots snuff any fire he steps upon

2782: Caster's boots suddenly have another pair of feet in them

2783: Caster's boots take r00t

2784: Caster's boots tickle any feet within them

2785: Caster's boots triple their size

2786: Caster's boots try to walk faster than each other

2787: Caster's boots try to walk in the opposite direction of him

2788: Caster's boots turn any feet inside them inside out

2789: Caster's boots turn any feet inside them to boots

2790: Caster's boots turn any feet inside them to cloven h00ves

2791: Caster's boots turn any feet inside them to hands

2792: Caster's boots turn to bats and fly away

2793: Caster's boots turn to beasts and attack his feet

2794: Caster's boots turn to beets and are eaten by rabbits

2795: Caster's boots turn to belts and constrict around his feet

2796: Caster's boots turn to boats and sail away

2797: Caster's boots turn to b01ts and secure him to the ground

2798: Caster's boots turn to b00ks about feet

2799: Caster's boots turn to feet

2800: Caster's boots turn to gloves

2801: Caster's boots turn to inflexible steel

2802: Caster's boots turn to paper

2803: Caster's boots turn to tennis shoes

2804: Caster's boots vanish and reappear, one inside the other

2805: Caster's brain swells; Save vs Death or die (if passed, INT +1)

2806: Caster's breath coats objects with frost

2807: Caster's breath is misty as in winter whenever he tells a lie

2808: Caster's breeches become br00ches

2809: Caster's cells become separate, symbiotic micro-organisms

2810: Caster's Charisma increases by (18-present CHA)I2

2811: Caster's Charisma increases by 3 when naked

2812: Caster's Charisma increases by 6 while he casts spells

2813: Caster's Charisma increases by d6 for d10 days

2814: Caster's Charisma is increased by 1 for d4 turns

2815: Caster's Charisma is reduced by d6 for d6 days

2816: Caster's Charisma is reduced to 3

2817: Caster's Charisma is rerolled every hour

2818: Caster's Charisma rises to 19 while in the presence of royalty

2819: Caster's Charisma tumbles to 2d4 in the presence of royalty

2820: Caster's circulatory system appears on the surface of his skin

2821: Caster's circulatory system appears to be 5 feet ahead of him

2822: Caster's circulatory system is emptied of all contents

2823: Caster's circulatory system leaps from his body; he is unharmed

2824: Caster's circulatory system seems to be outside of his body

2825: Caster's circulatory system straightens to its full length

2826: Caster's clavicles become ethereal

2827: Caster's cloak becomes a Cloaker

2828: Caster's cloak becomes a clock

2829: Caster's clothing and/or armor are absorbed into his body

2830: Caster's clothing animates as a 3HD monster and attacks him

2831: Caster's clothing animates when exposed to sunlight

2832: Caster's clothing becomes animated and sentient

2833: Caster's clothing disintegrates when it is removed

2834: Caster's clothing fuses into one s01id mass as hard as iron

2835: Caster's clothing is affected by the spell timelessness

2836: Caster's clothing is Held immobile for 1d100 rounds

2837: Caster's clothing is suddenly soaked in blood

2838: Caster's clothing is transparent

2839: Caster's clothing looks like it's been shredded

2840: Caster's clothing provides 15% Magic resistance

2841: Caster's clothing turns inside out

2842: Caster's clothing turns invisible to those of opposite sex

2843: Caster's clothing turns invisible under Moonlight

2844: Caster's clothing turns invisible when he casts a spell

2845: Caster's clothing turns pitch black at twilight

2846: Caster's clothing turns to an exquisitely tailored tuxedo

2847: Caster's clothing turns to cobwebs

2848: Caster's clothing turns to green slime

2849: Caster's clothing turns to honey

2850: Caster's clothing turns to ice

2851: Caster's clothing turns to lead

2852: Caster's clothing turns to one-piece full field plate armor

2853: Caster's clothing turns to paper

2854: Caster's clothing turns to skin

2855: Caster's clothing turns to snow

2856: Caster's clothing turns to steam

2857: caster's clothing turns to stone

2858: Caster's clothing turns to tight-fitting chain mail

2859: Caster's clothing turns to wood

2860: Caster's coinage assembles into an intricate 3-D c011age

2861: Caster's coinage becomes worthless

2862: Caster's coinage teleports into a random ally's possession

2863: Caster's coinage turns invisible

2864: Caster's consciousness is pushed into the body of a random ally

2865: Caster's Constitution is increased by 1 for d4 turns

2866: Caster's Constitution is reduced by d6 for d6 days

2867: Caster's current location spouts water for d10 days

2868: Caster's current worst enemy forgives him

2869: Caster's Dexterity increases by 2 when naked

2870: Caster's Dexterity is increased by 1 for d4 turns

2871: Caster's Dexterity is reduced by d6 for d6 days

2872: Caster's digestive system fills with air

2873: Caster's digestive system fills with powdered lead

2874: Caster's digestive system fills with sand

2875: Caster's digestive tract is emptied of all contents

2876: Caster's digestive tract straightens to its full length

2877: Caster's dominant hand ages at twice the normal rate

2878: Caster's dominant hand becomes a f00t

2879: Caster's dominant hand becomes a w01f's paw under the full Moon

2880: Caster's dominant hand becomes an exact copy of his other hand

2881: Caster's dominant hand becomes covered in cellophane

2882: Caster's dominant hand becomes covered in reptilian scales

2883: Caster's dominant hand becomes Ethereal

2884: Caster's dominant hand becomes gnarled like an ancient oak

2885: Caster's dominant hand becomes immune to normal acid

2886: Caster's dominant hand becomes immune to normal c01d

2887: Caster's dominant hand becomes immune to normal fire

2888: Caster's dominant hand becomes magnetized

2889: Caster's dominant hand becomes overly sensitive to heat

2890: Caster's dominant hand becomes paralyzed under the full Moon

2891: Caster's dominant hand becomes webbed

2892: Caster's dominant hand bleeds from beneath its fingernails

2893: Caster's dominant hand blisters when it touches metal

2894: Caster's dominant hand burns rapidly when exposed to sunlight

2895: Caster's dominant hand can be detached at will

2896: Caster's dominant hand can grip with a Strength of 20

2897: Caster's dominant hand can handle red-hot metal without injury

2898: Caster's dominant hand can never become dirty

2899: Caster's dominant hand can no longer wear magical rings

2900: Caster's dominant hand can pick locks with a 50% chance

2901: Caster's dominant hand can sense magic in any item it handles

2902: Caster's dominant hand can store and release one spell at will

2903: Caster's dominant hand can strike as hard as iron

2904: Caster's dominant hand can swing from his wrist like a flail

2905: Caster's dominant hand can write in a language unknown to him

2906: Caster's dominant hand cannot touch or be touched by metal

2907: Caster's dominant hand detaches and falls to the ground

2908: Caster's dominant hand develops a highly sensitive touch

2909: Caster's dominant hand doubles in size

2910: Caster's dominant hand explodes, causing 2d10 points of damage

2911: Caster's dominant hand falsely senses magic in items it handles

2912: Caster's dominant hand gains an extra joint on each finger

2913: Caster's dominant hand gestures obscenely

2914: Caster's dominant hand grows a finger in its palm

2915: Caster's dominant hand grows a mouth in its palm

2916: Caster's dominant hand grows an eyeball in its palm

2917: Caster's dominant hand grows claws in place of fingernails

2918: Caster's dominant hand halves its size

2919: Caster's dominant hand inflates to a one-f00t diameter

2920: Caster's dominant hand is affected by Continual Light

2921: Caster's dominant hand is affected by Spider Climb

2922: Caster's dominant hand is as durable as a steel gauntlet

2923: Caster's dominant hand is burned with an imprint of an amulet

2924: Caster's dominant hand is covered in suggestive tatt00s

2925: Caster's dominant hand is detachable

2926: Caster's dominant hand is impervious to small missile weapons

2927: Caster's dominant hand is insulated against electricity

2928: Caster's dominant hand is nowhere to be found

2929: Caster's dominant hand is resistant to cuts and lacerations

2930: Caster's dominant hand is scarred as though immersed in acid

2931: Caster's dominant hand knots in pain whenever he casts a spell

2932: Caster's dominant hand locks in its current position

2933: Caster's dominant hand loses all feeling

2934: Caster's dominant hand loses all feeling after sunset

2935: Caster's dominant hand provides normal vision in total darkness

2936: Caster's dominant hand radiates magic

2937: Caster's dominant hand remains dry even when immersed in water

2938: Caster's dominant hand resembles a hawk's talon

2939: Caster's dominant hand resembles a horse's h00f

2940: Caster's dominant hand smolders when he casts a spell

2941: Caster's dominant hand sweats uncontrollably

2942: Caster's dominant hand tries to strangle him

2943: Caster's dominant hand turns invisible to all but him

2944: Caster's dominant hand turns invisible to him

2945: Caster's dominant hand turns the c010r of whatever it handles

2946: Caster's dominant hand turns to glass

2947: Caster's dominant hand turns to rubber

2948: Caster's dominant hand weighs as much as he does

2949: Caster's dominant hand will not t01erate the wearing of gloves

2950: Caster's ears and eyes exchange places

2951: Caster's ears exchange places

2952: Caster's ears ring whenever someone speaks about him

2953: Caster's ears seal shut; is 95% deaf

2954: Caster's ears turn upside down

2955: Caster's elbows invert; bend in opposite direction

2956: Caster's entire body appears to throb in time with his heart

2957: Caster's entire body is Withered as cleric spell

2958: caster's every sentence triggers some type of cantrip

2959: caster's eyelashes turn to grass

2960: Caster's eyes (sclerae) turn black; pupils turn white

2961: Caster's eyes appear to be two empty sockets

2962: Caster's eyes appear to hover about 6 inches in front of him

2963: Caster's eyes become compound like those of a bee

2964: caster's eyes become incredibly beautiful but cannot see

2965: caster's eyes become invisible for d10 rounds

2966: Caster's eyes become invisible for d6 days

2967: Caster's eyes become pearls but retain normal vision

2968: Caster's eyes become tiny Beholders

2969: Caster's eyes become two different c010rs

2970: Caster's eyes bug out comically when he is startled

2971: Caster's eyes bulge from his skull like those of a fish

2972: Caster's eyes change c010r every time he blinks

2973: Caster's eyes dangle from their sockets; vision unaffected

2974: caster's eyes extend on 12" stalks (-1d10 to Charisma)

2975: caster's eyes fall out and roll away (regrow in d20 rounds)

2976: caster's eyes float one f00t above his head; vision unaffected

2977: caster's eyes glow red when he casts a spell

2978: Caster's eyes glow red when he is angry

2979: Caster's eyes heal shut; he is blinded (-4 ToHit, -4 AC)

2980: Caster's eyes merge like that of a cyclops

2981: Caster's eyes open sideways instead of up and down

2982: Caster's eyes pop out and roll away

2983: Caster's eyes project green light for d4 days

2984: Caster's eyes recede 1" into his head; vision works normally

2985: Caster's eyes roll along one f00t behind him; vision unaffected

2986: Caster's eyes seem to be aflame when he casts a spell

2987: Caster's eyes spin clockwise for d4 rounds (-1 ToHit)

2988: Caster's eyes spin counter-clockwise for d4 rounds (-1 ToHit)

2989: Caster's eyes turn to cubes

2990: Caster's eyes turn to ears

2991: caster's eyes turn to gold

2992: caster's eyes turn to ice

2993: Caster's eyes turn to ivory spheres

2994: Caster's eyes turn to mercury

2995: caster's eyes turn to mouths

2996: caster's eyes turn to noses

2997: Caster's eyes turn to obsidian spheres

2998: Caster's eyes turn to opal spheres

2999: caster's eyes turn to round rubies

3000: caster's eyes turn to spherical mirrors

3001: caster's eyes water uncontrollably

3002: Caster's eyes weep blood when he suffers injury

3003: Caster's eyes weep tears of blood

3004: Caster's eyes work as Eyes of the Eagle; +2 to missile attacks

3005: Caster's eyes, ears, and nose shuffle places

3006: Caster's eyes, ears, and teeth turn invisible for d6 days

3007: Caster's eyeteeth become able to see

3008: caster's eyeteeth grow into boar's tusks

3009: caster's face appears to be upside down

3010: Caster's familiar adopts another mage as its master

3011: Caster's familiar and random ally of caster exchange bodies

3012: Caster's familiar attacks one of caster's allies at random

3013: caster's familiar becomes invisible to him

3014: Caster's familiar doubles in size

3015: Caster's familiar gains access to a language unknown to caster

3016: Caster's familiar gains use of the intended spell (1 per day)

3017: Caster's familiar gets smart and claims caster as its familiar

3018: Caster's familiar increases in size by a factor of 10

3019: Caster's familiar is p01ymorphed into a demihuman (at random)

3020: Caster's familiar is released from its bond to him

3021: Caster's familiar is turned to immobile gold statuette

3022: Caster's familiar is turned to mobile gold statuette (alive)

3023: Caster's familiar turns invisible

3024: Caster's feet become cloven h00ves

3025: Caster's feet covered in adhesive; Movement Rate cut by 3I4

3026: Caster's feet covered in boils and loses 1 HP with each step

3027: Caster's feet covered in ice; DEX check each round of walking

3028: Caster's feet enlarge to his full height; Movement Rate is 1

3029: Caster's feet freeze s01id, causing 1d10 points of damage

3030: Caster's feet grow springs; bounces d4 feet high with each step

3031: Caster's feet turn to wheels

3032: Caster's fingernails become carpenter's nails

3033: Caster's fingers and toes switch places

3034: Caster's fingers turn 90°; somatic components impossible

3035: Caster's fingers turn to carrots for d12 turns, no spellcasting

3036: Caster's fingers turn to steam for d10 rounds; no spellcasting

3037: Caster's flesh and clothing become invisible when he is asleep

3038: Caster's flesh and clothing turn invisible

3039: Caster's flesh appears slowly to turn inside out

3040: Caster's flesh appears slowly to turn invisible

3041: Caster's flesh appears slowly to turn to stone

3042: Caster's flesh appears to be a separate entity

3043: Caster's flesh appears to be attacking everyone else

3044: Caster's flesh appears to be attacking him

3045: Caster's flesh appears to be infestedwith maggots

3046: Caster's flesh appears to be t00 large for his body

3047: Caster's flesh appears to be t00 small for his body

3048: Caster's flesh appears to be trying to constrict about him

3049: Caster's flesh appears to be trying to get off of him

3050: Caster's flesh appears to belong to someone else

3051: Caster's flesh appears to turn dry and leathery like a mummy's

3052: Caster's flesh appears to turn to alligator skin

3053: Caster's flesh turns invisible whenever he casts a spell

3054: Caster's f00tprints appear 10 feet left of where he steps

3055: Caster's f00tprints appear to have been made by his hands

3056: Caster's f00tprints appear to have been made weeks earlier

3057: Caster's f00tprints appear twice as big as his feet

3058: Caster's f00tprints become 2 feet deep when he steps from them

3059: Caster's f00tprints exude swamp gas

3060: Caster's f00tprints face 90° from his direction of travel

3061: Caster's f00tprints fill with ice

3062: Caster's f00tprints for d12 weeks face wrong direction

3063: Caster's f00tprints fossilize, making tracking confusing

3064: Caster's f00tprints give off steam

3065: Caster's f00tprints glow faintly in darkness

3066: Caster's f00tprints glow in the dark

3067: Caster's f00tprints hum and glow, making tracking simple

3068: Caster's f00tprints rise two feet high when he steps from them

3069: Caster's f00tprints seem to indicate that he has three feet

3070: Caster's f00tprints switch left-for-right

3071: Caster's f00tprints teleport any standing in them to his home

3072: Caster's full Hit Points are restored

3073: Caster's gender appears different to all viewing him

3074: Caster's gender changes daily

3075: Caster's gender changes every time he casts a spell

3076: Caster's gender changes when he loses 50% of his hit points

3077: Caster's gender fluctuates each turn for the next d100 turns

3078: Caster's gloves become glaives

3079: Caster's gloves turn to boots

3080: Caster's gloves turn to cast iron

3081: Caster's gloves turn to mittens

3082: Caster's gloves turn to Reglar's Gloves of Freedom

3083: Caster's gold is transmuted to an equal v01ume of flesh

3084: Caster's hair and clothes are blown by wind only he can feel

3085: Caster's hair and skin exchange c010r

3086: Caster's hair appears white in Moonlight

3087: Caster's hair crackles with electricity when he casts a spell

3088: Caster's hair doubles its length

3089: Caster's hair falls out

3090: Caster's hair falls out each morning; regrows each night

3091: Caster's hair falls out each night; regrows each morning

3092: Caster's hair freezes s01id for d4 turns

3093: Caster's hair grows 1 inch per hour for the next three days

3094: Caster's hair grows 1d4 inches every time he casts a spell

3095: Caster's hair grows 1d4 inches every time he sneezes

3096: Caster's hair grows to two feet long and begins strangling him

3097: Caster's hair ignites

3098: Caster's hair seems to be aflame when he is angered

3099: Caster's hair stands on end when he casts a spell

3100: Caster's hair turns to air

3101: Caster's hair turns to blue, non-caloric magical fire

3102: Caster's hair turns to glass when cut

3103: Caster's hair turns to grass

3104: Caster's hair turns to harmless snakes

3105: Caster's hair turns to ice

3106: Caster's hair turns to metal when cut

3107: Caster's hair turns to steel wire for d6 days

3108: Caster's hand and f00t disappear; limbs fuse at the stumps

3109: Caster's hand locks onto his principal weapon; no spellcasting

3110: Caster's handedness (left or right) is reversed

3111: Caster's handedness (left or right) switches daily

3112: Caster's hands and feet grow webbing; casting times are doubled

3113: Caster's hands and feet switch places

3114: Caster's hands close into fists, no Somatic spells may be cast

3115: Caster's hands disappear; arms fuse at the wrists

3116: Caster's hands turn into claws like a lobster's

3117: Caster's hands turn to spheres at the ends of his wrists

3118: Caster's hat becomes a hart

3119: Caster's hat, h00d, or helmet becomes affixed to his head

3120: Caster's head adopts a mirror-like sheen

3121: Caster's head and one limb exchange places

3122: Caster's head and pancreas exchange places

3123: Caster's head appears like a throbbing human heart

3124: Caster's head appears to be a huge hand with a face in the palm

3125: Caster's head appears to be inside out

3126: Caster's head appears to be that of an earthworm or snail

3127: Caster's head appears to have a 1" diameter h01e through it

3128: Caster's head attaches to his arm where his hand should be

3129: Caster's head encased in iron with gaps for eyes, ears, & mouth

3130: Caster's head looks like a soccer ball for 1 day

3131: Caster's head pops like a balloon if a 20 is rolled ToHit him

3132: Caster's head rotates 180° laterally without harming him

3133: Caster's head rotates 180° longitudinally without harming him

3134: Caster's head rotates 360° every five minutes; he is unharmed

3135: Caster's head rotates 360° laterally without harming him

3136: Caster's head rotates 360° longitudinally without harming him

3137: Caster's head seems to double in size whenever he casts a spell

3138: Caster's head seems to double in size whenever he is angered

3139: Caster's head shrinks by 75%; likely to be 100ked at strangely

3140: Caster's head snaps off and rolls away; returns in d12 rounds

3141: Caster's head turns cylindrical

3142: Caster's head turns ethereal; body is s01id, seemingly undead

3143: Caster's head turns invisible

3144: Caster's head turns to a cube

3145: Caster's head turns to a sphere

3146: Caster's head vanishes d6 rounds; body is lifeless in this time

3147: Caster's heart stops beating but his blood still flows normally

3148: Caster's heartbeat is audible to all within 10 yards

3149: Caster's height fluctuates by 1d10 inches each day

3150: Caster's height is halved during each of the next 1d4 rounds

3151: Caster's Hit Points are halved

3152: Caster's home attracts lightning

3153: Caster's home becomes invisible when he enters it

3154: Caster's home contains a recently-st01en royal treasury

3155: Caster's home contains the full skeleton of an elephant

3156: Caster's home doubles its height

3157: Caster's home doubles its internal dimensions

3158: Caster's home erupts like a v01cano

3159: Caster's home fills with cement

3160: Caster's home fills with choc01ate

3161: Caster's home fills with eggs

3162: Caster's home fills with marshmallows

3163: Caster's home fills with popcorn

3164: Caster's home fills with rabbits who do not wish to leave

3165: Caster's home grows by 80+d20%

3166: Caster's home has a painting of the Creation on its ceiling

3167: Caster's home has a secret back entrance

3168: Caster's home has been rented out while he's been away

3169: Caster's home is affected by Distance Distortion

3170: Caster's home is also someone else's

3171: Caster's home is buried by snow

3172: Caster's home is decorated with classic Victorian furniture

3173: Caster's home is destroyed by a meteor strike

3174: Caster's home is invisible except while he is within it

3175: Caster's home is permanently enchanted with Guards and Wards

3176: Caster's home is purchased for 10X its actual value

3177: Caster's home is st01en

3178: Caster's home is swept up by a tornado

3179: Caster's home is transported to the Elemental Plane of Earth

3180: Caster's home rests atop an active v01cano

3181: Caster's home rises into the air

3182: Caster's home shrinks by 80+d20%

3183: Caster's home sinks into the ground

3184: Caster's home suddenly appears in the vicinity

3185: Caster's home suddenly contains a lifesize portrait of him

3186: Caster's home suddenly has no d00rs or d00rways

3187: Caster's home suddenly has two sub-basements

3188: Caster's home turns to a house of straw

3189: Caster's home turns to gingerbread

3190: Caster's home turns to gold

3191: Caster's home vanishes without a trace

3192: Caster's illusions automatically disbelieved

3193: Caster's image remains etched into any mirror he gazes into

3194: Caster's INT drops by 1d6 after sunset and is restored at dawn

3195: Caster's INT is increased to 25 for d4 rounds

3196: Caster's INT rises to 19, but his WIS falls by a like amount

3197: Caster's INT, WIS, & CHR switch with DEX, STR, & CON

3198: Caster's Intelligence doubles for d4 rounds

3199: Caster's Intelligence is halved for d4 turns

3200: Caster's Intelligence is increased by 1 for d4 turns

3201: Caster's Intelligence is reduced by d6 for d6 days

3202: Caster's jawbone teleports 1 mile away

3203: Caster's jawbone teleports three feet to the right

3204: Caster's knees and elbows fuse and cannot be bent for d8 turns

3205: Caster's knees invert; bend in opposite direction

3206: Caster's left and right hands switch arms

3207: Caster's left thumb and index finger switch places

3208: Caster's legs can double their length once per day

3209: Caster's legs fuse into one

3210: Caster's legs merge into a fish tail like a merman's

3211: Caster's legs shorten to 1/2 their normal length

3212: Caster's legs tie in a knot

3213: Caster's legs turn to tree trunks and take r00t

3214: Caster's legs vanish d6 rounds; body falls to ground, no damage

3215: Caster's Level increases by 2 for d10 turns

3216: Caster's limbs change proportion to match those of a fish

3217: Caster's limbs change proportion to match those of a giraffe

3218: Caster's limbs change proportion to match those of a gorilla

3219: Caster's limbs change proportion to match those of a starfish

3220: Caster's limbs change proportion to match those of an elephant

3221: Caster's limbs change proportion to match those of an octopus

3222: Caster's little fingers become opposable like thumbs

3223: Caster's long bones (femur, radius, etc) shrink by 1/2

3224: Caster's lower jaw vanishes d10 rounds; speech impossible

3225: Caster's mount becomes a unicorn; departs to nearest woods

3226: Caster's mount becomes an ostrich, keeping original attributes

3227: Caster's mount must Save vs Petrification or turn to stone

3228: Caster's mount turns to snow

3229: Caster's mouth becomes a portal to the Elemental Plane of Water

3230: Caster's mouth can store things like a Bag of H01ding

3231: Caster's mouth fills with feathers

3232: Caster's mouth fills with spiders

3233: Caster's mouth is Wizard Locked as by a 20th Level mage

3234: Caster's mouth opens sideways instead of up and down

3235: Caster's mouth projects a 60'x20' cone of green light when open

3236: Caster's muscles bulge; Save vs Death of gain 1 to STR or die

3237: Caster's muscular system is ripped from his body

3238: Caster's name affects him as Power Word, Stun

3239: Caster's natural AC drops to 5

3240: Caster's natural AC drops to 5, but has a fatal Achilles' heel

3241: Caster's natural AC is rerolled (1d10) each morning

3242: Caster's natural AC rises to 15

3243: Caster's neck turns invisible; head appears to levitate

3244: Caster's neck vanishes; head is perched upon shoulders

3245: Caster's nervous system replaced by wires and electronics

3246: Caster's nervous system vanishes, but caster is unharmed

3247: Caster's next 100 f00tprints fossilize in d4 days

3248: Caster's next 1d10 attacks succeed, but cause 1 point of damage

3249: Caster's next attack automatically inflicts 4x damage

3250: Caster's next d6 attacks heal hit points rather than take them

3251: Caster's next reflection becomes sentient and free-willed

3252: Caster's next sneeze acts like a dragon's breath weapon

3253: Caster's next spell also affects a second, random target

3254: Caster's next spell appears to be cast at a random ally

3255: Caster's next spell appears to be cast by a random ally

3256: Caster's next spell appears to transform him into a demon

3257: Caster's next spell causes a rainstorm

3258: Caster's next spell causes a snowstorm

3259: Caster's next spell causes an outcry from local residents

3260: Caster's next spell centers Silence, 50' radius on him

3261: Caster's next spell erases all others from his memory

3262: Caster's next spell fails spectacularly

3263: Caster's next spell functions as a spell he's never seen

3264: Caster's next spell functions as the last spell he used

3265: Caster's next spell functions with wh011y opposite effect

3266: Caster's next spell ignites his spellb00k

3267: Caster's next spell is accompanied by a loud thunderclap

3268: Caster's next spell is accompanied by a string quartet

3269: Caster's next spell is accompanied by horrifying shrieks

3270: Caster's next spell is accompanied by s00thing melodies

3271: Caster's next spell is actually cast at a random ally

3272: Caster's next spell is automatically successful

3273: Caster's next spell is chosen randomly from his memory

3274: Caster's next spell is not stripped from his memory

3275: Caster's next spell issues from strange location

3276: Caster's next spell knocks him unconscious

3277: Caster's next spell opens a Gate to a Lower Outer Plane

3278: Caster's next spell p01ymorphs him into a frog

3279: Caster's next spell p01ymorphs him randomly

3280: Caster's next spell sends him to the Ethereal Plane

3281: Caster's next spell sends him to the nearest island

3282: Caster's next spell sends him to the nearest town

3283: Caster's next spell sends him to where no one speaks Common

3284: Caster's next spell sheathes him in flame

3285: Caster's next spell sheathes him in ice

3286: Caster's next spell sheathes him in mud

3287: Caster's next spell shocks him silly (d20 HP damage)

3288: Caster's next spell summons a herd of cattle (or the like)

3289: Caster's next spell summons a huge, malodorous fog

3290: Caster's next spell summons a huge, malodorous frog

3291: Caster's next spell temporarily turns him to stone

3292: Caster's next spell Wizard Locks all d00rs within 90 yards

3293: Caster's next teleport has a random destination

3294: Caster's next Wild Surge mimics the spell that caused this one

3295: Caster's nose and mouth seal shut; cannot breathe

3296: Caster's nose and one ear exchange places

3297: Caster's nose and one eye exchange places

3298: Caster's nose enlarges every time he hears his name

3299: Caster's nose enlarges whenever he tells a lie

3300: Caster's nose turns spherical and bright red

3301: Caster's own corpse appears from the future to attack him

3302: Caster's perception of "left" and "right" becomes inverted

3303: Caster's pockets are linked with someone else's (who knows?)

3304: Caster's pockets are linked; all reach to one space

3305: Caster's pockets are suddenly full of snail shells

3306: Caster's pockets become H01ey

3307: Caster's pockets become pockets of devouring

3308: Caster's pockets continually fill with sand

3309: Caster's pockets continually fill with water

3310: Caster's pockets double their capacity

3311: Caster's pockets double their interior dimensions

3312: Caster's pockets dump their contents

3313: Caster's pockets each contain a small figurine of him

3314: Caster's pockets exchange contents

3315: Caster's pockets exchange contents with random ally's

3316: Caster's pockets fill with ants

3317: Caster's pockets fill with blood

3318: Caster's pockets fill with butter

3319: Caster's pockets fill with diamond dust

3320: Caster's pockets fill with eggs

3321: Caster's pockets fill with fingernail clippings

3322: Caster's pockets fill with gas01ine

3323: Caster's pockets fill with gold dust

3324: Caster's pockets fill with green slime

3325: Caster's pockets fill with human eyes

3326: Caster's pockets fill with ice cream

3327: Caster's pockets fill with iron filings

3328: Caster's pockets fill with leaves

3329: Caster's pockets fill with lint and fluff

3330: Caster's pockets fill with mercury

3331: Caster's pockets fill with mice

3332: Caster's pockets fill with mousetraps

3333: Caster's pockets fill with pebbles

3334: Caster's pockets fill with pins and needles

3335: Caster's pockets fill with razor blades

3336: Caster's pockets fill with rot grubs

3337: Caster's pockets fill with salmon

3338: Caster's pockets fill with sand

3339: Caster's pockets fill with skunks

3340: Caster's pockets fill with sodium

3341: Caster's pockets fill with sodium and water

3342: Caster's pockets fill with tar and feathers

3343: Caster's pockets fill with thorns and thistles

3344: Caster's pockets fill with universal s01vent

3345: Caster's pockets fill with water

3346: Caster's pockets preserve the temperature of anything in them

3347: Caster's pockets seal shut

3348: Caster's pockets seal shut and fill with helium

3349: Caster's pockets spew forth hot water every hour on the hour

3350: Caster's pockets sprout sharp teeth

3351: Caster's pockets turn invisible

3352: Caster's pockets won't release him after he reaches into them

3353: Caster's possessions burst into flame

3354: Caster's possessions have no weight

3355: Caster's presence causes animals to become aggressive

3356: Caster's presence causes candles to burn blue

3357: Caster's presence causes children to cry

3358: Caster's presence causes fires to attract wild animals

3359: Caster's presence causes fires to burn an unusual c010r

3360: Caster's presence causes fires to stink like carrion

3361: Caster's presence causes flame to burn c01d

3362: Caster's presence causes holy symb01s to glow blood red

3363: Caster's presence causes ice to form on nearby water

3364: Caster's presence causes light to dim

3365: Caster's presence causes metal to sweat oily water

3366: Caster's presence causes musical instruments to go out of tune

3367: Caster's presence causes normal d00rs and shutters to jam

3368: Caster's presence causes normal d00rs and shutters to slam

3369: Caster's presence causes objects to become lost

3370: Caster's presence causes rooms to clutter and grow disorganized

3371: Caster's presence causes severe discomfort to undead

3372: Caster's presence causes voices to issue from metal around him

3373: Caster's presence enrages elementals

3374: Caster's presence gives g00se-bumps to those around him

3375: Caster's presence incites ravenous hunger in animals

3376: Caster's presence is s00thing to wild animals

3377: Caster's present HPs flip; 07 HP become 70 HP

3378: Caster's principal weapon adopts his personality for d6 years

3379: Caster's principal weapon always inflicts maximum damage

3380: Caster's principal weapon always inflicts minimum damage

3381: Caster's principal weapon appears in caster's esophagus

3382: Caster's principal weapon attacks him like a Sword of Dancing

3383: Caster's principal weapon attracts demons

3384: Caster's principal weapon becomes Undead

3385: Caster's principal weapon crumbles to sawdust

3386: Caster's principal weapon doubles in length

3387: Caster's principal weapon exists in only two dimensions

3388: Caster's principal weapon grows wings and flies away

3389: Caster's principal weapon H01ds him whenever it inflicts damage

3390: Caster's principal weapon is absorbed by him; causes no damage

3391: Caster's principal weapon is covered with human flesh

3392: Caster's principal weapon is encased in human bone

3393: Caster's principal weapon is greatly sought after by undead

3394: Caster's principal weapon is invisible to all but him: +1 ToHit

3395: Caster's principal weapon is never quite where he left it

3396: Caster's principal weapon is rendered h0110w; shatters easily

3397: Caster's principal weapon is revealed to be Intelligent

3398: Caster's principal weapon is sought for use in a holy war

3399: Caster's principal weapon lodges in his esophagus

3400: Caster's principal weapon negates darkness in a 10 f00t radius

3401: Caster's principal weapon negates light in a 10 f00t radius

3402: Caster's principal weapon seems to detect evil everywhere

3403: Caster's principal weapon shrinks to 1/2 its size

3404: Caster's principal weapon smells of rotting meat

3405: Caster's principal weapon teleports to his principal dwelling

3406: Caster's principal weapon turns into a shovel

3407: Caster's principal weapon turns into aluminum

3408: Caster's principal weapon turns to butter

3409: Caster's principal weapon turns to clay

3410: Caster's principal weapon turns to rubber

3411: Caster's principal weapon turns to silk and cannot cause damage

3412: Caster's principal weapon turns to snow

3413: Caster's principal weapon turns to steam

3414: Caster's principal weapon turns to wax

3415: Caster's principal weapon vanishes next time it strikes someone

3416: Caster's principal weapon winds itself around caster's arms

3417: Caster's principal weapon winds itself around caster's head

3418: Caster's principal weapon winds itself around caster's legs

3419: Caster's rate of aging redoubles hourly

3420: Caster's reflection animates as in a Mirror of Opposition

3421: Caster's reflection appears subtly wrong

3422: Caster's reflection shows the caster's back instead of front

3423: Caster's right arm is immobilized by a plaster cast

3424: Caster's right arm turns to another left arm, mounted backwards

3425: Caster's right knee is no longer able to bend

3426: Caster's right thumb and index finger switch places

3427: Caster's rings all link into a chain

3428: Caster's rings develop a series of sharp projections inside

3429: Caster's rings drop to -30° Fahrenheit

3430: Caster's rings ring like church bells when he speaks his name

3431: Caster's rings suddenly appear in his stomach

3432: Caster's rings suddenly appear on his toes

3433: Caster's rings suddenly appear piercing his earlobes

3434: Caster's rings suddenly appear piercing his nose

3435: Caster's rings suddenly double in diameter

3436: Caster's rings turn his fingers to the metal they are made of

3437: Caster's rings turn to flesh, retaining their enchantments

3438: Caster's Saves "flip" relative to 10; 11 becomes 9, etc.

3439: Caster's scent is s00thing to hounds

3440: Caster's scent is terrifying to hounds

3441: Caster's sense of balance is shifted 90°

3442: Caster's sense of beauty and ugliness is reversed

3443: Caster's sense of north and south fluctuates daily

3444: Caster's sentences are appended with hallucinatory vulgarities

3445: Caster's sentences spoken as questions, spellcasting impossible

3446: Caster's shadow always falls in the same direction

3447: Caster's shadow appears to be outlined with chalk

3448: Caster's shadow becomes a full c010r picture of caster

3449: Caster's shadow does not appear to be connected to him

3450: Caster's shadow falls in opposite direction

3451: Caster's shadow gestures obscenely when he is not 100king

3452: Caster's shadow gets the hiccups for 1d10 days

3453: Caster's shadow has a gaping h01e in its torso

3454: Caster's shadow is a mirror image of what it should be

3455: Caster's shadow is afraid of the dark

3456: Caster's shadow is twice the size it should be

3457: Caster's shadow is visible even when he is not

3458: Caster's shadow lacks a head

3459: Caster's shadow pushes other shadows out of its way

3460: Caster's shadow rattles as it slides across the ground

3461: Caster's shadow rises and walks away

3462: Caster's shadow rises up and tries to strangle him

3463: Caster's shield becomes enchanted with the Frisky Chest Spell

3464: Caster's shield turns to adamantite; gains +2

3465: Caster's shield turns to glass; receives -6 until broken

3466: Caster's shield turns to ice; receives -3 until broken

3467: Caster's shield turns to mithral; gains +1

3468: Caster's short-term memory is lost but recalls long-past events

3469: Caster's skeleton appears to be standing three feet to his left

3470: Caster's skeleton becomes Undead while still in his body

3471: Caster's skeleton glows through his skin when he casts a spell

3472: Caster's skeleton glows through his skin when he says his name

3473: Caster's skeleton glows through his skin whenever he is angry

3474: Caster's skeleton p01ymorphs to that of another random creature

3475: Caster's skeleton rotates 360°; caster reduced to 1 HP

3476: Caster's skeleton turns to diamond but retains usefulness

3477: Caster's skin alternates red-to-white as his heart beats

3478: Caster's skin and armor merge; undetectable but AC is retained

3479: Caster's skin appears scorched like he was burned at the stake

3480: Caster's skin appears to be tight-fitting chain mail

3481: Caster's skin attacks him by constriction; -1d4 HP per round

3482: Caster's skin becomes poisonous to him; -1 HP per round

3483: Caster's skin becomes the same material as the target

3484: Caster's skin cannot be cut by non-magical metal

3485: Caster's skin c010r fluctuates randomly for d20 days

3486: Caster's skin enlarges 10%, but the caster does not

3487: Caster's skin feels like bark but looks normal

3488: Caster's skin feels like feathers but looks normal

3489: Caster's skin feels like fur but looks normal

3490: Caster's skin feels like sandpaper but looks normal

3491: Caster's skin feels like scales but looks normal

3492: Caster's skin feels like warm wax

3493: Caster's skin forms an insect-like exoskeleton (-2d6 to CHA)

3494: Caster's skin grows to cover any rings he's wearing

3495: Caster's skin hangs on his body like a loose garment

3496: Caster's skin has a number of suction-cup welts on it

3497: Caster's skin has an odd tint to it

3498: Caster's skin is burned by nonmagical rain

3499: Caster's skin is imprinted with a cryptic-100king map

3500: Caster's skin is resistant to cuts and lacerations

3501: Caster's skin is uncomfortably c01d to the touch

3502: Caster's skin looks dusty but feels normal

3503: Caster's skin looks like porcelain but feels normal

3504: Caster's skin looks like stone but feels normal

3505: Caster's skin looks like wet paint but feels normal

3506: Caster's skin pulsates as though infested with maggots

3507: Caster's skin seems to burn from his body when he casts a spell

3508: Caster's skin seems to glisten with slime

3509: Caster's skin shrinks 10%, but the caster does not

3510: Caster's skin sprouts quills like a cactus

3511: Caster's skin sprouts quills like a g00se

3512: Caster's skin sprouts quills like a porcupine

3513: Caster's skin teleports three feet to the left

3514: Caster's skin turns inside out on his body

3515: Caster's skin turns to black pudding

3516: Caster's skin turns to bone; lasts d4 rounds

3517: Caster's skin turns to cloth

3518: Caster's skin turns to flexible silver-like material

3519: Caster's skin turns to grey 00ze

3520: Caster's skin turns to mithral for d10 rounds; AC-3, MR 0

3521: Caster's skin turns to snow

3522: Caster's skin turns to steel while he sleeps

3523: Caster's skull becomes Ethereal

3524: Caster's skull is dimly visible through his flesh

3525: Caster's skull shrinks by 50%; Save vs Death or die

3526: Caster's skull turns to iron; AC bonus +2; shields vs. psionics

3527: Caster's smile appears rotten and decayed

3528: Caster's smile appears superhumanly perfect

3529: Caster's smile causes fear in children

3530: Caster's smile is disconcerting to those of opposite sex

3531: Caster's smile is personally offensive to those of opposite sex

3532: Caster's smile is strangely attractive to those of opposite sex

3533: Caster's speech is delayed by 4 segments; +4 to casting times

3534: Caster's spellb00k and nearest c00kb00k exchange places

3535: Caster's spellb00k appears to be ablaze whenever he opens it

3536: Caster's spellb00k becomes a stone tablet engraved with spells

3537: Caster's spellb00k becomes sentient, with INT 11+d8

3538: Caster's spellb00k becomes unintelligible to any but him

3539: Caster's spellb00k bursts into illusionary flame for d10 rounds

3540: Caster's spellb00k causes insanity in anyone else browsing it

3541: Caster's spellb00k Enlarges by a factor of 2d10

3542: Caster's spellb00k giggles maniacally when it is opened

3543: Caster's spellb00k is teleported back to his library

3544: Caster's spellb00k slams shut if anyone but him reads it

3545: Caster's spellb00k starts flapping and tries to fly away

3546: Caster's spellb00k turns invisible for d4 days

3547: Caster's spellb00k turns to a mundane item when not in use

3548: Caster's spellb00k turns to lead

3549: Caster's spellb00k turns to steam

3550: Caster's spellb00k turns to steel

3551: Caster's spellb00k, when open, also acts as a portable h01e

3552: Caster's spells function as if cast by someone twice his level

3553: Caster's spells require him to touch the target to function

3554: Caster's spilt blood swarms with maggots and mosquitoes

3555: Caster's spine doubles its length

3556: Caster's spine fuses into a single bone

3557: Caster's spine turns to rubber

3558: Caster's spine vanishes

3559: Caster's staff is replaced by a Winchester 30.06 with one shell

3560: Caster's staff turns to an umbrella

3561: Caster's stomach becomes Bag of H01ding; starves in d4 days

3562: Caster's Strength is increased by 1 for d4 turns

3563: Caster's Strength is reduced by d6 for d6 days

3564: Caster's teeth appear blood-red

3565: Caster's teeth chatter constantly while he is asleep

3566: Caster's teeth double in size when he tells a lie

3567: Caster's teeth fall out; gets 1 GP for each left under pillow

3568: Caster's teeth fuse for d4 hours; spellcasting impossible

3569: Caster's teeth fuse together when he tells a lie

3570: Caster's teeth glow in the dark

3571: Caster's teeth heat to 110° when he tells a lie

3572: Caster's teeth heat to 180°

3573: Caster's teeth receive unintelligible radio transmissions

3574: Caster's teeth rotate 180°

3575: Caster's teeth turn to diamonds

3576: Caster's teeth turn to ice and melt; regrow in 1d10 days

3577: Caster's teeth vanish at sunset and reappear at sunrise

3578: Caster's teeth vanish when he tells a lie

3579: Caster's THAC0 becomes 1, but his attacks inflict only 1 HP

3580: Caster's THAC0 becomes 25, but his attacks inflict full damage

3581: Caster's THAC0 is 0 for d6 hours

3582: Caster's THAC0 is 25 for d6 hours

3583: Caster's THAC0 is permanently improved by 1

3584: Caster's THAC0 is permanently worsened by 1

3585: Caster's throws d4 shadows

3586: Caster's thumbs become non-opposable like his other fingers

3587: Caster's tongue appears forked

3588: Caster's tongue changes c010r

3589: Caster's tongue elongates d12 inches

3590: Caster's tongue explodes for 2d10 points of damage

3591: Caster's tongue glows like a firefly

3592: Caster's tongue leaps from his mouth and slithers away

3593: Caster's tongue looks like a blade whenever he is angry

3594: Caster's tongue loops into a knot; spellcasting impossible

3595: Caster's tongue turns to a snake (-d4 to cHA)

3596: Caster's tongue turns to glass

3597: Caster's tongue turns to leather

3598: Caster's tongue vanishes

3599: Caster's torso (not head or legs) rotates 180° without harm

3600: Caster's torso (not head or legs) rotates 360° without harm

3601: Caster's torso (not head or legs) rotates 90° without harm

3602: Caster's total existence in the present is eradicated

3603: Caster's touch can drain hit points, but he loses a like amount

3604: Caster's touch causes closed wounds to reopen

3605: Caster's touch causes cloth to fade in c010r

3606: Caster's touch causes damage as principal weapon, which is lost

3607: Caster's touch causes domesticated animals to become wild

3608: Caster's touch causes flowers to b100m out of season

3609: Caster's touch causes flowers to break into song

3610: Caster's touch causes glass to blacken

3611: Caster's touch causes glass to crack

3612: Caster's touch causes holy items to blaze with illusionary fire

3613: Caster's touch causes ink to change c010r

3614: Caster's touch causes magical items to discharge randomly

3615: Caster's touch causes metals to tarnish

3616: Caster's touch causes metals to vanish

3617: Caster's touch causes nonliving items to change c010r

3618: Caster's touch causes normal metals to tarnish

3619: Caster's touch causes normal plants to wilt

3620: Caster's touch causes trees to bear poisonous fruit

3621: Caster's touch causes water to become carbonated for 1d10 turns

3622: Caster's touch causes water to become poisonous for 1d10 turns

3623: Caster's touch causes water to taste soapy for 1d10 turns

3624: Caster's touch causes wax to melt into suggestive shapes

3625: Caster's touch causes wounds to seal but restores no hit points

3626: Caster's touch is like that of a rust monster

3627: Caster's touch robs plants of their c010r

3628: Caster's touch turns clothing inside-out

3629: Caster's touch warps normal plants and wood

3630: Caster's treasure turns to snow

3631: Caster's treasure turns to steam

3632: Caster's veins and arteries turn to iron

3633: Caster's vision extends only 100 yards in any direction

3634: Caster's visual perceptions are inverted; left-to-right

3635: Caster's voice causes fruit to fall from nearby trees

3636: Caster's voice causes nearby animals to howl

3637: Caster's voice comes from somewhere else when he speaks

3638: Caster's voice echoes for d4 rounds, casting times doubled

3639: Caster's voice matches that of each person with whom he speaks

3640: Caster's voice reverberates oddly when he speaks

3641: Caster's voice seems whiny and annoying to strangers

3642: Caster's voice sounds like gravel rattling in a tin box

3643: Caster's voice sounds like it's coming from down a long pipe

3644: Caster's voice sounds vaguely like buzzing insects

3645: Caster's weapon acquires the caster's personality

3646: Caster's weapon argues with him about who to attack next

3647: Caster's weapon attacks him as a fighter of caster's level

3648: Caster's weapon can discharge spell's effect (d4 uses)

3649: Caster's weapon crumbles to dust upon next usage

3650: Caster's weapon explodes, inflicting d6 damage to all within 10'

3651: Caster's weapon turns to adamantite; gains +2

3652: Caster's weapon turns to choc01ate

3653: Caster's weapon turns to mithral; gains +1

3654: Caster's weapon turns to sponge; can cause no damage

3655: Caster's weapon twists into a knot

3656: Caster's weight doubles

3657: Caster's weight fluctuates by ±50% every turn

3658: Caster's weight increases by a factor of 3d10

3659: Caster's weight lowers by d100 lbs; if less than 0, floats away

3660: Caster's Wisdom is increased by 1 for d4 turns

3661: Caster's Wisdom is reduced by d6 for d6 days

3662: Caster's word order is shuffled; verbal spellcasting impossible

3663: Children shriek in horror when the caster is near

3664: Clasps and buttons fall off clothing in the caster's presence

3665: Clothing feels like gritty sandpaper against caster's skin

3666: Clothing of caster and random ally is magically exchanged

3667: Clothing of caster and random foe is magically exchanged

3668: Clothing of caster and target is magically exchanged

3669: Clothing turns invisible 1d6 hours after the caster puts it on

3670: C010r Spray strikes the caster

3671: C010red beads tumble from the caster's mouth when he lies

3672: C010red lights dance around the caster's head when he speaks

3673: Cream cheese 00zes from the caster's nostrils

3674: Create Water drenches caster whenever he speaks his name

3675: Dairy products become poisonous after the caster handles them

3676: Darkness, 100' radius, centers on caster for d10 rounds

3677: Death appears, captures caster's soul, and disappears

3678: Death appears, hugs caster, and vanishes; caster unharmed

3679: Death appears, swings a mop at caster, and disappears

3680: Death appears, swings scythe, misses, curses, and disappears

3681: Death appears, taps caster on shoulder, chuckles, and vanishes

3682: Dust c011ects wherever the caster's shadow falls

3683: Each day caster ages half of the way to his life expectancy

3684: Each night caster dreams that Death is stalking him

3685: Each night caster dreams that he has been asleep for 100 years

3686: Each night caster dreams that he is unable to sleep

3687: Each night caster dreams that he is unable to use magic

3688: Each night caster dreams that he is unable to wake up

3689: Each night, caster dreams of bugs crawling into his mouth

3690: Each night, caster dreams that he's trying to fall asleep

3691: Each night, caster is rained on even if no one else is

3692: Each night, caster sleeps until someone wakes him

3693: Each of caster's boots weighs as much as he does

3694: Each of caster's hands weighs 1d10+10 pounds

3695: Each of caster's teeth is a different, bright c010r

3696: Each of caster's pockets accesses another

3697: Each piece of caster's equipment teleports to a random plane

3698: Earth Elemental appears and drags caster to the Plane of Earth

3699: Earthen wall d4 feet thick, d12 feet high encircles caster

3700: Electricity seems to spark in caster's mouth when he smiles

3701: Ellran's Abs01ute Abjuration is discharged at caster's location

3702: Every creature within 60' of caster rotates 180°

3703: Every spell cast by caster is accompanied by a loud drum roll

3704: Everyone appears sickly and sallow to caster

3705: Everyone caster touches knows his name

3706: Everyone in the world knows caster's deepest secret

3707: Everyone in the world knows that caster is a spell-user

3708: Everyone within 10 miles forgets caster's name (until reminded)

3709: Everyone within 10 miles suddenly knows caster's name

3710: Everyone within 100 yards feels he's known the caster for years

3711: Everyone within 100 yards forgets who the caster is for 1 week

3712: Everyone within 100 yards knows when the caster casts a spell

3713: Everything appears 2X as large to caster

3714: Everything that happened in previous round is negated

3715: Everything that happened in previous round recurs in the next

3716: Fire Elemental resides in caster's lungs; d10 HP damageIround

3717: Fog Cloud spews from caster's mouth when he tries to speak

3718: food tastes like bile to the caster

3719: For d10 days, caster need only eat 1/2 the normal amount of food

3720: For d4 hours, caster's touch turns all precious metal to lead

3721: For d4 turns, caster's touch turns all s01id matter to gold

3722: For d6 days, caster can find secret d00rs 9 out of 10 times

3723: For d6 hours, all within 10' of caster covet his spellb00k

3724: For d6 hours, caster's touch turns all gems to c010red ice

3725: For d6 turns caster's gains a bloodhound's 01factory acuity

3726: For some reason, the caster doesn't think steel can hurt him

3727: Foul-smelling foam 00zes from caster's ears while he sleeps

3728: From now on, caster must roll ToHit with Magic Missiles

3729: Fruits and vegetables rot more rapidly in the caster's presence

3730: Gate to random outer plane; 50% extraplanar creature appears

3731: gold becomes invisible to the caster

3732: gold tarnishes at the caster's touch

3733: G01ems become invisible to caster

3734: Grass grows on the palms of caster's hands

3735: Grass sprouts in caster's next 50 f00tprints

3736: Gust of Wind blows from caster's mouth when he tries to speak

3737: Half (left or right) of caster's f00tprints disappear

3738: Half of caster's body is Slowed

3739: Half of caster's head vanishes, though he is unharmed

3740: Half-either front or back-of caster's clothing is invisible

3741: Healing efforts have a 20% to inflict damage on caster

3742: Hysterical laughter echoes from above when caster says his name

3743: If anyone should ask

3744: If caster finds a bag of h01ding, he climbs into it

3745: If caster is slain, his k

3746: If caster is slain, his k

3747: If caster is slain, his k

3748: If caster is slain, his k

3749: If caster is slain, his k

3750: if caster is slain, his k

3751: If caster is slain, his k

3752: If caster is slain, his k

3753: If caster is slain, his k

3754: If caster is slain, his k

3755: If caster is slain, his k

3756: if struck

3757: If struck aster seems to shatter and reassemble quick

3758: If struck

3759: if struck

3760: If struck

3761: Images of birds surround caster when he casts a spell

3762: Images of caster stand in his f00tprints for d8 days

3763: Images of ghostly figures surround caster when he casts a spell

3764: Images of whirling blades surround caster when he casts a spell

3765: Immediate area around caster always seems slightly blurry

3766: Immediate area around caster always seems slightly brighter

3767: Immediate area around caster always seems slightly colder

3768: Immediate area around caster always seems slightly dark

3769: Immediate area around caster always seems slightly warmer

3770: Immediate area around caster smells slightly of brimstone

3771: In times of need, caster can get nourishment from topsoil

3772: Inanimate objects are easily misplaced in the caster's presence

3773: Inanimate objects fall from shelves in the caster's presence

3774: Inanimate objects rattle slightly when the caster passes by

3775: Inanimate objects seem slightly warmer in the caster's presence

3776: Intelligent weapons become stupid while the caster wields them

3777: Intelligent weapons hate the caster on sight

3778: Intelligent weapons refuse to speak in the caster's presence

3779: Invisible bells ring in the air when the caster casts a spell

3780: Jewelry burns the caster like fire

3781: Last spell used by caster returns to strike him next round

3782: Leaves and twigs whirl about caster like a cyclone

3783: Left half of caster's body ages at 5X normal rate

3784: Left half of caster's body gains +2 Strength

3785: Left half of caster's body shrinks by 50%

3786: Light shines from the back of caster's head

3787: Lightning strikes caster (6d6 HP) next time he kills something

3788: Liquids effervesce in the caster's hands

3789: Liquids turn opaque in the caster's hands

3790: Living creatures appear blurry and indistinct to caster

3791: 100king into one of caster's ears gives a view out the other

3792: 100king through caster's ears provides a view like a telescope

3793: Loud noises cause caster to bleed from the ears

3794: Magic Mouth appears on caster's back, shouting obscenities

3795: Magical healing efforts cause caster's age to fluctuate

3796: Magical healing efforts cause caster's sex to change

3797: Magical healing efforts work but cause great pain to caster

3798: Milk pours from caster's nose whenever he laughs

3799: Milk, cream, and butter spoil in the caster's presence

3800: Money looks counterfeit while in the caster's hands

3801: Mournful chanting fills the air when the caster speaks his name

3802: Nearest child claims the caster as its parent

3803: Nearest church accuses caster of robbing the p00r box

3804: Nearest dragon claims caster as its familiar

3805: Nearest dragon's horde teleports to caster's home

3806: Nearest Druid thinks caster willingly started a forest fire

3807: Nearest fire animates as an Elemental obedient to the caster

3808: Nearest frog assumes human form (attributesIalignment random)

3809: Nearest Lich is teleported to within 120' of caster

3810: Nearest person of opposite sex tries to kill the caster

3811: Nearest royal of opposite sex develops intense hatred of caster

3812: Nearest royal of opposite sex falls in love with caster

3813: Nearest royal of opposite sex thinks caster kidnapped himIher

3814: Nearest royal of opposite sex thinks caster once saved himIher

3815: Nearest royal of opposite sex thinks caster st01e from himIher

3816: Nearest royal of opposite sex thinks caster to be a relative

3817: Nearest scarecrow becomes animate and hunts caster relentlessly

3818: Nearest tree imprisons caster within its trunk

3819: Necromantic magic doesn't work on caster for one year

3820: Next 10 lbs. of food touched by caster turn to stone

3821: Next 1d10 spells used by caster have their effects reversed

3822: Next 25 gallons of water touched by caster become acid

3823: Next 25 gallons of water touched by caster become an Elemental

3824: Next 25 gallons of water touched by caster become blood

3825: Next 25 gallons of water touched by caster become cement

3826: Next 25 gallons of water touched by caster become Dwarven ale

3827: Next 25 gallons of water touched by caster become Elven wine

3828: Next 25 gallons of water touched by caster become fuel oil

3829: Next 25 gallons of water touched by caster become Gnome mead

3830: Next 25 gallons of water touched by caster become Halfling beer

3831: Next 25 gallons of water touched by caster become Liquid Evil

3832: Next 25 gallons of water touched by caster become magma

3833: Next 25 gallons of water touched by caster become mercury

3834: Next 25 gallons of water touched by caster become m01ten lead

3835: Next 25 gallons of water touched by caster become nitroglycerin

3836: Next 25 gallons of water touched by caster become Orc bathwater

3837: Next 25 gallons of water touched by caster evaporate

3838: Next 2d10 spells used by caster affect caster & target equally

3839: Next 2d4 spells used by caster automatically fail

3840: Next 2d4 Summonings by caster summon local Council members

3841: Next 2d6 spells employed by caster conjure cute little rabbits

3842: Next ally touched by caster Blinks for 1 turn

3843: Next ally touched by caster burst into illusionary flame

3844: Next ally touched by caster does not require sleep for d6 days

3845: Next ally touched by caster drops to 1 Hit Point

3846: Next ally touched by caster falls unconscious

3847: Next ally touched by caster flies into a 2-turn berserker fury

3848: Next ally touched by caster forgets who caster is

3849: Next ally touched by caster is Healed

3850: Next ally touched by caster is surrounded by a swarm of hornets

3851: Next ally touched by caster levitates for d20 rounds

3852: Next ally touched by caster steals his memorized spells

3853: Next ally touched by caster triggers all his memorized spells

3854: Next attempt at teleportation sends caster to Astral plane

3855: Next attempt at teleportation sends caster to current location

3856: Next beneficial enchantment by caster acts as equivalent curse

3857: Next beneficial enchantment on caster acts as equivalent curse

3858: Next boat or ship seen by caster sinks

3859: Next breath exhaled by caster becomes free willed Air elemental

3860: Next creature caster touches absorbs damage caused by caster

3861: Next creature caster touches absorbs damage inflicted on caster

3862: Next creature caster touches cannot thereafter be harmed by him

3863: Next creature caster touches cannot thereafter harm him

3864: Next creature slain by caster resurrects as his ally

3865: Next creature slain by caster resurrects with double hit points

3866: Next creature touched by caster explodes; reforms in d20 rounds

3867: Next creature touched by caster flies into a berserker rage

3868: Next creature touched by caster randomly changes alignment

3869: Next creature touched by caster Saves vs Death or turns to ice

3870: Next Curse placed upon caster has no effect

3871: Next d00rway passed through by caster becomes a Gate

3872: Next fire set by caster acts as a brazier of sleep smoke

3873: Next fire set by caster acts as a gate to Elemental Fire

3874: Next fire set by caster affects all near as Potion of delusion

3875: Next fire set by caster appears 10 times larger, but is not

3876: Next fire set by caster appears 10 times smaller, but is not

3877: Next fire set by caster becomes free-willed fire elemental

3878: Next fire set by caster boils any water carried by him

3879: Next fire set by caster burns 10 times hotter

3880: Next fire set by caster burns a 10 yard crater into the ground

3881: Next fire set by caster burns in a corkscrew shape

3882: Next fire set by caster burns in a cube

3883: Next fire set by caster burns in a sphere

3884: Next fire set by caster burns in an inverted cone

3885: Next fire set by caster burns in the shape of his initials

3886: Next fire set by caster burns only in two dimensions

3887: Next fire set by caster can be seen for 1 mile

3888: Next fire set by caster cannot be extinguished normally

3889: Next fire set by caster causes a fountain to well up beneath it

3890: Next fire set by caster covers all who view it with black ash

3891: Next fire set by caster detonates as a 3 die Fireball

3892: Next fire set by caster duplicates his personality

3893: Next fire set by caster flies into the sky

3894: Next fire set by caster f0110ws caster wherever he goes

3895: Next fire set by caster gives no light (normal or infra-visual)

3896: Next fire set by caster has sentience; won't want to be put out

3897: Next fire set by caster ignites all water within 100 yards

3898: Next fire set by caster ignites his clothing

3899: Next fire set by caster makes all who view it itch vi01ently

3900: Next fire set by caster moans ominously while it burns

3901: Next fire set by caster plays entertaining music while it burns

3902: Next fire set by caster provides heat for him but no one else

3903: Next fire set by caster provides no heat for him, only others

3904: Next fire set by caster puts the scent of blood in the air

3905: Next fire set by caster puts the scent of brimstone in the air

3906: Next fire set by caster puts the scent of burnt skin in the air

3907: Next fire set by caster puts the scent of decay in the air

3908: Next fire set by caster puts the scent of fresh meat in the air

3909: Next fire set by caster puts the scent of jasmine in the air

3910: Next fire set by caster puts the scent of m01d in the air

3911: Next fire set by caster puts the scent of skunk in the air

3912: Next fire set by caster radiates c01d instead of heat

3913: Next fire set by caster radiates darkness instead of light

3914: Next fire set by caster rages out of contr01

3915: Next fire set by caster rises and runs away; burns nothing else

3916: Next fire set by caster scorches the earth in a 100 yard radius

3917: Next fire set by caster shrieks like a Shrieker while it burns

3918: Next fire set by caster sings like a robin while it burns

3919: Next fire set by caster snuffs his sense of smell

3920: Next fire set by caster snuffs oxygen in a 20 yard radius

3921: Next fire set by caster sounds like distant, whispering voices

3922: Next fire set by caster speaks insults to him while it burns

3923: Next fire set by caster summons hostile air elementals

3924: Next fire set by caster throws heat in only one direction

3925: Next fire set by caster turns to iron after three turns

3926: Next fire set by caster wafts its smoke to f0110w him

3927: Next fire set by caster warms only those facing away from it

3928: Next fire set by caster whispers horrible things to him

3929: Next fire set by caster will not ignite

3930: Next full pound of pepper touched by caster becomes gunpowder

3931: Next horse ridden by caster ages one year per minute

3932: Next horse ridden by caster bonds with him like a Warhorse

3933: Next horse ridden by caster doesn't tire while he rides it

3934: Next horse ridden by caster hurls him like an ejector seat

3935: Next horse ridden by caster is a mechanical automaton

3936: Next horse ridden by caster is as wild as a free mustang

3937: Next horse ridden by caster is embarrassingly flatulent

3938: Next horse ridden by caster shrinks to 1/2 its size

3939: Next horse ridden by caster sings country music

3940: Next horse ridden by caster throws him for 1d10 hit points

3941: Next horse ridden by caster tries to walk on two legs

3942: Next horse ridden by caster turns into a centaur

3943: Next horse ridden by caster won't stop walking until dawn

3944: Next illusion employed by caster becomes free-willed and real

3945: Next Lich seen by caster is restored to true life

3946: Next magical blade touchingItouched by caster becomes inert

3947: Next meal prepared by caster acts as a potion of extra healing

3948: Next meal prepared by caster acts as a random-effect potion

3949: Next meal prepared by caster acts as a random-strength poison

3950: Next meal prepared by caster animates and attacks him

3951: Next meal prepared by caster appears to radiate evil

3952: Next meal prepared by caster attempts to eat him

3953: Next meal prepared by caster causes mysterious hallucinations

3954: Next meal prepared by caster causes vi01ent nausea

3955: Next meal prepared by caster consumes and digests itself

3956: Next meal prepared by caster depletes a like nutritional amount

3957: Next meal prepared by caster explodes as 3HD fireball when cut

3958: Next meal prepared by caster freezes s01id

3959: Next meal prepared by caster groans like a banshee for 1 round

3960: Next meal prepared by caster has no taste whatsoever

3961: Next meal prepared by caster induces vegetarianism

3962: Next meal prepared by caster is covered in sores and boils

3963: Next meal prepared by caster is pristine and beautiful

3964: Next meal prepared by caster is scabrous and infected

3965: Next meal prepared by caster is toxic to anyone but him

3966: Next meal prepared by caster is toxic to him but no one else

3967: Next meal prepared by caster levitates 10+d20 feet in the air

3968: Next meal prepared by caster melts

3969: Next meal prepared by caster provides nutrition for two weeks

3970: Next meal prepared by caster resurrects and flees

3971: Next meal prepared by caster screams when cut or bitten

3972: Next meal prepared by caster sprouts cactus quills

3973: Next meal prepared by caster sprouts hair

3974: Next meal prepared by caster stays raw; cannot be cooked by him

3975: Next meal prepared by caster tastes bad but gives 3X nutrition

3976: Next meal prepared by caster tastes better than anything else

3977: Next meal prepared by caster tastes like blood

3978: Next meal prepared by caster tastes like blood

3979: Next meal prepared by caster tastes like brimstone

3980: Next meal prepared by caster tastes like chicken

3981: Next meal prepared by caster tastes like demihuman flesh

3982: Next meal prepared by caster tastes like honey

3983: Next meal prepared by caster tastes like iron

3984: Next meal prepared by caster tastes like liver

3985: Next meal prepared by caster tastes like liver

3986: Next meal prepared by caster tastes like the last meal he ate

3987: Next meal prepared by caster turns to already-digested matter

3988: Next meal prepared by caster turns to blood-red snow

3989: Next meal prepared by caster turns to bone

3990: Next meal prepared by caster turns to fat and gristle

3991: Next meal prepared by caster turns to gold

3992: Next meal prepared by caster turns to mercury

3993: Next meal prepared by caster turns to sand

3994: Next meal prepared by caster turns to steel

3995: Next meal prepared by caster turns to stone

3996: Next meal prepared by caster turns to wood

3997: Next nonmagical blade touched by caster becomes magical

3998: Next nonmagical blade touched by caster is blunted

3999: Next 00ze or slime seen by caster turns to choc01ate pudding

4000: Next PC caster touches adopts his physical form

4001: Next person met for the first time by the caster hates him

4002: Next pond caster enters asks him to leave immediately

4003: Next pond caster enters becomes a 16HD water elemental

4004: Next pond caster enters becomes a gate to Elemental Water

4005: Next pond caster enters becomes Sweet Water (for 10 turns)

4006: Next pond caster enters draws him to the bottom

4007: Next pond caster enters endows him with water breathing

4008: Next pond caster enters evaporates instantly

4009: Next pond caster enters freezes s01id

4010: Next pond caster enters grants him water-only breathing

4011: Next pond caster enters transports him to Elemental water

4012: Next pond caster enters turns him to water (Save vs Death)

4013: Next pond caster enters turns to glass for d10 rounds

4014: Next pond caster enters turns to mud in 20d10 rounds

4015: Next pond caster enters vanishes; returns in d20 days

4016: Next pond caster enters whirls in a spiral until he exits

4017: Next profanity spoken by caster becomes a vile, living entity

4018: Next spell used by caster returns to strike him in d10 rounds

4019: Next summoning by caster summons present target

4020: Next summoning spell employed by caster brings skunks instead

4021: Next Summoning transports caster to location of the summoned

4022: Next time caster nears a lake, he believes he can breathe water

4023: Next time caster stands atop a mountain, he believes he can fly

4024: Next Undead caster sees becomes caster's servant for d12 months

4025: Next undead that touches the caster is instantly destroyed

4026: Next weapon caster wields becomes razor keen (bludgeons, etc)

4027: Next weapon caster wields cannot be dropped at will

4028: Next weapon caster wields gains a +1 enchantment

4029: Next weapon caster wields grants him proficiency with it

4030: Next weapon caster wields inflicts equal damage on foe and him

4031: Next weapon caster wields loses +1 enchantment (-1 possible)

4032: Next weapon caster wields makes him attack an ally (d20 rnds)

4033: Next weapon caster wields makes him attack himself (d10 rnds)

4034: Next weapon caster wields sends him into a 2 turn berserk fury

4035: Next weapon caster wields strips his proficiency with it

4036: Next weapon caster wields vanishes

4037: Next wooden object caster touches gains life and starts to grow

4038: No nonmagical fire can be ignited within 10 yards of caster

4039: No one can sleep within 10 yards of caster

4040: No one takes caster seriously for 1d4 days

4041: Nothing in caster's home is familiar to him anymore

4042: Oak tree sprouts beneath caster; carries him 60' into the air

4043: Occupants of next mine caster enters think he causes quakes

4044: Occupants of next mine caster enters think he's a bad omen

4045: Occupants of next mine caster enters think he's a Drow

4046: Occupants of next mine caster enters think he's an Illithid

4047: Occupants of next mine caster enters think he's made of gold

4048: Occupants of next mine caster enters think he's the owner

4049: Ominous thunder rumbles overhead when caster says his name

4050: One half of caster's body turns invisible for d10 rounds

4051: One of caster's arms turns to cheese

4052: One of caster's eyes perceives things to be upside-down

4053: One of caster's teeth doubles in size

4054: One of caster's arms is doubled in length, the other is halved

4055: One of caster's arms tries to strangle him

4056: One of caster's dimensions (height, breadth, depth) is doubled

4057: One of caster's dimensions (height, breadth, depth) is halved

4058: One of caster's feet enlarges to his full height

4059: One of caster's limbs (random) doubles in length

4060: One of caster's limbs turns invisible for 2d12 hours

4061: One of caster's possessions turns out to be a priceless antique

4062: One of caster's possessions turns out to be a st01en artifact

4063: One plant within 60' of caster becomes a Shambling Mound

4064: Oxygen becomes vi01ently toxic to the caster

4065: Pack animals shrug off their loads when the caster is nearby

4066: Pack animals strike up conversations with the caster

4067: People tend to react to caster like he just committed murder

4068: Pigeons react to caster as if he were a statue

4069: Pigeons react to caster as if he were coated by breadcrumbs

4070: Putrid meat is restored by the caster's touch

4071: Rain causes the caster to panic

4072: Random ally's consciousness is pushed into the caster's body

4073: Random creature in vicinity becomes amphibious

4074: Random creature within 60' of caster and caster exchange bodies

4075: Random facial feature of caster becomes invisible

4076: Random limb of caster is Withered as cleric spell

4077: Random limb of caster transforms into limb of another creature

4078: Random limb of caster turns to steam for d6 turns

4079: Random object within 30' of caster mimics caster's personality

4080: Random object within 60' of caster becomes sentient

4081: Raw meat becomes putrid at the caster's touch

4082: Raw meat squeals at the caster's touch

4083: Shadow of caster appears to make mocking gestures at him

4084: Shadow of caster radiates light in caster's shape

4085: Shadows seem to make obscene gestures at the caster

4086: Shoes and boots will not stay on the caster's feet

4087: Slow spell centers on target

4088: Smoke from campfires causes the caster to hallucinate

4089: Smoke pours from caster's nose while he speaks

4090: Snakes seem to squirm within caster's flesh when he's angry

4091: Soft surfaces feel hard and rigid to the caster

4092: Some common smell acts as a diuretic to the caster

4093: Some common smell acts as an aphrodisiac to the caster

4094: Some common smell brings tears to caster's eyes

4095: Some common smell causes caster to fall asleep

4096: Some common smell is nauseating to the caster

4097: Some common smell is terrifying to the caster

4098: Some common smell is tranquilizing to the caster

4099: Some common smell makes the caster break into song

4100: Some common smell makes the caster cast a spell at random

4101: Some common smell makes the caster fly into a berserker rage

4102: Some common smell makes the caster want to cast a spell

4103: Some godIgoddess of Love becomes infatuated with the caster

4104: Some nearby cult thinks it must sacrifice the caster

4105: Someone just insulted the caster, but he's not sure who

4106: Sounds of horrible moaning are heard when caster casts a spell

4107: Sounds of hysteric shrieking are heard if caster casts a spell

4108: Sounds of maniacal laughter are heard when caster casts a spell

4109: Sounds of raging waterfalls are heard when caster casts a spell

4110: Sounds of roaring flames are heard when caster casts a spell

4111: Speaking the caster's name renders animals unconscious

4112: Spectacular lightning flares overhead when caster says his name

4113: Spectacular lightning harmlessly grounds itself via the caster

4114: Spell cannot be recast by caster for 1d4 weeks

4115: Spell consumes caster's body as its material component

4116: Spell delayed until caster speaks his name, then it strikes him

4117: Spell duration lasts until caster dies

4118: Spell duration lasts until caster is injured

4119: Spell effect is doubled and centered on caster

4120: Spell effect is reversed and strikes caster

4121: Spell effect is reversed and strikes random ally of caster

4122: Spell effect occurs as another spell known to caster

4123: Spell effect seems to affect the caster equally but does not

4124: Spell hits the caster and the person standing nearest to him

4125: Spell strikes the next creature that attacks the caster

4126: Statues animate and speak to caster while he touches them

4127: Steam rolls from the caster's skin when he is angry

4128: Streams and rivers applaud when the caster crosses them

4129: Streams and rivers seem to be blood-red as caster crosses them

4130: Streams and rivers seem to flow uphill when caster crosses them

4131: Temperature of caster's principal weapon drops to -260° C

4132: Temperature of caster's principal weapon rises to 260° C

4133: The flesh of caster's hands is invisible for 1d8 days

4134: The next town caster enters greets him like a long-lost son

4135: The next town caster enters reviles him like liar and a thief

4136: The omelet caster ate yesterday was made with dragon eggs

4137: The person nearest to the caster will die if he dies

4138: The top half of caster's body is affected by Reverse Gravity

4139: The top of caster's head is flat as a table

4140: The top of caster's head is perfectly sm00th and flat

4141: Tomorrow caster can memorize an extra 1d6 levels of spells

4142: Twelve stone c01umns sprout from ground within 10' of caster

4143: Two nearest demons vie for the caster's soul

4144: Undead react like caster is one of them, unless he attacks

4145: Vines grow from ground and bind caster until removed

4146: Wall of Fire appears in caster's home

4147: Wall of Stone appears in front of caster

4148: Water cannot boil in the caster's presence

4149: Water flows in caster's veins instead of blood

4150: Water tastes like blood to the caster

4151: Water tastes like gas01ine to caster

4152: Whatever animal caster last ate reanimates and seeks vengeance

4153: Whatever the temperature, caster feels like he's in a sauna

4154: Whatever the temperature, caster feels like he's in an ig100

4155: When caster becomes invisible, some part of him does not

4156: When caster casts a spell, he loses the spell's Level in HP

4157: When caster dies he is instantly reincarnated

4158: When caster dies, 1d10 people claim to be his clones

4159: When caster dies, a chalk outline forms around his corpse

4160: When caster dies, a crops within one mile come to ripeness

4161: When caster dies, a nearby religious sect declares holy war

4162: When caster dies, all written record of him vanishes

4163: When caster dies, anyone not witnessing his death forgets him

4164: When caster dies, everyone nearby weeps mournfully

4165: When caster dies, he becomes horribly frightening to 100k at

4166: When caster dies, he becomes painfully beautiful to 100k at

4167: When caster dies, he is found to be a sophisticated android

4168: When caster dies, he shatters as though made of glass

4169: When caster dies, he takes r00t and becomes a tree

4170: When caster dies, his body is found to harbor countless bugs

4171: When caster dies, his Charisma score increases by 4

4172: When caster dies, his corpse appears to be 2d20 years younger

4173: When caster dies, his corpse becomes a scarecrow

4174: When caster dies, his corpse changes its sex

4175: When caster dies, his corpse decays in a matter of moments

4176: When caster dies, his corpse deflates like a balloon

4177: When caster dies, his corpse detonates as a 10 HD fireball

4178: When caster dies, his corpse digs a pit and lays itself to rest

4179: When caster dies, his corpse discharges his memorized spells

4180: When caster dies, his corpse diss01ves into a foul mush

4181: When caster dies, his corpse doubles in size

4182: When caster dies, his corpse doubles its size

4183: When caster dies, his corpse freezes s01id

4184: When caster dies, his corpse giggles if touched

4185: When caster dies, his corpse giggles until buried

4186: When caster dies, his corpse goes berserk for 1d10 rounds

4187: When caster dies, his corpse is consumed in a plume of fire

4188: When caster dies, his corpse is dressed in fine silks

4189: When caster dies, his corpse is found to be completely h0110w

4190: When caster dies, his corpse is found to be filled with gold

4191: When caster dies, his corpse is wrapped in cellophane

4192: When caster dies, his corpse mummifies in a matter of moments

4193: When caster dies, his corpse races back to his place of birth

4194: When caster dies, his corpse recites a moving poem

4195: When caster dies, his corpse rises into the sky and is gone

4196: When caster dies, his corpse rises like a revenant and attacks

4197: When caster dies, his corpse smells of roses instead of decay

4198: When caster dies, his corpse turns inside out

4199: When caster dies, his corpse turns to choc01ate

4200: When caster dies, his corpse turns to stone

4201: When caster dies, his corpse vanishes

4202: When caster dies, his death is believed to be a hoax

4203: When caster dies, his death is rumored to have been a suicide

4204: When caster dies, his hair and nails continue to grow

4205: When caster dies, his head vanishes

4206: When caster dies, his skin can be peeled like aluminum foil

4207: When caster dies, his slayer changes alignment

4208: When caster dies, his slayer claims the body as a trophy

4209: When caster dies, his slayer refuses to believe it

4210: When caster dies, his soul is trapped in his principal weapon

4211: When caster dies, his soul is trapped in his spellb00k

4212: When caster dies, his soul transposes with his slayer's

4213: When caster dies, horrible laughter fills the air

4214: When caster dies, mournful dirges issue from the air around his

4215: When caster dies, nearby f01iage withers

4216: When caster dies, no bird can ever again sing within 1 mile

4217: When caster dies, no birds sing for 48 hours

4218: When caster dies, no one recognizes the corpse

4219: When caster dies, people come for miles to see the body

4220: When caster dies, small animals gather to pay their respects

4221: When caster dies, the ambient temperature drops 30°

4222: When caster dies, the Moon appears blood-red for one month

4223: When caster dies, the nearest royal bloodline dies out, t00

4224: When caster dies, the sky appears overcast for one week

4225: When caster dies, the sun appears to weep tears of flame

4226: When caster dies, vicious rumors circulate about him

4227: When caster dies, vultures carry his corpse to his home

4228: When caster draws his weapon 2HD creatures check morale

4229: When caster draws his weapon all near him start laughing

4230: When caster draws his weapon birds circle his head

4231: When caster draws his weapon electricity sizzles in the air

4232: When caster draws his weapon he has second thoughts

4233: When caster draws his weapon he shrinks to 1/2 his height

4234: When caster draws his weapon his allies get a morale b00st

4235: When caster draws his weapon his hair stands on end

4236: When caster draws his weapon his hands are coated in butter

4237: When caster draws his weapon it dr00ps like a limp n00dle

4238: When caster draws his weapon someone nearby faints

4239: When caster is hit, he's suddenly wearing a baseball cap

4240: Wild Surge occurs next time caster says his name

4241: Wizard Mark reading "Kick me" forms on caster's back

4242: 12' iron statue of target sprouts from ground within 60' of him

4243: daisy grows from target's head, may be pruned without harm

4244: 1d10 fingers fall from target's hands; regrow over d10 days

4245: 1d10 Hit Die Fireball centers on target

4246: 1d10 of target's fingers turn to steel

4247: 1d10 sparrow eggs tumble from target's mouth

4248: 1d100 small, harmless h01es appear in target's body

4249: 1d100 young children claim to be the target's offspring

4250: 1d1000 flies swarm from target's mouth whenever he tells a lie

4251: 1d4 people of same raceIopposite sex fall in love with target

4252: 1d6 birds flutter about target's head every time he is hit

4253: 1d6 rounds of b00ing and hisses echo if target speaks his name

4254: 1d6 rounds of dramatic music play when target speaks his name

4255: 1d8-1 bones teleport from target's body; loses d10 hP per bone

4256: 1d8-1 bones teleport into target's body; loses d12 HP per bone

4257: 4d8 of target's teeth turn to gold

4258: h01e penetrates target's torso; target remains unharmed

4259: 8d4 of target's teeth become sentient

4260: A cuck00 pops from target's mouth 12 times like a clock

4261: A false but real-100king map is tatt00ed on target's skin

4262: A fountain springs up beneath target's feet

4263: A framed 8x10 photograph of the target drops at his feet

4264: A gaping h01e forms under the target whenever he says his name

4265: A glaze of frost coats target's wounds

4266: A hand reaches down from the sky and snatches away the target

4267: A large cheese sculpture of the target appears nearby

4268: A large granite hand rises from the earth to grasp the target

4269: A late-model Ford suddenly appears in target's new driveway

4270: A light bulb appears over target's head when he casts a spell

4271: A light rain falls on the target when he casts a spell

4272: A light rain falls on the target when he's struck by a spell

4273: A pit 1d100 feet deep opens beneath target; DEX check or fall

4274: A rainbow springs from target's head and f0110ws him everywhere

4275: A rattling sound is heard whenever target shakes his head

4276: A red dragon believes it owes the target a favor

4277: A Red Dragon believes that target is pursuing her

4278: A red dragon believes the target owes it a favor

4279: A red dragon covets something the target now possesses

4280: A red light flashes atop target's head for one turn

4281: A small elemental appears wherever the target spills blood

4282: A small elemental appears wherever the target's blood is spilt

4283: A small mouse falls from target's mouth when he speaks a lie

4284: A swarm of normal bees appears and attacks target

4285: A thick, foul-smelling discharge 00zes from target's ears

4286: A wealthy investor wants to buy the target's nervous system

4287: Air cannot come within 10 feet of target's principal weapon

4288: Air Elemental resides in target's lungs; inhalation unnecessary

4289: All air between 1' and 10' of target turns to iron

4290: All air between 1' and 10' of target turns to water

4291: All air between 1' and 20' of target turns to fire

4292: All air within 1' of target turns to chlorine gas

4293: All air within 40' of target is evacuated

4294: All architecture within 120' of target is leveled

4295: All attacks target made in the last turn hurt one of his allies

4296: All attacks target makes in the next turn cause +4 damage

4297: All attacks target makes in the next turn cause half damage

4298: All attacks target makes in the next turn cause no damage

4299: All attacks target makes in the next turn harm him instead

4300: All attacks target makes in the next turn heal instead of harm

4301: All but 1 (player choice) of target's attributes rerolled daily

4302: All but one of target's fingers fall off

4303: All but one of target's attributes forever raised to 18

4304: All but one of target's attributes forever reduced to 3

4305: All clothing touched by target crumbles to dust

4306: All coins carried by target are turned to lead

4307: All coins within 100 yards bear the target's likeness

4308: All cooked meat seen by target for 5 days randomly p01ymorphs

4309: All cooked meat seen by target in next 5d20 days turns to liver

4310: All creatures viewed by target 100k and sound identical

4311: All creatures within 90' of target have a singalong for 1 turn

4312: All enchantmentsIcharms upon target are dispelled

4313: All enemies appear identical to target for d12 rounds

4314: All enemies within 15 feet of target are turned to cast iron

4315: All external facial features of target disappear

4316: All fat in target's body turns to water: nerves, brain, etc.

4317: All flesh on target's face turns invisible when he smiles

4318: All f01iage within 30' of target grows 3'

4319: All food and drink tastes utterly bland to the target

4320: All free water within 120' of target turns to m01asses

4321: All gems carried by target are turned to ice

4322: All gems carried by target combust

4323: All ground within 60' of target is Greased, as spell

4324: All ground within 60' of target turns to glass, 10' deep

4325: All items carried by target affected as by the spell Item

4326: All items carried by target affected as by ThereINot There

4327: All items carried by target age 1000 years

4328: All items carried by target appear in a single pocket

4329: All items carried by target appear in someone else's possession

4330: All items carried by target are desired by outer planes being

4331: All items carried by target are encased in bone

4332: All items carried by target are enchanted with Explosive Runes

4333: All items carried by target are immune to gravity 1d20 rounds

4334: All items carried by target become copies of one he carries

4335: All items carried by target become highly flammable; Save at -5

4336: All items carried by target become illusionary (10+d10 rounds)

4337: All items carried by target become resistant to fire; Saves +5

4338: All items carried by target become weightless; may float away

4339: All items carried by target double in size

4340: All items carried by target double their apparent weight

4341: All items carried by target drop 3d100°

4342: All items carried by target enchanted with Continual Light

4343: All items carried by target exchange their apparent weights

4344: All items carried by target fly 10 yards in random directions

4345: All items carried by target halve their apparent weight

4346: all items carried by target halve their size

4347: All items carried by target lose all c010r; turn bland grey

4348: All items carried by target p01ymorph into one random item

4349: All items carried by target quadruple in apparent weight

4350: All items carried by target sent to the Astral Plane

4351: All items carried by target suddenly weigh as much as target

4352: All items carried by target teleport to his home

4353: All items carried by target tie into knots

4354: All items carried by target triple their apparent weight

4355: All items carried by target turn invisible

4356: All items carried by target turn sentient and free-willed

4357: All items carried by target turn to flesh

4358: all items carried by target turn to gold

4359: All items carried by target turn to granite

4360: All items carried by target turn to ice

4361: All items carried by target turn to mercury

4362: All items carried by target turn to steam

4363: All items carried by target turn to water

4364: All items owned by target teleport to him from his home

4365: All liquid except water is poisonous to target

4366: All matter within 60' of target becomes invisible for d4 rounds

4367: All meat tastes blood-raw to the target

4368: All metal on or within target turns to wood

4369: all of target's clothing now bears his monogram

4370: all of target's fingers are broken

4371: All of target's attributes drop to

4372: All of target's equipment turns to platinum

4373: All of target's gold pieces turn to teeth

4374: all of target's precious metal turns to soap

4375: All plants and wildlife appear sickly to the target

4376: All rings worn by target turn to string but retain properties

4377: All rock within 10 feet of target turns to mud (and vice versa)

4378: All rodents within 2 miles will f0110w target for d10 days

4379: all sorts of vile noises issue from the target's stomach

4380: All spells cast on target take place 1d10 rounds after casting

4381: All target's attribute scores are halved

4382: All target's attribute scores drop to equal his worst score

4383: All target's attribute scores rise to equal his best score

4384: all target's clothing not currently worn grows to 2X its size

4385: all target's clothing not currently worn shrinks to 1/2 its size

4386: all target's gems become enchanted with Continual Light

4387: all ten of target's fingers are now on his dominant hand

4388: All the bones disappear from the target's hands and feet

4389: All trees within 100 yards of target are turned to cast iron

4390: All trees within 60' of target upr00t and walk away

4391: All water between 1' and 100' of target turns to air

4392: All water between 1' and 100' of target turns to fire

4393: All weapons within 60' of target become ethereal for d8 rounds

4394: All who see target believe he precedes a great plague

4395: All who see target believe him to be a basilisk

4396: all who see target believe him to be a criminal

4397: All who see target believe him to be a doppleganger

4398: All who see target believe him to be a graverobber

4399: All who see target believe him to be a harbinger of great ill

4400: All who see target believe him to be a Lich

4401: All who see target believe him to be a neo-otyugh

4402: All who see target believe him to be an illusion

4403: All who see target believe him to be some kind of undead

4404: All who see target believe him to be the avatar of a minor god

4405: All who see target believe him to be the r00t of all evil

4406: All within 90' of target check INT or forget who the target is

4407: All wood on or within target turns to metal

4408: All writing in target's spellb00k appears backward

4409: All writing in target's spellb00k turns blurry

4410: All writing in target's spellb00k turns invisible

4411: Alternating strips of target rendered invisible for d8 rounds

4412: An illusionary sign labeled "Buff00n" hangs above target's head

4413: An illusionary sign labeled "leper" hangs above target's head

4414: An illusory Lich rises from the ground and pursues target

4415: An Iron G01em in the target's image appears and attacks

4416: Any ally hearing target must Save or fall asleep with boredom

4417: Any animals owned by target are stricken bald forever

4418: Any charged magical item carried by target is fully charged

4419: Any charged magical item carried by target is wh011y drained

4420: Any chronic ailments now afflicting the target are cured

4421: Any creatures summoned by target are bright orange

4422: Any Curse afflicting target is Removed

4423: Any fires lit in the target's home cannot be put out by him

4424: Any food prepared by target is poisonous to him

4425: Any glass carried by target turns to transparent steel

4426: Any magic now affecting target lasts until he ends it

4427: Any magic, good or bad, now affecting the target is Dispelled

4428: Any metal worn by target turns to opaque glass

4429: Any money now carried by target doubles in quantity

4430: Any potions carried by target become poisonous

4431: Any potions carried by target carry the intended spell effect

4432: Any resurrections thus far used on target are negated

4433: Any rings worn by target shrink in diameter by 1/2

4434: Any small item target needs is 30% likely to be in his pocket

4435: Any spells target has memorized discharge upon random targets

4436: Any water carried by target afflicts its imbiber with dysentery

4437: Any water carried by target becomes a free-willed elemental

4438: Any water carried by target becomes enchanted by Watery Double

4439: Any water carried by target burns like gas01ine but is water

4440: Any water carried by target causes dehydration in its imbiber

4441: Any water carried by target doubles in v01ume

4442: Any water carried by target doubles size each of next 20 rnds.

4443: Any water carried by target drags him to Elemental Water

4444: Any water carried by target drops 100° but doesn't freeze

4445: Any water carried by target endows drinker with water breathing

4446: Any water carried by target fills with Dust of SneezingIChoking

4447: Any water carried by target fills with gold pieces

4448: Any water carried by target fills with goldfish

4449: Any water carried by target fills with mosquito larvae

4450: Any water carried by target fills with rot grubs (d10)

4451: Any water carried by target fills with sodium chips

4452: Any water carried by target fills with sponges

4453: Any water carried by target has diuretic effect on its imbiber

4454: Any water carried by target ignites on contact with air

4455: Any water carried by target rises 200° but does not boil

4456: Any water carried by target tastes like gas01ine and really is

4457: Any water carried by target tastes like gas01ine but is pure

4458: Any water carried by target tastes pure but is gas01ine

4459: Any water carried by target turns invisible

4460: Any water carried by target turns to acid (Ultimate S01vent)

4461: Any water carried by target turns to blood

4462: Any water carried by target turns to brine

4463: Any water carried by target turns to crystal 00ze

4464: Any water carried by target turns to ice; may burst containers

4465: Any water carried by target turns to maple syrup

4466: Any water carried by target turns to mercury

4467: Any water carried by target turns to roast beef gravy

4468: Any water carried by target turns to s01id steel

4469: Any water carried by target turns to steam of equal v01ume

4470: Any Wishes thus far used by target are nullified

4471: Any wood worn by target falls off him, takes r00t, and sprouts

4472: Anyone injuring the target in the next round Vanishes

4473: Anyone slain by the target can never be raised as undead

4474: Anyone slain by the target fossilizes instantly

4475: Anyone sleeping near target can't wake until he does

4476: Anyone who sleeps within 10 feet of target has nightmares

4477: At death, 1d100 of target's family appear and attack the caster

4478: At death, target becomes a flesh g01em

4479: At death, target becomes an undead slave to the caster

4480: At death, target becomes the ruler of an unclaimed Outer Plane

4481: At death, target has a 10% chance to resurrect at full health

4482: At death, target is at once resurrected with opposite alignment

4483: At death, target is canonized by some obscure religion

4484: At death, target is resurrected and has gained a level

4485: At death, target is resurrected but can no longer read

4486: At death, target is resurrected but continues to decay

4487: At death, target is resurrected but doesn't believe he died

4488: At death, target is resurrected but doesn't know it

4489: At death, target is resurrected but forgets who he is

4490: At death, target is resurrected but has lost a level

4491: At death, target is resurrected but is mute

4492: At death, target is resurrected but is of the opposite sex

4493: At death, target is resurrected but is permanently blind

4494: At death, target is resurrected but must drink blood to live

4495: At death, target is resurrected with one week to live

4496: At death, target is revealed to have been an android

4497: At death, target is rumored to have been of the opposite sex

4498: At death, target transforms into a fire elemental

4499: At death, target's body instantly decays to a foul mush

4500: At death, target's body is claimed by a tanar'ri

4501: At death, target's body radiates Darkness, 1 mile radius

4502: At death, target's corpse animates and stalks the caster

4503: At death, target's corpse explodes for 1d6X100 HP of damage

4504: At death, target's corpse traps his soul within it

4505: At death, target's corpse turns to diamond

4506: At next Full Moon, target vanishes; witnesses forget who he was

4507: Bigby's Interposing Hand prevents target from attacking anyone

4508: Blades seem dull while target uses them

4509: Blades seem warped and rusty while the target uses them

4510: blood drips from the walls of target's home

4511: Both of target's hands are now left hands

4512: Bread crumbs appear in target's f00tprints

4513: Candles are automatically snuffed in the target's presence

4514: Candles burn but are not consumed while target is nearby

4515: Candles cannot be ignited in the target's presence

4516: Candles spontaneously ignite in the target's presence

4517: Children shriek in horror when the target is near

4518: Clasps and buttons fall off clothing in the target's presence

4519: Clothing feels like gritty sandpaper against target's skin

4520: Clothing of random ally turns invisible for d6 rounds

4521: Clothing of target and random ally is magically exchanged

4522: Clothing of target and random foe is magically exchanged

4523: Clothing turns invisible 1d6 hours after the target puts it on

4524: Cream cheese 00zes from the target's nostrils

4525: Create Water drenches target whenever he speaks his name

4526: Dairy products become poisonous after the target handles them

4527: Darkness centers on target

4528: Death appears, captures target's soul, and disappears

4529: Death appears, high-fives target, and disappears

4530: Death appears, hugs target, and vanishes; target is unharmed

4531: Death appears, raises dead ally of target, and vanishes

4532: Death appears, slays creature closest to target, and vanishes

4533: Death appears, steals target's principal weapon, and disappears

4534: Death appears, taps target on shoulder, chuckles, and vanishes

4535: Death appears, watches until target is injured, then disappears

4536: Dust c011ects wherever the target's shadow falls

4537: Each creature within 100 yards generates d6 Mirror Images

4538: Each day target ages half of the way to his life expectancy

4539: Each night target dreams that Death is stalking him

4540: Each night target dreams that he has been asleep for 100 years

4541: Each night target dreams that he is unable to sleep

4542: Each night target dreams that he is unable to use magic

4543: Each night target dreams that he is unable to wake up

4544: Each night, target dreams of bugs crawling into his mouth

4545: Each night, target dreams that he's trying to fall asleep

4546: Each night, target is rained on even if no one else is

4547: Each night, target sleeps until someone wakes him

4548: Each of target's boots weighs as much as he does

4549: Each of target's hands weighs 1d10+10 pounds

4550: Each of target's teeth is a different, bright c010r

4551: Each of target's pockets accesses another

4552: Each piece of target's equipment teleports to a random plane

4553: Earth Elemental appears and drags target to the Plane of Earth

4554: Earthen wall d4 feet thick, d12 feet high encircles target

4555: Earthquake shakes target for 1d100 Hit Points of damage

4556: Electricity seems to spark in target's mouth when he smiles

4557: Every creature within 60' of target rotates 180°

4558: Every potion within 100 yards turns to another type of potion

4559: Everyone appears sickly and sallow to target

4560: Everyone in the world knows target's deepest secret

4561: Everyone in the world thinks that target is a spell-user

4562: Everyone target touches knows his name

4563: Everyone within 10 miles forgets target's name (until reminded)

4564: Everyone within 10 miles suddenly knows target's name

4565: Everyone within 100 yards feels he's known the target for years

4566: Everyone within 100 yards forgets who the target is for 1 week

4567: Everyone within 100 yards knows when the target makes an attack

4568: Everything appears 2X as large to target

4569: Fire Elemental resides in target's lungs; d10 HP damageIround

4570: Fog Cloud spews from target's mouth when he tries to speak

4571: food tastes like bile to the target

4572: For d10 days, target need only eat 1/2 the normal amount of food

4573: For d10 days, target's weight is doubled; MR reduced to 50%

4574: For d10 days, target's weight is quadrupled; MR reduced to 25%

4575: For d10 days, target's weight is squared; MR reduced to 1

4576: For d4 hours, target's touch turns all precious metal to lead

4577: For d4 turns, target's touch turns all s01id matter to gold

4578: For d6 days, target can find secret d00rs 9 out of 10 times

4579: For d6 hours, all within 10' of target covet his spellb00k

4580: For d6 hours, target's touch turns all gems to c010red ice

4581: For d6 turns target's gains a bloodhound's 01factory acuity

4582: For some reason, the target doesn't think steel can hurt him

4583: Foul-smelling foam 00zes from target's ears while he sleeps

4584: Fruits and vegetables rot more rapidly in the target's presence

4585: Goblins and kob01ds are invisible to the target

4586: gold becomes invisible to the target

4587: gold burns target's skin like a blowtorch

4588: gold tarnishes at the target's touch

4589: G01ems become invisible to target

4590: Grass grows on the palms of target's hands

4591: Grass sprouts from target's next 50 f00tprints

4592: Gust of Wind blows from target's mouth when he tries to speak

4593: Half of target's body is Slowed

4594: Half of target's body wishes to go in the opposite direction

4595: Half of target's body randomly teleports; Save vs Death or die

4596: Half of target's body turns invisible for 1d10 rounds

4597: Half of target's body turns to sodium, the other 1/2 turns to ice

4598: Half(left or right) of target's f00tprints disappear

4599: Half-either front or back-of target's clothing is invisible

4600: Healing efforts have a 20% to inflict damage on target

4601: Hysterical laughter echoes from above when target says his name

4602: If anyone should ask, target's favorite food is carrion

4603: If struck, target resonates like a h0110w bronze statue

4604: If struck, target seems to shatter and reassemble quickly

4605: If struck, target thumps like an empty barrel

4606: If struck, target wobbles as though made of rubber

4607: If struck, target yells "Timber" and falls over

4608: If target finds a bag of h01ding, he climbs into it

4609: If target is slain, his killer adopts his alignment

4610: If target is slain, his killer ages one year each day

4611: If target is slain, his killer has visions of the afterlife

4612: If target is slain, his killer is Healed

4613: If target is slain, his killer is stricken mute

4614: If target is slain, his killer is stripped of weapons and armor

4615: If target is slain, his killer is struck down by lightning

4616: If target is slain, his killer must attempt to resurrect him

4617: If target is slain, his killer must bury him honorably

4618: If target is slain, his killer must Save vs. Death or also die

4619: If target is slain, his killer p01ymorphs randomly

4620: Images of target stand in his f00tprints for d8 days

4621: Immediate area around target always seems slightly blurry

4622: Immediate area around target always seems slightly brighter

4623: Immediate area around target always seems slightly colder

4624: Immediate area around target always seems slightly darker

4625: Immediate area around target always seems slightly warmer

4626: Immediate area around target smells slightly of brimstone

4627: In times of need, target can get nourishment from topsoil

4628: Inanimate objects are easily misplaced in the target's presence

4629: Inanimate objects fall from shelves in the target's presence

4630: Inanimate objects rattle slightly when the target passes by

4631: Inanimate objects seem slightly warmer in the target's presence

4632: Intelligent weapons become stupid while the target wields them

4633: Intelligent weapons hate the target on sight

4634: Intelligent weapons refuse to speak in the target's presence

4635: Invisible bells ring in the air when the target's hit by magic

4636: Jewelry burns the target like fire

4637: Last creature killed by target is reanimated and hunts target

4638: Last spell used by target returns to strike him next round

4639: Leaves and twigs whirl about target like a cyclone

4640: Left half of target's body ages at 5X normal rate

4641: Left half of target's body gains +2 Strength

4642: Left half of target's body shrinks by 50%

4643: Light shines from the back of target's head

4644: Lightning B01t sh00ts toward target, normal Save applies

4645: Lightning strikes target (6d6 HP) next time he kills something

4646: Liquids effervesce in the target's hands

4647: Liquids turn opaque in the target's hands

4648: Living creatures appear blurry and indistinct to target

4649: Loud noises cause target to bleed from the ears

4650: Magic Mouth appears on target's back, shouting obscenities

4651: Magical healing efforts cause target's age to fluctuate

4652: Magical healing efforts cause target's sex to change

4653: Magical healing efforts work but cause great pain to target

4654: Milk pours from target's nose whenever he laughs

4655: Milk, cream, and butter spoil in the target's presence

4656: Money looks counterfeit while in the target's hands

4657: Moss and fungus grow in the target's back

4658: Mournful chanting fills the air when the target speaks his name

4659: Nearest child claims the target as its parent

4660: Nearest church accuses target of robbing the p00r box

4661: Nearest dragon claims target as its familiar

4662: Nearest Druid thinks target willingly started a forest fire

4663: Nearest fire animates as an Elemental obedient to the target

4664: Nearest frog turns into a human (attributesIalignment random)

4665: Nearest Lich is teleported to within 120' of target

4666: Nearest person of opposite sex tries to kill the target

4667: Nearest scarecrow becomes animate and hunts target relentlessly

4668: Nearest tree imprisons target within its trunk

4669: Necromantic magic doesn't work on target for one year

4670: Next 10 lbs. of food touched by target turn to stone

4671: Next 1d10 spells used by target have their effects reversed

4672: Next 1d100 pounds of ice touched by target turn to bone

4673: Next 25 gallons of water touched by target become acid

4674: Next 25 gallons of water touched by target become blood

4675: Next 25 gallons of water touched by target become Dwarven ale

4676: Next 25 gallons of water touched by target become Elven wine

4677: Next 25 gallons of water touched by target become fuel oil

4678: Next 25 gallons of water touched by target become Gnome mead

4679: Next 25 gallons of water touched by target become H20 elemental

4680: Next 25 gallons of water touched by target become Halfling beer

4681: Next 25 gallons of water touched by target become Liquid Evil

4682: Next 25 gallons of water touched by target become magma

4683: Next 25 gallons of water touched by target become mercury

4684: Next 25 gallons of water touched by target become m01ten lead

4685: Next 25 gallons of water touched by target become nitroglycerin

4686: Next 25 gallons of water touched by target become Orc bathwater

4687: Next 25 gallons of water touched by target become wet cement

4688: Next 25 gallons of water touched by target evaporate

4689: Next 2d4 spells used by target automatically fail

4690: Next ally touched by target Blinks for 1 turn

4691: Next ally touched by target burst into illusionary flame

4692: Next ally touched by target does not require sleep for d6 days

4693: Next ally touched by target drops to 1 Hit Point

4694: Next ally touched by target falls unconscious

4695: Next ally touched by target flies into a 2 turn berserker fury

4696: Next ally touched by target forgets who target is

4697: Next ally touched by target is Healed

4698: Next ally touched by target is surrounded by a swarm of hornets

4699: Next ally touched by target levitates for d20 rounds

4700: Next ally touched by target steals his memorized spells

4701: Next ally touched by target triggers all his memorized spells

4702: Next attempt at teleportation sends target to Astral Plane

4703: Next attempt at teleportation sends target to current location

4704: Next beneficial enchantment by target acts as equivalent curse

4705: Next boat or ship seen by target sinks

4706: Next breath exhaled by target becomes free willed Air Elemental

4707: Next creature slain by target resurrects as his ally

4708: Next creature slain by target resurrects with double hit points

4709: Next creature target touches absorbs damage done by target

4710: Next creature target touches absorbs damage done to target

4711: Next creature target touches adopts target's physical form

4712: Next creature target touches cannot thereafter by harmed by him

4713: Next creature target touches cannot thereafter harm him

4714: Next creature touched by target dies instantly

4715: Next creature touched by target explodes; reforms in d20 rounds

4716: Next creature touched by target flies into a berserker rage

4717: Next creature touched by target randomly changes alignment

4718: Next creature touched by target Saves vs Death or turns to ice

4719: Next Curse placed on target acts as equivalent beneficial charm

4720: Next Curse placed upon target has no effect

4721: Next d00rway passed through by target becomes a Gate

4722: Next fire set by target acts as a brazier of sleep smoke

4723: Next fire set by target acts as a gate to Elemental Fire

4724: Next fire set by target affects any near as Potion of Delusion

4725: Next fire set by target appears 10 times larger, but is not

4726: Next fire set by target appears 10 times smaller, but is not

4727: Next fire set by target becomes free-willed fire elemental

4728: Next fire set by target boils any water carried by him

4729: Next fire set by target burns 10 times hotter

4730: Next fire set by target burns a 10 yard crater into the ground

4731: Next fire set by target burns in a corkscrew shape

4732: Next fire set by target burns in a cube

4733: Next fire set by target burns in a sphere

4734: Next fire set by target burns in an inverted cone

4735: Next fire set by target burns in the shape of his initials

4736: Next fire set by target burns only in two dimensions

4737: Next fire set by target can be seen for 1 mile

4738: Next fire set by target cannot be extinguished normally

4739: Next fire set by target causes a fountain to well up beneath it

4740: Next fire set by target covers all who view it with black ash

4741: Next fire set by target detonates as a 3 die Fireball

4742: Next fire set by target duplicates his personality

4743: Next fire set by target flies into the sky

4744: Next fire set by target f0110ws target wherever he goes

4745: Next fire set by target gives no light (normal or infra-visual)

4746: Next fire set by target has sentience; won't want to be put out

4747: Next fire set by target ignites all water within 100 yards

4748: Next fire set by target ignites his clothing

4749: Next fire set by target makes all who view it itch vi01ently

4750: Next fire set by target plays entertaining music while it burns

4751: Next fire set by target provides heat for him but no one else

4752: Next fire set by target provides no heat for him, only others

4753: Next fire set by target puts the scent of blood in the air

4754: Next fire set by target puts the scent of brimstone in the air

4755: Next fire set by target puts the scent of burnt skin in the air

4756: Next fire set by target puts the scent of decay in the air

4757: next fire set by target puts the scent of fresh meat in the air

4758: next fire set by target puts the scent of jasmine in the air

4759: next fire set by target puts the scent of m01d in the air

4760: next fire set by target puts the scent of skunk in the air

4761: next fire set by target radiates c01d instead of heat

4762: Next fire set by target radiates darkness instead of light

4763: Next fire set by target rages out of contr01

4764: Next fire set by target rises and runs away; burns nothing else

4765: Next fire set by target scorches the earth in a 100 yard radius

4766: Next fire set by target shrieks like a Shrieker while it burns

4767: Next fire set by target sings like a robin while it burns

4768: Next fire set by target snuffs his sense of smell

4769: Next fire set by target snuffs oxygen in a 20 yard radius

4770: Next fire set by target sounds like distant, whispering voices

4771: Next fire set by target speaks insults to the him as it burns

4772: Next fire set by target summons hostile air elementals

4773: Next fire set by target throws heat in only one direction

4774: Next fire set by target turns to iron after three turns

4775: Next fire set by target wafts its smoke to f0110w him

4776: Next fire set by target wails like a banshee for one round

4777: Next fire set by target warms only those facing away from it

4778: Next fire set by target whispers horrible things to him

4779: Next fire set by target will not ignite

4780: Next full pound of pepper touched by target becomes gunpowder

4781: Next illusion seen by target becomes free-willed and real

4782: Next Lich seen by target is restored to life (might be angry)

4783: Next magical blade touched by target becomes nonmagical

4784: Next meal prepared by target acts as a potion of extra healing

4785: Next meal prepared by target acts as a random-effect potion

4786: Next meal prepared by target acts as a random-strength poison

4787: Next meal prepared by target animates and attacks him

4788: Next meal prepared by target appears to radiate evil

4789: Next meal prepared by target attempts to eat him

4790: Next meal prepared by target causes mysterious hallucinations

4791: Next meal prepared by target causes vi01ent nausea

4792: Next meal prepared by target consumes and digests itself

4793: Next meal prepared by target depletes a like nutritional amount

4794: Next meal prepared by target explodes as 3HD fireball when cut

4795: Next meal prepared by target freezes s01id

4796: Next meal prepared by target groans like a banshee for 1 round

4797: Next meal prepared by target has no taste whatsoever

4798: Next meal prepared by target induces vegetarianism

4799: Next meal prepared by target is covered in sores and boils

4800: Next meal prepared by target is pristine and beautiful

4801: Next meal prepared by target is scabrous and infected

4802: Next meal prepared by target is toxic to anyone but him

4803: Next meal prepared by target is toxic to him but no one else

4804: Next meal prepared by target levitates 10+d20 feet in the air

4805: Next meal prepared by target melts

4806: Next meal prepared by target provides nutrition for two weeks

4807: Next meal prepared by target resurrects and flees

4808: Next meal prepared by target screams when cut or bitten

4809: Next meal prepared by target sprouts cactus quills

4810: Next meal prepared by target sprouts hair

4811: Next meal prepared by target stays raw; cannot be cooked by him

4812: Next meal prepared by target tastes bad but gives 3X nutrition

4813: Next meal prepared by target tastes better than anything else

4814: Next meal prepared by target tastes like blood

4815: Next meal prepared by target tastes like blood

4816: Next meal prepared by target tastes like brimstone

4817: Next meal prepared by target tastes like chicken

4818: Next meal prepared by target tastes like demihuman flesh

4819: Next meal prepared by target tastes like honey

4820: Next meal prepared by target tastes like iron

4821: Next meal prepared by target tastes like liver

4822: Next meal prepared by target tastes like liver

4823: Next meal prepared by target tastes like the last meal he ate

4824: Next meal prepared by target turns to already-digested matter

4825: Next meal prepared by target turns to blood-red snow

4826: Next meal prepared by target turns to bone

4827: Next meal prepared by target turns to fat and gristle

4828: Next meal prepared by target turns to gold

4829: Next meal prepared by target turns to mercury

4830: Next meal prepared by target turns to sand

4831: Next meal prepared by target turns to steel

4832: Next meal prepared by target turns to stone

4833: Next meal prepared by target turns to wood

4834: Next mirror target passes acts as a Mirror of Opposition

4835: Next mirror target passes becomes a gate to another plane

4836: Next mirror target passes shatters; may appear to be an omen

4837: Next nonmagical blade touching by target is blunted

4838: Next nonmagical blade touching target becomes magical

4839: Next 00ze or slime seen by target turns to choc01ate pudding

4840: Next person met for the first time by the target hates him

4841: Next pond target enters becomes a 16HD water elemental

4842: Next pond target enters becomes a gate to Elemental water

4843: Next pond target enters becomes Sweet Water (for 10 turns)

4844: Next pond target enters draws him to the bottom

4845: Next pond target enters endows him with water breathing

4846: Next pond target enters evaporates instantly

4847: Next pond target enters freezes s01id

4848: Next pond target enters grants him water-only breathing

4849: Next pond target enters transports him to Elemental water

4850: Next pond target enters turns him to water (Save vs Death)

4851: Next pond target enters turns to glass for d10 rounds

4852: Next pond target enters turns to mud in 20d10 rounds

4853: Next pond target enters vanishes; returns in d20 days

4854: Next pond target enters whirls in a spiral until he exits

4855: Next profanity spoken by target becomes a vile, living entity

4856: Next spell used by target returns to strike him in d10 rounds

4857: Next summoning spell employed near target summons 1d4 skunks

4858: Next time target nears a lake, he believes he can breathe water

4859: Next time target stands atop a mountain, he believes he can fly

4860: Next Undead seen by target is target's servant for d12 months

4861: Next undead that touches the target is instantly destroyed

4862: Next weapon target wields becomes razor keen

4863: Next weapon target wields cannot be dropped at will

4864: Next weapon target wields gains a +1 enchantment

4865: Next weapon target wields grants him proficiency with it

4866: Next weapon target wields inflicts equal damage on foe and him

4867: Next weapon target wields loses +1 enchantment (-1 possible)

4868: Next weapon target wields makes him attack an ally (d20 rnds)

4869: Next weapon target wields makes him attack himself(d10 rnds)

4870: Next weapon target wields sends him into a 2 turn berserk fury

4871: Next weapon target wields strips his proficiency with it

4872: Next weapon target wields vanishes

4873: Next wooden object target touches gains life and starts to grow

4874: No effect, but target is sure something awful will happen

4875: No nonmagical fire can be ignited within 10 yards of target

4876: No one can sleep within 10 yards of target

4877: No one takes target seriously for 1d4 days

4878: N00dles tumble from target's nostrils

4879: Nothing in target's home is familiar to him anymore

4880: Oak tree sprouts beneath target; carries him 60' into the air

4881: Ominous thunder rumbles overhead when target says his name

4882: One of target's arms turns to cheese

4883: One of target's eyes perceives things to be upside-down

4884: One of target's teeth doubles in size

4885: One of target's arms is doubled in length, the other is halved

4886: One of target's arms tries to strangle him

4887: One of target's dimensions (height, breadth, depth) is doubled

4888: One of target's dimensions (height, breadth, depth) is halved

4889: One of target's eyes becomes a Lens of minute Seeing

4890: One of target's feet enlarges to his full height

4891: One of target's limbs (random) doubles in length

4892: One of target's limbs turns invisible for 2d12 hours

4893: One of target's possessions turns out to be a priceless antique

4894: One of target's possessions turns out to be a st01en artifact

4895: One plant within 60' of target becomes a shambling Mound

4896: Oxygen becomes vi01ently toxic to the target

4897: Pack animals shrug off their loads when the target is nearby

4898: Pack animals strike up conversations with the target

4899: People tend to react to target like he just committed murder

4900: Pigeons react to target as if he were a statue

4901: Pigeons react to target as if he were coated by breadcrumbs

4902: Plant become sickly at the target's touch

4903: Putrid meat is restored by the target's touch

4904: Rain causes the target to panic

4905: Random ally's consciousness is pushed into the target's body

4906: Random creature within 60' of target and target exchange bodies

4907: Random enemy turns invisible for d4 rounds

4908: Random facial feature of target becomes invisible

4909: Random limb of target is Withered as cleric spell

4910: Random limb of target turns to steam for d6 turns

4911: Random object within 30' of target mimics target's personality

4912: Random object within 60' of target becomes sentient

4913: Raw meat becomes putrid at the target's touch

4914: Rust monster appears in front of target

4915: Shadow of target radiates light in target's shape

4916: Shoes and boots will not stay on the target's feet

4917: Small animals cavort and prance at the target's feet

4918: Smoke pours from target's nose while he speaks

4919: Snakes seem to squirm within target's flesh when he's angry

4920: Soft surfaces feel hard and rigid to the target

4921: Some common smell acts as a diuretic to the target

4922: Some common smell acts as an aphrodisiac to the target

4923: Some common smell brings tears to target's eyes

4924: Some common smell causes target to fall asleep

4925: Some common smell is nauseating to the target

4926: Some common smell is terrifying to the target

4927: Some common smell is tranquilizing to the target

4928: Some common smell makes the target break into song

4929: Some common smell makes the target fly into a berserker rage

4930: Some common smell makes the target want to cast a spell

4931: Some common smell makes the target weep uncontrollably

4932: Some godIgoddess of Love becomes infatuated with the target

4933: Some nearby cult thinks it must sacrifice the target

4934: Someone just insulted the target, but he's not sure who

4935: Speaking the target's name renders animals unconscious

4936: Spectacular lightning flares overhead when target says his name

4937: Spell causes target to suffer amnesia as well as its normal effect

4938: Spell consumes target's body as its material component

4939: Spell delayed until target speaks his name, then it strikes him

4940: Spell duration lasts until target dies

4941: Spell effect is reversed and strikes random ally of target

4942: Spell effect is reversed and strikes target

4943: Spell effect occurs as another spell known to target

4944: Spell effect ricochets off target and strikes random object

4945: Spell strikes the next creature that attacks the target

4946: Spell undersh00ts the mark and hits creature behind caster

4947: Statues animate and speak to target while he touches them

4948: Steam rolls from the target's skin when he is angry

4949: Stinking Cloud centers on target

4950: Streams and rivers seem to be blood-red as target crosses them

4951: Streams and rivers seem to flow uphill when target crosses them

4952: Target "gets" jokes an hour after he hears them

4953: Target absorbs all damage caused by next creature he touches

4954: Target absorbs all damage inflicted by target and vice versa

4955: Target absorbs all damage inflicted on caster in next turn

4956: Target absorbs all damage inflicted on next creature he touches

4957: Target absorbs damage as though he just fell d100 feet

4958: Target absorbs one level or hit die from next being he touches

4959: Target absorbs spell effect and can discharge it at will (once)

4960: Target accuses random ally of joining foe's party

4961: Target acknowledges no one's authority

4962: Target acquires a random language

4963: Target acquires his weapon's personality (i.e., perhaps none)

4964: Target acquires Mummy Rot after next 10 HP of fire damage

4965: Target acquires the deed to a castle in a far-off land

4966: Target acquires the deed to a castle on another plane

4967: Target activates Watery Double in next p001 of water he sees

4968: Target adds 1 to one attribute but loses 2 from another

4969: Target adheres to next creature he touches for d8 turns

4970: Target administers Shocking Grasp to next creature he touches

4971: Target adopts caster's alignment

4972: Target adopts cute names for various parts of his body

4973: Target adopts physical form of next creature he touches

4974: Target adopts the alignment of each creature he touches

4975: Target affected as by a potion of super-heroism

4976: Target affected by a Command each time he hears his name

4977: Target affected by a Symb01 of Fear each time he hears his name

4978: Target affected by Lifepr00f; life is in random item he carries

4979: Target affected by Power Word, Silence when he speaks his name

4980: Target affected by Shocking Grasp each time he hears his name

4981: Target affected by Sleep, as spell, whenever he hears his name

4982: Target ages 1 year every time he's hit by a spell-like effect

4983: Target ages 1 year for each round spent in direct sunlight

4984: Target ages 1000 years over the course of the next turn

4985: Target ages at 10X normal rate while at full hit points

4986: Target ages halfway to his maximum life expectancy

4987: Target ages one year for every Hit Point he loses

4988: Target always answers yes-or-no questions truthfully

4989: Target always appears to lie when checked by Detect Lie

4990: Target always appears to speak truth when checked by Detect Lie

4991: Target always assumes people will react positively to him

4992: Target always fails all Saving Throws till rolling a natural 1

4993: Target always feels like he is being watched

4994: Target always has Initiative except on a 1, when he's last

4995: Target always loses Initiative except on a 10, when he's first

4996: Target always makes all Saving Throws till rolling a natural 1

4997: Target always screws up when precise timing is needed

4998: Target always tells truth; lies and prevarications impossible

4999: Target and allies all randomly exchange places

5000: Target and allies are teleported d6 miles in random direction

5001: Target and allies are Turned as Undead for d6 rounds each

5002: Target and allies cannot harm caster or allies for d4 rounds

5003: Target and allies lose 1/2 their hit points

5004: Target and allies regain 1/2 their hit points lost

5005: Target and ally swap personae; ally thinks he is the target

5006: Target and alternate Prime Material counterpart exchange places

5007: Target and caster exchange eyes

5008: Target and familiar exchange places

5009: Target and familiar exchange species

5010: Target and his entire family are stricken sterile

5011: Target and his possessions are sheathed in aluminum foil

5012: Target and nearest eagle exchange places

5013: Target and nearest earth elemental exchange places

5014: Target and nearest entombed corpse exchange places

5015: Target and nearest Lich exchange places

5016: Target and nearest merman exchange places

5017: Target and nearest mummy exchange clothing

5018: Target and nearest person of Noble status exchange places

5019: Target and nearest sacrificial virgin exchange places

5020: Target and nearest statue exchange places

5021: Target and nearest trapped genie exchange places

5022: Target and nearest tree exchange reflections

5023: Target and nearest vampire exchange places at dawn tomorrow

5024: Target and random ally exchange heads but retain personalities

5025: Target announces his presence before entering a dark room

5026: Target answers every question twice

5027: Target answers questions by starting "Back in my day..."

5028: Target ap010gizes to everyone he injures

5029: Target appears as beautiful as a nymph while he sleeps

5030: Target appears as member of the same race as whoever views him

5031: Target appears deformed or hideously ugly in sunlight

5032: Target appears horribly repulsive when he's struck by magic

5033: Target appears menacing and aggressive for 1d10 rounds

5034: Target appears obese when seen in profile

5035: Target appears painfully beautiful when he's struck by magic

5036: Target appears paper-thin while asleep

5037: Target appears slightly blurry whenever he's hit by magic

5038: Target appears to be a wooden statue while sleeping

5039: Target appears to be afflicted with some infectious disease

5040: Target appears to be black and white

5041: Target appears to be invisible when seen head-on

5042: Target appears to be levitating upside down

5043: Target appears to be made of glass while he sleeps

5044: Target appears to be made of rock and mud while sleeping

5045: Target appears to be naked while fully clothed and vice versa

5046: Target appears to be of opposite gender when naked

5047: Target appears to be standing beside himself

5048: Target appears to be standing three feet to his right

5049: Target appears to be the worst enemy of anyone viewing him

5050: Target appears to blaze like a bonfire when he's hit by magic

5051: Target appears to burst into flame but is Invisible (improved)

5052: Target appears to decay rapidly in his sleep

5053: Target appears to explode whenever he speaks his name

5054: Target appears to lack all blood and soft tissue when naked

5055: Target appears twenty pounds heavier than he actually is

5056: Target appears twenty pounds lighter than he actually is

5057: Target appears unspeakably beautiful while he sleeps

5058: Target appears, with knife in hand, behind the nearest king

5059: Target assumes the aircraft "crash position"

5060: Target attacks himself with his own weapon for 1d10 rounds

5061: Target attracts all Undead within 1 mile of him

5062: Target attracts lightning and electricity (Save at 1/2)

5063: Target attracts maggots, lice, and rot grubs

5064: Target attracts moths like a flame

5065: Target attracts moths like a flame whenever he speaks

5066: Target attracts the attention of a random tanar'ri

5067: Target attracts the attention of the nearest Great Wyrm

5068: Target attracts vermin

5069: Target automatically absorbs equal damage from any he damages

5070: Target automatically disbelieves illusions for next d100 days

5071: Target automatically fails his next d10 Saving Throws

5072: Target automatically fails his next d6 Saving Throws

5073: Target automatically inflicts equal damage on any harming him

5074: Target automatically knows the first name of everyone he meets

5075: Target automatically passes his next d6 Saving Throws

5076: Target automatically succeeds his next d10 Saving Throws

5077: Target automatically takes double damage from physical attacks

5078: Target barks like a dog but thinks he's speaking normally

5079: Target barks like a dog in the presence of royalty

5080: Target bears scars as though once riddled by gunfire

5081: Target bears scars of unspeakable torture

5082: Target becomes a lightning rod for 1d20 days

5083: Target becomes a missile attractor, as shield

5084: Target becomes a Thought Broadcaster for spell's duration

5085: Target becomes a turkey under every Full Moon

5086: Target becomes able to communicate with Earth Elementals

5087: Target becomes actively suicidal; seeks his death at any cost

5088: Target becomes afflicted with Mummy Rot

5089: Target becomes aluminum; is lightweight but immobile

5090: Target becomes an ambulatory oak of same size, shape and AC

5091: Target becomes an Illusion, unable to cause harm

5092: Target becomes bonded with a tree like a dryad

5093: Target becomes caster's personal slave for d4 days

5094: Target becomes dormant under both a full and a new Moon

5095: Target becomes extraordinarily stingy with his money

5096: Target becomes fascinated by symb01s of death

5097: Target becomes flat like parchment while he sleeps

5098: Target becomes flatulent in the presence of royalty

5099: Target becomes forgetful; must pass INT checks or castings fail

5100: Target becomes homesick for some place he's never been

5101: Target becomes hot-tempered in the presence of fire

5102: Target becomes immune to a random attack form

5103: Target becomes immune to Level Draining

5104: Target becomes immune to natural diseases

5105: Target becomes immune to the effects of c01d for d10 days

5106: Target becomes immune to the effects of c01d for d10 days

5107: Target becomes inebriated

5108: Target becomes inhumanly beautiful when angry

5109: Target becomes intensely afraid of snow

5110: Target becomes intensely weight-conscious

5111: Target becomes invisible to avians

5112: Target becomes invisible to g01ems

5113: Target becomes invisible when reduced to 50% of his hit points

5114: Target becomes invisible; only his reflection can be seen

5115: Target becomes jealous of anyone taller than he is

5116: Target becomes lost at crossroads unless directed by someone

5117: Target becomes magic-obsessed; uses magic whenever possible

5118: Target becomes magnetized; attracts all iron with d20 feet

5119: Target becomes morbidly fascinated with his own death

5120: Target becomes mute for d12 turns

5121: Target becomes nostalgic for the distant future

5122: Target becomes permanently invisible; clothing he wears is not

5123: Target becomes ravenously hungry after being struck by magic

5124: Target becomes ravenously hungry and must eat or pass out

5125: Target becomes ravenously hungry when he's wounded

5126: Target becomes striped like a candy cane

5127: Target becomes striped like a zebra

5128: Target becomes stupendously incontinent

5129: Target becomes suspicious of anyone offering food to him

5130: Target becomes translucent for d4 hours (remains s01id)

5131: Target becomes transparent like glass

5132: Target becomes transparent like water, rippling as he moves

5133: Target becomes unable to see any living or undead creature

5134: Target becomes uncertain; must pass WIS checks or castings fail

5135: Target becomes Undead (if Undead, target's life is restored)

5136: Target becomes very aware of time's passage and is bored stiff

5137: Target becomes vi01ently ill if he consumes alcohol

5138: Target begins remembering things that never actually happened

5139: Target begins tap-dancing loudly whenever stealth is required

5140: Target begins to age at a rate of one year per minute

5141: Target begins to horde water for no apparent reason

5142: Target begins to 100k more and more like a leper

5143: Target begins to wonder aloud what human flesh tastes like

5144: Target believes all of his allies to be doppelgangers

5145: Target believes allies to be extensions of himself

5146: Target believes any injuries he has to be illusions

5147: Target believes any lie t01d by someone of the opposite sex

5148: Target believes as literal truth the next sentence he hears

5149: Target believes everyone else is insane

5150: Target believes foes in the area are extensions of himself

5151: Target believes he has been p01ymorphed

5152: Target believes he has forgotten something but actually has not

5153: Target believes he has just spoken with his deity

5154: Target believes he has remembered something but really has not

5155: Target believes he is from a random Lower Outer Plane

5156: Target believes he is insane but is not

5157: Target believes he is on a random Lower Outer Plane

5158: Target believes himself to be a doppleganger

5159: Target believes himself to be an illusion

5160: Target believes random ally or party member to be a deity

5161: Target believes random deity to be a party member or ally

5162: Target believes the next lie he hears is irrefutable truth

5163: Target believes the previous d20 days to be a dream

5164: Target bestows his alignment upon each creature he touches

5165: Target blacks out whenever he hears his name (1 round)

5166: Target blames all his failures on the nearest paladin

5167: Target blames his failures on his upbringing

5168: Target blasphemes the god of the nearest paladin

5169: Target blasts a d10 yard radius crater in the ground

5170: Target bleeds from the eyes whenever he casts a spell

5171: Target bleeds harmlessly from his nose for 1d12 hours

5172: Target Blinks (as spell) 1 round for each HP of damage he takes

5173: Target Blinks (as spell) whenever he blinks his eyes

5174: Target Blinks while awake for the rest of his life

5175: Target body (except head, hands, and feet) becomes invisible

5176: Target brays like a donkey in the presence of royalty

5177: Target brays like a donkey instead of laughing

5178: Target breaks into song whenever he is frightened

5179: Target breaks into song whenever struck by magic

5180: Target burned for 2d10 HP by next creature he touches

5181: Target burns next creature he touches for d10 HP

5182: Target bursts into heatless flame for d10 rounds

5183: Target bursts into illusionary flame whenever he hears his name

5184: Target bursts into tears when he tries to tell a lie

5185: Target cackles like a Bone G01em for d4 rounds; no other action

5186: Target can Affect Normal Fires at will for d10 days

5187: Target can always sense the direction of his home

5188: Target can appear enormously fat at will

5189: Target can appear to be 100 years older at will

5190: Target can appear to be any age he wishes

5191: Target can assume a second form at will (must be of same race)

5192: Target can assume gaseous form at will when naked

5193: Target can assume the form of the caster for 1 turn each day

5194: Target can attack 2X a round if he does nothing the next round

5195: Target can automatically read the next language he hears

5196: Target can automatically speak the next language he hears

5197: Target can automatically speak the next language he reads

5198: Target can be commanded by the next creature he summons

5199: Target can be Commanded by the next person he touches

5200: Target can become completely clean at will

5201: Target can become ethereal at will when naked

5202: Target can breathe underwater if he h01ds a fish in his mouth

5203: Target can carry his own weight with ease

5204: Target can cast 1 spell per day with no Saving Throw allowed

5205: Target can cast a randomly-chosen first level spell at will

5206: Target can cast light from his eyes but is blind when he does

5207: Target can cast Reverse Gravity on himself once each day

5208: Target can cause his scent to mimic that of any normal animal

5209: Target can change his eye c010r at will

5210: Target can ch00se to succeed any one roll in the next 24 hours

5211: Target can climb trees as nimbly as a cat or monkey

5212: Target can command demons: doesn't know how many times (1d6)

5213: Target can Command the caster, as by the spell

5214: Target can communicate with inanimate objects once per week

5215: Target can Comprehend all spoken languages for d10 days

5216: Target can Comprehend all written languages for d8 days

5217: Target can contr01 the next Illusion he disbelieves

5218: Target can crush diamonds into coal with his bare hands

5219: Target can detach his right arm at will

5220: Target can detect poison in food just by touching it

5221: Target can disbelieve Necromancy but can't disbelieve Illusions

5222: Target can disbelieve spells cast against him like illusions

5223: Target can Dispel Evil (or good) once at will

5224: Target can employ True Sight once per day

5225: Target can extend his tongue 3d4 inches at will

5226: Target can Feather Fall at will when naked

5227: Target can Feign Death at will when naked

5228: Target can fly at normal Movement Rate but can no longer walk

5229: Target can fly like an eagle when naked

5230: Target can give off the scent of pine or lemons at will

5231: Target can glow like a firefly at will

5232: Target can go without food for one day per point of CON

5233: Target can go without sleep for one day per point of WIS

5234: Target can grip with 18I00 strength

5235: Target can Heal himself once

5236: Target can Heal with a touch but is 80% likely to die

5237: Target can hear any conversation whose participants he can see

5238: Target can hear underwater as clearly as on land

5239: Target can hit creatures hit only by +1 or better (1d20 rounds)

5240: Target can h01d his breath for 2 rounds per point of CON

5241: Target can h01d his breath for up to three hours per day

5242: Target can identify gems and approximate their value on sight

5243: Target can identify natural animals on sight

5244: Target can identify natural plants on sight

5245: Target can ignite campfires and hearths with a touch

5246: Target can ignite twigs with his tongue

5247: Target can kill with a touch but is 80% likely to die as well

5248: Target can make his voice issue from some place nearby

5249: Target can make spells function without visible effect

5250: Target can memorize spells in 1/2 the normal required time

5251: Target can mimic animal noises with remarkable skill

5252: Target can move at 3X normal speed if naked and unencumbered

5253: Target can no longer bend his wrists

5254: Target can no longer see First Level spells

5255: Target can only be hit by +1 or better weapons for d20 rounds

5256: Target can only wield +1 or better weapons for d20 rounds

5257: Target can pass his arms through each other at will

5258: Target can Pass Without Trace as priest spell once per week

5259: Target can photosynthesize; does not need to eat, but is green

5260: Target can P01ymorph Self(ONCE)

5261: Target can predict natural weather patterns 24 hours in advance

5262: Target can quench his thirst by soaking his feet

5263: Target can read a new language but cannot speak it

5264: Target can read other people's thoughts by biting them

5265: Target can remove his ears and still hear through them

5266: Target can remove his head for up to 1d6 rounds each day

5267: Target can remove his teeth, and they'll regrow normally

5268: Target can Resurrect one being but must sacrifice his own life

5269: Target can resurrect the dead once per year

5270: Target can retract his arms into his torso

5271: Target can retract his head into his torso like a turtle

5272: Target can see in subterranean darkness as though in daylight

5273: Target can see into Bags of H01ding without opening them

5274: Target can see perfectly well in abs01ute darkness

5275: Target can see secret d00rs but cannot see normal ones

5276: Target can see through his nostrils in pitch darkness

5277: Target can sense the presence of any Artifact within 10 miles

5278: Target can sense undead within 100 yards

5279: Target can shine light out of his mouth at will

5280: Target can shrink his hands to 1I10 their size at will

5281: Target can speak in either a male or female voice at will

5282: Target can speak in either of two voices at will

5283: Target can speak through his nose when his mouth is shut

5284: Target can speak with plants once per day

5285: Target can speak with plants once per week

5286: Target can speak with the dead once per week

5287: Target can speak with waterfowl when he is wet

5288: Target can Spider Climb if he wears a red and blue costume

5289: Target can stretch his neck a length equal to his height

5290: Target can summon a demon but has only 50% chance to contr01 it

5291: Target can swim like a fish and breathe underwater when naked

5292: Target can teleport at will, but arrives at current location

5293: Target can turn half of his body invisible at will

5294: Target can turn his bones to jelly at will, without harm

5295: Target can turn his fingers ethereal at will

5296: Target can turn his skin invisible at will

5297: Target can turn his skin matte-black at will

5298: Target can turn ice to diamonds that last for 1d12 hours

5299: Target can turn into a statue for 1d10 rounds at will

5300: Target can turn invisible while he h01ds his breath

5301: Target can turn invisible while underwater

5302: Target can turn to snow at will

5303: Target can undo normal knots just by touching them

5304: Target can unscrew his fingers without harm

5305: Target can use his index and middle finger like scissors

5306: Target can Wish the death of one being but will also die

5307: Target can't bend his elbows, shoulders, wrists, or fingers

5308: Target can't bring his hands within 2d4 inches of each other

5309: Target can't discern even the most obvious lies from truth

5310: Target can't go to sleep without kissing someone goodnight

5311: Target can't put both feet on the ground simultaneously

5312: Target can't raise his arms above his shoulder without pain

5313: Target can't speak if more than two people are present

5314: Target can't speak in metaphor; becomes literal-minded

5315: Target cannot attack creatures which do not see him

5316: Target cannot attack except on rounds when he wins Initiative

5317: Target cannot attack on rounds when he wins Initiative

5318: Target cannot be affected by priestly magic for 1 week

5319: Target cannot be attacked by any he does not see for 1d4 days

5320: Target cannot be burned by normal flame if his feet are wet

5321: Target cannot be frightened by any earthly creature

5322: Target cannot be harmed by a fall from any height

5323: Target cannot be harmed by any physical means for d10 rounds

5324: Target cannot be harmed by any physical means for d4 rounds

5325: Target cannot be harmed by any physical means for d6 rounds

5326: Target cannot be harmed by any physical means for d8 rounds

5327: Target cannot be hit by +1 or better weapons for d20 rounds

5328: Target cannot be injured by steel

5329: Target cannot be injured while he sleeps

5330: Target cannot be magically held

5331: Target cannot be seen in mirrors

5332: Target cannot be tracked by nonmagical means

5333: Target cannot breathe while exposed to direct sunlight

5334: Target cannot bring his hands closer together than one f00t

5335: Target cannot cast a spell without first announcing his name

5336: Target cannot close his mouth

5337: Target cannot close his mouth until dawn

5338: Target cannot comprehend numbers greater than twenty

5339: Target cannot contr01 Elementals summoned by him

5340: Target cannot contr01 his own Illusion spells

5341: Target cannot cross a thresh01d without knocking

5342: Target cannot cross flowing water under his own power

5343: Target cannot die while the caster lives

5344: Target cannot digest meat

5345: Target cannot distinguish between left and right

5346: Target cannot distinguish between very hot and very c01d

5347: Target cannot drown if he carries a torch

5348: Target cannot eat cooked meat except by Moonlight

5349: Target cannot eat food unless he prepares it himself

5350: Target cannot eat or drink between dawn and dusk 5l10 target cannot enter a building unless invited

5351: Target cannot enter a room without announcing himself

5352: Target cannot exit a room through the d00r by which he entered

5353: Target cannot fall asleep except when standing up

5354: Target cannot fall asleep unless sung to

5355: Target cannot fall asleep unless t01d to do so

5356: Target cannot fall asleep while wearing clothing

5357: Target cannot inflict any form of physical harm for d10 rounds

5358: Target cannot inflict any form of physical harm for d4 rounds

5359: Target cannot inflict any form of physical harm for d6 rounds

5360: Target cannot inflict any form of physical harm for d8 rounds

5361: Target cannot leave a building unless t01d to do so

5362: Target cannot leave a room while others' eyes are upon him

5363: Target cannot leave his home without first casting a spell

5364: target cannot open both eyes simultaneously

5365: Target cannot open d00rs for himself

5366: Target cannot open d00rs without first saying "Open sesame"

5367: Target cannot open his eyes

5368: Target cannot open his mouth

5369: Target cannot open his mouth until nightfall

5370: Target cannot pierce his own flesh with knives or blades

5371: Target cannot refuse a request for his aid

5372: Target cannot remember his name, even if reminded

5373: Target cannot see magical effects until he gains a level

5374: Target cannot see through glass

5375: Target cannot shut up until someone inflicts damage upon him

5376: Target cannot sleep unless naked

5377: Target cannot speak during one day of each week

5378: Target cannot speak except in direct sunlight

5379: target cannot speak except under Moonlight

5380: Target cannot speak normally but must shout or whisper

5381: Target cannot speak the truth for 1d6+1 days

5382: Target cannot speak unless spoken to

5383: Target cannot speak until he has ridden a horse

5384: Target cannot speak until he is burned by fire

5385: Target cannot speak until no one is within 60' of him

5386: Target cannot speak until rained upon

5387: Target cannot speak until someone inflicts damage upon him

5388: Target cannot speak until someone says his name

5389: Target cannot speak until sunrise tomorrow

5390: Target cannot speak when at less than full hit points

5391: Target cannot speak when underground

5392: Target cannot stand upright for 1d4 hours

5393: Target cannot study spells if he still has any memorized

5394: Target cannot teleport or be teleported

5395: Target cannot tell a deliberate lie

5396: Target cannot t01erate metal worn next to his skin

5397: Target cannot turn invisible by any means

5398: target cannot use magical items for 8d4 hours

5399: target cannot wake until he is sneezed upon

5400: Target can't make attacks during the dark of the Moon

5401: Target can't make attacks except under direct sunlight

5402: Target can't make attacks on the first day of the week

5403: Target can't make attacks unless baref00t

5404: Target can't make attacks unless he carries a small flame

5405: Target can't make attacks unless he crosses his fingers

5406: Target can't make attacks unless he first turns in a circle

5407: Target can't make attacks unless he h01ds a pebble in his mouth

5408: Target can't make attacks unless he pokes himself with a needle

5409: Target can't make attacks unless he puts his thumbs in his ears

5410: Target can't make attacks unless he sees his reflection

5411: Target can't make attacks unless his eyes are closed

5412: Target can't make attacks unless his hair is wet

5413: Target can't make attacks unless h01ding a piece of ice

5414: Target can't make attacks unless wearing a hat

5415: Target can't make attacks until tomorrow morning

5416: Target can't make attacks while he has full hit points

5417: Target can't make attacks while wearing clothing

5418: Target can't make attacks without first announcing his intent

5419: Target can't make attacks without saying "Abra Cadabra"

5420: Target causes damage one round after he inflicts it

5421: Target changes alignment randomly under every Full Moon

5422: Target changes clothes randomly every time he casts a spell

5423: Target changes c010r every time he hears his name

5424: Target changes c010r randomly every time he casts a spell

5425: Target changes gender randomly every time he casts a spell

5426: Target changes his mind every time he decides to cast a spell

5427: Target changes his name but won't reveal his new one

5428: Target changes his name under every Full Moon

5429: Target changes race randomly every time he casts a spell

5430: Target changes sex every morning

5431: Target changes sex randomly under one Full Moon till the next

5432: Target changes shape randomly every time he casts a spell

5433: Target checks WIS each round or decides it's pointless

5434: Target claims nearest dragon as a familiar

5435: Target closes his eyes and counts to 1000

5436: Target combusts at 32° Fahrenheit

5437: Target combusts at room temperature

5438: Target combusts when exposed to direct sunlight

5439: Target complains of persecution when things don't go his way

5440: Target constantly doubts himself; +2 to Initiative rolls

5441: Target constantly hears a ticking as from an alarm clock

5442: Target contracts a random nonfatal, nonmagical disease

5443: Target contracts a random non-magical disease each day

5444: Target convinced he is possessed by some horrid entity

5445: Target coughs up strange items: needles, spiders, pebbles, etc.

5446: Target crows like a r00ster at sunrise

5447: Target crumbles to dust; reappears next sunrise unharmed

5448: Target degenerates 1 HP per round for the next 20+d20 rounds

5449: Target delivers Shocking Grasp to the next person he kisses

5450: Target Deluded

5451: Target desires to change his name each morning

5452: Target desires to circumnavigate the planet

5453: Target desires to leap from the next bridge he crosses

5454: Target desires to walk on his hands instead of feet

5455: Target desperately hopes to avoid his current destination

5456: Target develops a blind spot over d100% of his view

5457: Target develops a compulsion to be struck by lightning

5458: Target develops a craving for slugs, maggots, and leeches

5459: Target develops a fear of elementals

5460: Target develops a fear of kob01ds, those mighty creatures

5461: Target develops a fear of rabbits

5462: Target develops a fear of rocks; they might be earth elementals

5463: Target develops a fear of the caster

5464: Target develops a fear of trees; they might be treants

5465: Target develops a fear of wild surges

5466: Target develops a morbid desire to see his own heart

5467: Target develops a phobia about Wild Surges

5468: Target develops a severe phobia, randomly determined

5469: Target develops a terrific thirst for alcohol

5470: Target develops a terrific thirst for blood

5471: Target develops a terrific thirst for cobra venom

5472: Target develops a terrific thirst for egg whites

5473: Target develops a terrific thirst for egg y01ks

5474: Target develops a terrific thirst for holy water

5475: Target develops a terrific thirst for ink

5476: Target develops a terrific thirst for lamp oil

5477: Target develops a terrific thirst for magic potions

5478: Target develops a terrific thirst for pine tree sap

5479: Target develops a terrific thirst for poison

5480: Target develops a terrific thirst for sea water

5481: Target develops a terrific thirst for sovereign glue

5482: Target develops a terrific thirst for stagnant water

5483: Target develops a terrific thirst for unholy water

5484: Target develops a terrific thirst for universal s01vent

5485: Target develops advanced arthritis; Movement rate is halved

5486: Target develops ambidexterity

5487: Target develops an aversion to clothing

5488: Target develops an awful fear of speech

5489: Target develops an intense craving for charcoal

5490: Target develops an intense craving for dirt and mud

5491: Target develops an intense desire to swim upstream and spawn

5492: Target develops an intense phobia of fish and marine life

5493: Target develops another joint between his shoulder and elbow

5494: Target develops d4 new personalities

5495: Target develops irritating, elusive itch somewhere on his body

5496: Target develops radial symmetry, like a starfish

5497: Target develops Thaumaphilia, a fascination with magic

5498: Target develops Thaumaphobia, an intense fear of magic

5499: Target dies immediately if he is ever cut by his own dagger

5500: Target dies nightly and is resurrected each f0110wing morning

5501: Target discovers a tombstone nearby inscribed with his name

5502: Target discovers the secret for manufacturing plastic

5503: Target disgorges 1d1000 bats

5504: Target disgorges 1d1000 blasphemies

5505: Target disgorges 1d1000 canaries

5506: Target disgorges 1d1000 copper pieces

5507: Target disgorges 1d1000 counterfeit gold coins

5508: Target disgorges 1d1000 cubic yards of smoke

5509: Target disgorges 1d1000 feathers

5510: Target disgorges 1d1000 frogs

5511: Target disgorges 1d1000 hailstones

5512: Target disgorges 1d1000 hot embers

5513: Target disgorges 1d1000 locusts

5514: Target disgorges 1d1000 maggots

5515: Target disgorges 1d1000 minnows

5516: Target disgorges 1d1000 needles

5517: Target disgorges 1d1000 non-poisonous snakes

5518: Target disgorges 1d1000 pints of blood

5519: Target disgorges 1d1000 pints of water

5520: Target disgorges 1d1000 rotten apples

5521: Target disgorges 1d1000 small pebbles every morning

5522: Target disgorges 1d1000 spiders

5523: Target disgorges 1d1000 sugar cubes

5524: Target disgorges 1d1000 sunflower seeds

5525: Target disgorges 1d1000 teeth

5526: Target disgorges a black pudding

5527: Target disgorges a complete human skeleton

5528: Target disgorges a large python

5529: Target disgorges a scroll containing a random 7th level spell

5530: Target disgorges everything he ate during the last week

5531: Target disgorges his own digestive tract

5532: Target disgorges the last meal he ate

5533: Target does not age while asleep: aging is slowed by 1I3

5534: Target does not age while awake: aging is slowed by 2I3

5535: Target does not heal while exposed to direct sunlight

5536: Target does not need to breathe when exposed to direct sunlight

5537: Target does not need to eat while he has his full hit points

5538: Target does not need to open his eyes to see (lasts d4 days)

5539: Target does not produce lachrymose for d4 rounds

5540: Target does not reflect or emit any form of light for d6 days

5541: Target doesn't believe that his body is his actual form

5542: Target doesn't know when he's lying

5543: Target doubles his size when he is asleep

5544: Target drools constantly

5545: Target electrically charged & shocks the next person touched

5546: Target emits no scent whatsoever; cannot be tracked by hounds

5547: Target Enlarged by a factor of d20

5548: Target exchanges personae with each being he touches

5549: Target exchanges personalities and abilities with nearest Lich

5550: Target exchanges personalities with some distant (demi)human

5551: Target exchanges places with himself one hour in the future

5552: Target exchanges teeth with the next creature to bite him

5553: Target experiences horrifying nightmares tonight

5554: Target experiences pain at the sight of blood

5555: Target experiences pain when complimented

5556: Target experiences sublimely beautiful dreams tonight

5557: Target experiences vertigo when he looks at the stars

5558: Target experiences vertigo whenever he looks at the Moon

5559: Target explodes and dies (Save vs Death to prevent explosion)

5560: Target explodes as a Fireball of Hit Dice equal to 2x his Level

5561: Target explodes permanently when hit points fall to 1/2 total

5562: Target explodes under every Full Moon; reforms at dawn

5563: Target explodes; reforms 2d20 turns later unharmed

5564: Target faints at the sight of his own blood

5565: Target faints at the sight of his own reflection

5566: Target falls asleep and cannot be roused

5567: Target falls asleep when exposed to direct sunlight

5568: Target falls asleep whenever he's hit by magic

5569: Target falls in love with d4 people of same raceIopposite sex

5570: Target falls in love with his own reflection

5571: Target falls in love with random ally of caster of opposite sex

5572: Target falls in love with someone entirely inappropriate

5573: Target falls into a heap of unconnected cells

5574: Target falls madly in love with his own reflection

5575: Target falls over

5576: Target fears clothing except when naked, when he fears nudity

5577: Target fears communists are after his precious bodily fluids

5578: Target fears he is a vampire and will be injured by sunlight

5579: Target fears he is a werew01f temporarily in human form

5580: Target fears he'll turn to stone if he sees his reflection

5581: Target fears his body does strange things when he's asleep

5582: Target fears lightning but is drawn to trees during storms

5583: Target fears rainfall

5584: Target fears sentient weapons, thinking they're out to get him

5585: Target fears small woodland creatures

5586: Target fears that the moment of reckoning is close at hand

5587: Target feels a mild ache between his eyes when facing north

5588: Target feels a sense of real urgency in his bladder

5589: Target feels an intense desire to stare at the sun

5590: Target feels an intense urge to drop his weapons

5591: Target feels an intense urge to hide

5592: Target feels an intense urge to reveal any secret he knows

5593: Target feels an intense urge to run to the nearest well

5594: Target feels an intense urge to sing at the top of his lungs

5595: Target feels an urge to mark trees in the manner of a w01f

5596: Target feels crampy and bloated

5597: Target feels deja vu whenever he hears his name

5598: Target feels euphoric; +2 to ability checks for 2d4 turns

5599: Target feels hopeless; -2 to ability checks for 2d4 turns

5600: Target feels horrible embarrassment whenever he's hit by magic

5601: Target feels intense ecstasy whenever he's wounded

5602: Target feels intensely guilty whenever he eats meat

5603: Target feels intensely hung-over

5604: Target feels like gravity has shifted by 45°

5605: Target feels like he has been spinning in a circle for hours

5606: Target feels like he just bearhugged a cactus

5607: Target feels like he's been f01ded, spindled, and mutilated

5608: Target feels like he's been manipulated all this time

5609: Target feels like he's just come off a huge drinking binge

5610: Target feels like he's in freefall whenever he's hit by magic

5611: Target feels naked unless wearing a tiara

5612: Target feels phantom itch in his "third" and "fourth" arms

5613: Target feels uncomfortably c01d for the next 2d12 hours

5614: Target feels wh011y alone in the universe

5615: Target finds clothing uncomfortable in the presence of royalty

5616: Target finds himself insufferably pretentious

5617: Target finds his own head at the bottom of a nearby h01e

5618: Target finds some mundane food irresistible

5619: Target finds the taste of cooked meat offensive

5620: Target flares like burning magnesium for one round

5621: Target flatly refuses to believe that he's alive

5622: Target flees in a random direction as fast as he can

5623: Target flies into a rage after dinner

5624: Target flies into hysterics whenever he is wounded

5625: Target forgets a random language

5626: Target forgets all spells he currently has memorized

5627: Target forgets everything since yesterday morning

5628: Target forgets his name in the presence of royalty

5629: Target forgets how to use his principle weapon

5630: Target forgets how to walk

5631: Target forgets one language but learns two others

5632: Target forgets the Common Tongue

5633: Target forgets the location of everything he currently carries

5634: Target forgets whatever he was about to do

5635: Target forgives his current worst enemy

5636: Target freezes at room temperature

5637: Target freezes s01id for d8 rounds; thaws unharmed

5638: Target gains (at will) use of one spell of level 4d3-3

5639: Target gains 1 HPIround until exploding as on Positive Material

5640: Target gains 1 point of Wisdom but forfeits 5 hit points

5641: Target gains 2 points of INT but his CON is halved

5642: Target gains 3X daily use of a spell never seen before

5643: Target gains a 10% Magic Resistance

5644: Target gains a large Keep, but it is made of cardboard

5645: Target gains amazing ability with an unusual musical instrument

5646: Target gains an additional attack every round

5647: Target gains an experience level but ages 10 years

5648: Target gains Animal Contr01 as potion

5649: Target gains Clairaudience as potion

5650: Target gains d10 f0110wers who believe him to be a deity

5651: Target gains danger sense; -2 to surprise rolls

5652: Target gains Flight as potion

5653: Target gains improved depth perception; all attacks at +2

5654: Target gains Madness as Elixir

5655: Target gains no bonuses from magical weapons

5656: Target gains one Wish, which must be used within 3 rounds

5657: Target gains physical repulsiveness equal to that of a medusa

5658: Target gains proficiency in the next weapon type he touches

5659: Target gains proficiency in the use of the Mancatcher

5660: Target gains quadrophonic hearing: +2 bonus on Surprise rolls

5661: Target gains Red Dragon's breath weapon but takes same damage

5662: Target gains the ability to burrow at '1 normal Movement Rate

5663: Target gains the ability to read any language

5664: Target gains the ability to see at will into the Ethereal Plane

5665: Target gains the ability to see through metals

5666: Target gains the friendship of a legendary arch-mage

5667: Target gains the friendship of a legendary warrior

5668: Target gains the friendship of a prominent merchant

5669: Target gains the friendship of a thieves' guildmaster

5670: Target gains the friendship of a well-respected mercenary

5671: Target gains the friendship of the owner of a major brothel

5672: Target gains the friendship of the ruler of a major country

5673: Target gains the lasting enmity of a legendary arch-mage

5674: Target gains the lasting enmity of a legendary warrior

5675: Target gains the lasting enmity of a prominent merchant

5676: Target gains the lasting enmity of a thieves' guildmaster

5677: Target gains the lasting enmity of a well-respected mercenary

5678: Target gains the lasting enmity of the owner of a major brothel

5679: Target gains the lasting enmity of the ruler of a major country

5680: Target gains the power of clairaudience to a range of five feet

5681: Target gains the power to grant one Wish to someone else

5682: Target gains troglodyte's breath weapon but also falls asleep

5683: Target gains use (at will) of one spell of level 4d3-3

5684: Target gains Water Breathing as potion

5685: Target gains Water Walking, but only on one side

5686: Target gets a strong urge to cast spells whenever he is angered

5687: Target gets a Wish, (50% likely to grant the opposite)

5688: Target giggles for d10 rounds, spellcasting impossible

5689: Target giggles in the presence of royalty

5690: Target giggles whenever he hears a lie, but doesn't know why

5691: Target giggles whenever he tries to tell a lie

5692: Target glimpses infinity; unable to act for 1d6 days

5693: Target glimpses Paradise and is forever changed

5694: Target glimpses The Pit and is forever changed

5695: Target glows as though on fire internally

5696: Target glows for 1d10 rounds after being struck by magic

5697: Target glows in the dark for next d4 years

5698: Target glows like a campfire when he tries to hide in shadow

5699: Target glows like a firefly but can stop while he concentrates

5700: Target glows like a firefly in Moonlight

5701: Target goes mad for 1 week if he ever again witness this spell

5702: Target grabs his ankles and can't let go until tomorrow

5703: Target greatly desires to cross the nearest stream or river

5704: Target growls like a lion whenever he is upset

5705: Target grows 1/2 inch each day

5706: Target grows a finger on each f00t

5707: Target grows a third eye in the center of his forehead

5708: Target grows a third eye that can see the Ethereal Plane

5709: Target grows a toe on each hand

5710: Target grows another arm from the wrist of one arm

5711: Target grows another eye in the center of his forehead

5712: Target grows another finger on each hand

5713: Target grows another leg from the ankle of one leg

5714: Target grows another toe on each f00t

5715: Target grows fangs and develops a marked aversion to sunlight

5716: Target grows hair on his palms and is stricken blind

5717: Target grows nonfunctional vampire fangs

5718: Target grows thick, luxurious fleece from his skin

5719: Target hallucinates in the presence of royalty

5720: Target hallucinates wildly for 1d12 hours

5721: Target has 19 Strength on one side of his body

5722: Target has 50% chance for minImax damage by any physical attack

5723: Target has a +2 Reaction Bonus whenever courtesy is needed

5724: Target has a 55% chance to know history of any region he enters

5725: Target has a bad feeling that he just made a big mistake

5726: Target has a barcode tatt00ed somewhere on his body

5727: Target has a birthmark identifying him as a royal heir

5728: Target has a birthmark identifying him as an agent of evil

5729: Target has a box of 10-gauge shotgun shells

5730: Target has a burning need to cast his spells as s00n as he can

5731: Target has a candle which he fears will explode if snuffed

5732: Target has a copy of his unauthorized, up-to-date biography

5733: Target has a full-body tatt00 of a full suit of chainmail

5734: Target has a grenade from which the pin's been pulled

5735: Target has a heavy steel ball chained to his ankle

5736: Target has a nose like a m01e

5737: Target has a nose like a tapir

5738: Target has a nose like a thumb

5739: Target has a porcupine in his pocket

5740: Target has a remarkably quick temper for 1d4 days

5741: Target has a scar he attributes to a close call with a dragon

5742: Target has a seizure for the spell's duration or for 1 turn

5743: Target has a terrible fear that he's just f001ing everybody

5744: Target has a terrific thirst for stagnant water

5745: Target has a working clock embedded in his forehead

5746: Target has all the symptoms of Plague but not the disease

5747: Target has an extra action in each of the next 1d10 rounds

5748: Target has an intense desire to burn his clothes

5749: Target has faulty depth perception; all attacks are made at -2

5750: Target has flat vision; has no depth perception; -8 toHit

5751: Target has hair like Albert Einstein

5752: Target has hair like Don King

5753: Target has hair like Rapunzel

5754: Target has hair like Yul brynner

5755: Target has magic intuition; +25% to learn spells

5756: Target has mirror vision; sees everything backwards

5757: Target has misplaced his feet

5758: Target has no desire for vengeance of any kind

5759: Target has no fear of death whatsoever

5760: Target has no HP; each attack is (dmg x 10)% likely to kill him

5761: Target has no neck; his head perches on his shoulders

5762: Target has no vital signs while he is asleep

5763: Target has scars on his chest as from open-heart surgery

5764: Target has strong urge to head south next winter

5765: Target has the distinct impression he's been buried alive

5766: Target has the same dream each night; may think it's prophetic

5767: Target has the voice of a young child

5768: Target has the wind knocked out of him; stunned 2d4 rounds

5769: Target has tiny compartments under his fingernails

5770: Target has to write his name every time he hears or says it

5771: Target has two HP totals; each is in effect on alternate rounds

5772: Target has two thumbs on one hand and none on the other

5773: Target hasn't slept in two weeks

5774: Target hates his nose and thinks he's better off without it

5775: Target hates his principal weapon and wishes not to use it

5776: Target hates magic and uses it only reluctantly

5777: Target hates next person who meets him for the first time

5778: Target hates the next person he mentions by name

5779: Target head is invisible from his cheeks up

5780: Target heals 1/2 normal rate but takes 1/2 damage from attacks

5781: Target heals 1/2 normal rate but takes 2X damage from attacks

5782: Target heals 2X normal rate but takes 2X damage from attacks

5783: Target hears echoes when people speak to him

5784: Target hears through his nose and smells through his ears

5785: Target hears voices that aren't there

5786: Target hoards coal in the hope that one day it will be diamonds

5787: Target howls at the Moon or at any similar circular image

5788: Target immune to 1 random Mage spell of random (2d5-1) level

5789: Target immune to 1 random Priest spell of random (2d4-1) level

5790: Target inflates like balloon to 1d12 feet across for 1 turn

5791: Target inherits a sizable fortune from a deceased relative

5792: Target insists his name is something it is not

5793: Target insists that he be referred to as a prestidigitator

5794: Target insists that he is a dragon in humanoid form

5795: Target inspires jealousy in all but those who know him well

5796: Target invites random foe to join his party

5797: Target inv01untarily repels all water to a distance of 10 feet

5798: Target is able to Detect Magic once per turn at will

5799: Target is able to Know Time at will

5800: Target is able to see with his eyes closed

5801: Target is able to succeed any one roll automatically each day

5802: Target is able to survive one death (resurrection unnecessary)

5803: Target is abs01utely silent when naked

5804: Target is accompanied by the clip-clop of coconut shells

5805: Target is acutely sensitive to taste; must eat bland foods

5806: Target is addicted to magic; needs some spell cast on him daily

5807: Target is affected as by a Br00ch of Number Numbing

5808: Target is affected as by a permanent Haste spell

5809: Target is affected as by a permanent Slow spell

5810: Target is affected as by a powerful diuretic

5811: Target is affected as by a Ring of Contrariness

5812: Target is affected as by a Wand of Misplaced objects

5813: Target is affected as by a strong hallucinogen

5814: Target is affected as by terrible stagefright

5815: Target is affected as by virulent neurotoxins

5816: Target is affected by Blink and Mirror Image for 1d10 turns

5817: Target is affected by Feign Death the next time he is injured

5818: Target is affected by Improved Haste for 1 day

5819: Target is affected by Improved Slow for 1 day

5820: Target is affected by silver like a lycanthrope

5821: Target is affected by the spell Blur for the next 10 turns

5822: Target is affected by Timelessness until caster gains a level

5823: Target is afraid of his own reflection

5824: Target is afraid to touch money

5825: Target is alarmed now by a bustle in his hedgerow

5826: Target is alert and coherent the instant he wakes up

5827: Target is always able to know the location of the caster

5828: Target is an illusion every other round and can cause no damage

5829: Target is as buoyant as a block of iron

5830: Target is as buoyant as styrofoam

5831: Target is at the center of a Blade Barrier

5832: Target is at the center of a whirlwind of ping-pong balls

5833: Target is attended by 1d4 skeletons with no combat ability

5834: Target is aware of every object now within 50 feet of him

5835: Target is base AC 4 for d4 days; DEXIarmor bonuses still apply

5836: Target is befriended by a family in each town within 100 miles

5837: Target is befriended by a popular local leader

5838: Target is befriended by all the members of a single species

5839: Target is befriended by nearest Lich

5840: Target is befriended by the nearest nymph or sylph

5841: Target is believed to bathe in the blood of innocents

5842: Target is believed to be a leper

5843: Target is believed to be a practicing cannibal

5844: Target is believed to be a town elder by nearest village

5845: Target is believed to be an agent of evil

5846: Target is believed to be an escaped murderer by nearest village

5847: Target is believed to be carrying a powerful artifact

5848: Target is believed to be carrying an especially virulent plague

5849: Target is believed to be possessed by a demon

5850: Target is believed to have risen from the dead recently

5851: Target is believed to have the power to heal

5852: Target is blamed for crop failure in the next town he enters

5853: Target is blamed for the death of some forgotten relative

5854: Target is blasted to ashes

5855: Target is blinded but gains clairvoyance of the area he is in

5856: Target is bound head to toe in coaxial cable

5857: Target is bulletpr00f, as he'll discover if he's ever shot

5858: Target is buried up to his waist in hot dogs

5859: Target is burned by a large magical explosion; loses 16 HP

5860: Target is burned by holy symb01s

5861: Target is burned by holy Water as if he were undead

5862: Target is certain he'll meet his fate within the next week

5863: Target is charmed as per Charm Monster (or appropriate Charm)

5864: Target is Cloned

5865: Target is completely immune to beneficial clerical magic

5866: Target is completely unable to save money

5867: Target is confident he'll resurrect instantly when he dies

5868: Target is confident that his enemies trust and respect him

5869: Target is confident that his magic is better than anyone else's

5870: Target is constantly mistaken for someone else

5871: Target is constantly surrounded by a cloud of bees

5872: Target is convinced he'll be dead by tomorrow morning

5873: Target is convinced he'll die in a cave or mine

5874: Target is convinced that 10 days have just passed

5875: Target is convinced that he invented magic

5876: Target is convinced that someone's lurking right behind him

5877: Target is covered in a choc01ate shell

5878: Target is covered in a sugary glaze like a doughnut

5879: Target is covered in formic acid and ants

5880: Target is covered in ice cream and hot fudge

5881: Target is covered in ketchup, though he believes it's blood

5882: Target is covered in p011en and bees

5883: Target is covered in scars as if he were once badly burned

5884: Target is covered in wet spaghetti

5885: Target is covered with butter every time he's hit by magic

5886: Target is covered with painful-100king bruises

5887: Target is covered with scales which fall off in 1d4 days

5888: Target is deafened but gains clairaudience of the area he is in

5889: Target is deeply embarrassed by the sound of his voice

5890: Target is despised by all the members of a single species

5891: Target is determined to pull off his ears

5892: Target is dispatched to a random plane, as spell

5893: Target is distracted easily by shiny objects

5894: Target is doused in whipped cream

5895: Target is drenched in pig's blood

5896: Target is dressed like a ballerina

5897: Target is dressed like a pimp

5898: Target is driven insane, as Mindshatter spell

5899: Target is encased in a box made of bulletpr00f glass

5900: Target is ensnared by someone else's Monster Summoning

5901: Target is equally affected by every attack he makes on others

5902: Target is Feebleminded as by spell and Enfeebled as by Ray

5903: Target is Feebleminded but is also affected by strength

5904: Target is filled with straw, not blood or internal organs

5905: Target is fused into the trunk of the nearest tree

5906: Target is granted one wish during each of the next 1d4 years

5907: Target is hallucinates wildly for 1d12 hours

5908: Target is haunted by ghastly visions of his own death

5909: Target is Healed (not resurrected) under next 2d6 Full Moons

5910: Target is Healed the next time he suffers 10 HP of fire damage

5911: Target is Held d6 rounds each time he hears his name

5912: Target is Held for d10 rounds

5913: Target is Held until someone speaks his name

5914: Target is henceforth 50% likely to go berserk after eating

5915: Target is henceforth 50% likely to vomit after eating

5916: Target is henceforth 50% likely to weep after eating

5917: Target is heroic; immune to fear and confusion

5918: Target is hideously allergic to his own blood

5919: Target is hit by 1 HD lightning b01t whenever he hears his name

5920: Target is h01ding a stick of dynamite with a burning fuse

5921: Target is h01ding a tray full of hors d'oeuvres

5922: Target is h01ding an enormous basket of turnips

5923: Target is h01ding an ice cream sandwich in each hand

5924: Target is immortal for the next 1d8 days

5925: Target is immortal, but has a fatal weakness (ie., cannot move)

5926: Target is immune to 1 Mage spell of random (2d5-1) level

5927: Target is immune to 1 Priest spell of random (2d4-1) level

5928: Target is immune to all injury except fire

5929: Target is immune to all injury except that caused by the caster

5930: Target is immune to all injury inflicted by the caster

5931: Target is immune to all magical healing efforts for d4 days

5932: Target is immune to all non-magical disease

5933: Target is immune to all nonmagical snake venom

5934: Target is immune to any spells cast at him by the caster

5935: Target is immune to area-effects not specifically targeting him

5936: Target is immune to bludgeoning attacks (mace, etc) for d4 days

5937: Target is immune to fire for d6 hours

5938: Target is immune to gaze attacks

5939: Target is immune to gaze attacks for d100 days

5940: Target is immune to lycanthropy

5941: Target is immune to magical scrying or detection

5942: Target is immune to natural extremes of weather when naked

5943: Target is immune to next 10 01factory (gas) attacks against him

5944: Target is immune to nonmagical disease for one year

5945: Target is immune to normal fire while chanting "icy-nicey"

5946: Target is immune to piercing attacks for 1d4 days

5947: Target is immune to slashing attacks (sickle, etc) for 1d4 days

5948: Target is immune to sonic attacks

5949: Target is immune to touch-based spells

5950: Target is implicated in a local property dispute

5951: Target is implicated in a tawdry scandal in a nearby town

5952: Target is instantly liked by those with the same c010r of hair

5953: Target is invisible except while he speaks

5954: Target is invisible from the back but visible from the front

5955: Target is invisible from the front but visible from the back

5956: Target is invisible in daylight but illuminated in darkness

5957: Target is invisible to himself

5958: Target is invisible to the caster

5959: Target is invisible to undead, who are also invisible to him

5960: Target is invisible to vampires until he speaks or attacks

5961: Target is invisible when naked and unencumbered

5962: Target is invisible when no one is 100king

5963: Target is invisible whenever he shoves his fist in his mouth

5964: Target is invisible while he speaks

5965: Target is invisible, intangible, and silenced for 10d6 rounds

5966: Target is invulnerable to all harm for 1d6-1 rounds

5967: Target is invulnerable until he harms someone

5968: Target is just out of sight and earshot of his allies

5969: Target is killed and butchered like a deer

5970: Target is knocked unconscious and cannot be roused until dawn

5971: Target is lightly seasoned and coated in breadcrumbs

5972: Target is mistaken for someone else wherever he goes

5973: Target is morbidly fascinated with undead

5974: Target is naturally careful; never makes a Critical fumble

5975: Target is neon pink for the intended spell's duration

5976: Target is next in line for the throne

5977: Target is not affected by any First Level spells

5978: Target is not harmed by ingested poisons

5979: Target is not injured by attacks against him; his attackers are

5980: Target is nourished by grass instead of food for d10 days

5981: Target is now dressed in full f00tball padding

5982: Target is now dressed like a hockey goalie

5983: Target is now dressed like a H011ywood viking

5984: Target is obsessed with an image of a mesa in the desert

5985: Target is obsessed with removing one of his vital organs

5986: Target is obsessed with the idea of assassinating the king

5987: Target is only able to hear that which he can see

5988: Target is only able to hear when his eyes are closed

5989: Target is only able to hear when his mouth is open

5990: Target is only able to open his mouth when his eyes are closed

5991: Target is only able to see in 2 dimensions; -4 toHit

5992: Target is only able to see when his eyes are closed

5993: Target is painfully and messily disemboweled

5994: Target is Paralyzed

5995: Target is paralyzed by intense pain for 1d4 rounds

5996: Target is perceived to be a bully

5997: Target is permanently Held

5998: Target is pretty sure he can breathe underwater

5999: Target is prone to ridiculous exaggeration

6000: Target is Protected from Self, as spell, for 10d10 days

6001: Target is pummeled by hail for 1 turn, losing 4d4 hit points

6002: Target is quarantined by local health authorities

6003: Target is randomly teleported 10 miles (50% chance Up or down)

6004: Target is reduced to 1 Hit Point

6005: Target is reduced to Level One for 5 turns

6006: Target is refreshed as from a good night's sleep

6007: Target is reluctant to use magic for fear of Wild Surges

6008: Target is rendered mute and bursts into invisible flame

6009: Target is rendered Timeless, as priest spell, for d10 days

6010: Target is repulsed by holy symb01s

6011: Target is resurrected the next time he is slain (NO CON loss)

6012: Target is roasted by a huge magical explosion; loses 32 HP

6013: Target is rumored to have a terribly embarrassing disease

6014: Target is sadistic and cruel to royalty

6015: Target is scarred as though he was disassembled and rebuilt

6016: Target is scorched by a tiny magical explosion; loses 2 HP

6017: Target is sent to alternate Prime Material plane

6018: Target is singed by a medium magical explosion; loses 8 hP

6019: Target is smashed flat as if pounded by a giant hammer

6020: Target is standing atop a rickety ladder

6021: Target is standing atop the nearest hill

6022: Target is standing in a bucket of oatmeal

6023: Target is standing upon a rickety tower of orange crates

6024: Target is Stoneskinned

6025: Target is stricken mute in the presence of royalty

6026: Target is stricken permanently insane

6027: Target is stricken permanently mute

6028: Target is stunned by the true expanse of the universe

6029: Target is stunned for d10 rounds

6030: Target is Stunned whenever he's hit by magic

6031: Target is suddenly carrying a sophisticated laptop computer

6032: Target is suddenly encased in a full body cast

6033: Target is suddenly h01ding his kidneys in his hands

6034: Target is suddenly lying face-down on the ground

6035: Target is suddenly sitting atop a lamppost

6036: Target is suddenly standing at the nearest crossroads

6037: Target is suddenly standing in a construction site toilet

6038: Target is suddenly standing in the middle of a bonfire

6039: Target is suddenly standing knee-deep in snow

6040: Target is suddenly standing on his head

6041: Target is suddenly wearing a construction helmet

6042: Target is suddenly wearing a large diaper

6043: Target is suddenly wearing a suit of aluminum chainmail

6044: Target is suddenly wearing a top-of-the-line kevlar helmet

6045: Target is suddenly wearing all the clothes he owns

6046: Target is suddenly wearing nothing but a fishing net

6047: Target is suddenly wearing nothing but fig leaves

6048: Target is suddenly wearing two large oysters on his feet

6049: Target is suffering from advanced hypothermia

6050: Target is suffering from severe stomach cramps

6051: Target is sure an artifact is buried around here somewhere

6052: Target is sure that the world ended last night at midnight

6053: Target is sure that the world will end at midnight

6054: Target is surrounded by fireflies and can be seen at all times

6055: Target is surrounded by ostriches

6056: Target is suspected in an assassination plot

6057: Target is suspended upside down in a water-filled glass box

6058: Target is suspicious of any who light a fire in his presence

6059: Target is tapped on the shoulder once every d10 rounds

6060: Target is tarred and feathered

6061: Target is teleported into the nearest keep

6062: Target is teleported onto his own shoulders

6063: Target is teleported onto the shoulders of caster

6064: Target is teleported to the bottom of the nearest well

6065: Target is temporarily blinded whenever he tells a lie

6066: Target is temporarily immune to the spells memorized by caster

6067: Target is terrified of becoming invisible

6068: Target is terrified of death and br00ds upon it constantly

6069: Target is terrified of getting his feet wet

6070: Target is terrified of the caster for 1d6 rounds

6071: Target is thoroughly humiliated and demoralized

6072: Target is thought by local villagers to be a prophesized savior

6073: Target is thought by local villagers to be a vampire

6074: Target is thought to be a minor official in a major country

6075: Target is thought to be a prominent official in a major country

6076: Target is thought to be a successful merchant or guildmaster

6077: Target is thought to be some random dweeb from a far-off land

6078: Target is thought to be the ruler of an empire

6079: Target is thought to be the s01e ruler of a major country

6080: Target is thought to be the s01e ruler of a minor country

6081: Target is thought to be the s01e ruler of a spot on the map

6082: Target is thought to be the s01e survivor of a royal family

6083: Target is toasted by a small magical explosion; loses 4 HP

6084: Target is transported to an Outer Plane for d10 rounds

6085: Target is trapped in a stack of tires

6086: Target is unable to cast non-illusion spells for 24 hours

6087: Target is unable to consume or digest s01id foods

6088: Target is unable to create Illusions for 24 hours

6089: Target is unable to heal through magical means

6090: Target is unable to heal through non-magical means

6091: Target is unable to hear his own voice

6092: Target is unable to perceive illusions for 1d12 hours

6093: Target is unable to read except while exposed to sunlight

6094: Target is unable to read while exposed to sunlight

6095: Target is unable to remain quiet where silence is required

6096: Target is unable to speak except in a b00ming shout

6097: Target is unable to swallow food in the presence of others

6098: Target is unable to tell when he is lying

6099: Target is unaffected by gravity when his eyes are closed

6100: Target is unaffected by gravity when lying face down

6101: Target is unaffected by the next Abjuration cast against him

6102: Target is unaffected by the next Alteration cast against him

6103: Target is unaffected by the next Conjuration cast against him

6104: Target is unaffected by the next divination cast against him

6105: Target is unaffected by the next Enchantment cast against him

6106: Target is unaffected by the next Evocation cast against him

6107: Target is unaffected by the next Illusion cast against him

6108: Target is unaffected by the next Necromancy cast against him

6109: Target is unharmed by next 1d20 hit points of damage he suffers

6110: Target is visible to infravision like a lighthouse beacon

6111: Target is vulnerable to rust monsters like metal

6112: Target is wearing an 01d deep-sea diving suit

6113: Target is wearing ballet slippers

6114: Target is wearing carbon steel handcuffs

6115: Target is wearing red suspenders (to keep his pants up)

6116: Target is wh011y unwilling to compromise in matters of food

6117: Target is wracked with guilt whenever he's hit by magic

6118: Target is wrapped head to toe in a coil of chain

6119: Target is wrapped in a coc00n like a caterpillar

6120: Target isn't entirely sure that he exists

6121: Target jumps up and down whenever he's hit by magic

6122: Target keeps mushrooms and fungus as pets

6123: Target kicks like a mule whenever he hears his name

6124: Target knows the complete Pittsburgh bus schedule for 1974

6125: Target knows the first name of everyone now within 100 yards

6126: Target knows the meaning of life briefly, then forgets it

6127: Target knows the meaning of life but can't articulate it

6128: Target knows the meaning of life but doesn't believe it

6129: Target lashes out at nearby ally and attacks until subdued

6130: Target laughs disconcertingly when he is injured

6131: Target laughs like a hyena at the sight of blood

6132: Target laughs like a madman in the presence of royalty

6133: Target laughs like a madman whenever he's hit by magic

6134: Target leaps 1,000,000 miles into space

6135: Target leaps 1,000,000 years into the future

6136: Target leaps 90' straight up and lands without harm

6137: Target learns 1d3 languages during the next 2 months

6138: Target leaves no f00tprints for d8 weeks

6139: Target leaves strange, disquieting odors in his wake

6140: Target leaves wet f00tprints wherever he goes

6141: Target left a fire in his fireplace; house is now ablaze

6142: Target levitates 1' above ground, retains normal Movement rate

6143: Target levitates slightly when he suffers damage

6144: Target levitates slightly when he's hit by magic

6145: Target looks and sounds different to each creature viewing him

6146: Target looks drastically different to everyone but himself

6147: Target looks like a badly decayed corpse while he's asleep

6148: Target looks like a cute little forest animal while asleep

6149: Target looks like a murder victim while he's asleep

6150: Target looks like a stereotypica11950's H011ywood martian

6151: Target looks like an Impressionist painting while asleep

6152: Target looks like he repeatedly cut himself shaving

6153: Target looks more and more like a burned-out hippie

6154: Target looks sickly and emaciated but is not

6155: Target loses 1 HPIround until dying as on Negative Material

6156: Target loses 1 LevelIHit Die per day until becoming Juju zombie

6157: Target loses 1d4 additional hit points from all fire damage

6158: Target loses 1d4 fewer hit points from all fire damage

6159: Target loses 1d6 hit points whenever he says a pun

6160: Target loses 2d4 Experience Levels (and appropriate abilities)

6161: Target loses a t00th during each of the next 4d8 nights

6162: Target loses a t00th each time he tells a lie

6163: Target loses access to a sch001 of magic till he rises a level

6164: Target loses access to ALL knowledge held in his mind

6165: Target loses access to one sch001 of magic

6166: Target loses all depth perception; missile attacks at -10

6167: Target loses all proficiency in all weapons

6168: Target loses d4 HP whenever he tries to cast a spell

6169: Target loses hair and all facial features, but retains senses

6170: Target loses one hit point each time he tells a lie

6171: Target loses one hit point per hour

6172: Target loses one point of Constitution each day

6173: Target loses power of autonomic breathing

6174: Target loses stereophonic hearing: -1 penalty on Surprise rolls

6175: Target loses the ability to ReadIWrite a random language

6176: Target loses the sense of smell

6177: Target loses the sense of taste

6178: Target loses the sense of touch

6179: Target losesIgains spellcasting ability for d6 days

6180: Target loves to tell preposterous stories of his youth

6181: Target makes a spirited attempt to swallow his own head

6182: Target makes enemies easily; -2 to all reaction rolls

6183: Target may be turned, as 1 Hit Die Undead, for next 6 rounds

6184: Target may call down one 3HD lightning b01t per day; no Saves

6185: Target may cast any spells currently memorized by caster

6186: Target may Command one being; it must obey as far as it is able

6187: Target may Teleport without Error twice

6188: Target melts over next d6 rounds unless Remove Curse is cast

6189: Target metamorphoses into a Bodak over next d6 months

6190: Target mimics the facial features of each person he touches

6191: Target mistakenly Gated by a random Outer Plane being

6192: Target mistakenly Gates a random Outer Planes being

6193: Target mistakenly Gates himself to a random Outer Plane

6194: Target moves as though balancing a serving tray on his head

6195: Target moves as though he is underwater

6196: Target moves as though standing knee-deep in water

6197: Target moves d10 rounds into future; loses intervening rounds

6198: Target moves jerkily, as though he's in a silent film

6199: Target must check CON every morning or fall asleep again

6200: Target must eat 2x the normal amount of food to be nourished

6201: Target must graze like a cow for food

6202: Target must roll a STR check: if successful, he gains 1d4 STR

6203: Target must roll for System Shock for each wound or pass out

6204: Target must Save vs Death AND Spell or become a Lich

6205: Target must Save vs Death or be disintegrated

6206: Target must Save vs Death or implode and perish

6207: Target must Save vs Death or turn inside out and die instantly

6208: Target must Save vs Death or turn into a snowman

6209: Target must Save vs Disintegration or be disintegrated

6210: Target must Save vs Petrification or turn to diamond

6211: Target must Save vs Poison, or all of target's blood coagulates

6212: Target never misplaces his possessions

6213: Target never needs to bathe

6214: Target never needs to bathe to remain clean

6215: Target no longer feels hunger and must be reminded to eat

6216: Target no longer feels pain and can't tell if he's injured

6217: Target no longer has any concept of personal space

6218: Target no longer has to move his mouth in order to speak

6219: Target no longer needs to breathe (as Ioun Stone)

6220: Target no longer throws a shadow

6221: Target now has tusks like a walrus

6222: Target omniscient for 1 round then forgets everything

6223: Target only needs to eat once per week

6224: Target 00zes blood from beneath his fingernails

6225: Target or random female ally becomes as beautiful as a nymph

6226: Target or random male ally becomes as beautiful as a nymph

6227: Target owns a widescreen c010r television

6228: Target owns two long-range, s01ar-powered walkie-talkies

6229: Target panics at the sight of his own blood

6230: Target perceives creatures to be facing 180° fromItoward him

6231: Target perceives hidden demonic meaning in everyday events

6232: Target perceives sculptures to portray only horrifying images

6233: Target perceives those around him to be naked

6234: Target permanently affected as by Nahal's Nonsensical Nullifier

6235: Target permanently gains +1 to DEX

6236: Target p01ymorphs into a frog (retains attributes)

6237: Target p01ymorphs into a frog-sized human (retains attributes)

6238: Target p01ymorphs into a human-sized frog (retains attributes)

6239: Target p01ymorphs into a physical duplicate of his worst enemy

6240: Target p01ymorphs into an orangutan

6241: Target p01ymorphs into two dozen roses

6242: Target p01ymorphs randomly every d4 hours

6243: Target p01ymorphs randomly every time it hears its name

6244: Target p01ymorphs randomly, permanently; Wishes have no effect

6245: Target Possesses caster for d10 rounds

6246: Target professes intense jealousy of an imaginary sibling

6247: Target punches himself in the jaw: 50% to knock himself out

6248: Target punches the person standing nearest to him

6249: Target quacks like a duck when he's angry

6250: Target questions himself before using magic: +4 to Casting time

6251: Target radiates antilife; drains 1 HPIround from all within 10'

6252: Target raises a d10 yard radius hemisphere of stone from ground

6253: Target randomly teleported 1 mile (N,S,E,W,NE,SE,SW,NW)

6254: Target reacts to criticism with hysterical sobbing

6255: Target reacts vi01ently to displays of pity or compassion

6256: Target realizes he carries a small but powerful magic item

6257: Target realizes he has a knife stuck in his thigh

6258: Target realizes he hasn't slept in three weeks

6259: Target realizes he was assembled out of dismembered corpses

6260: Target realizes he's carrying a lich's phylactery

6261: Target realizes he's never worn clothing in his life

6262: Target realizes that the universe was born in a huge explosion

6263: Target realizes that the universe was hatched from a giant egg

6264: Target receives Shocking Grasp from next creature he touches

6265: Target recoils from holy symb01s as if he were undead

6266: Target recovers an additional 2 hit points each day

6267: Target reeks of ammonia whenever he's hit by magic

6268: Target refuses to accept that he's ever triggered a Wild Surge

6269: Target refuses to admit that anything occurred before his birth

6270: Target refuses to drink healing potions

6271: Target refuses to eat meat which he did not kill himself

6272: Target refuses to talk for 1d10+10 rounds after seeing magic

6273: Target regains all spells he cast within last 24 hours

6274: Target regards any missed attack as a personal failure

6275: Target regenerates 1 HPIround for the next 20+d20 rounds

6276: Target remembers the name of everyone he meets

6277: Target renounces magic until he's next affected by a spell

6278: Target rises on a c01umn of stone 100' into the air

6279: Target roars like a lion after particularly good meals

6280: Target roars like a lion when angered

6281: Target runs amok

6282: Target runs in his sleep

6283: Target Saves vs Death or becomes flesh-hued 00ze (ie grey ooze)

6284: Target Saves vs Death or skull shrinks by half, causing death

6285: Target Saves vs Magic or becomes a duplicate of the caster

6286: Target Saves vs petrify or petrifies on seeing his reflection

6287: Target Saves vs Petrify or turns to clay

6288: Target Saves vs Petrify or turns to glass

6289: Target Saves vs Petrify or turns to ice

6290: Target Saves vs Petrify or turns to lifeless diamond

6291: Target Saves vs Petrify or turns to mithral

6292: Target Saves vs Petrify or turns to mud

6293: Target Saves vs Petrify or turns to non-sentient platinum

6294: Target Saves vs Petrify or turns to sentient gold

6295: Target Saves vs Petrify or turns to steel

6296: Target Saves vs Petrify or turns to wood

6297: Target sealed in a bubble which air cannot penetrable

6298: Target seeks his long lost twin sibling (who might not exist)

6299: Target seems to speak in the voice of each who hears him

6300: Target seems untrustworthy; suffers -3 on Reaction rolls

6301: Target seems vaguely familiar to everyone who meets him

6302: Target seems very trustworthy; receives +3 on Reaction rolls

6303: Target sees all others to be affected by Nonsensical Nullifier

6304: Target sees everything backward like a mirror image

6305: Target sees into the Ethereal Plane but can't see in the Prime

6306: Target sees omens of the pending apocalypse in everyday events

6307: Target sees perfectly in the dark but is blind in the light

6308: Target sees strange figures out of the corner of his eye

6309: Target sees the plane tapped by magic; WIS check or go nuts

6310: Target sees through caster's eyes and vice versa

6311: Target shatters into countless little cubes; reforms in 1 turn

6312: Target sheds his skin like a snake every d6 days

6313: Target sheds tears every time he's hit by magic

6314: Target shines like a lighthouse beacon when he is asleep

6315: Target shouts as though others can barely hear him

6316: Target shouts profanity in the presence of royalty

6317: Target shows all signs of having been struck by lightning

6318: Target shows no reflection in mirrors

6319: Target shrinks 1/2 inch each day

6320: Target shrinks by 10%

6321: Target shrinks by 10% for every 10% of his hit points he loses

6322: Target shrinks to 1I10 his height while invisible

6323: Target sinks into ground up to his knees

6324: Target sinks into the ground up to his ankles for d6 rounds

6325: Target sinks into the ground up to his chest for d6 rounds

6326: Target sinks into the ground up to his neck for d6 rounds

6327: Target sinks into the ground up to his waist for d6 rounds

6328: Target skips every other round for next 1+1d20 rounds

6329: Target smells like a badly decayed corpse while he's asleep

6330: Target smells like a skunk for 1d10 rounds after bathing

6331: Target smells like brimstone for the spell's duration

6332: Target smells like goat cheese but without the subtlety

6333: Target smells of roses and lavender while he sleeps

6334: Target smells strongly of blood in the presence of vampires

6335: Target smells strongly of catnip

6336: Target smells strongly of garlic in the presence of vampires

6337: Target smiles at oddly inappropriate times

6338: Target sneezes every time he tries to be stealthy

6339: Target sneezes whenever he hears his name

6340: Target s00n has an opportunity to save a god's life

6341: Target speaks an unknown tongue for 1 turn after seeing magic

6342: Target speaks gibberish but believes he is speaking Common

6343: Target speaks in a whisper whenever he tells a lie

6344: Target speaks in rhyme in the presence of royalty

6345: Target speaks in rhyme; spellcasting impossible

6346: Target speaks in three-part harmony for d8 turns

6347: Target speaks like a scratched record

6348: Target speaks shocking blasphemies in the presence of clergy

6349: Target speaks through his ears and hears through his mouth

6350: Target spends 1d10 rounds ridiculing his best friend

6351: Target spends 24 hours in hell: gains a level when he returns

6352: Target spins a coc00n & emerges fully healed after 1 week

6353: Target spins like a top for d6 rounds; DEX check or fall over

6354: Target spontaneously combusts; loses 1d4 HPIround until death

6355: Target sprouts a new nose in the center of his forehead

6356: Target sprouts a new nose right next to his original one

6357: Target sprouts an ugly face on the back of his head

6358: Target sprouts another arm from his sternum

6359: Target sprouts butterfly wings (Fl 6, MC C); remain for d6 days

6360: Target sprouts dear antlers

6361: Target sprouts elephant ears

6362: Target sprouts feathers

6363: Target sprouts giraffe horns

6364: Target sprouts mushrooms on his head

6365: Target sprouts one wing from his shoulder blade

6366: Target sprouts porcupine quills

6367: Target sprouts rabbit ears

6368: Target squeaks like a mouse when he is frightened

6369: Target stares vacantly into space for 1d4 rounds

6370: Target sticks his fingers in his ears and can't remove them

6371: Target stinks of rotting fish

6372: Target strikes his thumb whenever he uses a hammer

6373: Target struck as by Magic Missile each time he hears his name

6374: Target stutters through time, existing only every other round

6375: Target sucks his thumb like an infant for 1d4 turns

6376: Target suddenly doesn't believe in magic

6377: Target suddenly finds himself inside a 55-gallon steel drum

6378: Target suddenly finds himself standing within an ig100

6379: Target suddenly gains 50 pounds of baby fat

6380: Target suffers Blindness

6381: Target suffers financial ruin over the next few months

6382: Target suffers full effect of the intended spell: no Save

6383: Target suffers great embarrassment whenever he's hit by magic

6384: Target suffers illusionary wounds identical to those he causes

6385: Target suffers insomnia; can't sleep for next 5d4 days

6386: Target suffers no damage from one attack each round

6387: Target suffers real damage illusions cause him for 24 hours

6388: Target suffers reverse of magical healing efforts for d4 days

6389: Target suffers reversed effect of the intended spell: no Save

6390: Target suffers withdrawal unless he eats mud each day

6391: Target suspects his brain was transplanted into this body

6392: Target suspects some great entity is hiding nearby

6393: Target suspects that he's not who everyone says he is

6394: Target suspects that his allies don't really trust him

6395: Target swaps personae with the next sentient weapon he touches

6396: Target sweats acid, destroying clothes but not harming him

6397: Target sweats profusely in the presence of royalty

6398: Target takes full possible damage from attacks by the caster

6399: Target takes illusory damage next 2d10 rounds; doesn't know it

6400: Target takes least possible damage from attacks by the caster

6401: Target takes normal damage from illusions for next 2d10 rounds

6402: Target teleports (in Assassin's gear) to the nearest castle

6403: Target teleports 1 mile; stone replica appears in his place

6404: Target teleports 1d100 feet down, displacing any obstructions

6405: Target teleports 1d6 miles straight up

6406: Target teleports anywhere, anytime, randomly

6407: Target teleports into caster's home

6408: Target teleports into his own home

6409: Target teleports into nearest h0110w but standing tree

6410: Target teleports into nearest Monastery

6411: Target teleports into the bathing p001 of the nearest nymph

6412: Target teleports into the lair of the nearest medusa

6413: Target teleports into the nearest cave

6414: Target teleports into the nearest prison

6415: Target teleports into the nearest shark's stomach

6416: Target teleports onto the branches of the nearest tree

6417: Target teleports randomly whenever he hears or speaks his name

6418: Target teleports to his current location when he says his name

6419: Target teleports to nearest dragon's horde for 1d8 rounds

6420: Target teleports to the 3d6th layer of the Abyss

6421: Target teleports to the bottom of the sea

6422: Target teleports to the lair of the tarrasque

6423: Target teleports to the nearest convent

6424: Target teleports to the place from which he last teleported

6425: Target teleports to the place he slept the previous night

6426: Target teleports to the place of his birth, returns in d4 days

6427: Target teleports to within 10' of nearest Lich

6428: Target tends to giggle at inappropriate times

6429: Target thinks a big bad w01f wants to blow his house down

6430: Target thinks a nearby king is a clone of himself

6431: Target thinks a nearby king is reincarnated from a dead dragon

6432: Target thinks all around him are children

6433: Target thinks all bath water is really strong acid

6434: Target thinks all non-human humanoids have been p01ymorphed

6435: Target thinks an earthquake is going on

6436: Target thinks any Illusions he casts are real for next 24 hours

6437: Target thinks cockroaches are burrowing through his flesh

6438: Target thinks cowardice and stupidity are virtues

6439: Target thinks demons hound him at every turn

6440: Target thinks dragons are allies who've been p01ymorphed

6441: Target thinks Ethereal monsters are all around him

6442: Target thinks every question he is asked is a riddle

6443: Target thinks every town he enters is the town of his birth

6444: Target thinks every weapon he wields is intelligent

6445: Target thinks everyone around him is dreaming

6446: Target thinks everyone he meets looks vaguely familiar

6447: Target thinks everyone in the world knows his secrets

6448: Target thinks everyone is trustworthy until proven otherwise

6449: Target thinks everyone thinks he's an impostor

6450: Target thinks everyone who speaks Common is speaking gibberish

6451: Target thinks everyone who speaks to him has his voice

6452: Target thinks everyone's name is the same as his

6453: Target thinks everything he does is part of a holy quest

6454: target thinks everything is invisible when he closes his eyes

6455: target thinks hair is evil and must be shorn from his body

6456: target thinks he ages a year (decade?) each day

6457: Target thinks he can beat his addiction to air

6458: Target thinks he can cause death with a touch

6459: Target thinks he can change his skin c010r like a chameleon

6460: Target thinks he can command undead

6461: Target thinks he cancommunicate with inanimate objects at will

6462: Target thinks he can contr01 others by chanting "blinky"

6463: Target thinks he can interpret dreams as omens

6464: Target thinks he can snuff campfires with his bare hands

6465: Target thinks he can unscrew his head at the neck

6466: Target thinks he did something dreadful last night

6467: Target thinks he dies each night and resurrects each dawn

6468: Target thinks he exists only in the dreams of others

6469: Target thinks he founded the nearest town

6470: Target thinks he had a deeply mystical experience as a child

6471: Target thinks he has an evil twin who's plotting his death

6472: Target thinks he has been Geased by a high-level cleric

6473: Target thinks he has been poisoned

6474: Target thinks he has been p01ymorphed

6475: Target thinks he has been p01ymorphed into his current form

6476: Target thinks he has been Summoned here by powerful magic

6477: Target thinks he has far t00 much blood in his body

6478: Target thinks he has journeyed here from the distant future

6479: Target thinks he has just returned from 24 hours spent in hell

6480: Target thinks he has just returned from a pilgrimage

6481: Target thinks he has only twenty minutes to live

6482: Target thinks he has recently committed a horrible crime

6483: Target thinks he has recently offended some god of Death

6484: Target thinks he has shrunken to half his height

6485: Target thinks he has the gift of prophecy

6486: Target thinks he invented magic

6487: Target thinks he is a clone of someone else

6488: Target thinks he is a deity

6489: Target thinks he is a deity when in the presence of royalty

6490: Target thinks he is a demon in mortal form

6491: Target thinks he is a demon possessing himself

6492: Target thinks he is a dragon who's forgotten how to p01ymorph

6493: Target thinks he is a false personality

6494: Target thinks he is a flesh g01em

6495: Target thinks he is a reformed c01d-blooded killer

6496: Target thinks he is affected by the spell Haste

6497: target thinks he is affected by the spell Slow

6498: target thinks he is after Them (whoever They are)

6499: target thinks he is an avatar of a minor deity

6500: target thinks he is an elemental

6501: Target thinks he is an emperor with in the presence of royalty

6502: Target thinks he is an illusion

6503: Target thinks he is as beautiful as a nymph

6504: Target thinks he is as beautiful as a nymph

6505: Target thinks he is at death's d00r

6506: Target thinks he is being tested by his deity

6507: target thinks he is bleeding at a tremendous rate

6508: target thinks he is blessed with eternal youth

6509: target thinks he is bound by a demonic pact

6510: target thinks he is controlled by someone

6511: Target thinks he is covered with ants

6512: Target thinks he is currently living in a past life

6513: Target thinks he is deeply in love with one of his allies

6514: Target thinks he is destined to be king

6515: Target thinks he is drowning

6516: Target thinks he is fated to be slain by his own son

6517: Target thinks he is hunted by religious zealots

6518: target thinks he is immortal

6519: Target thinks he is immune to fire

6520: Target thinks he is insane

6521: Target thinks he is laboring under some horrible curse

6522: Target thinks he is literally the center of the universe

6523: target thinks he is married (or single, if he's married)

6524: target thinks he is naked while in the presence of royalty

6525: target thinks he is next in line for the nearest throne

6526: target thinks he is on a quest to find his real parents

6527: target thinks he is possessed by a demon

6528: Target thinks he is the product of a mirror of opposition

6529: target thinks he is the reincarnation of a long-dead king

6530: target thinks he is the reincarnation of his own dead clone

6531: target thinks he is the rightful ruler of this kingdom

6532: Target thinks he is the subject of an elaborate conspiracy

6533: Target thinks he is under a Geas but doesn't know why

6534: target thinks he is untrustworthy

6535: Target thinks he is very charming to those of opposite sex

6536: Target thinks he just committed a major faux pas

6537: Target thinks he just forgot the meaning of life

6538: Target thinks he knows an ancient and forgotten language

6539: Target thinks he knows how to swallow swords

6540: Target thinks he knows the first name of everyone he meets

6541: Target thinks he knows the Fly spell

6542: Target thinks he knows where to find the Fountain of Youth

6543: Target thinks he may Teleport at will but cannot

6544: Target thinks he must avenge the death of an imagined sibling

6545: Target thinks he owes a favor to some random demon

6546: Target thinks he owes the caster a great deal of money

6547: Target thinks he owns and rules the surrounding property

6548: Target thinks he owns and rules the surrounding property

6549: Target thinks he plays a pivotal roll in the fate of the world

6550: Target thinks he recently murdered someone and is on the run

6551: Target thinks he recently passed a Mirror of Opposition

6552: Target thinks he regenerates like a troll

6553: Target thinks he sees a pile of gold from the corner of his eye

6554: Target thinks he sees a Red Dragon from the corner of his eye

6555: Target thinks he sees himself from the corner of his eye

6556: Target thinks he sees his worst foe from the corner of his eye

6557: Target thinks he smells terrible

6558: Target thinks he used to be immortal

6559: Target thinks he was abducted by mysterious gray beings

6560: Target thinks he was omnipotent in a past life

6561: Target thinks he was recently murdered

6562: Target thinks he was recently tortured but can't recall when

6563: Target thinks he was Siamese twins in a past life

6564: Target thinks he was slain by the caster in a past life

6565: Target thinks he was the caster in a past life

6566: Target thinks he went back in time to kill his grandfather

6567: Target thinks he will automatically resurrect when he is slain

6568: Target thinks he will die unless he burns his principal weapon

6569: Target thinks he will die with the next spell that hits him

6570: Target thinks he will die with the next Wild Surge he witnesses

6571: Target thinks he will explode if jostled t00 harshly

6572: Target thinks he will turn to a w01f under the next full Moon

6573: Target thinks he'd live longer without arms

6574: Target thinks he'll become a god if he completes a great quest

6575: Target thinks he'll die unless he shaves off all his hair

6576: Target thinks he'll fall dead at sunset

6577: Target thinks he's a balloon and will pop if stabbed or cut

6578: Target thinks he's a bard

6579: Target thinks he's a skeleton trapped in a suit of flesh

6580: Target thinks he's an escaped slave

6581: Target thinks he's an intelligent horse

6582: Target thinks he's been alive for millennia

6583: Target thinks he's being attacked by an invisible octopus

6584: Target thinks he's descended from Earth Elementals

6585: Target thinks he's destined to bring about the apocalypse

6586: Target thinks he's foreseen his death in the near future

6587: Target thinks he's going to do something dreadful tonight

6588: Target thinks he's ingested a potent toxin

6589: Target thinks he's invisible if he has an egg in his mouth

6590: Target thinks he's journeyed here from the far future

6591: Target thinks he's literally the center of the universe

6592: Target thinks he's made of snow and in danger of melting

6593: Target thinks he's more charming with his finger in his nose

6594: Target thinks he's not living up to his potential

6595: Target thinks he's owed some kind of divine birthright

6596: Target thinks he's posing for a sculpture of him

6597: Target thinks he's pregnant

6598: Target thinks he's standing in the middle of a raging river

6599: Target thinks he's standing on a precipice

6600: Target thinks he's standing on a tall, narrow pedestal

6601: Target thinks he's superior and demands to be treated so

6602: Target thinks he's surrounded by vermin

6603: Target thinks he's the King of the World

6604: Target thinks he's the only one still alive in the world

6605: Target thinks he's turning into a w01f

6606: Target thinks he's wearing a wig

6607: Target thinks he's wrongly imprisoned in his body

6608: Target thinks he'll be immortal again later

6609: Target thinks he's the only one in the world who can use magic

6610: Target thinks himself to be his own clone

6611: Target thinks himself to be invisible, despite what anyone says

6612: Target thinks himself to be two people (1 LawfulI1 good, etc)

6613: Target thinks his allies are dead

6614: Target thinks his allies are dragons in humanoid form

6615: Target thinks his allies are hiding his principal weapon

6616: Target thinks his allies are mocking him

6617: Target thinks his allies are p01ymorphed orcs or goblins

6618: Target thinks his allies can resurrect him if he's slain

6619: Target thinks his allies cannot see him, whatever they say

6620: Target thinks his allies distrust his use of magic

6621: Target thinks his allies don't take him seriously

6622: Target thinks his allies fear him

6623: Target thinks his allies revere him as a god

6624: Target thinks his allies should revere him as a god

6625: Target thinks his allies suspect him of being undead

6626: Target thinks his allies suspect him of plotting against them

6627: Target thinks his allies think he plans to use them as undead

6628: Target thinks his allies think he's crazy

6629: Target thinks his allies think he's dead

6630: Target thinks his allies will kill him if he's hit by a spell

6631: Target thinks his allies will kill him unless he's hit by magic

6632: Target thinks his birth was prophesized by an obscure religion

6633: Target thinks his brain is at home in a jar on a shelf

6634: Target thinks his brain is leaking out his nose

6635: Target thinks his clothes are a part of his body

6636: Target thinks his clothing is alive and is out to get him

6637: Target thinks his deity has t01d him not to bother anymore

6638: Target thinks his destiny is to leap into a volcano

6639: Target thinks his enemies are all immortal

6640: Target thinks his enemies are also his allies

6641: Target thinks his enemies' attacks are good-natured joking

6642: Target thinks his friends are after his money

6643: Target thinks his hands are twice their actual size

6644: Target thinks his left hand is dreadfully evil

6645: Target thinks his life until now has just been a dream

6646: Target thinks his mouth can store things like a bag of h01ding

6647: Target thinks his name can cause undead to fear him

6648: Target thinks his name is a Power Word and is afraid to say it

6649: Target thinks his name is a Power Word and says it often

6650: Target thinks his name is Lord (Lady) So-and-So the magnificent

6651: Target thinks his name is the True Name of a demon

6652: Target thinks his nose is running like a faucet

6653: Target thinks his reflection is plotting against him

6654: Target thinks his skin is a foreign organism

6655: Target thinks his skin is actually someone else's

6656: Target thinks his skin is some sort of ill-fitting suit

6657: Target thinks his skin is vulnerable to rust

6658: Target thinks his touch can cure illness

6659: Target thinks his touch can cure leather

6660: Target thinks his touch can heal injuries

6661: Target thinks his touch turns metal into gold

6662: Target thinks his weapon is an ancient and powerful artifact

6663: Target thinks his weapon is cursed

6664: Target thinks his weapon is plotting against him

6665: Target thinks his worst fears have been realized

6666: Target thinks immorality will grant him immortality

6667: Target thinks it is twenty degrees c001er than it really is

6668: Target thinks it is twenty degrees hotter than it really is

6669: Target thinks light is shining from the back of his head

6670: Target thinks maggots infest every wound he suffers

6671: Target thinks mud has significant monetary value

6672: Target thinks one of his allies is deeply in love with him

6673: Target thinks others can barely see him

6674: Target thinks pack animals are unreliable and will not use them

6675: Target thinks rats are wriggling within his clothing

6676: Target thinks some random demon owes him a favor

6677: Target thinks someone is sh00ting a machine gun at him

6678: Target thinks someone nearby is an avatar of his deity

6679: Target thinks someone nearby is his child

6680: Target thinks something amazing is hidden in a nearby cave

6681: Target thinks that air is poisonous

6682: Target thinks that all werew01ves are just angry dogs

6683: Target thinks that all w01ves and dogs are werew01ves

6684: Target thinks that any food he now carries is poisonous

6685: Target thinks that dirt is an aphrodisiac

6686: Target thinks that fire heals injury

6687: Target thinks that he has enlarged by 50%

6688: Target thinks that he has shrunken by 50%

6689: Target thinks that he left a fire burning in his fireplace

6690: Target thinks that his body is sand and must not get wet

6691: Target thinks that his body will rust if it gets wet

6692: Target thinks that his clothes are alive & trying to choke him

6693: Target thinks that his clothes are wise & trying to advise him

6694: Target thinks that his skeleton is made of glass

6695: Target thinks that humor and comedy are blasphemous

6696: Target thinks that ice is more precious than diamond

6697: Target thinks that magic is actually impossible

6698: Target thinks that people think he's a murderer

6699: Target thinks that someone nearby is his secret admirer

6700: Target thinks that something is breathing down his neck

6701: Target thinks that spellb00ks are edible and very tasty

6702: Target thinks that the stars are getting closer all the time

6703: Target thinks that water is in short supply and must be hoarded

6704: Target thinks that water is poisonous

6705: Target thinks that water turns to diamond at 32° Fahrenheit

6706: Target thinks that, somewhere, his clone has become sentient

6707: Target thinks the caster owes him a great deal of money

6708: Target thinks the next corpse he sees is his own

6709: Target thinks They (whoever They are) are after him

6710: Target throws a monster's shadow

6711: Target transmits a non-magical disease to whomever he touches

6712: Target travels 2d10 minutes into the future

6713: Target tries to remove his feet

6714: Target triggers Surges in next d6 spells cast at or by him

6715: Target trumpets like an elephant when angry

6716: Target tumbles through rift into alternate Prime Material Plane

6717: Target tumbles through rift into Elemental Air

6718: Target tumbles through rift into Elemental Earth

6719: Target tumbles through rift into Elemental Fire

6720: Target tumbles through rift into Elemental Water

6721: Target turns ethereal each time he draws his weapon

6722: Target turns ethereal when reduced to 5 hit points

6723: Target turns inside out; Saves vs Death to resist effect or dies

6724: Target turns into an ambulatory plant of similar shape

6725: Target turns into caster under every Full Moon

6726: Target turns into granite

6727: Target turns into iron

6728: Target turns into wood

6729: Target turns invisible and is rendered mute

6730: Target turns invisible when he closes his eyes

6731: Target turns to a statue while he sleeps and reverts on waking

6732: Target turns to glass for d4 rounds

6733: Target turns to iron d6 rounds; retains mobility and HP (AC -4)

6734: Target turns to sand

6735: Target turns to smoke each time he comes within 10' of flame

6736: Target turns to steam under every Full Moon

6737: Target turns to stone

6738: Target turns to stone and reverts every other round

6739: Target turns to stone every dusk; reverts every dawn

6740: Target turns to water the next time he's submerged

6741: Target understands the universe a little better: +1 to wisdom

6742: Target utters shocking blasphemy when he enters a church

6743: Target vaguely recalls a treasure hidden somewhere nearby

6744: Target vanishes at next sunrise until subsequent sunset

6745: Target vanishes at next sunset until subsequent sunrise

6746: Target vanishes until caster casts the same spell again

6747: Target vanishes until caster gains a level

6748: Target vanishes until caster speaks his own name

6749: Target vanishes until caster suffers damage

6750: Target vanishes until caster triggers another wild surge

6751: Target vanishes until caster uses a randomly chosen spell

6752: Target vanishes until next sunrise

6753: Target vanishes until next sunset

6754: Target vanishes until someone in the area is slain

6755: Target vanishes until someone speaks his name

6756: Target vanishes when he falls asleep; reappears on waking

6757: Target vanishes while asleep; reappears when he wakes

6758: Target vanishes, leaving a dead clone of the caster instead

6759: Target vanishes, leaving a Delayed Blast Fireball of 2X his HD

6760: Target vanishes, leaving a desiccated corpse in his place

6761: Target vanishes, leaving a patch of scorched earth in his place

6762: Target vanishes, leaving a rust monster in his place

6763: Target vanishes, leaving a small marble replica of him behind

6764: Target vanishes, leaving a worthless treasure map in his place

6765: Target vanishes, leaving caster's nearest relative in his place

6766: Target vanishes, leaving earth elemental of equal HD behind

6767: Target vanishes, leaving his equipment behind

6768: Target vanishes, leaving the caster in his place

6769: Target vanishes, leaving the smell of brimstone behind

6770: Target vanishes; caster's next Summoning summons target instead

6771: Target vanishes; reappears d4 hours later

6772: Target vomits a startling quantity of butterscotch pudding

6773: Target vomits messily

6774: Target vows revenge against cuddly forest animals

6775: Target wakes at dawn and falls asleep at dusk

6776: Target wakes each day already standing

6777: Target wakes each day and crows like a r00ster

6778: Target wakes each day at the bottom of a small crater

6779: Target wakes each day blood-soaked as from a vicious battle

6780: Target wakes each day clutching a small stuffed bear

6781: Target wakes each day covered by honey and ants

6782: Target wakes each day covered by peas and carrots

6783: Target wakes each day covered by severed human ears

6784: Target wakes each day covered by small lizards

6785: Target wakes each day covered by soft, newly-grown moss

6786: Target wakes each day covered with cobwebs

6787: Target wakes each day covered with snow

6788: Target wakes each day covered with spiders

6789: Target wakes each day entangled by overgrown grass

6790: Target wakes each day ethereal; takes 1d4-1/2 hours to reform

6791: Target wakes each day facing north

6792: Target wakes each day half-sunken into the ground

6793: Target wakes each day in a giant toad's mouth

6794: Target wakes each day in a tree

6795: Target wakes each day in an unfamiliar location

6796: Target wakes each day in an unfamiliar position

6797: Target wakes each day levitating 10 feet above the ground

6798: Target wakes each day more tired than the night before

6799: Target wakes each day naked, clothes hanging in a tall tree

6800: Target wakes each day naked, clothes neatly f01ded nearby

6801: Target wakes each day naked, clothes nowhere to be found

6802: Target wakes each day naked, clothes standing nearby

6803: Target wakes each day naked, clothes torn to shreds

6804: Target wakes each day seated in the lotus position

6805: Target wakes each day singing an opera

6806: Target wakes each day soaking wet as from a rainstorm

6807: Target wakes each day standing on his head

6808: Target wakes each day standing on somebody else's head

6809: Target wakes each day thinking he is still asleep

6810: Target wakes each day thinking he was just attacked

6811: Target wakes each day tied in ropes, vines, or the like

6812: Target wakes each day with a toad in his mouth

6813: Target wakes each day with a toe in his mouth

6814: Target wakes each day with clothes burned as if by acid

6815: Target wakes each day with clothes smoking as ion fire

6816: Target wakes each day with his clothes on backwards

6817: Target wakes each day with his clothing frozen s01id

6818: Target wakes each day within a patch of scorched earth

6819: Target walks in his sleep every night

6820: Target wants to sell his soul to the nearest fishmonger

6821: Target was Cloned d4 times eight months ago

6822: Target wears corks in his ears so his brain won't leak out

6823: Target will go to great lengths to prove he's not a coward

6824: Target will quickly forget the next 24 hours

6825: Target will try to claw out his eyes unless restrained

6826: Target wishes the apocalypse would hurry up and get here

6827: Target would tell his deity a thing or two, given the chance

6828: Target: flesh to stoneIrock to mudIwater to dustIgust of wind

6829: Target's age is halved, but he looks twice as 01d

6830: Target's anger manifests as a little raincloud over his head

6831: Target's arm is bent 90° halfway between his wrist and elbow

6832: Target's arms and legs vanish for 1d10 rounds

6833: Target's arms are stricken totally numb for 2d10 turns

6834: Target's arms grow to the size of his legs

6835: Target's arms p01ymorph each morning

6836: Target's attributes are halved for 1d12 hours

6837: Target's big toes can become prehensile at will

6838: Target's blood is a strong contact poison to anyone else

6839: Target's blood reeks of sulfur when it is spilt

6840: Target's blood traces out arcane signs where it spills

6841: Target's blood turns to choc01ate on contact with air

6842: Target's body is covered with octopus sucker-marks

6843: Target's body no longer produces saliva

6844: Target's body rotates 360°, though his head remains still

6845: Target's bones are brittle when he's in direct Moonlight

6846: Target's bones cannot be broken by nonmagical means

6847: Target's boots are stuck to the ground with railroad spikes

6848: Target's boots fill with milk

6849: Target's boots fill with petr01eum jelly

6850: Target's brain explodes, killing him

6851: Target's can issue one Command (as spell) per day

6852: Target's cannot hear his own voice

6853: Target's chest is scarred by a sword-cut "Z"

6854: Target's childh00d pet appears in the vicinity

6855: Target's clothes are tailored for someone half his weight

6856: Target's clothes are tailored for someone of opposite sex

6857: Target's clothes are tailored for someone twice his weight

6858: Target's clothes are tailored for someone with six arms

6859: target's clothes cannot be removed by him

6860: Target's clothes reek of stale cigarette smoke

6861: Target's clothes smell like he's worn them all summer

6862: Target's clothing appears laundered and pressed

6863: Target's clothing appears to combust while he's asleep

6864: Target's clothing becomes perfectly transparent when wet

6865: Target's clothing cannot be stained or made dirty

6866: Target's clothing cannot bend or f01d

6867: Target's clothing clings to him as though wet

6868: Target's clothing is drenched in doe musk

6869: target's clothing is extraordinarily flammable

6870: Target's clothing is filled with sharp metal barbs

6871: Target's clothing looks like he fell into a sewer

6872: Target's clothing looks like he's been shot with a shotgun

6873: Target's clothing resembles a patchwork quilt

6874: Target's clothing smells like a skunk died in it

6875: Target's clothing turns to cellophane

6876: Target's clothing turns to plastic

6877: Target's clothing turns to porcelain

6878: Target's cranium is transparent like smoked glass

6879: Target's cranium seems to be attached by screws

6880: Target's current clothes protect against bludgeons

6881: Target's dead clone is found in a nearby well

6882: Target's diary, written years from now, appears at his feet

6883: Target's dominant hand ages one year each day

6884: target's dominant hand explodes as a 10 Die fireball

6885: target's dominant hand has no bones

6886: Target's dominant hand inflates like a rubber glove

6887: Target's dominant hand tries to choke him while he sleeps

6888: Target's earlobes grow 1d12 inches

6889: Target's ears appear to be on fire

6890: Target's ears fall off and regrow 1d10 days later

6891: Target's ears glow in the dark

6892: Target's ears glow in the presence of undead

6893: Target's ears 100k like noses

6894: Target's ears migrate to the top of his head

6895: Target's ears resemble bat wings

6896: Target's enemies all think he's dead

6897: Target's eyelashes are actually tiny snakes

6898: Target's eyelids are invisible while he's wet

6899: Target's eyelids open and shut like camera shutters

6900: Target's eyelids turn invisible

6901: Target's eyes appear 50% larger than they really are

6902: target's eyes appear to have tiny fish swimming in them

6903: target's eyes shrink to 1/2 their size

6904: Target's face is tatt00ed to resemble the face of a clock

6905: Target's features appear melted like hot wax

6906: Target's feet are trapped in concrete blocks

6907: Target's feet feel like they're on fire if he tries to walk

6908: Target's feet turn to cheese

6909: Target's feet turn to sugar

6910: Target's fingernails and toenails don't grow anymore

6911: Target's fingernails are black, like h01es in the universe

6912: Target's fingernails turn duck-egg-blue

6913: Target's fingers are replaced by toes (-2 manual dexterity)

6914: Target's fingers grow to twice their normal length

6915: Target's fingers suffer mild frostbite

6916: Target's flesh seems to rot from his body

6917: Target's f00tprints resemble directional arrows

6918: Target's forehead is marked like a canceled stamp

6919: Target's gains a +2 bonus for tasks of manual dexterity

6920: Target's hair grows two inches each day

6921: Target's hair looks like melted candle wax

6922: Target's hair turns to steel

6923: Target's hands and feet are encased in blocks of ice

6924: Target's hands appear blood-soaked

6925: Target's hands appear skeletal

6926: Target's hands are immune to nonmagical c01d

6927: Target's hands are palsied and arthritic

6928: Target's hands become invisible to him

6929: Target's hands cannot be burned by nonmagical fire

6930: Target's hands fuse together at the palms

6931: Target's hands lock in their current position for 1d10 turns

6932: Target's hands vanish until tomorrow aftern00n

6933: Target's head appears to be a few feet away while he sleeps

6934: Target's head appears to have been cut off and reattached

6935: Target's head flashes like a disco ball for 1d4 turns

6936: Target's head is a featureless ovoid while he sleeps

6937: Target's head rings like a church bell 1d12 times

6938: Target's head shrinks to half its width

6939: Target's head turns into a cylinder

6940: Target's head, hands, and feet become invisible

6941: Target's home and all his possessions are bronzed

6942: Target's home begins to digest him the next time he enters

6943: Target's home causes anyone who enters it to shrink by 50%

6944: Target's home connects directly to an open sewer or midden

6945: Target's home fills with cottage cheese

6946: Target's home fills with latex paint

6947: Target's home has hot and c01d running water, but no sink

6948: Target's home is barricaded by concertina wire

6949: Target's home is destroyed when an airplane crashes into it

6950: Target's home is made of sodium, and it's starting to rain

6951: Target's home is packed full of trash

6952: Target's home is perpetually shrouded in fog

6953: Target's home is razed and the ground salted

6954: Target's home looks like it was built by angry children

6955: Target's home now has aluminum siding

6956: Target's home resembles a huge sculpted bust of him

6957: Target's home rotates 90° each time he enters it

6958: Target's home rotates 90° each time he uses the d00r

6959: Target's home rotates 90° forward or back

6960: Target's home smells distressingly of vomit

6961: Target's Intelligence drops by 2I3 while he's invisible

6962: Target's Intelligence is halved under Moonlight

6963: Target's internal organs are thoroughly cooked

6964: Target's items appear on the ground in alphabetical order

6965: Target's items are evenly distributed among those nearby

6966: Target's jaw is hinged like a snake's

6967: Target's joints bend forward and backward with equal ease

6968: Target's knees vanish

6969: Target's knuckles swell to the size of ping-pong balls

6970: Target's left and right half appear to be one inch apart

6971: Target's left arm and leg shrink by 50%

6972: Target's left arm is twice as long as his body

6973: Target's left hand grips his right wrist and won't let go

6974: Target's left wrist is chained to his right ankle

6975: Target's legs fuse into one for 1d4 hours

6976: Target's limbs recede into his body while he sleeps

6977: Target's lips and cheeks turn invisible

6978: Target's lungs cease functioning in 2d12 hours

6979: Target's mind cannot be read by others

6980: Target's mouth appears to contain a miniature galaxy

6981: Target's mouth fills with ice

6982: Target's mouth fills with tiny pebbles

6983: Target's mouth is stuffed full of salt

6984: Target's nails grow 2d12 inches

6985: Target's name appears on every leaf of a nearby tree

6986: Target's name is a racist slur in some demihuman tongue

6987: Target's name is actually the Dwarfish word for feces

6988: Target's nasal cavity is stuffed full of pepper

6989: Target's neck bears a scar as though he was once hanged

6990: Target's neck shortens to 1/2 its length

6991: Target's normal body temperature is now 112° Fahrenheit

6992: Target's normal body temperature is now 74° Fahrenheit

6993: Target's nose and mouth switch places

6994: Target's nose appears to be made of flint

6995: Target's nose becomes prehensile

6996: Target's nose dangles from his face on a loose spring

6997: Target's nose falls off and explodes in 1d6 rounds

6998: Target's nose falls off, leaving an ugly h01e in its place

6999: Target's nose launches from his face like a rocket

7000: Target's nose migrates to another part of his body

7001: Target's nose rotates 90°

7002: Target's nose seems to hover six inches in front of his face

7003: Target's nose triples its size

7004: Target's organs can be seen faintly through his skin

7005: Target's palms and fingers can't be cut by metal

7006: Target's palms are covered with painful sores and blisters

7007: Target's pelvis crumbles to dust

7008: Target's pocket fill with popcorn, which starts popping

7009: Target's pockets fill with chicken giblets

7010: Target's pockets fill with dry ice

7011: Target's pockets fill with manure

7012: Target's pockets jingle as though full of coins

7013: Target's reputation for courtesy precedes him everywhere

7014: Target's reputation for rudeness precedes him everywhere

7015: Target's shoes smolder and smell of sulfur

7016: Target's skin appears shriveled as if he's had a long bath

7017: Target's skin appears sm00th, clear, and unblemished

7018: Target's skin appears to rust in contact with blood

7019: Target's skin appears translucent blue in direct sunlight

7020: Target's skin becomes stiff and brittle

7021: Target's skin burns under Moonlight

7022: Target's skin cannot be cut by steel weapons

7023: Target's skin glows a c001 blue when he's naked

7024: Target's skin glows the c010r of sunrise

7025: Target's skin grows lighter each day until he's cloud-white

7026: Target's skin is badly and painfully sunburned

7027: Target's skin is dyed in a pretty paisley pattern

7028: Target's skin is stained with indelible pink dye

7029: Target's skin itches terribly for 1 week

7030: Target's skin looks like it's been plucked of feathers

7031: Target's skull cannot be breached by non-magical means

7032: Target's skull deforms into a rough cube

7033: Target's skull is hard enough to act as a helmet; -1 to AC

7034: Target's skull is spongy and soft for 1d10 rounds

7035: Target's smile puts people in mind of a shark

7036: Target's spine shortens to 1/2 its length

7037: Target's spine, ribs, and skull are strong as steel

7038: Target's staff turns into a saxophone

7039: Target's stomach rumbles when in the presence of royalty

7040: Target's tears are flammable

7041: Target's tears are poisonous if ingested or used on a blade

7042: Target's tears burn his face

7043: Target's tears can heal injuries once per week

7044: Target's tears run up his face instead of down

7045: Target's teeth chatter when he faces north

7046: Target's teeth fall out and regrow each night

7047: Target's teeth flash like a disco ball when he speaks

7048: Target's teeth have braces on them

7049: Target's teeth jut from his jaw at odd and painful angles

7050: Target's teeth 100k like dirty gravel

7051: Target's teeth shine like mirrors

7052: Target's teeth tumble from his mouth one-by-one

7053: Target's teeth turn to sponge

7054: Target's thighs shrink by 50%

7055: Target's toenails grow 1d12 inches each night

7056: Target's toes are now as long as his fingers

7057: Target's tongue becomes furry

7058: Target's tongue glows like a firefly

7059: Target's tongue grows to a length of 1d12 feet

7060: Target's tongue, nose, lip, eyebrow, and navel are pierced

7061: Target's top teeth turn invisible

7062: Target's touch can cause nonmagical cloth to disintegrate

7063: Target's touch causes frostbite in reptiles and amphibians

7064: Target's touch leaves temporary, painless bruises in others

7065: Target's undergarments begin constricting about him

7066: Target's undergarments begin smoldering

7067: Target's undergarments freeze s01id

7068: Target's vision is clouded (-2 ToHit) for 2d4-1 days

7069: Target's voice becomes high-pitched when he's angry

7070: Target's voice creates the sound of speaker feedback

7071: target's voice makes people nearby want to be elsewhere

7072: Target's voice seems to issue from his ears

7073: Target's voice seems to issue from some object he carries

7074: Target's voice sounds like groans of mourning

7075: Target's weight doubles when he's wet

7076: Target's weight is doubled while he stands on grass

7077: Target's weight is halved, but his mass is doubled

7078: Target's ability scores equal one ability, determined randomly

7079: Target's actions may be disbelieved as illusions

7080: Target's age cycle reverses and doubles: begins aging backwards

7081: Target's age decreases two years for every Hit Point he loses

7082: Target's age fluctuates ±d20 years each day

7083: Target's age is doubled

7084: Target's age is reduced by 1d20 years

7085: Target's age is reduced by one half

7086: Target's aging rate doubles each round; dies within the hour

7087: Target's alignment cannot be detected by magic

7088: Target's alignment changes randomly each hour

7089: Target's alignment reads as evil when detected by magic

7090: Target's alignment seems different to each person checking it

7091: Target's allies think that he plans to use them as slaves

7092: Target's and nearest person of Noble status exchange clothing

7093: Target's apparent CHA to one member of opposite sex is halved

7094: Target's apparent CHA to one member of the opposite sex doubles

7095: Target's apparent CHA to opposite sex is raised to 19

7096: Target's apparent CHA to opposite sex is reduced to 1

7097: Target's appearance changes to that of a zombie

7098: Target's armor (or metal gear) heats to 5d1000° for d10 rounds

7099: Target's armor and weapons become ethereal for d10 rounds

7100: Target's armor turns to silk (AC 10)

7101: Target's armor turns to snow

7102: Target's armor turns to steam

7103: Target's armor turns to wood

7104: Target's armorIclothing leaps from target and is sentient

7105: Target's arms and legs exchange places

7106: Target's arms are broken

7107: Target's arms become rubbery like tentacles

7108: Target's arms become tentacles

7109: Target's arms begin flapping like a dragonfly's wings

7110: Target's arms disappear; hands are attached to shoulders

7111: Target's arms elongate like those of an ape

7112: Target's arms elongate to 11/2 times their normal length

7113: Target's arms shrink to 1/2 their normal length

7114: Target's arms start bludgeoning him; 1d4 HP each per round

7115: Target's arms tie themselves in a knot

7116: Target's arms try to strangle him

7117: Target's arms turn into wings like a dragonfly's

7118: Target's arms turn into wings like a sparrow's

7119: Target's arms turn to dorsal fins

7120: Target's arms turn to snakes and attack him

7121: Target's arms turn to tree branches

7122: Target's arms vanish

7123: Target's astral form leaves his body whenever he's hit by magic

7124: Target's astral form pushed from body for 1d8 days

7125: Target's attacks damage him but do not damage intended victim

7126: Target's attribute scores are shuffled

7127: Target's attribute scores shuffle randomly each day

7128: Target's attribute scores shuffle randomly each hour

7129: Target's auditory perceptions are inverted, left-to-right

7130: Target's bare f00tprints blight the ground

7131: Target's belongings are teleported into the nearest cave

7132: Target's best attribute score is exchanged for his worst

7133: Target's blood and internal organs turn invisible

7134: Target's blood boils; CON check at -d4 and Save vs Death or die

7135: Target's blood causes strange plants to grow where it is spilt

7136: Target's blood freezes; CON check and Save vs Death or die

7137: Target's blood glows like embers when it is spilt

7138: Target's blood has the power to close the wounds of others

7139: Target's blood hisses like steam when it strikes the ground

7140: Target's blood howls like a cat when it is spilt

7141: Target's blood is acidic, corroding weapons which cut him

7142: Target's blood is flammable

7143: Target's blood scorches the ground where it is spilt

7144: Target's blood scribes runes into the ground where it is spilt

7145: Target's blood seems thick and gummy when it is spilt

7146: Target's blood smells like skunk musk

7147: Target's blood teleported out of his body

7148: Target's blood turns to acid but functions normally

7149: Target's blood turns to choc01ate as it leaves his body

7150: Target's blood turns to gold where it is spilt

7151: Target's blood turns to lava

7152: Target's blood turns to mercury 6913 Target's blood turns to milk

7153: Target's blood turns to sand 6915 Target's blood turns to soap

7154: Target's blood turns to Universal S01vent

7155: Target's body appears to face opposite direction

7156: Target's body becomes a Gate to a Lower Outer Plane

7157: Target's body becomes a humanoid mirror; immune to gaze attacks

7158: Target's body becomes h0110w and skin turns to '1" steel

7159: Target's body except circulatory system turns transparent

7160: Target's body except his circulatory system turns invisible

7161: Target's body except his digestive system turns invisible

7162: Target's body except his muscular system turns invisible

7163: Target's body except his nervous system turns invisible

7164: Target's body except his respiratory system turns invisible

7165: Target's body explodes into a swarm of nonmagical killer bees

7166: Target's body is firepr00f; takes damage but will not combust

7167: Target's body is stricken numb whenever he's hit by magic

7168: Target's body is transmuted to an equal v01ume of gold

7169: Target's body seems to have no muscle; skin sags from his bones

7170: Target's body shrinks by 75%, but his head remains normal sized

7171: Target's body temperature falls d20° for d10 rounds

7172: Target's body temperature rises d10° for d20 rounds

7173: Target's body turns matte-black, but his shadow is full-c010r

7174: Target's body turns to a coherent, ambulatory water-form

7175: Target's bones are adamantite; max. 1 HP damage from bludgeons

7176: Target's bones are glass; min. 8 HP damage from bludgeonings

7177: Target's bones become as flexible as rubber

7178: Target's bones become glass; shatter when stuck for 2 HP damage

7179: Target's bones become mithral; gains -1 to bludgeoning damage

7180: Target's bones glow in the dark (through his skin)

7181: Target's bones turn to ice; c011apses in d10 rounds

7182: Target's boots advise him on personal matters

7183: Target's boots allow him to walk on water with every other step

7184: Target's boots allow the wearer to climb trees like a monkey

7185: Target's boots allow the wearer to go without sleep

7186: Target's boots allow the wearer to kick like a mule

7187: Target's boots appear to be made of leathered human skin

7188: Target's boots are affected as by the spell Frisky Chest

7189: Target's boots are affected as by the spell Grease

7190: Target's boots are coveted by invertebrates

7191: Target's boots are restored to better-than-new condition

7192: Target's boots become sentient

7193: Target's boots blare like trumpets as they are removed

7194: Target's boots bray like mules when used to kick

7195: Target's boots cannot be removed by him

7196: Target's boots cannot be removed in daylight

7197: Target's boots cannot be removed under Moonlight

7198: Target's boots chase cats whenever they are near

7199: Target's boots clang like cymbals when he walks on grass

7200: Target's boots each weigh as much as the wearer

7201: Target's boots fill with coal

7202: Target's boots fill with fleas and ticks

7203: Target's boots fill with nails and tacks

7204: Target's boots have false bottoms which may conceal small items

7205: Target's boots have the power to regenerate severed feet

7206: Target's boots induce shaking palsy in any who wear them

7207: Target's boots make the wearer appear to have leprosy

7208: Target's boots make the wearer seem to weigh 2X what he does

7209: Target's boots make the wearer tingle with pins and needles

7210: Target's boots may be s01d for 10X their actual value

7211: Target's boots must be fed daily or they refuse to walk

7212: Target's boots mutter obscenities with every step

7213: Target's boots protect the wearer from fear

7214: Target's boots race off toward their place of manufacture

7215: Target's boots resent being walked all over

7216: Target's boots ring like church bells when he's hit by magic

7217: Target's boots seem red-hot to anyone else touching them

7218: Target's boots shine like beacons after twilight

7219: Target's boots snuff any fire he steps upon

7220: Target's boots take r00t

7221: Target's boots tickle any feet within them

7222: Target's boots triple their size

7223: Target's boots turn to paper

7224: Target's boots turn to tennis shoes

7225: Target's boots vanish and reappear, one inside the other

7226: Target's brain swells; Save vs Death or die (if passed, INT +1)

7227: Target's breath coats objects with frost

7228: Target's Charisma increases by (18-present CHA)I2

7229: Target's Charisma increases by 1d6 for 1d10 days

7230: Target's Charisma increases by 3 when naked

7231: Target's Charisma increases by 6 when he's struck by magic

7232: Target's Charisma is increased by 1 for 1d4 turns

7233: Target's Charisma is reduced by 1d6 for 1d6 days

7234: Target's Charisma is reduced by 3

7235: Target's Charisma is rerolled every morning

7236: Target's Charisma rises to 19 while in the presence of royalty

7237: Target's Charisma tumbles to 2d4 in the presence of royalty

7238: Target's chest cavity becomes invisible except for his heart

7239: Target's circulatory system appears on the surface of his skin

7240: Target's circulatory system appears to be 5 feet ahead of him

7241: Target's circulatory system is emptied of all contents

7242: Target's circulatory system leaps from his body; he is unharmed

7243: Target's circulatory system seems to be outside of his body

7244: Target's circulatory system straightens to its full length

7245: Target's clavicles become Ethereal

7246: Target's cloak becomes a Cloaker

7247: Target's clothing and/or armor are absorbed into his body

7248: Target's clothing animates as a 3HD monster and attacks him

7249: Target's clothing animates when exposed to sunlight

7250: Target's clothing becomes animated and sentient

7251: Target's clothing becomes Evil, and radiates as such

7252: Target's clothing becomes filthy the instant he puts it on

7253: Target's clothing becomes infested with lice

7254: Target's clothing bonds with his skin

7255: Target's clothing disintegrates when it is removed

7256: Target's clothing fuses into one s01id mass as hard as iron

7257: Target's clothing has the same effect as a displacer cloak

7258: Target's clothing heats to 5d100 degrees

7259: Target's clothing is affected by the spell Timelessness

7260: Target's clothing is Held immobile for 1d100 rounds

7261: Target's clothing is suddenly soaked in blood

7262: Target's clothing levitates at a rate of 100 yards per round

7263: Target's clothing looks like it's been shredded

7264: Target's clothing melts from his body like ice

7265: Target's clothing provides 15% Magic Resistance

7266: Target's clothing shrieks like a Shrieker

7267: Target's clothing shrinks to one-half its size

7268: Target's clothing smells like a zombie has been wearing it

7269: Target's clothing smells like carrion to all of INT 5 or less

7270: Target's clothing stinks like sewage

7271: Target's clothing suddenly weighs 500 pounds

7272: Target's clothing triples in size

7273: Target's clothing turns around and runs away with him

7274: Target's clothing turns inside out

7275: Target's clothing turns invisible to members of opposite sex

7276: Target's clothing turns invisible under Moonlight

7277: Target's clothing turns invisible when he's hit by magic

7278: Target's clothing turns pitch black at twilight

7279: Target's clothing turns to acid

7280: Target's clothing turns to an exquisitely tailored tuxedo

7281: Target's clothing turns to blood

7282: Target's clothing turns to bone

7283: Target's clothing turns to cobweb

7284: Target's clothing turns to fiberglass

7285: Target's clothing turns to flowers

7286: Target's clothing turns to green slime

7287: Target's clothing turns to honey

7288: Target's clothing turns to ice

7289: Target's clothing turns to lead

7290: Target's clothing turns to one-piece full field plate armor

7291: Target's clothing turns to other, inappropriate clothing

7292: Target's clothing turns to paper

7293: Target's clothing turns to pitch

7294: Target's clothing turns to skin

7295: Target's clothing turns to snow

7296: Target's clothing turns to Sovereign Glue

7297: Target's clothing turns to steam

7298: Target's clothing turns to steel w001

7299: Target's clothing turns to stone

7300: Target's clothing turns to thick oak bark

7301: Target's clothing turns to tight-fitting chain mail

7302: Target's clothing turns to water

7303: Target's clothing turns to wood

7304: Target's clothing turns to woven grass

7305: Target's clothing turns to woven human hair

7306: Target's clothing turns to woven magnesium filaments

7307: Target's clothing turns upside-down

7308: Target's clothing twists and constricts his movement

7309: Target's coinage assembles into an intricate 3-D c011age

7310: Target's coinage becomes worthless

7311: Target's coinage teleports into a random ally's possession

7312: Target's coinage turns invisible

7313: Target's consciousness is pushed into the body of a random ally

7314: Target's Constitution is increased by 1 for d4 turns

7315: Target's Constitution is reduced by d6 for d6 days

7316: Target's current worst enemy forgives him

7317: Target's Dexterity increases by 2 when naked

7318: Target's Dexterity is increased by 1 for d4 turns

7319: Target's Dexterity is reduced by d6 for d6 days

7320: Target's digestive system fills with air

7321: Target's digestive system fills with powdered lead

7322: Target's digestive system fills with sand

7323: Target's digestive tract is emptied of all contents

7324: Target's digestive tract straightens to its full length

7325: Target's dominant hand ages at twice the normal rate

7326: Target's dominant hand becomes a f00t

7327: Target's dominant hand becomes a w01f's paw under the full Moon

7328: Target's dominant hand becomes an exact copy of his other hand

7329: Target's dominant hand becomes covered in cellophane

7330: Target's dominant hand becomes covered in reptilian scales

7331: Target's dominant hand becomes Ethereal

7332: Target's dominant hand becomes gnarled like an ancient oak

7333: Target's dominant hand becomes immune to normal acid

7334: Target's dominant hand becomes immune to normal c01d

7335: Target's dominant hand becomes immune to normal fire

7336: Target's dominant hand becomes magnetized

7337: Target's dominant hand becomes overly sensitive to heat

7338: Target's dominant hand becomes paralyzed under the full Moon

7339: Target's dominant hand becomes webbed

7340: Target's dominant hand bleeds from beneath its fingernails

7341: Target's dominant hand blisters when it touches metal

7342: Target's dominant hand burns rapidly when exposed to sunlight

7343: Target's dominant hand can be detached at will

7344: Target's dominant hand can grip with a Strength of 20

7345: Target's dominant hand can handle red-hot metal without injury

7346: Target's dominant hand can never become dirty

7347: Target's dominant hand can no longer wear magical rings

7348: Target's dominant hand can pick locks with a 50% chance

7349: Target's dominant hand can sense magic in any item it handles

7350: Target's dominant hand can store and release one spell at will

7351: Target's dominant hand can strike as hard as iron

7352: Target's dominant hand can swing from his wrist like a flail

7353: Target's dominant hand can write in a language unknown to him

7354: Target's dominant hand cannot touch or be touched by metal

7355: Target's dominant hand detaches and falls to the ground

7356: Target's dominant hand develops a highly sensitive touch

7357: Target's dominant hand doubles in size

7358: Target's dominant hand explodes, causing 2d10 points of damage

7359: Target's dominant hand falsely senses magic in items it handles

7360: Target's dominant hand gains an extra joint on each finger

7361: Target's dominant hand gestures obscenely

7362: Target's dominant hand grows a finger in its palm

7363: Target's dominant hand grows a mouth in its palm

7364: Target's dominant hand grows an eyeball in its palm

7365: Target's dominant hand grows claws in place of fingernails

7366: Target's dominant hand halves its size

7367: Target's dominant hand inflates to a one-f00t diameter

7368: Target's dominant hand is affected by Continual Light

7369: Target's dominant hand is affected by Spider Climb

7370: Target's dominant hand is as durable as a steel gauntlet

7371: Target's dominant hand is burned with an imprint of an amulet

7372: Target's dominant hand is covered in suggestive tatt00s

7373: Target's dominant hand is detachable

7374: Target's dominant hand is impervious to small missile weapons

7375: Target's dominant hand is insulated against electricity

7376: Target's dominant hand is nowhere to be found

7377: Target's dominant hand is resistant to cuts and lacerations

7378: Target's dominant hand is scarred as though immersed in acid

7379: Target's dominant hand knots in pain whenever he's hit by magic

7380: Target's dominant hand locks in its current position

7381: Target's dominant hand loses all feeling

7382: Target's dominant hand loses all feeling after sunset

7383: Target's dominant hand provides normal vision in total darkness

7384: Target's dominant hand radiates magic

7385: Target's dominant hand remains dry even when immersed in water

7386: Target's dominant hand resembles a hawk's talon

7387: Target's dominant hand resembles a horse's h00f

7388: Target's dominant hand smolders when he's hit by magic

7389: Target's dominant hand sweats uncontrollably

7390: Target's dominant hand tries to strangle him

7391: Target's dominant hand turns invisible to all but him

7392: Target's dominant hand turns invisible to him

7393: Target's dominant hand turns the c010r of whatever it handles

7394: Target's dominant hand turns to glass

7395: Target's dominant hand turns to rubber

7396: Target's dominant hand weighs as much as he does

7397: Target's dominant hand will not t01erate the wearing of gloves

7398: Target's ears and eyes exchange places

7399: Target's ears appear to be on fire but are not 7162 Target's ears exchange places

7400: Target's ears exude smoke whenever he thinks

7401: Target's ears flap like banners whenever he speaks a lie

7402: Target's ears move to his forehead and to the back of his head

7403: Target's ears ring whenever someone speaks about him

7404: Target's ears seal shut; is 95% deaf

7405: Target's ears turn upside down

7406: Target's elbows invert; bend in opposite direction

7407: Target's entire body appears to throb in time with his heart

7408: Target's entire body is Withered as cleric spell

7409: Target's entire internal structure become invisible

7410: Target's entire internal structure seems to be 2 feet away

7411: Target's eyeballs turn invisible for d6 days

7412: Target's eyelashes tangle for d6 rounds; -2 ToHit

7413: Target's eyelashes turn to grass

7414: Target's eyelids heal shut; he is blinded (-4 ToHit, -4 AC)

7415: Target's eyes always seem in shadow; can't be blinded by light

7416: Target's eyes appear to be two empty sockets

7417: Target's eyes appear to be two tiny heads

7418: Target's eyes appear to emanate light

7419: Target's eyes appear to hover about 6 inches in front of him

7420: Target's eyes become compound like those of a bee

7421: Target's eyes become invisible for d10 rounds

7422: Target's eyes become Lenses of Minute Seeing

7423: Target's eyes become pearls but retain normal vision

7424: Target's eyes become two different c010rs

7425: Target's eyes bug out comically when he is startled

7426: Target's eyes bulge from his skull like those of a fish

7427: Target's eyes change c010r every time he blinks

7428: Target's eyes extend on 12" stalks (-1d10 to Charisma)

7429: Target's eyes fall out and roll away (regrow in d20 rounds)

7430: Target's eyes fill with sand when he sleeps

7431: Target's eyes glow red when he is angry

7432: Target's eyes glow red when he's hit by magic

7433: Target's eyes merge like that of a cyclops

7434: Target's eyes move to the same side of his face; -1 ToHit

7435: Target's eyes open sideways instead of up and down

7436: Target's eyes orbit his head like Ioun Stones; vision is normal

7437: Target's eyes project green light for d4 days

7438: Target's eyes seem to be aflame when he's hit by magic

7439: Target's eyes spin clockwise for d4 rounds (-1 ToHit)

7440: Target's eyes spin counter-clockwise for d4 rounds (-1 ToHit)

7441: Target's eyes turn to gold; target is rendered Blind

7442: Target's eyes turn to ivory spheres; vision functions normally

7443: Target's eyes turn to obsidian spheres, retaining normal sight

7444: Target's eyes turn to opal spheres; vision functions normally

7445: Target's eyes turn to round rubies, retaining normal sight

7446: Target's eyes turn to spherical mirrors, retaining normal sight

7447: Target's eyes water uncontrollably

7448: Target's eyes weep blood when he suffers injury

7449: Target's eyes work as Eyes of the Eagle; +2 to missile attacks

7450: Target's eyes, ears, and nose shuffle places

7451: Target's eyes, ears, and teeth turn invisible for d6 days

7452: Target's eyeteeth become able to see

7453: Target's eyeteeth grow into boar's tusks

7454: Target's familiar adopts another mage as its master

7455: Target's familiar and random ally of target exchange bodies

7456: Target's familiar attacks one of target's allies at random

7457: Target's familiar becomes invisible to him

7458: Target's familiar doubles in size

7459: Target's familiar gains access to a language unknown to target

7460: Target's familiar gains use of the intended spell (1 per day)

7461: Target's familiar gets smart and claims target as its familiar

7462: Target's familiar increases in size by a factor of 10

7463: Target's familiar is p01ymorphed into a demihuman (at random)

7464: Target's familiar is released from its bond to him

7465: Target's familiar is turned to immobile gold statuette

7466: Target's familiar is turned to mobile gold statuette (alive)

7467: Target's familiar turns invisible

7468: Target's feet become cloven h00ves

7469: Target's feet become hands

7470: Target's feet become prehensile

7471: Target's feet covered in adhesive; Movement Rate cut by 3I4

7472: Target's feet covered in boils and loses 1 HP per round walking

7473: Target's feet covered in ice; DEX check each round of walking

7474: Target's feet enlarge to his full height; Movement Rate is 1

7475: Target's feet explode if he stands in water

7476: Target's feet explode; all within 10' lose 2d10 hit points

7477: Target's feet feel like they are being tickled

7478: Target's feet grow springs; bounces d4 feet high with each step

7479: Target's feet levitate; target is suspended in air, feet-first

7480: Target's feet rotate 180°

7481: Target's feet rotate 90°

7482: Target's feet shrink to 1/2 normal size; MR cut to 1/2 normal

7483: Target's feet sprout wings; function like boots of Flying

7484: Target's feet take r00t; Movement Rate drops to zero

7485: Target's feet try to out-pace each other

7486: Target's feet try to walk in opposite directions

7487: Target's feet turn ethereal

7488: Target's feet turn to lead; Movement Rate drops to 1/2 normal

7489: Target's fingernails become carpenter's nails

7490: Target's fingers and toes switch places

7491: Target's fingers turn 90°; somatic components impossible

7492: Target's fingers turn to carrots for d12 turns, no spellcasting

7493: Target's fingers turn to steam for d10 rounds; no spellcasting

7494: Target's flesh and clothing become invisible when he is asleep

7495: Target's flesh and clothing turn invisible

7496: Target's flesh appears to be on fire

7497: Target's flesh appears to be rotting from his body

7498: Target's flesh appears to erupt into boils and lesions

7499: Target's flesh appears to turn into bone

7500: Target's flesh appears to turn into glass

7501: Target's flesh appears to turn into honey

7502: Target's flesh appears to turn into ice cream

7503: Target's flesh appears to turn into mucus

7504: Target's flesh appears to turn into tree bark

7505: Target's flesh turns invisible whenever he's hit by magic

7506: Target's f00tprints appear 10 feet left of where he steps

7507: Target's f00tprints appear to have been made by his hands

7508: Target's f00tprints appear to have been made weeks earlier

7509: Target's f00tprints appear twice as big as his feet

7510: Target's f00tprints become two feet deep as he steps from them

7511: Target's f00tprints exude swamp gas

7512: Target's f00tprints face 90° from his direction of travel

7513: Target's f00tprints fill with ice

7514: Target's f00tprints for d12 weeks face wrong direction

7515: Target's f00tprints fossilize, making tracking confusing

7516: Target's f00tprints give off steam

7517: Target's f00tprints glow faintly in darkness

7518: Target's f00tprints glow in the dark

7519: Target's f00tprints hum and glow, making tracking simple

7520: Target's f00tprints rise two feet high when he steps from them

7521: Target's f00tprints seem to indicate that he has three feet

7522: Target's f00tprints switch left-for-right

7523: Target's f00tprints teleport any standing in them to his home

7524: Target's full Hit Points are restored

7525: Target's gender changes every time he's hit by magic

7526: Target's gender changes when he loses 50% of his hit points

7527: Target's gender fluctuates each turn for the next d100 turns

7528: Target's gloves turn to boots

7529: Target's gloves turn to cast iron

7530: Target's gloves turn to mittens

7531: Target's gloves turn to Reglar's Gloves of Freedom

7532: Target's gold is transmuted to an equal v01ume of flesh

7533: Target's hair and clothes are blown by wind only he can feel

7534: Target's hair and skin exchange c010r

7535: Target's hair appears white in Moonlight

7536: Target's hair crackles with electricity when he's hit by magic

7537: Target's hair doubles its length

7538: Target's hair falls out

7539: Target's hair falls out each morning; regrows each night

7540: Target's hair falls out each night; regrows each morning

7541: Target's hair freezes s01id for d4 turns

7542: Target's hair grows 1 inch per hour for the next three days

7543: Target's hair grows 1d4 inches every time he casts a spell

7544: Target's hair grows to two feet long and begins strangling him

7545: Target's hair ignites

7546: Target's hair seems to be aflame when he is angered

7547: Target's hair stands on end when he's hit by magic

7548: Target's hair turns to air

7549: Target's hair turns to blue, non-caloric magical fire

7550: Target's hair turns to glass when cut

7551: Target's hair turns to grass

7552: Target's hair turns to harmless snakes

7553: Target's hair turns to ice

7554: Target's hair turns to metal when cut

7555: Target's hand and f00t disappear; limbs fuse at the stumps

7556: Target's hand locks onto his principal weapon; no spellcasting

7557: Target's handedness (left or right) is reversed

7558: Target's handedness (left or right) switches daily

7559: Target's hands and feet grow webbing; casting times are doubled

7560: Target's hands and feet switch places

7561: Target's hands close into fists, no Somatic spells may be cast

7562: Target's hands disappear; arms fuse at the wrists

7563: Target's hat, h00d, or helmet becomes affixed to his head

7564: Target's head adopts a mirror-like sheen

7565: Target's head and one limb exchange places

7566: Target's head appears like a throbbing human heart

7567: Target's head appears to be a huge hand with a face in the palm

7568: Target's head appears to be a single huge eye

7569: Target's head appears to be inside out

7570: Target's head appears to be that of an earthworm or snail

7571: Target's head appears to have a 1" diameter h01e through it

7572: Target's head appears to throb in time with his heart

7573: Target's head attaches to his arm where his hand should be

7574: Target's head orbits him like an Ioun Stone; target is unharmed

7575: Target's head pops like a balloon if a 20 is rolled ToHit him

7576: Target's head rotates 180° laterally without harming him

7577: Target's head rotates 180° longitudinally without harming him

7578: Target's head rotates 360° laterally without harming him

7579: Target's head rotates 360° longitudinally without harming him

7580: Target's head seems to double in size when he's angered

7581: Target's head seems to double in size when he's hit by magic

7582: Target's head shrinks by 75%; likely to be 100ked at strangely

7583: Target's head snaps off and rolls away; returns in d12 rounds

7584: Target's head turns into a large grapefruit; target is dead

7585: Target's head turns invisible

7586: Target's head turns to a cube (-d8 to CHA)

7587: Target's head vanishes d6 rounds; body is lifeless in this time

7588: Target's heart bursts from his chest, killing him

7589: Target's heart stops beating but his blood still flows normally

7590: Target's heartbeat is audible to all within 10 yards

7591: Target's height fluctuates by 1d10 inches each day

7592: Target's height is halved during each of the next 1d4 rounds

7593: Target's Hit Points are halved

7594: Target's home attracts lightning

7595: Target's home becomes invisible when he enters it

7596: Target's home contains a recently-st01en royal treasury

7597: Target's home contains the full skeleton of an elephant

7598: Target's home doubles its height

7599: Target's home doubles its internal dimensions

7600: Target's home erupts like a v01cano

7601: Target's home fills with cement

7602: Target's home fills with choc01ate

7603: Target's home fills with eggs

7604: Target's home fills with marshmallows

7605: Target's home fills with popcorn

7606: Target's home fills with rabbits who do not wish to leave

7607: Target's home grows by 80+d20%

7608: Target's home has a painting of the Creation on its ceiling

7609: Target's home has a secret back entrance

7610: Target's home has been rented out while he's been away

7611: Target's home is affected by Distance Distortion

7612: Target's home is also someone else's

7613: Target's home is buried by snow

7614: Target's home is decorated with classic Victorian furniture

7615: Target's home is destroyed by a meteor strike

7616: Target's home is invisible except while he is within it

7617: Target's home is permanently enchanted with Guards and Wards

7618: Target's home is purchased for 10X its actual value

7619: Target's home is st01en

7620: Target's home is swept up by a tornado

7621: Target's home is transported to the Elemental Plane of Earth

7622: Target's home rests atop an active v01cano

7623: Target's home rises into the air

7624: Target's home shrinks by 80+d20%

7625: Target's home sinks into the ground

7626: Target's home suddenly appears in the vicinity

7627: Target's home suddenly contains a lifesize portrait of him

7628: Target's home suddenly has no d00rs or d00rways

7629: Target's home suddenly has two sub-basements

7630: Target's home turns to a house of straw

7631: Target's home turns to gingerbread

7632: Target's home turns to gold

7633: Target's home vanishes without a trace

7634: Target's illusions automatically disbelieved

7635: Target's image remains etched into any mirror he gazes into

7636: Target's INT drops by 1d6 after sunset and is restored at dawn

7637: Target's INT rises to 19, but his WIS falls by a like amount

7638: Target's INT, WIS, & CHR switch with DEX, STR, & CON

7639: Target's Intelligence doubles for d4 rounds

7640: Target's Intelligence is halved for d4 turns

7641: Target's Intelligence is increased by 1 for d4 turns

7642: Target's Intelligence is reduced by d6 for d6 days

7643: Target's intestine springs from his abdomen and strangles him

7644: Target's jawbone teleports 1 mile away

7645: Target's jawbone teleports three feet to the right

7646: Target's knees and elbows fuse and cannot be bent for d8 turns

7647: Target's knees invert; bend in opposite direction

7648: Target's left and right hands switch arms

7649: Target's left thumb and index finger switch places

7650: Target's legs become ethereal for d4 rounds

7651: Target's legs can double their length once per day

7652: Target's legs fuse into one

7653: Target's legs merge into a fish tail like a merman's

7654: Target's legs shorten to 1/2 their normal length

7655: Target's legs tie in a knot

7656: Target's legs turn to tree trunks and take r00t

7657: Target's legs vanish d6 rounds; body falls to ground, no damage

7658: Target's Level increases by 2 for d10 turns

7659: Target's limbs change proportion to match those of a fish

7660: Target's limbs change proportion to match those of a giraffe

7661: Target's limbs change proportion to match those of a gorilla

7662: Target's limbs change proportion to match those of a starfish

7663: Target's limbs change proportion to match those of an elephant

7664: Target's limbs change proportion to match those of an octopus

7665: Target's long bones (femur, radius, etc) shrink by 12"

7666: Target's lower jaw vanishes d10 rounds; speech impossible

7667: Target's mind becomes trapped in nearest precious gem

7668: Target's most hated enemy appears before target

7669: Target's mount becomes a unicorn; departs to nearest woods

7670: Target's mount becomes an ostrich, keeping original attributes

7671: Target's mount must Save vs Petrification or turn to stone

7672: Target's mount turns to snow

7673: Target's mouth becomes a portal to the Abyss

7674: Target's mouth becomes a portal to the Elemental Plane of Water

7675: Target's mouth can store things like a Bag of H01ding

7676: Target's mouth fills with feathers

7677: Target's mouth fills with spiders

7678: Target's mouth is Wizard Locked as by a 20th Level mage

7679: Target's mouth opens sideways instead of up and down

7680: Target's mouth projects a 60'x20' cone of green light when open

7681: Target's mouth radiates Light, as spell

7682: Target's mouth turns invisible, except his teeth

7683: Target's muscles bulge; Save vs Death to gain 1 Strength or die

7684: Target's muscular system is ripped from his body

7685: Target's name affects him as Power Word, Stun

7686: Target's natural AC drops to 5

7687: Target's natural AC drops to 5, but has a fatal Achilles' heel

7688: Target's natural AC is rerolled (1d10) each morning

7689: Target's natural AC rises to 15

7690: Target's nervous system replaced by wires and electronics

7691: Target's nervous system vanishes, but target is unharmed

7692: Target's next 100 f00tprints fossilize in d4 days

7693: Target's next 1d10 attacks succeed, but cause 1 point of damage

7694: Target's next 1d6 attacks heal hit points rather than take them

7695: Target's next 3d10 attacks heal damage instead of causing it

7696: Target's next attack affects him & not its target

7697: Target's next attack automatically inflicts 4x damage

7698: Target's next attack mimics the spell that caused this Surge

7699: Target's next reflection becomes sentient and free-willed

7700: Target's next sneeze acts like a dragon's breath weapon

7701: Target's nose acquires the effect of a Horn of Blasting

7702: Target's nose and mouth seal shut; cannot breathe

7703: Target's nose and one ear exchange places

7704: Target's nose and one eye exchange places

7705: Target's nose detaches and becomes sentient

7706: Target's nose enlarges every time he hears his name

7707: Target's nose enlarges whenever he tells a lie

7708: Target's nose falls off; regrows in d6 days

7709: Target's nose turns red and spherical

7710: Target's nose turns spherical and bright red

7711: Target's nose turns upside down

7712: Target's nostrils merge into one (-d4 to Charisma)

7713: Target's perception of "left" and "right" becomes inverted

7714: Target's pockets are linked with someone else's (who knows?)

7715: Target's pockets are linked; all reach to one space

7716: Target's pockets are suddenly full of snail shells

7717: Target's pockets become H01ey

7718: Target's pockets continually fill with sand

7719: Target's pockets double their capacity

7720: Target's pockets double their interior dimensions

7721: Target's pockets dump their contents

7722: Target's pockets each contain a small figurine of him

7723: Target's pockets exchange contents with each other

7724: Target's pockets exchange contents with random ally's

7725: Target's pockets fill with ants

7726: Target's pockets fill with blood

7727: Target's pockets fill with butter

7728: Target's pockets fill with diamond dust

7729: Target's pockets fill with eggs

7730: Target's pockets fill with fingernail clippings

7731: Target's pockets fill with gold dust

7732: Target's pockets fill with green slime

7733: Target's pockets fill with ice cream

7734: Target's pockets fill with iron filings

7735: Target's pockets fill with leaves

7736: Target's pockets fill with lint and fluff

7737: Target's pockets fill with mercury

7738: Target's pockets fill with mice

7739: Target's pockets fill with pins and needles

7740: Target's pockets fill with rot grubs

7741: Target's pockets fill with salmon

7742: Target's pockets fill with sand

7743: Target's pockets fill with sodium

7744: Target's pockets fill with sodium and water

7745: Target's pockets fill with tar and feathers

7746: Target's pockets fill with thorns and thistles

7747: Target's pockets fill with water

7748: Target's pockets preserve the temperature of anything in them

7749: Target's pockets seal shut

7750: Target's pockets sprout sharp teeth

7751: Target's pockets turn invisible

7752: Target's pockets won't release him after he reaches into them

7753: Target's pores exude fuel oil for next d8 days

7754: Target's pores exude water, 1 gallon per turn

7755: Target's possessions burst into flame

7756: Target's possessions have no weight

7757: Target's possessions Save vs Acid or melt

7758: Target's presence causes animals to become aggressive

7759: Target's presence causes candles to burn blue

7760: Target's presence causes children to cry

7761: Target's presence causes fires to attract wild animals

7762: Target's presence causes fires to burn an unusual c010r

7763: Target's presence causes fires to stink like carrion

7764: Target's presence causes flame to burn c01d

7765: Target's presence causes holy symb01s to glow blood red

7766: Target's presence causes ice to form on nearby water

7767: Target's presence causes light to dim

7768: Target's presence causes metal to sweat oily water

7769: Target's presence causes musical instruments to go out of tune

7770: Target's presence causes normal d00rs and shutters to jam

7771: Target's presence causes normal d00rs and shutters to slam

7772: Target's presence causes objects to become lost

7773: Target's presence causes rooms to clutter and grow disorganized

7774: Target's presence causes severe discomfort to undead

7775: Target's presence causes voices to issue from metal around him

7776: Target's presence enrages elementals

7777: Target's presence gives g00se-bumps to those around him

7778: Target's presence incites ravenous hunger in animals

7779: Target's presence is s00thing to wild animals

7780: Target's present HPs flip; 07 HPs become 70 HPs

7781: Target's principal weapon adopts his personality for d6 years

7782: Target's principal weapon attacks him like a Sword of Dancing

7783: Target's principal weapon attracts demons

7784: Target's principal weapon bonds to target's hand for d6 days

7785: Target's principal weapon crumbles to sawdust

7786: Target's principal weapon grows wings and flies away

7787: Target's principal weapon is greatly sought after by undead

7788: Target's principal weapon is invisible to all but him: +1 toHit

7789: Target's principal weapon is rendered h0110w; shatters easily

7790: Target's principal weapon is revealed to be Intelligent

7791: Target's principal weapon is sought for use in a holy war

7792: Target's principal weapon lodges in his esophagus

7793: Target's principal weapon negates darkness in a 10 f00t radius

7794: Target's principal weapon negates light in a 10 f00t radius

7795: Target's principal weapon seems to detect evil everywhere

7796: Target's principal weapon shrinks to 1/2 its size

7797: Target's principal weapon smells of rotting meat

7798: Target's principal weapon teleports to his principal dwelling

7799: Target's principal weapon triples in mass:-6 ToHit, +6 damage

7800: Target's principal weapon turns into a shovel

7801: Target's principal weapon turns into aluminum

7802: Target's principal weapon turns to adamantite

7803: Target's principal weapon turns to butter

7804: Target's principal weapon turns to choc01ate

7805: Target's principal weapon turns to clay

7806: Target's principal weapon turns to diamond

7807: Target's principal weapon turns to flesh

7808: Target's principal weapon turns to glass

7809: Target's principal weapon turns to ice

7810: Target's principal weapon turns to leather

7811: Target's principal weapon turns to magnesium and ignites

7812: Target's principal weapon turns to rubber

7813: Target's principal weapon turns to silk

7814: Target's principal weapon turns to snow

7815: Target's principal weapon turns to soap

7816: Target's principal weapon turns to steam

7817: Target's principal weapon turns to wax

7818: Target's principal weapon turns to wood

7819: Target's principalweapon turns to w001

7820: Target's principal weapon vanishes next time it strikes someone

7821: Target's principal weapon winds itself around target's arms

7822: Target's principal weapon winds itself around target's head

7823: Target's principal weapon winds itself around target's legs

7824: Target's pupils become purple; may unsettle the superstitious

7825: Target's pupils become slitted like those of a cat

7826: Target's race changes randomly, hourly

7827: Target's reflection animates as in a Mirror of Opposition

7828: Target's reflection appears subtly wrong

7829: Target's reflection shows the target's back instead of front

7830: Target's right arm is immobilized by a plaster cast

7831: Target's right knee is no longer able to bend

7832: Target's right thumb and index finger switch places

7833: Target's rings all link into a chain

7834: Target's rings develop a series of sharp projections inside

7835: Target's rings drop to -30° Fahrenheit

7836: Target's rings ring like church bells when he speaks his name

7837: Target's rings suddenly appear in his stomach

7838: Target's rings suddenly appear on his toes

7839: Target's rings suddenly appear piercing his earlobes

7840: Target's rings suddenly appear piercing his nose

7841: Target's rings suddenly double in diameter

7842: Target's rings turn his fingers to the metal they are made of

7843: Target's saliva becomes highly viscous

7844: Target's saliva freezes

7845: Target's saliva froths like a rabid dog's

7846: Target's saliva sprays from his mouth like a geyser

7847: Target's saliva turns phosphorescent

7848: Target's saliva turns to a 4HD fire elemental

7849: Target's saliva turns to a 4HD water elemental

7850: Target's saliva turns to acid; target is unharmed

7851: Target's saliva turns to blood

7852: Target's saliva turns to fuel oil

7853: Target's saliva turns to ink

7854: Target's saliva turns to mercury

7855: Target's saliva turns to roast beef gravy

7856: Target's saliva turns to salt

7857: Target's saliva turns to sand

7858: Target's saliva turns to Sovereign Glue

7859: Target's saliva turns to Universal S01vent

7860: Target's Saves "flip" relative to 10; 11 becomes 9, etc.

7861: Target's scent is s00thing to hounds

7862: Target's scent is terrifying to hounds

7863: Target's sclerae turn black; pupils and irises turn white

7864: Target's sense of balance is shifted 180°

7865: Target's sense of balance is shifted 90°

7866: Target's sense of beauty and ugliness is reversed

7867: Target's sentences are appended with hallucinatory vulgarities

7868: Target's sentences spoken as questions, spellcasting impossible

7869: Target's sex changes daily (female,male,hermaphrodite,neuter)

7870: Target's shadow always falls in the same direction

7871: Target's shadow appears to be outlined with chalk

7872: Target's shadow appears to be wearing target's clothing

7873: Target's shadow appears to have a tail (or not, if target does)

7874: Target's shadow appears to have glowing red eyes

7875: Target's shadow appears to have twice as many limbs as target

7876: Target's shadow becomes a full c010r picture of target

7877: Target's shadow becomes a separate entity when target is slain

7878: Target's shadow becomes twice as tall as it should be

7879: Target's shadow becomes twice as thick as it should be

7880: Target's shadow circles him at a radius equal to his height

7881: Target's shadow defends him from attacks; gives AC bonus o+4

7882: Target's shadow does not appear to be connected to him

7883: Target's shadow falls in opposite direction

7884: Target's shadow gestures obscenely when he is not 100king

7885: Target's shadow gets the hiccups for 1d10 days

7886: Target's shadow has a gaping h01e in its torso

7887: Target's shadow is a mirror image of what it should be

7888: Target's shadow is afraid of the dark

7889: Target's shadow is separated from target by 1d10 feet

7890: Target's shadow is s01id black; conceals whatever is within it

7891: Target's shadow is Turned, as an undead; takes target with it

7892: Target's shadow is twice the size it should be

7893: Target's shadow is visible even when he is not

7894: Target's shadow lacks a head

7895: Target's shadow moves as it likes but remains attached to him

7896: Target's shadow pushes other shadows out of its way

7897: Target's shadow rattles as it slides across the ground

7898: Target's shadow rises and attacks target as Shadow Monster

7899: Target's shadow rises and walks away

7900: Target's shadow rises up and tries to strangle him

7901: Target's shadow screams whenever the target is hit

7902: Target's shadow weighs as much as the target; Move Rate halved

7903: Target's shield becomes enchanted with Continual Light

7904: Target's shield turns to adamantite; gains +2

7905: Target's shield turns to glass; receives -6 until broken

7906: Target's shield turns to ice; receives -3 until broken

7907: Target's shield turns to mithral; gains +1

7908: Target's short-term memory is lost but recalls long-past events

7909: Target's size doubles each time target is struck

7910: Target's size doubles each turn, but his mass the same

7911: Target's size is reduced by 50% each time he is struck

7912: Target's skeleton appears to be standing three feet to his left

7913: Target's skeleton becomes Undead while still in his body

7914: Target's skeleton glows through his skin when he casts a spell

7915: Target's skeleton glows through his skin when he says his name

7916: Target's skeleton glows through his skin whenever he is angry

7917: Target's skeleton p01ymorphs to that of another random creature

7918: Target's skeleton rotates 360°; target reduced to 1 HP

7919: Target's skeleton teleported d4 yards away

7920: Target's skeleton tries to claw free of his body

7921: Target's skeleton turns to diamond but retains vitality

7922: Target's skin alternates red-to-white as his heart beats

7923: Target's skin and armor merge; looks normal but AC is retained

7924: Target's skin appears scorched like he was burnedat the stake

7925: Target's skin appears to be tight-fitting chain mail

7926: Target's skin cannot be cut by non-magical metal

7927: Target's skin c010r fluctuates randomly for d20 days

7928: Target's skin feels like bark but looks normal

7929: Target's skin feels like feathers but looks normal

7930: Target's skin feels like fur but looks normal

7931: Target's skin feels like sandpaper but looks normal

7932: Target's skin feels like scales but looks normal

7933: Target's skin feels like warm wax

7934: Target's skin forms an insect-like exoskeleton (-2d6 to CHA)

7935: Target's skin grows to cover any rings he's wearing

7936: Target's skin has a number of suction-cup welts on it

7937: Target's skin has an odd tint to it

7938: Target's skin is blasted from his body, though he is unharmed

7939: Target's skin is burned by nonmagical rain

7940: Target's skin is imprinted with a cryptic-100king map

7941: Target's skin is resistant to cuts and lacerations

7942: Target's skin is uncomfortably c01d to the touch

7943: Target's skin looks dusty but feels normal

7944: Target's skin looks like porcelain but feels normal

7945: Target's skin looks like stone but feels normal

7946: Target's skin looks like wet paint but feels normal

7947: Target's skin pulsates as though infested with maggots

7948: Target's skin seems to glisten with slime

7949: Target's skin seems to off of him when he's hit by magic

7950: Target's skin sprouts quills like a cactus

7951: Target's skin sprouts quills like a g00se

7952: Target's skin sprouts quills like a porcupine

7953: Target's skin turns inside-out

7954: Target's skin turns to black pudding

7955: Target's skin turns to bone; lasts d4 rounds

7956: Target's skin turns to cloth

7957: Target's skin turns to flexible gold-like material

7958: Target's skin turns to grey 00ze

7959: Target's skin turns to mithral for d10 rounds; AC-3, MR 0

7960: Target's skin turns to snow

7961: Target's skin turns to steel while he sleeps

7962: Target's skull becomes Ethereal

7963: Target's skull is dimly visible through his flesh

7964: Target's skull shrinks by 50%; Save vs Death or die

7965: Target's skull turns to iron; AC bonus +2; shields vs. psionics

7966: Target's smile appears rotten and decayed

7967: Target's smile appears superhumanly perfect

7968: Target's smile causes fear in children

7969: Target's smile is disconcerting to those of opposite sex

7970: Target's smile is personally offensive to those of opposite sex

7971: Target's smile is strangely attractive to those of opposite sex

7972: Target's speech is delayed by 4 segments; +4 to casting times

7973: Target's spellb00k appears to be ablaze whenever he opens it

7974: Target's spellb00k becomes a stone tablet engraved with spells

7975: Target's spellb00k becomes sentient, with INT 11+d8

7976: Target's spellb00k starts flapping and tries to fly away

7977: Target's spellb00k turns invisible for d4 days

7978: Target's spellb00k turns to a mundane item when not in use

7979: Target's spellb00k turns to steam

7980: Target's spellb00k turns to steel

7981: Target's spells always rebound on him and harm no one else

7982: Target's spilt blood swarms with maggots and mosquitoes

7983: Target's spine doubles its length

7984: Target's spine fuses into a single bone

7985: Target's spine turns to rubber

7986: Target's spine vanishes

7987: Target's staff is replaced by a Winchester 30.06, unloaded

7988: Target's staff turns to an umbrella

7989: Target's stomach and nearest set of bagpipes exchange places

7990: Target's stomach becomes Bag of H01ding; dehydrates in d4 days

7991: Target's stomach fills with water, 1 gallon per turn

7992: Target's stomach teleports three feet behind him; death f0110ws

7993: Target's Strength drops by one every turn till it reaches 3

7994: Target's Strength is increased by 1 for d4 turns

7995: Target's Strength is reduced by d6 for d6 days

7996: Target's teeth appear blood-red

7997: Target's teeth become false; may be removed at will

7998: Target's teeth become sentient

7999: Target's teeth chatter constantly while he is asleep

8000: Target's teeth double in size when he tells a lie

8001: Target's teeth explode, causing him 3d10 points of damage

8002: Target's teeth fall out; gets 1 GP for each left under pillow.

8003: Target's teeth fuse together for d4 hours; speech is impossible

8004: Target's teeth fuse together when he tells a lie

8005: Target's teeth glow in the dark

8006: Target's teeth heat to 110° when he tells a lie

8007: Target's teeth heat to 180°

8008: Target's teeth leap from his mouth and chatter away from him

8009: Target's teeth receive unintelligible radio transmissions

8010: Target's teeth rotate 180°

8011: Target's teeth sh00t from him like bullets, injuring all nearby

8012: Target's teeth turn needle-sharp; may bite for 1d6+1 hP damage

8013: Target's teeth turn to diamonds

8014: Target's teeth turn to glass

8015: Target's teeth turn to ice and melt; regrow in 1d10 days

8016: Target's teeth vanish at sunset and reappear at sunrise

8017: Target's teeth vanish when he tells a lie

8018: Target's THAC0 becomes 1, but his attacks inflict only 1 HP

8019: Target's THAC0 is 0 for d6 hours

8020: Target's THAC0 is 25 for d6 hours

8021: Target's THAC0 is 25, but successful attacks cause full damage

8022: Target's THAC0 is permanently improved by 1

8023: Target's THAC0 is permanently worsened by 1

8024: Target's throws d4 shadows

8025: Target's tongue appears forked

8026: Target's tongue becomes forked like that of a cobra

8027: Target's tongue becomes razor-sharp

8028: Target's tongue becomes sentient

8029: Target's tongue becomes stuck to the r00f of his mouth

8030: Target's tongue changes c010r

8031: Target's tongue develops a sandpaper-like texture

8032: Target's tongue elongates d12 inches

8033: Target's tongue explodes for 2d10 points of damage

8034: Target's tongue gains the power of independent speech

8035: Target's tongue glows like a firefly

8036: Target's tongue leaps from his mouth and slithers away

8037: Target's tongue looks like a blade whenever he is angry

8038: Target's tongue loops around his neck to strangle him

8039: Target's tongue loops into a knot; spellcasting impossible

8040: Target's tongue quadruples in thickness; suffocation danger

8041: Target's tongue sprouts spikes

8042: Target's tongue teleports into his nose

8043: Target's tongue turns to a snake (-d4 to CHA)

8044: Target's tongue turns to glass

8045: Target's tongue turns to leather

8046: Target's tongue turns to silk 7810 Target's tongue vanishes

8047: Target's torches, lanterns, etc. turn to magnesium and ignite

8048: Target's torso (not head or legs) rotates 180° without harm

8049: Target's torso (not head or legs) rotates 360° without harm

8050: Target's torso (not head or legs) rotates 90° without harm

8051: Target's total existence in the present is eradicated

8052: Target's touch can drain hit points, but he loses a like amount

8053: Target's touch causes closed wounds to reopen

8054: Target's touch causes cloth to fade in c010r

8055: Target's touch causes damage as principal weapon, which is lost

8056: Target's touch causes domesticated animals to become wild

8057: target's touch causes flowers to b100m out of season

8058: Target's touch causes flowers to break into song

8059: Target's touch causes glass to blacken

8060: Target's touch causes glass to crack

8061: Target's touch causes holy items to burn with illusionary fire

8062: Target's touch causes ink to change c010r

8063: Target's touch causes magical items to discharge randomly

8064: Target's touch causes nonliving items to change c010r

8065: Target's touch causes normal metals to tarnish

8066: Target's touch causes normal plants to wilt

8067: Target's touch causes trees to bear poisonous fruit

8068: Target's touch causes water to become carbonated for 1d10 turns

8069: Target's touch causes water to become poisonous for 1d10 turns

8070: Target's touch causes water to taste soapy for 1d10 turns

8071: Target's touch causes wax to melt into suggestive shapes

8072: Target's touch causes wounds to seal but restores no hit points

8073: Target's touch is like that of a rust monster

8074: Target's touch robs plants of their c010r

8075: Target's touch turns clothing inside-out

8076: Target's touch warps normal plants and wood

8077: Target's treasure turns to snow

8078: Target's treasure turns to steam

8079: Target's treasure turns to wood

8080: Target's veins and arteries turn to iron

8081: Target's vision extends only 100 yards in any direction

8082: Target's visual perceptions are inverted, left-to-right

8083: Target's voice causes fruit to fall from nearby trees

8084: Target's voice causes nearby animals to howl

8085: Target's voice comes from somewhere else when he speaks

8086: Target's voice echoes for d4 rounds, casting times doubled

8087: Target's voice matches that of each person with whom he speaks

8088: Target's voice reverberates oddly when he speaks

8089: Target's voice seems whiny and annoying to strangers

8090: Target's voice sounds like gravel rattling in a tin box

8091: Target's voice sounds like it's coming from down a long pipe

8092: Target's voice sounds vaguely like buzzing insects

8093: Target's weapon acquires his personality

8094: Target's weapon acquires the target's personality

8095: Target's weapon attacks him as a fighter of target's level

8096: Target's weapon breaks on a Natural 20 ToHit roll

8097: Target's weapon can discharge spell's effect (d4 uses)

8098: Target's weapon cannot be wielded by any but him

8099: Target's weapon causes insanity in anyone else wielding it

8100: Target's weapon crumbles to dust upon next usage

8101: Target's weapon explodes, causing 1d6 damage to all within 10'

8102: Target's weapon giggles maniacally when it is sheathed

8103: Target's weapon heats to 4d1000°, may melt or combust

8104: Target's weapon turns inside out

8105: Target's weapon turns to adamantite; gains +2

8106: Target's weapon turns to lead

8107: Target's weapon turns to mithral; gains +1

8108: Target's weapon turns to sponge; can cause no damage

8109: Target's weapon twists into a knot

8110: Target's weapon vanishes if anyone but him wields it

8111: Target's weight doubles

8112: Target's weight fluctuates by ±50% every turn

8113: Target's weight increases by a factor of 3d10

8114: Target's weight is reduced to zero; floats away if not caught

8115: Target's weight lowers by d100 lbs; if less than 0, floats away

8116: Target's Wisdom exceeds the caster's by 1d4

8117: Target's Wisdom is increased by 1 for d4 turns

8118: Target's Wisdom is reduced by d6 for d6 days

8119: Target's word order is shuffled; verbal spellcasting impossible

8120: Temperature of target's principal weapon drops to -260° C

8121: The flesh of target's hands is invisible for 1d8 days

8122: The ground beneath target's feet turns ethereal

8123: The ground beneath target's feet turns to an earth elemental

8124: The ground beneath target's feet turns to lava

8125: The ground beneath target's feet turns to quicksand

8126: The ground beneath target's feet turns to water

8127: The most valuable item now carried by target disintegrates

8128: The next creature slain by target rises as his undead slave

8129: The next town target enters greets him like a long-lost son

8130: The next town target enters reviles him like liar and a thief

8131: The omelet target ate yesterday was made with dragon eggs

8132: The person nearest to the target will die if he dies

8133: The top half of target's body is affected by Reverse Gravity

8134: The top of target's head is flat as a table

8135: The top of target's head is perfectly sm00th and flat

8136: Twelve stone c01umns sprout from ground within 10' of target

8137: Two nearest demons vie for the target's soul

8138: Undead react like target is one of them, unless he attacks

8139: Vines grow from ground and bind target until removed

8140: Vines tie the target to the nearest tree

8141: Water cannot boil in the target's presence

8142: Water flows in target's veins instead of blood

8143: Water tastes like blood to the target

8144: Water tastes like gas01ine to target

8145: Whatever animal target last ate reanimates and seeks vengeance

8146: Whatever the temperature, target feels like he's in a sauna

8147: Whatever the temperature, target feels like he's in an ig100

8148: When target becomes invisible, some part of him does not

8149: When target casts a spell, he loses the spell's Level in HP

8150: When target dies he is instantly reincarnated

8151: When target dies, 1d10 people claim to be his clones

8152: When target dies, a chalk outline forms around his corpse

8153: When target dies, a crops within one mile come to ripeness

8154: When target dies, a nearby religious sect declares holy war

8155: When target dies, all written record of him vanishes

8156: When target dies, anyone not witnessing his death forgets him

8157: When target dies, everyone nearby weeps mournfully

8158: When target dies, he becomes horribly frightening to 100k at

8159: When target dies, he becomes painfully beautiful to 100k at

8160: When target dies, he is found to be a sophisticated android

8161: When target dies, he shatters as though made of glass

8162: When target dies, he takes r00t and becomes a tree

8163: When target dies, his body is found to harbor countless bugs

8164: When target dies, his Charisma score increases by 4

8165: When target dies, his corpse appears to be 2d20 years younger

8166: When target dies, his corpse becomes a scarecrow

8167: When target dies, his corpse changes its sex

8168: When target dies, his corpse decays in a matter of moments

8169: When target dies, his corpse deflates like a balloon

8170: When target dies, his corpse detonates as a 10 HD fireball

8171: When target dies, his corpse digs a pit & lays itself to rest

8172: When target dies, his corpse discharges all memorized spells

8173: When target dies, his corpse diss01ves into a foul mush

8174: When target dies, his corpse doubles in size

8175: When target dies, his corpse doubles its size

8176: When target dies, his corpse freezes s01id

8177: When target dies, his corpse giggles if touched

8178: When target dies, his corpse giggles until buried

8179: When target dies, his corpse goes berserk for 1d10 rounds

8180: When target dies, his corpse is consumed in a plume of fire

8181: When target dies, his corpse is dressed in fine silks

8182: When target dies, his corpse is found to be completely h0110w

8183: When target dies, his corpse is found to be filled with gold

8184: When target dies, his corpse is wrapped in cellophane

8185: When target dies, his corpse mummifies in a matter of moments

8186: When target dies, his corpse races back to his place of birth

8187: When target dies, his corpse recites a moving poem

8188: When target dies, his corpse rises into the sky and is gone

8189: When target dies, his corpse rises like a revenant and attacks

8190: When target dies, his corpse smells of roses instead of decay

8191: When target dies, his corpse turns inside out

8192: When target dies, his corpse turns to choc01ate

8193: When target dies, his corpse turns to stone

8194: When target dies, his corpse vanishes

8195: When target dies, his death is believed to be a hoax

8196: When target dies, his death is rumored to have been a suicide

8197: When target dies, his hair and nails continue to grow

8198: When target dies, his head vanishes

8199: When target dies, his skeleton turns to gold

8200: When target dies, his skin can be peeled like aluminum foil

8201: When target dies, his slayer changes alignment

8202: When target dies, his slayer claims the body as a trophy

8203: When target dies, his slayer refuses to believe it

8204: When target dies, his soul is trapped in a nearby tree

8205: When target dies, his soul is trapped in his principal weapon

8206: When target dies, his soul transposes with his slayer's

8207: When target dies, horrible laughter fills the air

8208: When target dies, mournful dirges issue from the air around him

8209: When target dies, nearby f01iage withers

8210: When target dies, no bird can ever again sing within 1 mile

8211: When target dies, no birds sing for 48 hours

8212: When target dies, no one recognizes the corpse

8213: When target dies, people come for miles to see the body

8214: When target dies, small animals gather to pay their respects

8215: When target dies, the ambient temperature drops 30°

8216: When target dies, the Moon appears blood-red for one month

8217: When target dies, the nearest royal bloodline dies out, t00

8218: When target dies, the sky appears overcast for one week

8219: When target dies, the sun appears to weep tears of flame

8220: When target dies, vicious rumors circulate about him

8221: When target dies, vultures carry his corpse to his home

8222: When target draws his weapon 2HD creatures check morale

8223: When target draws his weapon all near him start laughing

8224: When target draws his weapon birds circle his head

8225: When target draws his weapon electricity sizzles in the air

8226: When target draws his weapon he has second thoughts

8227: When target draws his weapon he shrinks to 1/2 his height

8228: When target draws his weapon his allies get a morale b00st

8229: When target draws his weapon his hair stands on end

8230: When target draws his weapon his hands are coated in butter

8231: When target draws his weapon it animates and attacks him

8232: When target draws his weapon it dr00ps like a limp n00dle

8233: When target draws his weapon someone nearby faints

8234: When target is hit, he's suddenly wearing a baseball cap

8235: Wild Surge occurs next time target says his name

8236: Wizard Mark reading "Kick me" forms on target's back

8237: 1 being nearby is split into two morally-opposing halves

8238: 1 item within 60 yards forever charged with intended spell

8239: 1 item within 60 yards permanently charged with random spell

8240: 1 mile radius becomes an open Gate to some plane of hell

8241: 1 mile radius enjoys uninterrupted daylight for 1 week

8242: 1 mile radius forms a sinkh01e

8243: 1 mile radius is affected by Grease for 1d6 turns

8244: 1 mile radius is blanketed with thick smog

8245: 1 mile radius is darkened by an eclipse for 1d20 rounds

8246: 1 mile radius looks like a c010r negative for spell duration

8247: 1 mile radius receives no precipitation in the next year

8248: 1 mile radius suffers uninterrupted night for 1 week

8249: 1 mile radius turns black-and-white for thespell duration

8250: 1 random creature in area becomes an Elemental

8251: 1 random creature in the area vanishes forever

8252: 1 random creature nearby doesn't age but doesn't realize it

8253: 1 random creature nearby drops to abs01ute zero

8254: 1 random creature nearby is crushed as if on the sea f100r

8255: 1 random creature nearby is rendered Timeless while it sleeps

8256: 1 random creature nearby is stretched as though on a rack

8257: 1 random creature nearby turns to gold

8258: 1 random creature within 60 yards is banished to some hell

8259: 1 random creature within 60 yards is welcomed into some heaven

8260: 1 random elemental in area becomes a Prime Material native

8261: 1 random female nearby acts as though possessed by a demon

8262: 1 random female nearby ages at 10X normal rate

8263: 1 random female nearby becomes terrifyingly ugly when angry

8264: 1 random female nearby bursts into flame

8265: 1 random female nearby can brachiate like a gibbon

8266: 1 random female nearby can breathe water when naked

8267: 1 random female nearby can kill rodents with a glance

8268: 1 random female nearby can pick locks with her toes

8269: 1 random female nearby can snuff small fires with a touch

8270: 1 random female nearby can turn invisible while naked

8271: 1 random female nearby cannot attack unless she is attacked

8272: 1 random female nearby cannot be harmed by metal while naked

8273: 1 random female nearby cannot be harmed by scalding water

8274: 1 random female nearby cannot be slain by any male

8275: 1 random female nearby cannot close her eyes

8276: 1 random female nearby cannot slay any male

8277: 1 random female nearby cannot sleep except standing upright

8278: 1 random female nearby cannot walk unless carrying a pebble

8279: 1 random female nearby does not age

8280: 1 random female nearby doubles in age each morning

8281: 1 random female nearby drowns as her lungs fill with mud

8282: 1 random female nearby exhales smoke whenever she tells a lie

8283: 1 random female nearby explodes as a 10HD fireball

8284: 1 random female nearby fears all who 100k anything like her

8285: 1 random female nearby fears her allies distrust her

8286: 1 random female nearby gains 1d4 CHA

8287: 1 random female nearby gains 2 points of STR

8288: 1 random female nearby gains a minor psionic ability

8289: 1 random female nearby gains proficiency in the chakram

8290: 1 random female nearby goes berserk

8291: 1 random female nearby has a huge craving for dirt

8292: 1 random female nearby has hair made of gold

8293: 1 random female nearby has invisible eyelids

8294: 1 random female nearby has nonpoisonous snakes for hair

8295: 1 random female nearby has prehensile feet

8296: 1 random female nearby has titanium steel for bones

8297: 1 random female nearby is a carrier of the black death

8298: 1 random female nearby is coated in disgusting, viscous slime

8299: 1 random female nearby is consumed from within by maggots

8300: 1 random female nearby is convinced she doesn't exist

8301: 1 random female nearby is covered in cuts and scrapes

8302: 1 random female nearby is covered in lamp oil

8303: 1 random female nearby is covered in paper mache

8304: 1 random female nearby is covered in v01canic ash

8305: 1 random female nearby is cured of all diseases

8306: 1 random female nearby is Enfeebled

8307: 1 random female nearby is fabulously rich but doesn't know it

8308: 1 random female nearby is immune to nonmagical diseases

8309: 1 random female nearby is paralyzed for 1 turn

8310: 1 random female nearby is swept clean of memories

8311: 1 random female nearby is unharmed by natural weather

8312: 1 random female nearby looks like a demon when angry

8313: 1 random female nearby loses 1 pound per round

8314: 1 random female nearby loses 1d4 CHA

8315: 1 random female nearby melts like snow

8316: 1 random female nearby must Save vs. Death or turn to gold

8317: 1 random female nearby never wants to wear boots again

8318: 1 random female nearby realizes she's a Clone

8319: 1 random female nearby realizes she's a nymph's daughter

8320: 1 random female nearby refuses to believe she's not dreaming

8321: 1 random female nearby refuses to believe she's not undead

8322: 1 random female nearby seems to be afflicted with black death

8323: 1 random female nearby sheds her skin like a snake

8324: 1 random female nearby smells strongly of roses

8325: 1 random female nearby sprouts feathers

8326: 1 random female nearby suddenly has no skeleton

8327: 1 random female nearby sweats profusely and smells like lemons

8328: 1 random female nearby teleports 100 feet straight up

8329: 1 random female nearby thinks all her memories are false

8330: 1 random female nearby thinks she can breathe water

8331: 1 random female nearby thinks she can speak a new language

8332: 1 random female nearby thinks she has no freewill

8333: 1 random female nearby thinks she's a paladin on a quest

8334: 1 random female nearby thinks she's as beautiful as a nymph

8335: 1 random female nearby thinks she's only 6 years 01d

8336: 1 random female nearby thinks she's immune to fire

8337: 1 random female nearby turns bright green when she tells a lie

8338: 1 random female nearby turns to snow for 1 hour, then reforms

8339: 1 random female nearby will die unless she removes her boots

8340: 1 random female within 60 yards loses 1 hit point per round

8341: 1 random humanoid nearby acquires Strength of 25

8342: 1 random humanoid nearby believes he is his deity's avatar

8343: 1 random humanoid nearby can understand all spoken languages

8344: 1 random humanoid nearby can understand all written languages

8345: 1 random humanoid nearby doubles in height but not mass

8346: 1 random humanoid nearby gains 1d100% Magic Resistance

8347: 1 random magic item within 100' gains another enchantment

8348: 1 random male nearby always thinks he has 10 minutes to live

8349: 1 random male nearby becomes incredibly beautiful when angry

8350: 1 random male nearby becomes striped like a candy cane

8351: 1 random male nearby becomes striped like a zebra

8352: 1 random male nearby begins aging backward at 365X normal rate

8353: 1 random male nearby begins turning inside-out very slowly

8354: 1 random male nearby bursts into illusory flame when angry

8355: 1 random male nearby can cast 1 one random spell 1d10 times

8356: 1 random male nearby can jump 10 feet straight up at will

8357: 1 random male nearby can read the next language he sees

8358: 1 random male nearby can remain awake for 1d4 weeks at a time

8359: 1 random male nearby cannot be affected by magical acid

8360: 1 random male nearby cannot close his mouth

8361: 1 random male nearby cannot speak until sunset

8362: 1 random male nearby cannot teleport

8363: 1 random male nearby declares a holy crusade against kob01ds

8364: 1 random male nearby declares himself king

8365: 1 random male nearby declares himself the king's champion

8366: 1 random male nearby declares himself the king's enemy

8367: 1 random male nearby dehydrates rapidly

8368: 1 random male nearby falls to dust; reforms if water is added

8369: 1 random male nearby fears clothing

8370: 1 random male nearby fears he will die if he tells a lie

8371: 1 random male nearby feels horrific agony when he touches gold

8372: 1 random male nearby feels like he hasn't eaten in 10 years

8373: 1 random male nearby finds his esophagus full of earthworms

8374: 1 random male nearby forgets how to speak

8375: 1 random male nearby gains +one STR

8376: 1 random male nearby gains 1 point to his primary attribute

8377: 1 random male nearby giggles hideously when wounded

8378: 1 random male nearby greatly desires to meet the king

8379: 1 random male nearby greatly desires to slay the king

8380: 1 random male nearby has a mouthful of sand

8381: 1 random male nearby has difficulty with the idea of "future"

8382: 1 random male nearby has his feet encased in blocks of quartz

8383: 1 random male nearby hates the next person he meets

8384: 1 random male nearby howls at the full Moon like a coyote

8385: 1 random male nearby is affected by F001's Speech

8386: 1 random male nearby is compelled to tithe 90% of his income

8387: 1 random male nearby is covered in densely-packed leaves

8388: 1 random male nearby is enraged at the sight of blood

8389: 1 random male nearby is mesmerized by spellcasting

8390: 1 random male nearby is orbited by inert ioun stones

8391: 1 random male nearby is rendered Timeless for 1 day

8392: 1 random male nearby is suddenly standing in a p001 of acid

8393: 1 random male nearby is surrounded by a cloud of feathers

8394: 1 random male nearby looks emaciated while asleep

8395: 1 random male nearby looks like a decayed corpse while asleep

8396: 1 random male nearby loses half of his strength

8397: 1 random male nearby must reroll all his attributes

8398: 1 random male nearby must Save vs. Death or turn to charcoal

8399: 1 random male nearby obeys the next instruction he receives

8400: 1 random male nearby refuse to ask directions while lost

8401: 1 random male nearby refuses to answer any questions

8402: 1 random male nearby runs in a straight line for 1 full day

8403: 1 random male nearby Saves vs Death or diss01ve into g00

8404: 1 random male nearby sees something abs01utely horrifying

8405: 1 random male nearby sees something abs01utely hysterical

8406: 1 random male nearby shines brightly when hiding in shadows

8407: 1 random male nearby smells like carrion to everyone else

8408: 1 random male nearby speaks in 3 part harmony when angry

8409: 1 random male nearby suddenly has no elbows

8410: 1 random male nearby suddenly stands at the edge of a chasm

8411: 1 random male nearby tells everyone where the treasure is

8412: 1 random male nearby thinks he can predict the future

8413: 1 random male nearby thinks he is a vampire

8414: 1 random male nearby thinks he is his own child

8415: 1 random male nearby thinks he's aging 1 year per round

8416: 1 random male nearby thinks he's as attractive as a nymph

8417: 1 random male nearby thinks he's shrunken to 1I12 his height

8418: 1 random male nearby thinks he's an escaped slave

8419: 1 random male nearby thinks he's breathing chlorine gas

8420: 1 random male nearby thinks he's fated to die by a wild surge

8421: 1 random male nearby thinks he's naked

8422: 1 random male nearby thinks he's twice his actual age

8423: 1 random male nearby thinks vampires are stalking him

8424: 1 random male nearby vanishes for 1 year

8425: 1 random male nearby weeps like a baby when wounded

8426: 1 random male nearby will die unless he drops all weapons

8427: 1 random mammal in vicinity acquires INT 19 and speech

8428: 1 random mammal in vicinity becomes a random reptile

8429: 1 random mammal in vicinity becomes amphibious

8430: 1 random mammal in vicinity becomes Minimal

8431: 1 random mammal in vicinity gains human INT and speech

8432: 1 random potion nearby turns its drinker inside out

8433: 1 random potion within 10 yards turns to nitroglycerin

8434: 1 suit of r