
Tser Pool Encampment

From Hayashi Park Potterverse for 5th ed. Dungeons and Dragons (5e)

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Ambient audio

Tser camp at daytime, with video by TheSilentWatcher

Plot Hooks & Events


The Tarokka reading is one of the most fun and interesting elements of the module. My players were instantly intrigued by the idea of a Vistana who could tell fortunes. If your PCs don't seem like they'll want to take the detour to Tser Pool, have Ismark suggest that they take a detour/pit stop in order to learn more about how they defend themselves from Strahd's wrath. (reddit)

The Vistani are a lot of fun to roleplay. I chose to play most of them with the attitude (and accent) of the gypsies from Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame. (reddit)

Another fun element of the Vistani is their culture's agelessness - they have seen hundreds of adventurers come and go, and the current party is just another spot of amusement as they wait to see what tales and stories may come of it. My PCs enjoyed, but were somewhat unnerved by the Vistani's relatively mirthful telling of the tragedy of the unnamed wizard who led a rebellion against Strahd. Really drive home that the Vistani view the PCs not as heroes, but as dead men walking who will nevertheless provide excellent fodder for future tales. (reddit)

The Tarokka reading itself was the highlight of my players' night. If you're on Roll20, I'd highly recommend using a visual representation of the board and Tarokka cards. My players loved seeing each card flipped into view, and it really engraved the experience in their memory. I'll link the Tarokka board background I used in the Resources section below; you can find images of the Tarokka cards and backs on Google images pretty easily. (reddit)

I've noticed that there's a large split in the community over whether to rig the Tarokka reading or keep it natural. I chose to draw them randomly before the start of the campaign. I liked what I drew, but would have replaced any cards that I thought were particularly unsuitable. My final reading placed the Sunsword under the gazebo at Krezk, the Symbol of Ravenloft at the Amber Temple, and the Tome of Strahd in the Hall of Bones in Ravenloft. I wanted to ensure that the encounter with Sergei happened, and that my players had a reason to visit the Temple (which is placed fairly out-of-the-way in the module), so I was pretty chuffed with these. Their ally was Rictavio, and Strahd's location his crypt (which again fit perfectly). (reddit)

If their ally had been someone like Parriwimple or Clovin, or if the Tome had been in the Barovia Church, I probably would have kept drawing until I got a result I liked better. Remember that you don't want the players getting their hands on these too early, and that each of the treasures is an opportunity to have the party explore the twisted realm of Barovia. If you prefer keeping the luck of the draw, though, then more power to ya. (reddit)