
Tser Pool Encampment

From Hayashi Park Potterverse for 5th ed. Dungeons and Dragons (5e)

Revision as of 15:06, 21 July 2018 by ZFMnii6Vb9xna LM -ge (Talk | contribs) (Tarokka)

Ambient audio

Tser camp at daytime, with video by TheSilentWatcher


Tser Pool Encampment Battle Map.png


Plot Hooks & Events


The Tarokka Reading is one of the most fun and interesting elements of the module. My players were instantly intrigued by the idea of a Vistana who could tell fortunes. If your PCs don't seem like they'll want to take the detour to Tser Pool, have Ismark suggest that they take a detour/pit stop in order to learn more about how they defend themselves from Strahd's wrath. (reddit)

The Tarokka reading itself was the highlight of my players' night. If you're on Roll20, I'd highly recommend using a visual representation of the board and Tarokka cards. My players loved seeing each card flipped into view, and it really engraved the experience in their memory. I'll link the Tarokka board background I used in the Resources section below; you can find images of the Tarokka cards and backs on Google images pretty easily. ([2])