
Act 6

From Hayashi Park Potterverse for 5th ed. Dungeons and Dragons (5e)

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Act 6: Reversal Moment

  • Accomplish: the hero reaches the critical reveal (the True Villain gives a history lesson/Help From a Friend/Awful Realization) and now knows the real goal hidden by the obvious wrong goal.
  • The hero must redefine their goal instantly. In an epic this is usually switching focus from the henchman onto the real villain.
  • This short scene explains Act 2 and sets the true goal in front of the Hero, but
  • the true goal will cost him/her everything (risking or agreeing to death). Nothing exists outside this moment: the story is laser-focused on this critical transition.

a. Sam convinces Frodo that Aragorn, the Rohan riders, and Gondor itself will be obliterated unless the One Ring is delivered, even though they probably will not survive the journey. b. Luke can't reach a destroyed Alderaan anymore so his focus shifts now to defeating the Emperor's Death Star directly once the plans reveal the Death Star's vulnerability, even though they probably will not survive the journey. c. In a TV show this is 5-10 minutes, usually a single scene.


[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] The Nine Act and Three Act Screenplay Structure