
Character Creation

From Hayashi Park Potterverse for 5th ed. Dungeons and Dragons (5e)

Revision as of 17:57, 14 July 2018 by ZFMnii6Vb9xna LM -ge (Talk | contribs) (Planeshift Subclasses)

Creating a character is the first step towards playing in a Potterverse-themed D&D campaign.

Do you want a hot-headed brute who solves his problems by fighting, a studied scholar who spends his time learning more and more magic, a protector who never lets anyone hurts his friends?

Choose Player Character Race

Races: Total 33 [1]

Aarakocra (pdf)

Aasimar (Dungeon Master's Guide p.286) not to be confused with

Aasimar (Volo's Guide to Monsters p.104)

  • Protector
  • Scourge
  • Fallen

Bugbear (Volo's Guide to Monsters p.119)

Centaur (pdf)

Changeling (pdf)

Dragonborn (Player's Handbook p32)

Dwarf (Player's Handbook p18)

  • Hill Dwarf
  • Mountain Dwarf
  • Gray Dwarf (Duergar) (Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide p104, Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes p81)

Elf (Player's Handbook p21)

  • High Elf
  • Wood Elf
  • Dark Elf (Drow)
  • Eladrin (Dungeon Master's Guide p286) not to be confused with

Firbolg (Volo's Guide to Monsters p.106)

Genasi (pdf)

  • Air Genasi
  • Earth Genasi
  • Fire Genasi
  • Water Genasi

Gith (Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes p96) ([ Outdated UA pdf))

  • Githyanki
  • Githzerai

Gnome (Player's Handbook p35)

  • Forest Gnome
  • Rock Gnome
  • Deep Gnome (Svirfneblin) (Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide p115, Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes p113)

Goblin (Volo's Guide to Monsters p.119)

Goliath (pdf, Volo's Guide to Monsters p.108)

Grung (One Grung Above)

Half-Elf (Player's Handbook p38)

  • Variant (Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide p116)

Half-Orc (Player's Handbook p40)

Halfling (Player's Handbook p26)

  • Lightfoot Halfling
  • Stout Halfling
  • Ghostwise Halfling (Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide p110)

Hobgoblin (Volo's Guide to Monsters p.119)

Human (Player's Handbook p29)

  • Variant Human

Kenku (Volo's Guide to Monsters p.109)

Kobold (Volo's Guide to Monsters p.119)

Lizardfolk (Volo's Guide to Monsters p.111)

Minotaur (Unearthed Arcana: Centaurs and Minotaurs pdf, Waterborne Adventures pdf)

Orc (Volo's Guide to Monsters p.120)

Shifter (pdf)

  • Beasthide Shifter
  • Cliffwalk Shifter
  • Longstride Shifter
  • Longtooth Shifter
  • Razorclaw Shifter
  • Wildhunt Shifter

Tabaxi (Volo's Guide to Monsters p.113)

Tiefling (Player's Handbook p42)

  • Variant Tieflings (Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide p118)
  • Asmodeus (Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes p21) pdf) (This is the Player's Handbook Tiefling)
  • Baalzebul (Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes p21) pdf)
  • Dispater (Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes p21) pdf)
  • Fierna (Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes p21) pdf)
  • Glasya (Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes p22) pdf)
  • Levistus (Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes p22) pdf)
  • Mammon (Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes p22) pdf)
  • Mephistopheles (Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes p23) pdf)
  • Zariel (Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes p23) pdf)
  • Infernal Tiefling pdf) (This is also the Player's Handbook Tiefling)
  • Abyssal Tiefling pdf)

Tortle (The Tortle Package)

Triton (Volo's Guide to Monsters p.115)

Warforged (pdf)

Yuan-ti Pureblood (Volo's Guide to Monsters p.120)

Planeshift Races:

Aetherborn ([Planeshift: Kaladesh](

Aven ([Planeshift: Amonkhet](

  • Hawk-Headed
  • Ibis-Head

Dwarf ([Planeshift: Kaladesh](

Elf ([Planeshift: Kaladesh](

  • Bishtahar and Tirahar
  • Vahadar

Elf (pdf)

  • Joraga Nation
  • Mul Daya Nation
  • Tajuru Nation

Goblin ([Planeshift: Ixalan](

Goblin (pdf)

  • Grogtag Tribe
  • Lavastep Tribe
  • Tuktuk Tribe

Human ([Planeshift: Amonkhet](

Human ([Planeshift: Innistrad](

  • Gavony
  • Kessig
  • Nephalia
  • Stensia

Human ([Planeshift: Ixalan](, [Planeshift: Kaladesh](, [( pdf])

Khenra ([Planeshift: Amonkhet](

Kor (pdf)


  • Cosi Creed (pdf)
  • Emeria Creed (pdf)
  • Ula Creed (pdf)

Minotaur ([Planeshift: Amonkhet](

Naga ([Planeshift: Amonkhet](

Orc ([Planeshift: Ixalan](

Siren ([Planeshift: Ixalan](

Vampire ([Planeshift: Ixalan](

Vampire (pdf)

Vedalken ([Planeshift: Kaladesh](

Note: the Revenant subrace (pdf) can be applied to any race that has a subrace, and replaces that race's existing subrace options. Alternatively, it can also be applied to Humans and Dragonborn, following the modifications provided in the article.

D&D Race Harry Potter Beings
Dwarf Goblin (Language: Gobbledegook) The Goblin Problem: HP-universe goblins are very similar to D&D dwarves, so a simple rename is easy. But, how to explain all the evil, dumb D&D goblinoids running around? My lore is: Some goblin societies collapse, losing their intelligence, becoming evil and aggressive. Their skin turns green and their eyes red. Whether it’s a curse or an illness, (or they dug too greedily and too deep), nobody knows, but it’s incurable. They’re called “Green Goblins” or “Groblins” for short.
Elf Veela
Gnome Half-Goblin (or Pukwudgie)
Half-Elf Half-Veela
Goliath Half-Giant (like Hagrid, Madame Maxine)
Half-Orc Half-Giant
Halfling Elf (a free house elf)


Goblin Names [3] Urgrat Rodguss Guggrat Karrod Garguff Larkit Raglok Largus Lagragg Bankras Filrod Brunlig Nurgus Ranluk Kurlast Algok Gugrig Farguss Kurgus Filgrat Fradraff Algras Luggor Lurnok Grinnuk Brunkar Ugnar Boglig Brunnott Arlok

Once you have decided this, you can move onto choosing your ability scores for your attributes. Attributes are your character’s general abilities divided up into the broadest of categories.

Roll or Point Buy Player Character's Attributes

Attributes (Also known as Ability Scores)

Attributes are the foundation of a character. They offer a general understanding of what your character is good at, and what they are not. Attributes offer benefits in combat checks, skill rolls and more. Charisma Charisma is best described as a character’s natural power of attraction, be it through looks or carefully chosen words. Charismatic characters often find themselves as the face of the group, as they can compel others to listen to their words better than others. Characters who find themselves utilizing Authority spells or shield spells frequently will find Charisma a good attribute to have. Constitution Constitution is the general toughness of a character. A character with high Constitution will have more hit points and be hardier all around. Characters who conjure up shields will find Constitution benefits them greatly as well. Tanky characters typically take a decent score in Constitution. Dexterity Dexterity is a very important attribute, dealing with how accurate your spells are. A witch with high Dexterity will be quick in combat, hard for her opponents to hit. Sneaky characters will also benefit from a high Dexterity. When all's said and done though, all combat is aided by a nice Dexterity score. Intelligence Intelligence is a very diverse attribute, aiding in the gathering of new skills, identifying spells, languages known, and your overall, well, intelligence. A bookish, learned character benefits highly from a good Intelligence score, and is their increased knowledge can allow them to outwit many opponents. Every +1 of your Intelligence bonus grants you an additional starting language. Might Might deals mainly with the power of a character’s damaging spells. A brute spellcaster wants a very high Might score, and if you get hit by one of his spells, you may find yourself worse for wear than if a Mediwizard hit you with the same spell. Wisdom Wisdom is many things. One’s general awareness of their surroundings, their willpower, ability to resist mind-altering effects, and more. A character with high Wisdom is aided in their healing efforts, and many other charms. Their general awareness makes them highly perceptive.

Generating Ability Scores There are various extant methods for determining ability scores in Pathfinder, which are good enough as they are that they don’t need any editing for the purposes of this system. Once you have generated your Ability Scores, assign them to the attributes of your choice. In order to facilitate this for new players, each class shows a “governing attribute”. This indicates which attribute is most important towards a successful character of that class. This is not a strict rule you must follow however, as many players prove that they may make successful characters who do not follow what is typical.

The following chart shows how your ability scores have a modifier associated with them. This modifier is what is added to different things. For example, a Climb skill check will require you to roll 1d20, adding your ranks in the Climb skill and your Might modifier.

Ability Score Ability Modifier
6-7 -2 8-9 -1 10-11 0 12-13 +1 14-15 +2 16-17 +3 18-19 +4 Etc... Etc...

A negative modifier means that you have a penalty when rolling a dice that uses this modifier. For example, Rowan Toolidge has a Might of 8. He rolls a Might check to break down a door, so he rolls 1d20 and then subtracts 1 from his roll.

Explanation of attributes.jpg


Set Player Character's Background Info

‘It was not like Malfoy to pass up the chance to demonstrate his power as prefect, which he had happily abused all the previous year.’--Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, J.K. Rowling

‘“They’re dead”, he told himself sternly. “They’re dead, and listening to echoes of them won’t bring them back.”’--Harry Potter in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, J.K. Rowling

Choose Player Character House at School

Next is choosing a House. A house confers some benefits and some drawbacks onto a character (ability score increases and decreases) that are thematically appropriate for the chosen House. This helps sculpt your character’s backstory, aiding in how you think your character might act in situations. Some GMs may wish to negate this section, but for campaigns taking place in Great Britain this system should work fine. It is most similar to races in other roleplaying settings.[5]

Player characters choose a house at the beginning of the game. A house represents a character’s general values, but it is not tied specifically to one alignment. However, most Houses have a preferred alignment, and a character’s alignment can differ by no more than one step of her House’s preferred alignment on either the good/evil or law/chaos axes. For example, a character in Gryffindor may be Chaotic Good, Neutral Good, or Chaotic Neutral.

NOTE: GMs may override the preferred alignment rule if they feel a character has good reason (backstory or planned plot) to be in a house that does not normally allow a particular alignment. They also may override and allow complete freedom to choose a house if they do not like the alignment system, simply because many GMs do not.


"You might belong in Gryffindor,

Where dwell the brave at heart,

Their daring, nerve and chivalry

Set Gryffindors apart"

Preferred alignment
Chaotic Good

Although tough and strong, the courage of Gryffindors can often be so great that they make decisions before fully understanding the situation.

They receive +2 Constitution, +2 Might, and -2 Wisdom.


"You might belong in Hufflepuff,

Where they are just and loyal,

Those patient Hufflepuffs are true,

And unafraid of toil"

Preferred alignment
Lawful good

Hardy and kind-hearted, Hufflepuffs are often willing to put themselves in harm’s way to protect those they care about. They receive +2 Charisma, +2 Constitution, and -2 Might.


"Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,

If you've a ready mind,

Where those of wit and learning,

Will always find their kind."

Preferred alignment
Any non-Chaotic

Ravenclaws value the mind above all else and rely on their wit and intuition more than raw power.

They receive +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, and -2 Might.


"Or perhaps in Slytherin,

You'll make your real friends,

Those cunning folk use any means,

To achieve their ends."

Preferred alignment
Neutral Evil

Guile and intuition are the friends of Slytherins, who often find themselves in trouble when confronted head-on. They receive +2 Charisma, +2 Wisdom, and -2 Constitution.

Background options

  • PHB Backgrounds (Player's Handbook p127)
  • SCAG Backgrounds (Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide p145)
  • OotA Modifying Backgrounds (Out of the Abyss p221)
  • HotDQ Background Template (Hoard of the Dragon Queen p87)
  • ToA Backgrounds (Tomb of Annihilation p191)

Planeshift Backgrounds

Background: Haunted One

Updated Haunted One PDF:

CoS Character Options.pdf



Pureblood Family Names/Houses Generator

‘“Quidditch!” said Hermione angrily. “Is that all boys care about?”’ Hermione Granger in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, J.K. Rowling

Set Player Character's Family History

‘“Harry, swear to me you won’t go looking for Black.”’--Arthur Weasley in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, J.K. Rowling

Set Plot Hooks in PC Backstory

Curse of Strahd is an amazingly rich module, but I've unfortunately found it to be a bit too open-ended, with my players occasionally feeling lost, confused, and/or obligated to "follow the plot" instead of feeling any individual investment in continuing. Some of the hooks (Werewolves in the Mist and The Burgomaster's Letter) can do a decent job of keeping the party moving for a time, but none do a particularly good job of tying the PCs' goals into the overarching story of the module in my opinion.reddit

To address this deficiency, I decided to draw up a short table of individual character motivations for finding, entering, and exploring Barovia.

d8 Theme Motivation 1 Vengeance When you were young, a pack of feral werewolves emerged from a mysterious fog and laid waste to your village. You seek justice for the beasts that destroyed your home. (reddit)

2 Family As a child, your elder sibling was entranced by a caravan of travelling Vistani, and ran away with them to a faraway land. You seek to find your sibling and bring them back home. (reddit)

3 Inheritance A heroic ancestor of yours journeyed to the land of Barovia to combat a great evil, and vanished. You want to retrieve the family heirloom that they carried, and to discover your ancestor's fate. (reddit)

4 Help Your homeland is tormented by a dark and terrible lord of vampires. You seek the aid of the great vampire hunter, Rudolph van Richten, who it is rumored was last seen seeking the hidden land of Barovia. (reddit)

5 Magic Books and scrolls tell of a great temple of amber atop a mountain in the land of Barovia that holds secrets of magic long since lost. You seek this temple to uncover the arcane power within. (reddit)

6 History Long ago, a holy order of silver knights vanished from the land. You have tracked their history to the lost land of Barovia, and seek to uncover their ancient relics to study the rich lore they must hold. (reddit)

7 Wealth You have heard stories of a fearsome lord of legend, a conqueror of the lost land of Barovia whose castle vaults groan with the wealth of vanquished enemies. Surely only the greatest thief in the land could steal from such a man and walk away to a life of untold riches. (reddit)

8 Heritage Centuries ago, your family fled as refugees from the land of Barovia, running from the grasp of a cruel conquering warlord. You see it as your duty to return to the land of your ancestors and free it from the control of that warlord's dark dynasty. (reddit)

Each of these should be fairly easy to tie into the Mysterious Visitors campaign hook. To avoid giving too much away, I'd ask each player to choose from a Theme first, and then provide them (and them alone) with a private copy of their personal hook. They may share it if they choose, or they may keep it to themselves; it's their choice. (reddit)

List Player Character's Known Languages

Parseltongue = Draconic

‘“It’s because I understand Parseltongue . . .”’ --Harry Potter in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, J.K. Rowling

Identify a Few Bonds Important to Player Character

‘Harry was speechless. Hermione was the last person to do anything against the rules, and here she was, pretending she had, to get them out of trouble. It was as if Snape had started handing out sweets.’--Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, J.K. Rowling


‘“Oh, I will,” said Harry, and they were surprised at the grin that was spreading over his face. “They don’t know we’re not allowed to use magic at home. I’m going to have a lot of fun with Dudley this summer . . . ”’--Harry Potter in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, J.K. Rowling

Player Character Morality

Remember that one of the main goals of CoS is to corrupt your characters. No matter how happy and pure they may be entering Barovia, the horrors that characters face and the double-edged choices they’ll be forced to make is meant to change them for the worse. Remember that. (reddit)

Don’t be Afraid to Laugh

That being said, this is game. Yes, it’s a horror game. But even if a situation is really friggin effed up, you and your players are allowed to joke and laugh. Even though the characters are suffering doesn’t mean your players should be. (reddit)

Select Player Character's Class

‘It was odd really, seeing that it had been a Death Eater in disguise who had first told Harry he would make a good Auror, but somehow the idea had taken hold of him.’ Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, J.K. Rowling

Then, you choose a class for your character. Duelists specialize in fighting up close and personal. Rogues are better at sneaking around and picking their moments in combat. Mediwizards specialize in healing their friends and bolstering their abilities. Wardens are adept at protecting themselves and their friends by absorbing damage and setting up shields. Omnimancers are a jack-of-all-trades and find themselves learned in many areas, while not particularly mastered in any. At level ups, each class gets new benefits and distinguishing features, but don’t worry. These classes are still just broad strokes. Your character is extremely customizable.[7]

When you create your character, choose a class from the list below. Each class learns spells per level according to the following table.

Spells Learned Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 1 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 5 3 6 3 7 3 8 3 9 3 10 3

Level-ups are granted by getting an amount of experience points according to the following table. The table also outlines when feats are granted according to level-up as well.

Character Level Experience Point Total Feats 1 N/A 2 2 300 3 900 1 4 2,700 5 6,500 1 6 14,000 7 23,000 1 8 34,000 9 48,000 1 10 64,000

Duelist The duelist demonstrates exceptional combat capabilities. While her motivations for fighting can vary greatly, she excels in battle no matter what they are. Class School: Jinxes Class Domain: Ferocity Governing Attribute: Might Hit Die: d8 Starting wealth: 2d4 x 10G (average 50G) The Duelist's class skills are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str). Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier The DC for a saving throw against a spell cast by a Duelist is equal to 10 + the spell level + the Duelist’s Might modifier.

Level Base SD bonus BAB Fort save Ref save Will save Special

1 +1 +2 +2 +0 +0 Bonus feat, Duel 1/day 2 +2 +3 +3 +0 +0 Bonus feat 3 +2 +4 +3 +1 +1 Spell Focus 4 +3 +5 +4 +1 +1 Bonus feat, Hexes 5 +3 +6/+1 +4 +1 +1 Duel 2/day 6 +3 +7/+2 +5 +2 +2 Bonus feat 7 +4 +8/+3 +5 +2 +2 Curses 8 +4 +9/+4 +6 +2 +2 Bonus feat 9 +4 +10/+5 +6 +3 +3 Duel 3/day 10 +4 +11/+6/+1 +7 +3 +3 Bonus feat, Martial Mastery

Class Features: ● At 4th and 7th levels, the Duelist does not receive the choice to add school proficiencies (see Spells for more information on adding school proficiencies), but instead adds Hexes and Curses, respectively, to her school proficiencies without incurring the normal penalties. ● The Duelist gains a bonus combat feat at first level and every even level thereafter. She may only select a feat for which she meets the prerequisites. ● Duel - Once per day, a Duelist can challenge an enemy to a duel. As a swift action, the Duelist chooses one target within sight to duel. The Duelist's damaging spells deal extra damage equal to her level whenever the attacks are made against the target of his challenge. The Duelist can use this ability once per day at 1st level, plus one additional time per day for every four levels beyond 1st. The Duelist takes a –2 penalty to her SD as long as the duel is in effect, except against attacks made by the chosen enemy. The duel remains in effect until the target is dead or unconscious or until the combat ends. ● Spell Focus - The Duelist’s combat prowess is nothing to be trifled with. Starting at 3rd level, a number of times per day equal to her Might modifier, she may add +2 to the save DC of a Ferocity spell she casts. She chooses to use this ability before making the attack roll, if any. ● Martial Mastery - At 10th level, when a Duelist successfully attacks with a damaging spell, she uses damage dice one step higher than the damage dice indicated in the spell description. For example, a 10th level Duelist would roll a d10 instead of a d8 for Stupefy. Rogue Class School: Charms Class Domain: Mischief Governing Attribute: Charisma Hit Die: d8 Starting wealth: 4d4 x 10G (average 100G) The Rogue's class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (local) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex), and Swim (Str). Skill Ranks per Level: 8 + Int modifier The DC for a saving throw against a spell cast by a Rogue is equal to 10 + the spell level + the Rogue’s Charisma modifier.

Level Base SD bonus BAB Fort save Ref save Will save Special

1 +1 +1 +0 +2 +0 Sneak attack +1d6 2 +1 +2 +0 +4 +0 Guarded 3 +2 +3 +1 +3 +1 Sneak attack +2d6, bonus feat 4 +2 +4 +1 +4 +1 Guarded, Evasion 5 +2 +5 +1 +4 +1 Sneak attack +3d6, Darkness 6 +3 +6/+1 +2 +5 +2 Guarded, bonus feat 7 +3 +7/+2 +2 +5 +2 Sneak attack +4d6 8 +4 +8/+3 +2 +6 +2 Invisibility, Improved Evasion 9 +4 +9/+4 +3 +6 +3 Sneak attack +5d6, bonus feat 10 +5 +10/+5 +3 +7 +3 Hit and Run

Class Features: ● Sneak attack - A Rogue deals bonus sneak attack damage whenever she damages a creature that is unaware of her, that is flat-footed, that she flanks, or if advantage is given on the attack roll for any reason. The amount of damage dice rolled is 1d6 at 1st level, plus an additional 1d6 for every 2 levels after 1st. Sneak attack damage is not multiplied on a critical hit. ● Guarded - The Rogue is always prepared for the worst. When an enemy reflects or redirects a spell cast by her or one of her allies, the Rogue gains a +4 to her SD against that spell. At level 4, the effects of reflected or redirected friendly spells that hit her are reduced by half. At level 6, the Rogue cannot be damaged or otherwise hindered by friendly spells reflected or redirected by her enemies. ● At 3rd level, and every 3 levels thereafter, the Rogue chooses a bonus feat from the following list: Mobile Casting, Potions Master, Wand Feint, Wand at the Ready, Prodigious Flyer, Skill Focus. She need not fulfill the prerequisites of her chosen feats except those that are also feats. At level 6, she adds the following feats to the list of feats she may choose from: Quick Study, Wandless Magic, Lightning Reflexes, Iron Will. ● Evasion - At 4th level and higher, the Rogue can skillfully evade area effects. If she makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. ● Darkness - The Rogue receives Umbra Totalus as a bonus spell at 5th level even if she does not have Authority proficiency. ● Invisibility - The Rogue receives Talasha as a bonus feat at 8th level. If she already has Talasha, she instead gains Greater Talasha for free upon reaching 9th level. ● Improved Evasion - At 8th level, the Rogue receives the benefits of Improved Evasion. This works like Evasion, except that while the rogue still takes no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw against attacks, she henceforth takes only half damage on a failed save. ● Hit and Run - At 10th level, whenever a Rogue deals sneak attack damage, she gains a +20 bonus to her land speed for 2 rounds. This bonus does not stack, nor does the duration. Mediwizard Class School: Healing Class Domain: Protection Governing Attribute: Wisdom Hit Die: d10 Starting wealth: 4d4 x 10G (average 100G) The Mediwizard's class skills are Appraise (Int), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Linguistics (Int), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Survival (Wis). Skill Ranks per Level: 6 + Int modifier The DC for a saving throw against a spell cast by a Mediwizard is equal to 10 + the spell level + the Mediwizard’s Wisdom modifier.

Level Base SD bonus BAB Fort save Ref save Will save Special

1 +1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Healer’s Touch 1 2 +1 +1 +0 +0 +3 Quickened Triage, Bulwark 3 +2 +1 +1 +1 +3 Healer’s Touch 2 4 +2 +2 +1 +1 +4 Unfettered Aid 5 +2 +2 +1 +1 +4 Healer’s Touch 3 6 +3 +3 +2 +2 +5 Protective Vigor 7 +3 +3 +2 +2 +5 Healer’s Touch 4 8 +3 +4 +2 +2 +6 Bonus Feat 9 +3 +4 +3 +3 +6 Healer’s Touch 5, Protective Vigor 10 +4 +5 +3 +3 +7 Zealous Defender

Class Features ● Healer’s Touch - The Mediwizard has a pool of Healer points that she can use to accomplish a variety of extraordinary feats. The number of points in a Mediwizard’s Healer pool is equal to half the Mediwizard’s level, rounded up. By spending 1 point from her Healer pool as a swift action, the Mediwizard may do one of the following: ○ Add 1d8 to the healing granted by any single-target spell with Episkey in its name that she casts. ○ Add 1d4 to the healing granted by any multi-target spell with Episkey in its name that she casts. ○ Add 1d6 to the hit points of a static shield spell that she casts. ○ Increase her speed by 10 feet for 1 round. ○ Increase an adjacent ally’s speed by 5 feet for 1 round. A Mediwizard may expend a number of Healer points less than or equal to half her Wisdom modifier, rounded down, in one action, to a minimum of 1. The Healer pool is replenished after a long rest. ● Quickened Triage - The Mediwizard can attempt to stabilize a dying creature as a move action instead of a standard action. Upon reaching level 6, she can attempt to stabilize a dying creature as a swift action and she gains a +2 bonus on Heal checks made to stabilize dying creatures. ● Bulwark - The Mediwizard adds half her level, rounded down, to Heal, Survival, and Sense Motive Checks. ● Unfettered Aid - Starting at 4th level, additional hit points restored by a Mediwizard’s Healer’s Touch class feature don’t count towards a character’s limit of hit points restored per day. ● Protective Vigor - Starting at 6th level, as a full-round action, the Mediwizard may cast two spells, as long as one of them has Episkey in its name. At 9th level, the Mediwizard may cast two spells, as long as one of them has Episkey in its name, as a standard action. ● Bonus Feat - At 8th level, the Mediwizard may select a bonus feat from the following, so long as the prerequisites are met: Potions Master, Self-Sufficient, Great Fortitude, Iron Will. ● Zealous Defender - At 10th level, a Mediwizard may, as a full-round action, cast three spells with Episkey in their names. Warden Class School: Transfiguration Class Domain: Protection Governing Attribute: Constitution Hit Die: d12 Starting wealth: 3d4 x 10G (average 75G) The Warden’s class skills are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Swim (Str). Skill Ranks per Level: 6 + Int modifier The DC for a saving throw against a spell cast by a Warden is equal to 10 + the spell level + the Warden’s Constitution modifier.

Level Base SD bonus BAB Fort save Ref save Will save Special

1 +1 +0 +2 +0 +0 Stand Behind Me 1/day 2 +2 +1 +3 +0 +0 Favored Resistance 3 +2 +2 +3 +1 +1 Magical Magnet 4 +3 +3 +4 +1 +1 Stand Behind Me 2/day, Prudent Shield Bearer 5 +3 +4 +4 +1 +1 Favored Resistance 6 +3 +5 +5 +2 +2 Vigilant Shield Bearer 7 +3 +6/+1 +5 +2 +2 Stand Behind Me 3/day, Clairvoyant Defense 8 +4 +7/+2 +6 +2 +2 Favored Resistance 9 +4 +8/+3 +6 +3 +3 Clairvoyant Defense 10 +4 +9/+4 +7 +3 +3 Stand Behind Me 4/day

Class Features: ● Stand Behind Me - If an offensive spell targeting an ally would pass through her square or a square adjacent to her, the Warden can choose to block the spell. If she does, she moves into that square and automatically receives all effects of the spell. When the Warden blocks a spell this way, she forfeits any defensive bonuses versus the spell. The Warden can use this ability once per day starting at 1st level, and an additional time per day every three levels thereafter. ● Favored Resistance - At 2nd level, and every three levels thereafter, the Warden chooses a Domain. She gets a +2 bonus on all saving throws against spells of Domains she has chosen. She may not choose the same Domain more than once. At 8th level, the Warden may, as a full-round action, grant half of this bonus to allies that remain within 30 feet of her for 4 rounds. Allies that leave the area lose the bonus, and allies that enter the area after the effect has begun do not receive the bonus. ● Magical Magnet - Beginning at 3rd level, as a standard action, a Warden may attempt to attract her enemies’ spells to herself instead of her allies. When the Warden takes this action, any one time before her next turn she may target a hostile spell and attempt to redirect it to herself. This redirection counts as casting a spell, with spell level equal to your caster level, of the Transfiguration school and Protection domain. To redirect the spell, make a spell attack roll with an additional bonus on the attack roll equal to your level. If your attack roll exceeds that of the attacker, you become the target of the original spell. Because the Warden is focused on redirecting the spell to herself, she receives a -2 penalty to her SD until her next turn when she uses this action. ● Prudent Shield Bearer - The Warden receives Prudent Shield Bearer as a bonus feat at 4th level even if she does not meet the prerequisites. ● Vigilant Shield Bearer - The Warden receives Vigilant Shield Bearer as a bonus feat at 6th level even if she does not meet the prerequisites. ● Clairvoyant Defense - Starting at 7th level, as a free action the Warden may cast Protego when flat-footed once per combat. She may not attempt to identify the spell however, as this reaction is made after the targeted spell is cast. At 9th level, the Warden may instead cast Protego Omnes.

Omnimancer Class School: Any two Class Domain: Any two Governing Attribute: Intelligence Hit Die: d8 Starting wealth: 2d4 x 10G (average 50G) The Omnimancer’s class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), and Stealth (Dex). Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier The DC for a saving throw against a spell cast by an Omnimancer is equal to 10 + the spell level + the Omnimancer’s Intelligence modifier.

Level Base SD bonus BAB Fort save Ref save Will save Special

1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 Heightened Learning, Foresight 2 +1 +2 +1 +1 +1 Quick Study 3 +2 +3 +2 +2 +2 Breadth of Knowledge, Skill Focus 4 +2 +4 +2 +2 +2 Jack of All Trades, Master of None 5 +3 +5 +3 +3 +3 6 +3 +6/+1 +3 +3 +3 Breadth of Knowledge 7 +3 +7/+2 +4 +4 +4 Jack of All Trades 8 +3 +8/+3 +4 +4 +4 Limitless Brilliance 9 +4 +9/+4 +5 +5 +5 10 +4 +10/+5 +5 +5 +5 Omniscience

Class Features ● Heightened Learning - The Omnimancer gains a bonus spell per level which must be selected from among her domains. ● Foresight - The Omnimancer may choose to postpone her feat selections until future level-ups and may select postponed feats at even levels. ● Quick Study - The Omnimancer gains Quick Study as a bonus feat at 2nd level, even if she does not meet the prerequisites. If she already has Quick Study, she receives Improved Quick Study for free when she reaches 5th level. ● Breadth of Knowledge - Starting at 3rd level, the Omnimancer adds half her level, rounded down, to all Knowledge skill checks. Starting at 6th level, she may make any Knowledge check untrained. ● Skill Focus - The Omnimancer gains Skill Focus at 3rd level as a bonus feat. ● Jack of all Trades - The Omnimancer is obsessed with and adept at learning about all areas of magic. She does not incur the normal penalties for adding school proficiencies at higher levels (see Spells for more information on adding school proficiencies). However, each time she refuses to add a school proficiency, she gains a bonus spell per level which must be selected from among her Domains, in addition to those granted by Heightened Learning. These bonus spells do not apply retroactively to levels already gained. For example, an Omnimancer who reaches level 4 and chooses not to add an additional school will instantly get an additional spell from one of her Domains and at each level thereafter. ● Master of None - The Omnimancer can never select a Domain Specialization. ● Limitless Brilliance - At 8th level, the Omnimancer receives a permanent +1 bonus to her Intelligence score. ● Omniscience - At 10th level, the Omnimancer becomes a true master of magic. She now benefits from half the school proficiency bonuses whenever she casts a spell from a Domain she is proficient in and a school she is not. Additionally, school proficiency bonuses she would normally earn are increased by half, rounded down.

Classes: Total 14[8]

Barbarian (Player's Handbook p46)

  • Berserker
  • Totem (Additions in Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide p121)
  • Battlerager (Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide p121)
  • Storm Herald (Xanathar's Guide to Everything p10)pdf)
  • Zealot (Xanathar's Guide to Everything p11)pdf)

Bard (Player's Handbook p51)

  • College of Lore
  • College of Valor
  • College of Glamour (Xanathar's Guide to Everything p14)pdf)
  • College of Whispers (Xanathar's Guide to Everything p16)pdf)
  • College of Satire (pdf)

Cleric (Player's Handbook p56)

  • Knowledge
  • Life
  • Light
  • Nature
  • Tempest
  • Trickery
  • War
  • Death (Dungeon Master's Guide p96)
  • Arcana (Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide p125)
  • Forge (Xanathar's Guide to Everything p18)pdf)
  • Grave (Xanathar's Guide to Everything p19)pdf)
  • Protection (pdf)

Planeshift Subclasses


Druid (Player's Handbook p64)

  • Circle of the Land
  • Circle of the Moon
  • Circle of Dreams (Xanathar's Guide to Everything p22)pdf)
  • Circle of the Shepherd (Xanathar's Guide to Everything p23)pdf)
  • Circle of Twilight (pdf)

Fighter (Player's Handbook p70)

  • Champion
  • Battle Master
  • Eldritch Knight
  • Purple Dragon Knight (Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide p128)
  • Cavalier (Xanathar's Guide to Everything p30)pdf)
  • Samurai (Xanathar's Guide to Everything p31)pdf)
  • Monster Hunter (pdf)
  • Sharpshooter (pdf)

List Player Character Initial Spells

All witches and wizards begin play with all level 0 spells (“cantrips”) learned. You choose what other spells you learn. Your class gives you a proficiency in a School of Magic and a Domain of Magic. You additionally choose one other Domain to be proficient in when creating your character. You learn a number of spells according to the chart given in the Classes section. You can learn a spell in a Domain you are proficient in for no penalty but learning a spell outside of your Domain is equivalent to learning two in your Domain. At a level up, you may learn 3 spells, so learning one outside your domain means you’ll only get one additional spell from a Domain you are proficient in for that level.[9]

Spells Every player designs her set of spells, based on proficiencies determined by her class and her decisions as she levels. Unless she has the Wandless Magic feat, a character must have a wand wielded in order to cast a spell. Each spell is associated with a school of magic and a Domain. For example, Alohomora is a Charm in the Mischief domain. Most schools contain spells of several Domains, and vice-versa. Classes include proficiency in one school and one Domain, and players choose an additional Domain at character creation for their character to be proficient in. At 4th and 7th levels, a character can add an additional school to her proficiencies, but doing so halves all school proficiency bonuses (detailed here) she gets, stacking multiplicatively (a character who adds a school at 4th and 7th levels will receive only ¼ the benefit from school proficiency bonuses). A character’s spells-per-level value indicates the number of new spells she chooses to learn each level from Domains she is proficient in, but a character may sacrifice two spells per level to learn a spell from a different domain. Spells a character casts from a school she is proficient in gain extra power or bonus effects. Every character can cast all 0-level spells. The complete list of spells can be found here. Schools of Magic Charms (C) The Charms school primarily includes magic that adds or changes the physical properties of objects or creatures. Curses (Requires Hexes) (R) The most harmful school of Dark Magic. Proficiency in Curses requires proficiency in Hexes. Healing (H)

Since magic is used primarily and without limit in this system, rules are required to keep this school from getting incredibly over powered. ● A creature cannot be healed by spells for more than half of its maximum hit points per day. Undead creatures are damaged rather than healed by spells that would normally restore hit points. Hexes (Requires Jinxes) (X) A school of Dark Magic more harmful than Jinxes, but less than Curses. Proficiency in Hexes requires proficiency in Jinxes. Jinxes (J) The mildest school of Dark Magic, Jinxes tend to aim to deal light harm to their targets. Potions Covered in Potions. Note that Potions is not a type of spell, and the art of potion-making is governed by the Craft skill. Potions may not be chosen as a school proficiency. Transfiguration (includes Counterspells) (T) Transfiguration typically focuses on alterations of the physical form of objects. In this system, this school also includes counterspells and shield spells. Spell Domains and Domain Specialization Players can choose to specialize in a domain, granting a bonus feat from a list specific to that Domain (the player must meet all prerequisites), as well as a bonus spell per level from that Domain. However, specializing results in penalties for spells of all other Domains; a specialized character must spend two spell-per-level slots to learn a new spell from one of her other Domains, and three to learn a new spell from a Domain she is not proficient in. Additionally, a specialized character incurs a 10% spell failure chance when casting a spell from another Domain. A character can only specialize in one domain. She can make this choice starting at 4th level, and she may further this specialization at 7th and 10th levels, gaining an additional bonus feat but increasing the spell failure chance for spells of other Domains by 10%. The specialization takes effect after a long rest.

Other bonuses are applied to spells a creature casts from a school it is proficient in. For these bonuses to apply, a creature must be proficient in both the domain and school of the spell (unless that spell is 0-level; a character need not be proficient in the domain of a 0-level spell to get a school proficiency bonus, but most 0-level spells will barely be affected by such bonuses, if at all). Under each domain is listed the bonus applied to a spell of that domain cast by a creature proficient in its school. Mischief (M) Mischief is easily the broadest Domain. While spells from most Domains are quite clearly related to each other, the similarities between Mischief spells are more abstract. Most Mischief spells involve exercising an amount of control over inanimate objects, but others can simply be described as “mischievous.” The list of Mischief spells can be found here. Specialization Bonus Feat Options: ● Alertness ● Dodge ● Improved Initiative ● Mobile Casting ● Wand Feint School Proficiency Bonus: Gain an additional move action this round. This bonus can only be gained once per round. Ferocity (F) Ferocity spells aim to cause direct harm to the target, be it a creature or an object. Most Jinxes, Hexes, and Curses are Ferocity spells, and most Ferocity spells are Jinxes, Hexes, or Curses. The list of Ferocity spells can be found here. Specialization Bonus Feat Options: ● Athletic ● Intimidating Presence ● Rampage ● Reckless Blast ● Spell Arc School Proficiency Bonus: Add the caster’s Might modifier, if positive, to the spell’s damage. Protection (P) Protection spells generally prevent, mitigate, or cure harm done to the target, be it a creature or an object. Most Healing spells and shields are included in this Domain. The list of Protection spells can be found here. Specialization Bonus Feat Options: ● Essence Infusion ● Part Giant ● Self-Sufficient ● Tenacious ● Thick Skin School Proficiency Bonus: Add the caster’s Wisdom modifier to rolls made to restore hit points. Add the caster’s Constitution modifier to the hit points of any conjured destructible shields. Add the caster’s Charisma modifier to attack rolls made to target enemy spells. Authority (A) Authority spells involve exercising, to varying degree, control over the bodies, minds, or actions of creatures. Because of the huge variety of degree and kind of control among these spells, Authority is a broad Domain. The list of Authority spells can be found here. Specialization Bonus Feat Options: ● Iron Will ● Persuasive ● Quick Study ● Wand Feint School Proficiency Bonus: Add the caster’s Charisma modifier, if positive, to the DC of saves made to resist her Authority spells.

List of Spells Below is the list of all the spells in the game. They are organized first by Domain, then by level, and then alphabetically. The columns labelled S and D refer to School and Domain, respectively. The column labeled “Save” indicates what kind of saving throw the unwilling target of the spell must make, if applicable. Saving throws against spells like Stupefy that inflict damage as well as additional effects only mitigate the additional effects, not the damage. For details on how these spells work in combat, see Casting Spells in Combat.

Authority Spells
Spell Name Level S D Description Range Save
Expelliarmus 1 C A Causes the target to drop something in its hand, usually a wand, and deals 1d6 points of nonlethal damage. Short Ref
Impedimenta 1 J A Immobilizes the target for 1d4 rounds. It can take any actions that don’t depend on movement and is immune to displacement effects. If the target succeeds on the save by less than 10 its base land speed is halved instead. Short Will
Itinera 1 J A Causes the target to trip, becoming prone. If the target is moving, they slide for 5 feet in the direction they were moving before stopping. If they have not used a standard action, they still may do so. Short Ref
Rictusempra 1 J A Causes the target to be tickled and be overcome with laughter for one round. The target can take no actions over the duration and cannot speak but receives no other penalties. Creatures with no tickleable body parts are immune to this effect. Short Fort
Tarantallegra 1 C A Causes the target to dance uncontrollably for one round. Only affects legs. med Will
Titillando 1 X A As Rictusempra but lasts an additional round for every 2 by which the target failed its Will save, to a maximum of 4 rounds. short Fort
Vera Verto 1 T A Transfigures a tiny or smaller animal into an object of the same size category. touch Fort
Confundo 2 J A Confuses the target for 1d6 rounds, to the point that there’s a chance they forget the incantations of spells. Spells cast by a creature under the effect of Confundo have a 25% chance of doing nothing. short Will
Determino 2 T A Takes control of and can redirect the target projectile spell. Make an attack roll against SD equal to the attack roll of the target spell + the spell level. If you succeed, you may choose new targets for the spell, provided they would have been in range had you cast the spell originally. For purposes of damage and save DC modifiers, use yours or the original caster’s, whichever are higher. Otherwise, treat the spell as though it were the original spell cast by you. This spell can target any spell whose path includes a square within range. short see text
Locomotor Mortis 2 R A Locks the target’s legs together. A creature under the effect of the leg-locker curse loses its Dexterity bonus to SD and has its base land speed cut in half, as it can only hop. med Fort
Mortem Absitio 2 H A For 1d6 rounds, all lethal damage that would be dealt by the target is dealt as nonlethal damage instead. med Fort
Muffliato 2 C A Afflicts the target’s ears with a buzzing sound. They have trouble hearing other things. In order to identify other sounds, the target must make a Perception check with DC equal to 5 per 5 foot square that the source of the sound is away from the target. If the target makes a Spellcraft check to identify a spell, she takes a -4 penalty on the roll unless she first passes a Perception check to identify the incantation. Special: A caster proficient in Mischief may learn this spell without expending an additional spells-per-level slot. It still counts as an Authority spell for other purposes. long Will
Vacucorpus 2 X A The target uncontrollably empties its bowels, provided it has any. If that creature is wearing bottoms, it receives a -1 penalty to Dexterity and an additional -1 penalty on Reflex saves. This effect lasts for 1 min/caster level or until the target gets cleaned up. short Will
Verto 2 T A Transfigures a small creature into a small object. touch Fort
Vox Muto 2 C A The target’s voice is altered as you wish. If this spell is used as part of a disguise, the target gets a +10 bonus on the Disguise check when trying to fool a listener. touch Fort
Adverto Hostis 3 X A For 1d6 rounds, any creature that damages you becomes staggered for 1d4 rounds. self Fort
Incarcerous 3 T A Conjures ropes that bind the target, knocking them prone. Unlike most spells that induce status effects, the caster makes an attack roll and there is no saving throw. The target can make a DC 20 Might or DC 15 Escape Artist check on its turn to break free as a move action. Until this check is passed, the target cannot move or cast spells and loses its Dexterity bonus to SD. However, the prone target receives a +2 bonus to SD against ranged attacks. med
Levicorpus 3 X A Raises the target several feet into the air by their legs. The target loses its Dexterity bonus to SD as long as you concentrate but for no longer than 1d2 + 1 rounds. The concentration must be maintained each round as a standard action. While concentrating, you may move the subject up to 10 ft./round. When the effect ends, the target falls and makes an Acrobatics check of DC 20 to land on her feet. If she fails the check, she is knocked prone. short Fort
Obliviate 3 C A Wipes a specific memory from the target’s mind. The GM can determine the limits of precisely what constitutes a single memory. This spell can be used in combat to erase the last spell cast by the target from its repertoire for 1 min/caster level. If the target succeeds on its Will save, its memory is reinforced, and it receives a stacking +2 bonus on the save to resist further attempts to remove that memory from its mind or spell from its spell list. This bonus is lost after one week. touch Will
Officio 3 X A The target takes a -1 penalty on all saving throws for 1d6 rounds. This penalty does not stack with other effects that grant temporary penalties to saving throws. The target rolls her choice of saving throw against this spell. short See text
Oppugnum Officio 3 X A You diminish an enemy’s ability to attack effectively. For 1d6 rounds, the target’s natural attack rolls are treated as 1 less than the rolled result, to a minimum of 1. short Ref
Petrificus Totalus 3 R A The target is completely immobilized for 1d4 rounds and drops everything held. A creature immobilized by this spell cannot take most actions and is considered to have a Dexterity score of 0 but can make Will saves and take other mental actions normally. short Fort
Silencio 3 X A Silences the target. Works on animate and inanimate targets alike. Witches and wizards affected by this spell are unable to cast spells (except nonverbally) but may reroll their Will save each turn as a standard action. short Will
Umbra Totalus 3 T A Creates magical darkness 3 squares + 1/level to a maximum of 10 squares in all directions around the caster. All creatures within have total concealment. Lumos cannot penetrate this darkness. self
Verto Magnus 3 T A Transfigures a medium animal into a medium object. touch Fort
Confundo Maxima 4 J A Confuses the target even more than as with Confundo, to the point that they may attack their allies or help their enemies. As Confundo, spells cast by a creature under the effect of Confundo Maxima have a 25% chance of doing nothing. In addition, when a creature under the effect of Confundo Maxima attempts to target one or more of their enemies or allies with a spell, there is a 25% chance that the spell will target the same number of random allies or enemies, respectively, instead. For the purposes of determining new targets, prioritize closer allies and enemies. If more than one potential target tie, a coin flip or die roll may be employed to determine the target. Note: although cone spells may affect more than one creature, they are only considered to have one “central” target for retargeting purposes due to this effect. short Will
Conjunctivitis 4 R A Causes a searing pain in the target’s eyes, dealing 1d12 nonlethal damage and blinding the target for 1 minute. med Fort
Legilimens 4 C A The caster enters the target’s mind. The exact information garnered from this spell is subject to GM discretion. Legilimens does not allow the caster to exert any control over the target, but neither the caster nor the target can take actions until the spell is broken. The caster can terminate the spell at any point, and it is broken immediately if the target takes damage. However, the caster cannot maintain the effect if she loses a direct line of sight to the target, nor for more than 2 rounds. To maintain the spell, the caster must succeed on a concentration check of DC 10 + the spell level. Maintaining the spell in this way is a full-round action. touch Will
Officio Millius 4 R A Choose up to three targets within range. Each target rolls a Fortitude, Reflex, and Will save. Each failed save results in a -1 penalty to that save for 1d4 rounds. short See text
Verto Maxima 4 T A Transfigures a large creature into a large object. touch Fort
Absitio Totalus 5 R A No spells may be cast in the area with radius 40 ft centered around the caster for 1 min./level. self
Crucio (Unforgivable) 5 R A Causes excruciating pain in the target. A concentration check of DC 20 is required before any attack roll is made. If the caster beats the concentration check by at least 5, no attack roll is necessary, but a line of sight must be maintained. If the concentration check is failed, the spell is lost. An additional concentration check is required each round as a full-round action to maintain the spell. The target can’t take any actions during the effect and takes 3d6 nonlethal damage at the beginning of each of her turns as long as the spell is maintained. The target also takes a cumulative -1 penalty on all saving throws each round that the spell is maintained after the first; this penalty disappears when the spell is broken. short Fort
Imperio (Unforgivable) 5 R A short Will
Ferocity Spells
Spell Name Level S D Description Range Save
Flipendo 0 J F Knocks the target back one square and deals 1d4 points of damage + 1 for every two levels you possess. med Ref
Incendio 0 T F Ignites flammable objects. touch Ref
Diffindo 1 C F Precisely cuts a material, usually fabric or similar. short Ref
Everte Statum 1 J F Deals 1d10 points of nonlethal damage to the target. short
Oppugno 1 J F Causes conjured creatures (or other objects, at GM discretion) to attack the target. med
Reducto 1 R F Blasts solid objects into pieces. Has no effect on the living. Deals 3d6 damage to solid inanimate objects. med
Zimia 1 J F Deals 1d8 points of damage to the target. med
Defodio 2 C F Gouges out portions of earth, ice, or similar natural materials. Cannot be used to precisely reshape the target material. short
Fulminus 2 T F Creates a cone of electricity that does 1d6 points of electric damage. A single attack roll is made against all creatures in the area. A Reflex save halves this damage. short cone Ref
Glacius 2 T F Creates a cone of frost that does 1d6 points of cold damage. A single attack roll is made against all creatures in the area. A Reflex save halves this damage. short cone Ref
Sanguinare Victus 2 H F Deals 1d4 points of damage to the target. You heal for the amount of damage dealt. You can't gain more than the subject's current hit points plus the subject's Constitution score (which is enough to kill the subject). short
Serpensortia 2 T F Conjures a venomous snake that considers the caster’s allies its allies and the caster’s enemies its enemies. short
Stupefy 2 J F Stuns the target for 1d2 rounds and deals 1d8 points of damage. short Will
Torris 2 T F Creates a cone of fire that does 1d6 points of fire damage. A single attack roll is made against all creatures in the area. A Reflex save halves this damage. short cone Ref
Afflictio Vampiris 3 H F Until your next turn, whenever the target takes damage from a spell cast by you or your allies, you heal for half of that damage. short Fort
Astrapi 3 R F Launches a lightning bolt at the target, dealing 2d8 electric damage. long
Confringo 3 R F Causes a great explosion, dealing 2d6 fire splash damage. med Ref
Deprimo 3 C F Blasts holes downwards in constructed floors. The affected area is a circle of radius 25 feet with the targeted square the center point. short
Depulso 3 C F Requires an attack roll, though not a projectile. Knocks objects a great distance or creatures a small distance away from the caster. A creature is knocked back up to one square for every 2 by which it failed the save and is knocked prone. If it hits an object during this knockback that prevents it from being knocked back the full distance, it receives 1d4 nonlethal damage for each additional square of movement prevented. med Fort
Stirius 3 R F Launches a shard of ice that shatters on contact, dealing 2d6 cold splash damage. med Ref
Zimia Maxima 3 X F Deals 2d8 points of damage to the target. long
Zimia Prudentius 3 J F Deals 2d6 points of damage to the target. This spell cannot critically fail to deal damage to the caster, but a natural 1 is still an automatic miss. long
Asifa 4 T F Creates a ring of fire at a radius of 30 feet around the caster. This ring must be maintained each round with concentration as a full-round action or it dissipates. The ring deals 1d6 fire damage per round to creatures within 10 feet, and an additional 1d6 fire damage per round to creatures within 5 feet. In addition, the ring deals 2d6 points of fire damage + 1 point of fire damage per caster level to any creature passing through it. self
Expulso 4 R F Causes an explosion that deals 1d6 points of damage per two levels attained, to a maximum of 5d6 at level 10. Creatures in squares adjacent to the target take half damage unless they pass a Reflex save. short see text
Sectumsempra 4 R F Causes multiple deep gashes in the target that bleed profusely. The creature affected makes a Fortitude save on the beginning of each of its turns until it succeeds and takes 2d6 bleed damage after each failure. Selection of this spell is feat-restricted. short see text
Avada Kedavra (Unforgivable) 5 R F Launches a jet of green light that instantly kills the target. This spell cannot be blocked by any shield spells. Casting this spell requires a DC 20 concentration check. If the concentration check fails, nothing happens. short none
Fiendfyre 5 R F Summons a devastating wave of fire that deals 5d6 fire damage each round to all creatures and objects, including Horcruxes, in up to 4 squares that must be connected. It can be maintained and spread to an additional 4 squares each round (which can be beyond the spell’s initial range) with a DC 20 concentration check as a full-round action or dismissed with a standard action as long as the caster has control. However, if the caster fails on the concentration check, she loses control of the spell and it begins to spread wildly under the GM’s control. Selection of this spell is feat-restricted. short
Mischief Spells
Spell Name Level S D Description Range Save
Lumos 0 C M Creates a beam or aura of light originating from the tip of the wand that can be maintained each turn as a free action. This does not require concentration. Nox extinguishes as an immediate action. self
Wingardium Leviosa 0 C M Levitates inanimate objects. While concentrating, you may move the target object up to 30 ft./round within the range. To levitate creatures, see Levicorpus. med
Alohomora 1 C M Unlocks magical or non-magical locks. touch
Finite 1 T M Immediately cancels ongoing 1st or 0 level spell effects within 30 feet. Does not reveal magically hidden objects. self
Flagrate 1 C M Allows the user to create a burning, fiery line in the air which can be "drawn" with the wand into specific shapes or text. It may be manipulated by the user to rearrange to his intentions, as it is not static. The shape lingers for some time. self
Geminio 1 T M Duplicates a simple object (within reason). touch
Iacto 1 X M Enchants the target object to hurl off anyone who attempts to sit on it. touch
Obscuro 1 T M Conjures a blindfold around the target’s face. The affected creature cannot see and takes a -4 penalty to its SD and a -10 penalty to attack rolls until the blindfold is removed. The creature can remove the blindfold as a move action on its turn, provided it has at least one free hand. short Ref
Spongify 1 C M Softens an area or object, making it rubbery and bouncy for 1 min/level. short
Vera Muto 1 T M Transfigures a Tiny or smaller object into an object of the same size category. touch
Carpe Retractum 2 T M Creates a magical, 20-foot-long retractable rope that can be used for various purposes, such as to pull an object toward the caster. self
Dissendium 2 C M Reveals hidden passages, doors, and traps. Rolled against a DC based on the spell used to hide the object. short
Engorgio 2 C M Enlarges the target, making it one size category larger. The target gains a +2 size bonus to Might, a -2 size penalty to Dexterity (to a minimum of 1), and a -1 penalty on attack rolls and SD due to its increased size for 1d4 rounds + 1/level. short Fort
Finite Incantatem 2 T M Like Finite, but selective. The caster may choose up to three ongoing spells to be immune to the effect of this spell. self
Glisseo 2 T M Transforms a staircase into a slide for 1 min/level, allowing a character to travel its distance in half the time.
Patella Reversis 2 X M Causes the target’s knees to switch to the back of their body for 1d4 rounds. A creature under the effect of this spell loses up to 2 of its Dexterity bonus to SD and has its base land speed reduced by 10, to a minimum of 10. short Fort
Reducio 2 C M Shrinks the target, making it one size category smaller. The target gains a +2 size bonus to Dexterity, a -2 size penalty to Might (to a minimum of 1), and a +1 bonus on attack rolls and SD due to its reduced size for 1d4 rounds + 1/level. short Fort
Revelio 2 C M As Dissendium, but used only to reveal objects other than passages, doors, and traps. Cannot be used to reveal objects hidden by non-magical means. self
Muto 2 T M Transfigures a Small object into another Small object. touch
Accio _____ 3 C M Summons the specified object to the caster, with some restrictions TBD. indef.
Aguamenti 3 T M Conjures a jet of pure water from the tip of the wand, maintained by concentration. At GM discretion, this jet can be quite devastating, even as powerful as a tidal wave. Special: A character proficient in Mischief and Transfiguration or specialized in Mischief may choose any state of water to conjure, e.g., a jet of steam, a flurry of snowballs, an onslaught of hail. short
Avis 3 T M Conjures a flock of small birds. self
Conspicio 3 H M The target gains a +10 bonus on Perception checks for 1 minute/level. touch
Dissimulo 3 T M Disguise self self
Duro 3 H M The target creature or object’s DR or Hardness, respectively, is increased by half, rounded down, for 1d4 rounds. Can also be used to make a soft object hard. touch Fort
Geminio 3 C M Creates a nearly perfect copy of the target object. An observer must pass a DC 30 Perception check to recognize it as a copy, but each week after the copy is made reduces the DC by 1. Magical properties of the target object are not duplicated. touch
Noctacuo 3 H M The subject gains darkvision 30 feet for 1 hour/2 levels. touch Will
Muto Magnus 3 T M Transfigures a Medium object into another Medium object. touch
4 C M Causes a massive booming sound that deafens for 1d6 rounds and deals 2d6 nonlethal damage to all creatures within 40 feet of the caster that can hear it, including the caster. Deafened creatures take a -20 penalty on Spellcraft checks made to identify a spell as it is being cast by vision alone and cannot make such checks without a direct line of sight to the caster. self Fort
Apatium 4 T M Creates the illusion of an object, creature, or force, as visualized by you. The illusion does not include texture. You can maintain this spell and move the image within 400 feet of you while concentrating. self Will
Semper Dolum 4 C M The next Mischief spell you cast within 1 minute that does not target a creature and normally lasts a definite amount of time instead lasts indefinitely. The spell is subject to spells like Finite as normal.
Talasha 4 C M You become invisible for 1 min/character level. Any objects on your person become invisible. Items you drop or put down become visible; items picked up disappear if tucked into clothing or pouches. Light, however, never becomes invisible, although a source of light can become so (thus, the effect is that of a light with no visible source). Any part of an item that you carry but that extends more than 10 feet from you becomes visible. If a check is required, you get a +40 bonus on its Stealth checks while stationary and invisible. This bonus is reduced to +20 if you are moving. The effect ends immediately if you make any attack roll against a creature or object attended by a creature or otherwise target a non-ally creature with a spell. Selection of this spell is feat-restricted. self
Terravinculo 4 T M Precisely reshapes the target area of two squares of natural terrain. Can be used to create barriers, staircases, or various other things. You cannot raise or depress terrain more than 10 feet. short
Muto Maxima 4 T M Transfigures a Large object into another Large object. touch
Celi Ambulo 5 C M For 10 minutes per level, you can walk on air as if walking on solid ground. Moving upward is similar to walking up a hill. The maximum upward or downward angle possible is 45 degrees, at a rate equal to half the air walker's normal speed. Should the spell duration expire while the subject is still aloft, the magic fails slowly. The subject floats downward 60 feet per round for 1d6 rounds. If it reaches the ground in that amount of time, it lands safely. If not, it falls the rest of the distance, taking 1d6 points of damage per 10 feet of fall. self
Portus 5 C M Turns the target object into a Portkey, which transports those who grab the object to a predetermined location. The location is determined by the caster, but an unskilled caster can mess up. When the spell is cast, the GM rolls a hidden Spellcraft check with DC 25 for the caster. If the check fails by 5 or less, the Portkey transports those who grab it to a different location than intended, but nearby. If the check fails by 6 to 10, the object becomes a Portkey to a completely different location, but not more than 50 miles away from the intended location. If the check fails by more than 10, the spell fails, and the object does not become a Portkey. touch
Talasha Omnes 5 C M As Talasha but can affect others. Selection of this spell is feat-restricted. touch Will
Talasha Maxima 5 C M You become invisible (as Talasha), and at the same time, an illusory double of you (as major image) appears. You are then free to go elsewhere while your double moves away. The double appears within range but thereafter moves as you direct it (which requires concentration beginning on the first round after the casting). The double moves at your speed and can talk and gesture as if it were real, but it cannot attack or cast spells, though it can pretend to do so.
The illusory double lasts as long as you concentrate upon it (but no more than 1 round per level), plus 3 additional rounds. After you cease concentration, the illusory double continues to carry out the same activity until the duration expires. The invisibility lasts for 1 round per level, regardless of concentration. Selection of this spell is feat-restricted. short
Protection Spells
Spell Name Level S D Description Range Save
Reparo 0 H P Repairs broken objects. touch
Colloportus 1 C P Magically locks doors, windows, and similar objects. touch
Episkey 1 H P Heals the target for 1d4 points of damage. short
Protego 1 T P Produces a brief targeting shield that can block or deflect incoming spells targeting the caster. Usually cast as a prepared action. self
Repello Muggletum 1 C P Repels Muggles from an area. If muggles approach, they will suddenly feel compelled to leave quickly, remembering an urgent appointment for example. For every minute spent casting, you may cover an area of 20 square feet around the caster. self
Riddikulus 1 T P Turns the target Boggart from its natural form of something scary into something funny. Has no effect on creatures or objects other than Boggarts.
Ziada Momentum 1 H P Doubles the target’s base land speed for 1d4 rounds. touch
Episkey Magnus 2 H P Heals the target for 2d4 points of damage. At caster level 6, this becomes 3d4. touch
Episkey Omnes 2 H P Heals the target and all allies adjacent to the target for 1d4 points of damage. Note that this counts as a multi-target spell for the purposes of the Mediwizard’s Healer’s Touch class feature. touch
Fumos 2 C P Creates a smokescreen from the tip of the caster’s wand. It rests on the line between her square and the adjacent square of her choice. All creatures have concealment against any attacks that would pass through this smokescreen. See text
Protego aptos 2 T P Creates a magical hemispherical barrier centered on the caster with a diameter of fifteen feet. This barrier has SD 6 and 10 HP. Lasts until it is destroyed or until the caster stops maintaining it. self
Protego horribilis 2 T P Produces a brief targeting shield that is more effective than Protego at blocking and deflecting incoming jinxes, hexes, and curses. You get a +2 bonus on the attack roll when casting this spell, but it has no effect on spells of other schools. Usually cast as a prepared action. self
Protego ignis 2 T P Produces a brief shield that is more effective than Protego at blocking and deflecting incoming fire elemental spells. You get a +4 bonus on the attack roll when casting this spell, but it has no effect on spells of other types. Usually cast as a prepared action. self
Rennervate 2 C P Removes the effects of a stunning spell from the target. Does not work if target was hit by multiple Stunners. short
Tenax 2 H P The target gets a +1 bonus on all saving throws for 1d6 rounds. This bonus does not stack with other effects that grant temporary bonuses on saving throws. touch
Contumelious 3 C P Up to two targets gain a shimmering aura that provides DR 1/physical for 1d4 rounds. touch Fort
Episkey Millius 3 H P Heals the target plus up to 1 additional target per two levels for 1d4 points of damage. short
Lumos sanctus 3 H P Creates a zone of light centered on the caster that heals those within. The caster chooses the radius for the zone, but it cannot be greater than 2 squares + 1 square for every 1 point of the caster’s Wisdom bonus. At the beginning of each creature’s turn, that creature heals for 1 point of damage if it is inside the zone. self
Protego Argentus 3 T P Conjures a physical, silver shield with Hardness 8 and 1 HP that grants the caster a +4 shield bonus to both SD and AC. If a magical or physical attack misses the caster’s SD or AC, respectively, by 4 or less, the shield is hit and may be damaged. The caster may give the shield to another character, but a character must have one hand to hold the shield in order to gain the bonus. self
Protego Omnes 3 T P As Protego but can block or reflect spells targeting allies adjacent to the caster as well. self
Protego Tergum 3 C P Enemies in the area of effect (within 40 feet of caster) cannot gain flanking bonuses against the caster or her allies. They can, however, provide the bonus to other enemies not in the area. self
Reparifors 3 H P If the target is currently afflicted by one or more magically induced status effects, she may reroll the saving throw, if any, against one of them of her choice. If she succeeds, the status effect is instantly removed. touch
Decipio 4 C P For 1d4 rounds, you gain a bonus on attack rolls equal to your Intelligence modifier against flanked targets. You also confer the same bonus to allies that receive the flanking bonuses from you. self
Expecto Patronum 4 C P Produces a Patronus, a burst of white, positive energy from the tip of the caster’s wand. This spell requires a DC 15 concentration check if in combat and can be maintained each round with a standard action. Every 5 by which you beat the check increases its range by one range category. Additionally, the Patronus becomes corporeal if you beat the DC by 10 or more, and it takes on the form of an animal according to Table: Animagi with base fly speed 50. A noncorporeal Patronus cannot have its range boosted past short by other means. A Patronus has two primary purposes: warding off Dementors and sending messages. A corporeal Patronus adjacent to a Dementor causes it to flee. A noncorporeal Patronus requires a successful attack roll to achieve the same effect. A corporeal Patronus can also be directed to send a voice message to a person of the caster’s choosing at indefinite range. touch
Hazium 4 H P For 1d4 rounds, you and all allies within 20 feet roll all saving throws at advantage. If a character would already receive advantage on a saving throw from another source, this spell provides her with a +2 bonus on the roll instead. self
Protego Sanguinus 4 H P The caster may sacrifice any number of their hit points to a maximum of their current hit points - 1 to create a hemispherical shield with hit points equal to the amount of hit points sacrificed in this way. The hemispherical shield has a diameter of 15 feet, centered on the caster. self
Contumelious Maxima 5 C P The target gains a shimmering aura that provides DR 4/- for 1d6 rounds. touch Fort
Finite Bestiagnus 5 C P Extinguishes the flames of Fiendfyre at a rate of 8 squares per round. Note that Fiendfyre will continue to spread until Finite Bestiagnus completely extinguishes it. short

Fighting Styles

Monk (Player's Handbook p76)

  • Way of the Open Hand
  • Way of Shadow
  • Way of the Four Elements
  • Way of the Long Death (Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide p130)
  • Way of the Sun Soul (Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide p131)(Xanathar's Guide to Everything p35)
  • Way of the Drunken Master (Xanathar's Guide to Everything p33)pdf)
  • Way of Tranquility (pdf)

Paladin (Player's Handbook p82)

  • Oath of Devotion
  • Oath of the Ancients
  • Oath of Vengeance
  • Oathbreaker (Dungeon Master's Guide p97)
  • Oath of the Crown (Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide p132)
  • Oath of Conquest (Xanathar's Guide to Everything p37)pdf)
  • Oath of Redemption (Xanathar's Guide to Everything p38)pdf)
  • Oath of Treachery (pdf)

Ranger (Player's Handbook p89) ([Unearthed Arcana: The Ranger, Revised](

  • Hunter
  • Beast Master
  • ~~Deep Stalker~~ Gloom Stalker (Xanathar's Guide to Everything p41)pdf)
  • Horizon Walker (Xanathar's Guide to Everything p42)pdf)
  • Monster Slayer (Xanathar's Guide to Everything p43)pdf)
  • Spelless (pdf)

Rogue (Player's Handbook p94)

  • Thief
  • Assassin
  • Arcane Trickster
  • Mastermind (Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide p135)(Xanathar's Guide to Everything p46)
  • Swashbuckler (Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide p135)(Xanathar's Guide to Everything p47)
  • Inquisitive (Xanathar's Guide to Everything p45)pdf)
  • Scout (Xanathar's Guide to Everything p47)pdf)

Sorcerer (Player's Handbook p99)

  • Draconic Bloodline
  • Wild Magic
  • Storm (Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide p137)(Xanathar's Guide to Everything p51)
  • Shadow (Xanathar's Guide to Everything p50) (pdf)
  • Giant Soul pdf)

Planeshift Subclasses



(Player's Handbook p105)
  • Archfey
  • Fiend
  • Great Old One
  • Undying (Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide p139)
  • ~~Undying Light~~ Celestial (Xanathar's Guide to Everything p54)pdf)
  • Hexblade (Xanathar's Guide to Everything p55)pdf)

Wizard (Player's Handbook p112)

  • Abjuration
  • Conjuration
  • Divination
  • Enchantment
  • Evocation
  • Illusion
  • Necromancy
  • Transmutation
  • Bladesinger (Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide p141)
  • War Magic (Xanathar's Guide to Everything p59)pdf)
  • Artificer (pdf)

Mystic (pdf)

  • Order of the Avatar
  • Order of the Awakened
  • Order of the Immortal
  • Order of the Nomad
  • Order of the Soul Knife
  • Order of the Wu Jen


  • Alchemist (pdf)
  • Gunsmith (pdf)

Blood Hunter

([D&D Beyond](
  • Note: the Blood Hunter, although technically being a homebrewed class, is featured on the D&D Beyond website under "Additional Classes". Due to this recognition granted by the D&D team itself, the class is being added to this list.
  • Order of the Ghostslayer
  • Order of the Lycan
  • Order of the Mutant
  • Order of the Profane Soul

Prestige Class: Rune Scribe (pdf) (requires 5th level, 13 DEX and INT, and a special task... only has 5 levels)

[( pdf]^^1

  • Cleric: City Domain
  • Warlock Patron: Ghost in the Machine
  • Wizard Tradition: Technomancy


Now that your character has spells, it’s time to choose some feats. Feats are special abilities that your character may gain. Most have prerequisites and offer some boost to a specific area of your character. Some even grant special spells. Feats are one of the most diversifying aspects of your character, so spend some time to choose ones that really help define who you want your character to be. At level one you choose 2 feats, and at every odd level after you gain an additional feat. This helps you evolve your character over time. Some classes also grant bonus feats as you level up, with restrictions defined in that class’s description.

  • Feat: Svirfneblin Magic (Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide p115) (Benefits Deep Gnomes only)
  • Feat: Dragonmark (pdf) (Benefits Dwarf, Elf, Halfling, Human, Gnome, Half-Elf, and Half-Orc)
  • Racial Feats (Xanathar's Guide to Everything)pdf

Planeshift Feats

Choose a feat for which you meet the prerequisites at every odd level. Every character gets an additional feat at level 1. Feats labeled as Combat feats may be selected by a Duelist as bonus feats at even levels. Feats labeled as Spell feats grant particularly specialized spells that cannot be obtained by normal means.

Feat Prerequisites Description
Acrobatic You get a +2 bonus on all Acrobatics and Fly skill checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill.
Agile Spells Lightning Reflexes Add +2 to the DC of Reflex saving throws against spells cast by you.
Alertness You get a +2 bonus on all Perception and Sense Motive skill checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill.
Animagus Level 6 You become an Animagus, meaning you can transform back and forth between a human and a non-magical animal. The particular animal is not necessarily chosen by you, because the animal form reflects personality traits of the wizard. See Table: Animagi or consult with the GM to determine your Animagus form. The transformation is a standard action. Refer to the Bestiary for details on your animal form. When in animal form, you have two fewer hit dice than normal. Additionally, you gain all the ability scores of that animal while transformed, except your Intelligence score remains unchanged.
Animal Affinity You get a +2 bonus on all Handle Animal and Ride skill checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill.
Athletic You get a +2 bonus on all Climb and Swim skill checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill.
Bookish Ravenclaw Choose two skills. Each rank in those skills gives you an additional +1 bonus to checks made with those skills. This feat cannot be selected more than once.
Cautious Fighter (Combat) Whenever you use the fight defensively or total defense action, the dodge bonus to your SD increases by 2.
Crippling Strike Rogue When you damage a creature with a sneak attack, its base land speed is reduced by 10, to a minimum of 10, and it takes a -1 penalty to its SD for a number of rounds equal to the number of dice of your sneak attack. This feat’s effects do not stack on a creature hit by multiple sneak attacks.
Cryomancer (Combat) Ferocity proficiency You get a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with Cold spells.
Cunning Slytherin You gain a +2 bonus on initiative, Bluff, and Sense Motive checks.
Daring Gryffindor You may choose to take a -1 penalty to your SD until your next turn to gain a +2 bonus on your next attack roll. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every 4 points thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the attack roll bonus increases by +2.
Debilitating Critical (Combat) BAB +6 Choose Ferocity or Authority. If you choose Ferocity, whenever you score a critical hit with a Ferocity spell, roll 3 times the normal dice instead of the usual 2, and ignore the lowest ⅓ of the dice. If you choose Authority, your targets automatically fail their saves against your critical hits with Authority spells. This feat may only be selected once.
Deceitful You get a +2 bonus on all Bluff and Disguise skill checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill.
Deft Hands You get a +2 bonus on all Ride and Sleight of Hand skill checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill.
Disabler (Combat) Authority proficiency Whenever a spell cast by you inflicts a status effect on an enemy for a number of rounds, that effect lasts for an additional round. Additionally, status effects on you last one fewer round, to a minimum of 2.
Dodge (Combat) Dex 13 Gain a +1 dodge bonus to SD and AC.
Electromancer (Combat) Ferocity proficiency You get a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with Electric spells.
Elemental Expert (Combat) Pyromancer, Cryomancer, or Electromancer; BAB +5 Double your critical range with elemental spells. This stacks with Improved Critical.
Essence Infusion (Combat) Before you make an attack roll, you may channel your life energy into your attack to deal a devastating blow. Sacrifice any number of hit points less than or equal to your level to gain an equal bonus on your damage roll for that attack. This feat can be used to add damage to a spell that normally wouldn’t deal damage, as long as it is a projectile. This damage is not multiplied on a critical hit.
Fiendfyre (Spell) Level 9; Ferocity proficiency You learn the spell Fiendfyre. See Ferocity Spells for details.
Great Fortitude
You get a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves.
Greater Nonverbal Casting Improved Nonverbal Casting; Bluff 4 ranks When you successfully cast a spell nonverbally, increase the DC of Spellcraft checks to identify the spell as it is being cast by 25 instead of 15, and increase the attack roll that other spells targeting yours must beat by 6 instead of 2.
Greater Quick Study (Combat) Improved Quick Study; Int 15; Omnimancer level 7 You may use Quick Study an additional number of times per day equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Greater Spell Extension (Combat) Spell Extension; Spellcraft 4 ranks You can use Spell Extension to increase the range of a spell with range short to medium. Additionally, when you use Spell Extension, you can take a standard action on your next turn.
Greater Talasha (Spell) Level 9; Mischief proficiency You learn the spells Talasha Omnes and Talasha Maxima. See Mischief Spells for details.
Greater Spell Extension; BAB +5; Evil; Healing proficiency; Ferocity proficiency Whenever a spell you cast would restore hit points to a creature, it removes that many hit points instead. This loss of hit points does not count as damage, so it is not mitigated by DR.
I’ll Knock You Off Your Broom Prodigious Flyer When you pass the Reflex Save of a Recover Check, you may then mount your broomstick as a free action instead of a move action.
Improved Critical (Combat) BAB +6 Choose two projectile spells. Double your critical range with those spells. This feat may not be selected more than once, but at each new level you may reselect the spells. This stacks with Elemental Expert.
Improved Initiative (Combat) You get a +4 bonus on initiative checks.
Improved Nonverbal Casting Wis 13 Gain a +4 bonus on concentration checks made to cast spells nonverbally.
Improved Quick Study (Combat) Quick Study; Omnimancer level 5 When you use Quick Study to replicate a spell, add it to your spell list for a number of rounds equal to half your Omnimancer level + your Intelligence modifier. The same restrictions on spell level apply.
Improved Spell Arc (Combat) Spell Arc; BAB +6 You can use Spell Arc to make an additional attack against an enemy that is up to 3 squares away from your previous target, provided they are within range of the spell relative to you. Additionally, you can continue to make attacks against enemies that are within 3 squares of your previous target, provided they are within range of the spell relative to you, but each additional target adds a cumulative -1 penalty to your attack roll.
Improved Wandless Magic Wandless Magic As Wandless Magic, except when you take this feat, choose four spells of a spell level you could cast three levels ago. You may reselect these four spells upon reaching each new level. If you have the Signature Spell feat, you may cast your Signature Spell wandlessly.
Intimidating Presence Intimidate 4 ranks Add your Mig modifier to your SD instead of Dex.
Intimidating Prowess Intimidating Presence If you have more Hit Dice than your target, add the difference as a bonus to your attack rolls, Intimidate checks, and the DC of saves against your spells. If not, gain a +1 bonus to Intimidate checks.
Iron Will You get a +2 bonus on Will saves.
Know the Enemy (Combat) Duelist level 2nd; Sense Motive 2 ranks; Spellcraft 2 ranks You are skilled at using your enemies’ strategies against them. Whenever you use the attack action with a spell, if your target cast the same spell since your last turn, you gain a +2 bonus on the attack roll.
Legilimens Iron Will Add +2 to the DC of Will saving throws against spells cast by you. Note that this feat is distinct the spell Legilimens
Lightning Reflexes You get a +2 bonus on Reflex saves.
Lucky Tenacious; level 5 You get a +1 bonus on all d20 rolls.
Mobile Casting (Combat) Dex 13; BAB +4 As a full-round action, you can move up to your speed and cast a single spell at any point during your movement.
Nimble Flyer Prodigious Flyer, Mobile Casting When you use the Dash action on a broomstick, you no longer roll Ride checks at disadvantage. Additionally, you may make one attack at your full base-attack bonus at any point during your movement.
No Stranger to Misfortune (Combat) Dex 13 Having been disarmed more times than you can count, you have learned how to more quickly get back into the fight. You may retrieve your wand as a swift action instead of a move action.
Nonverbal Strike (Combat) Improved Nonverbal Casting Gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls with projectile spells cast nonverbally.
Occlumens Wis 15, Iron Will You are trained in protecting your mind from those who would enter it without your permission. You gain an additional +2 bonus on Will saves. Additionally, when you pass a Will save against Legilimens, you may choose to have the caster believe that the spell succeeded but receive false information.
Overwhelming Force Great Fortitude Add +2 to the DC of Fortitude saving throws against spells cast by you.
Owl Whisperer Handle Animal 3 ranks You may control your animal companion at will in combat.
Part Giant Con 15 You have been trained to brace yourself against all but the most malicious of spells. Once per day, you may choose to negate the damage or induced status effects of one spell that hits you. You make this choice immediately after the result of the attack roll and/or saving throw is declared.
Patient Hufflepuff You may choose to ready a single attack as a full-round action instead of a standard action. If you do, you get an additional bonus on the attack roll equal to your base attack bonus or your Wisdom modifier, whichever is higher.
Perfect Versatility 13 in any five Attributes A number of times per day equal to your level, you may add the sum of all your ability modifiers to a d20 roll to which you would normally add an ability modifier. This sum is added instead of the usual ability modifier.
Persuasive You get a +2 bonus on Intimidate and Diplomacy checks. This bonus is tripled against Muggles.
Potions Master Craft (Potions) 4 ranks You make Craft (Potions) checks at advantage and brew potions in half the time.
Prodigious Flyer
You get a +4 bonus on Ride checks made to fly a broomstick.
Prudent Shield Bearer (Combat) Wis 15; Spellcraft 5 ranks Rather than prepare a specific targeting shield spell on your turn, you may instead prepare targeting shield spells in general. Until your next turn, you may cast one targeting shield spell of your choice in response to another character’s spell, provided it is in your spell list.
Pyromancer (Combat) Ferocity proficiency You get a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with Fire spells.
Quick Study (Combat) Int 13 Once per combat, you may cast a spell that another character cast since your last turn, even if it is not in your spell list. If you could not normally cast spells of the level of that spell, it is considered to be the highest spell level you can cast. You may not use this feat to replicate a spell if you were unable to hear its incantation (if you were deafened, it was cast nonverbally, etc.).
Rampage (Combat) BAB +4 Whenever you score a killing blow on a creature with hit dice greater than or equal to half of yours, you gain a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls for the remainder of combat. This bonus can stack to a maximum bonus equal to half your level.
Reckless Blast (Combat) BAB +1; Mig 13 You can choose to take a –1 penalty on all attack rolls to gain a +2 bonus on all damage rolls. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every 4 points thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the bonus to damage increases by +2. You must choose to use this feat before making an attack roll, and its effects last until your next turn.
Sectumsempra (Spell) Level 7; Ferocity proficiency You learn the spell Sectumsempra. See Ferocity Spells for details.
You get a +2 bonus on all Heal and Survival skill checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill.
Signature Spell Domain specialization Choose one spell from the Domain you have specialized in. You gain a +2 on all attack rolls made to cast that spell. If the spell does not require an attack roll but requires the target to make a saving throw, add +2 to the DC of saves made to resist it instead. Additionally, you automatically identify this spell as it is being cast by others. This feat may not be selected more than once. If you have the Improved Wandless Magic feat, you may cast your Signature Spell wandlessly.
Skill Focus Choose a skill. You get a +3 bonus on all checks involving that skill. If you have 10 or more ranks in that skill, this bonus increases to +6. You may take this feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new skill.
Spell Arc (Combat) Reckless Blast; Spellcraft 2 ranks As a standard action, you can make a single attack at your full base attack bonus against a foe within reach. If you hit, you resolve the spell effects and damage normally and can make an additional attack roll at a -2 penalty with the same spell against a foe that is adjacent to the first and also within reach. You can only make one additional attack per round with this feat, and this feat can only be applied to non-cone projectile spells.
Spell Extension (Combat) Int 13; Spellcraft 2 ranks You are skilled at directing magic in ways others are not. As a full round action, you may cast a spell with a range of touch as though it had a range of short. If you do, you cannot take a standard or full-round action on your next turn.
Spell Extension Mastery (Combat) Greater Spell Extension; Spellcraft 6 ranks Advanced training has allowed you to perfect the art of range augmentation. You can use Spell Extension to adjust the range of any spell to touch, short, medium, or long. Additionally, when using Spell Extension you may cast as many spells as you normally could in a full-round action, with any restrictions normally imposed by that action, and you may take your next turn as normal.
Stealthy You get a +2 bonus on all Escape Artist and Stealth skill checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill.
Talasha (Spell) Level 7; Mischief proficiency You learn the spell Talasha. See Mischief Spells for details.
Level 3 You get a +1 bonus on all saving throws.
Thick Skin Part Giant Gain DR 1/curses
Unforgivable Curses proficiency; Evil Alignment You get a +4 bonus on concentration checks to cast Unforgivable Curses.
Vigilant Shield Bearer Prudent Shield Bearer; Spellcraft 7 ranks As Prudent Shield Bearer, but you may prepare static shield spells and targeting shield spells.
Wand at the Ready (Combat) Improved Initiative or Cunning Your experience with dueling has taught you how to get ahead quickly in a battle. You get a +4 bonus on attack and damage rolls against flat-footed creatures.
Wand Feint (Combat) Cha 13 When you use the attack action, you may make a Bluff check against your target. If you succeed, you get a +1 bonus on the attack roll. If you fail, you get a -1 penalty on the attack roll. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every 4 points thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the bonus to damage increases by +2. You must choose to use this feat before making an attack roll, and its effects last until your next turn.
Wandless Magic Level 5 When you take this feat, choose four 0-level spells. You may cast these spells without the use of a wand. Hand movements are still necessary to cast a spell in this way, as are incantations (unless you choose to cast non-verbally), and as such a wizard will still recognize that you are casting a spell as long as he or she can hear you.

Spell Locations I'm not writing out all the spells etc, just the places that have them.

  • Player's Handbook (p207)
  • Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide (p142) (Benefits Sorcerers, Warlocks, and Wizards (and Arcana Clerics))
  • Xanathar's Guide to Everything p147
  • pdf (Benefits Sorcerers and Wizards)
  • pdf - OUTDATED - all spells are in Xanathar's Guide, either revised or reprinted


Warlock Eldritch Invocations

  • Xanathar's Guide to Everything p56
>[Unearthed Arcana: Warlock & Wizard]( and [( pdf] contain options for Invocations that did not make it to Xanathar's Guide.

Are you a magic user or not?

  • Yes: are you an innate caster or did you acquire magic through study and hard work, or does your magic derive from faith, or is your magic from nature or is your magic in relationship/communication?
    • Innate caster: sorcerer
    • Study and hard work: Wizard
    • Faith: primarily caster or primarily physical training?
      • Primarily caster: cleric
      • Primarily physical training: armored or unarmored?
        • Armored: paladin
        • Unarmored: monk
    • Nature: nature/world is sacred or mechanistic?
      • Sacred: animagus/Druid
      • Mechanistic: Auror/ranger
    • Relationship/communication: bard
  • Not a magic user: martially trained, sneaky, or berserker?
    • Martially trained: fighter
    • Sneaky: rogue
    • Berserker: barbarian

Druid --> “Animagus”

Barbarian, Fighter, Monk, Rogue These classes do not have magic abilities, so they would be Muggles or Squibs If a player wants to be a Metamorphmagus (like Tonks), you could use a Doppelganger homebrew for their race at DM discretion

Deities and Pantheon

The Harry Potter universe has no deities or pantheon. Magic is something you’re born with; it doesn’t come from another entity. Clerics and paladins use their power of belief to focus their magic, like wizards use a wand. Powerful magic happens when they believe truly, and failure happens when they doubt their beliefs. See the 5e DMG pg. 13 “Forces and Philosophies”.

This is totally optional, but I rewrote the Cleric and Paladin classes to remove references to divinity. For example, instead of a “holy symbol” they have a “devotional symbol”. Instead of Clerics picking a deity that has a certain divine domain, they would simply pick a “philosophy” (Knowledge, Life, Light, Nature, Tempest, Trickery, or War). PCs and NPCs can worship Tymora, Allah, piece of toast, or be an atheist and this would work. Here’s a quick guide to rewriting descriptions to fit the HP universe:

Remove words Change to Divine Holy Gods, Deity Prayers Righteous, Moral Righteous, Devotional Philosophy, Belief System, Ideals Mantra, Devotion, Conviction

Basically, removed the Morninglord.

Set Proficiencies for the Player Character

Establish Player Character's Stake in Barovia

One of the biggest problems I’ve had with this campaign is getting the characters to actually care about saving Barovia. My players, mind you, are having a blast. But their characters more often than not simply stumble from one disaster to the next. (reddit)

To preemptively strike this, try to give your player’s characters’ some hold to Barovia. For instance, two of my characters were unknowingly born in Barovia. This is actually their home and they’ll come to realize this. Also, make sure to make some NPCs relevant and likeable. If the characters care about the Barovian natives, they’ll care more about helping Barovia as a whole. (reddit)

Why Trapped in Barovia?

Most likely, your players are going to want to know why they’re trapped in Barovia. What in the world happened and how could such a place exist? If you have even a slightly inquisitive group, someone is going to want answers somewhere along the line and as the DM, you need to be ready for that. So here’s what going down! (reddit)

A Player Character as Ismark

This is going to be very repetitive of Ireena's section. I would advice that you have either one or the other. One PC as either Ismark or Ireena, not two PCs as both. Unless the two players are willing to work together quite a bit, this could get messy.[10]

If at all possible, make Ismark a Player Character. Now, this doesn't mean you have to force Ismark's personality down one of your player's throats. Instead, focus on the function of Ismark's character.[11]

Ismark is worried about his sister, who's become the main target of a vampire lord. He's a side character meant to care for the main heroine. That is literally his only function in the narrative of this campaign.[12]

If you've got a player that wants to play a human male, give him this function. It may not even be his sister he's worried about. Maybe the PC wants to play an older man, so Ireena is his daughter. Or maybe she's his best friend. The function is the same, so the details don't really matter.[13]

A Player Character as Ireena

This is going to be very repetitive of Ismark's section. I would advice that you have either one or the other. One PC as either Ismark or Ireena, not two PCs as both. Unless the two players are willing to work together quite a bit, this could get messy.[14]

If at all possible, make Ireena a Player Character. Now, this doesn't mean you have to force Ireena's personality down one of your player's throats. Instead, focus on the function of Ireena's character.[15]

Ireena is the object of Strahd's desires; a reincarnation of his lost love that he can never obtain. That is literally Ireena's only function in the narrative of this campaign. Everything else about her is just fluff and character development.[16]

If you've got a player that wants to play a human female, give her this function. Here's how to adapt her for the role:[17]

Her Name: I'm hoping this is common sense, but I'll say it anyway. Don't force your player to be named Ireena. Their character is quite literally replacing Ireena, so the name doesn't matter.[18]

Her Appearance: It doesn't matter how the player wants their character to look. Don't force her character to look like Ireena. Instead, Tatyana and all her other incarnations look like the PC.[19]

Her Personality: Ireena's personality as an NPC is already up for interpretation. So however your PC wants to portray her should be fine.[20]

Her Backstory

If the PC grew up somewhere other than Barovia, maybe a Vistana smuggled her out of Barovia as a baby and she has no idea. Maybe her birth name is in fact Ireena, but she just doesn't know it.[21]

If she comes with a pretty homey backstory, try to work with your player so that her character is a bit of a shut in. She's stayed pretty locked up in her house in the Village of Barovia and so doesn't know very much about the rest of the dimension. Beyond the simple names of towns, she's quite ignorant. When the evil king Strahd came to her doorstep, she fled into the Svalich woods.[22]

If she's from Barovia, she gets lost in the woods and stumbles on the rest of the party as the mist draws them in. They then go to Death House together.[23]

Overall, having a PC take the role of Ireena in the campaign will put a lot more shock value on the narrative. Strahd's pursuit won't just be for a random NPC, but for another player. And players are way more important in dnd and automatically built a faster relationships with the other players.[24]

List Starting Equipment

Last but not least is getting your character’s gear. Your starting money is indicated by your class, and you may spend it as you please. In addition, all characters begin play with a wand. You may choose your wand according to the Wands section.[25]

Set Supporting Numbers

Spell Defense

Every creature has a Spell Defense, which is one of the most important characteristics in combat. Spell Defense, or SD as it will be referred to hereafter, represents how hard it is to hit or affect a creature with a spell. The number of a creature’s SD is the number that attackers need to roll in order to hit it, so a higher SD implies that the creature is harder to hit. A creature’s SD is determined by a number of factors, including, but not limited to, its Dexterity, its size, its class, feats, magical properties of the creature, spell effects, status effects, and special actions in combat. The formula for SD is 10 + Dexterity modifier + size modifier + natural spell resistance + class SD bonus. Humans, and therefore all player characters, receive no size modifier or natural spell resistance. Another term that will often come up is Flat-footed SD. Flat-footed SD is just like SD, except that it doesn’t include a creature’s Dexterity modifier.[26]

Armor Class

Those familiar with other iterations of Dungeons and Dragons will be familiar with Armor Class. In this game, Armor Class is calculated just like Spell Defense, except it doesn’t include class SD bonus, and it is used against physical rather than magical attacks. An armor bonus, if any, is also added to a creature’s AC. Groups that wish to play campaigns in settings in which armor is used are encouraged to use different types of armor and their respective statistics from Pathfinder.[27]


Every creature fits into a size category which affects its SD. Larger creatures are easier to hit and smaller creatures are harder to hit. Humans are Medium creatures, and therefore have a modifier of 0 to their SD. See the table below for information on the modifiers. Size categories for different creatures are listed in the Bestiary.[28]

Size categories and their SD modifiers
Size SD Modifier
Colossal -8
Gargantuan -4
Huge -2
Large -1
Medium 0
Small +1
Tiny +2
Diminutive +4
Fine +8


Hit Points

A character’s hit points represent how much damage it needs to take in order to lose consciousness. Falling to 0 hit points means a character is staggered and can only take one move or standard action per turn. Falling below 0 hit points means a character is unconscious and dying. Until a dying character stabilizes, she loses additional hit points every turn. If a character’s hit points reach the negative of her Constitution score, she dies. Hit points are gained with every level. Each class has a specified hit die which is rolled with each level gained. The result is added to the character’s Constitution modifier, and the total is the number of hit points gained that level. At first level, a character automatically receives the maximum roll.[30]


A character’s alignment represents his or her general morality. Alignment uses two axes: good versus evil and law versus chaos. This results in nine possible alignments, displayed in the figure below. Good characters typically try to avoid harming others, with the occasional exception of those who they think deserve it. They seek to help those in need and strike down the wicked. Evil characters embody selfishness. They do not always look to harm others, but typically won’t lose sleep over doing so if it provides them with a personal benefit. First and foremost, Lawful characters respect order. They usually respect legitimate authority, but the order they care about can sometimes be no more than a personal code of ethics that they will not stray from. Chaotic characters are free spirits first and last, and resent being told what to do by anyone, legitimate authority or not.[31]

Lawful Good Neutral Good Chaotic Good
Lawful Neutral Neutral Chaotic Neutral
Lawful Evil Neutral Evil Chaotic Evil


It is important to note that alignments are not as rigid as one might initially think. They are general guidelines or summaries of how a character thinks and makes moral decisions. The primary purpose of alignment is immersion and roleplaying, but small aspects of gameplay may be affected by your choice of alignment along the good/evil axis.[33]